FFI-Safe Polymorphism: Thin Trait Objects

 3 years ago
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FFI-Safe Polymorphism: Thin Trait Objects

December 16, 2020 16-minute read

I often like exploring a topic in great depth and writing about my thoughts and experiences as I go along.

This is more of an extended essay than an article to be read in a single sitting. Feel free to read it one piece at a time, or just skip to the bits that look interesting.

Here, have a Table of Contents:

A while ago someone posted a question on the Rust User Forums asking how to achieve polymorphism in a C API and while lots of good suggestions were made, I’d like to explore my take on things.

As a recap, Rust provides two mechanisms for letting you write code which will work with multiple types. These are

  • Static Dispatch, where the compiler will generate multiple copies of the function, tailor-made for each type and resolved at compile time, and
  • Dynamic Dispatch, where we use an extra level of indirection to only resolve the actual implementation at runtime

While both mechanisms are extremely powerful and can cover almost all of your needs in normal Rust code, they both have one drawback… The actual mechanisms used are (deliberately) unspecified and not safe for FFI.

The concrete use case is looking for a FFI-safe equivalent of C’s FILE*; some writeable thing which doesn’t care if it is backed by a real file on disk, a network socket, an OS pipe, or an arbitrary piece of code that consumes bytes. This FILE*-like type could then be instantiated by C and used to initialise the logger in a Rust library.

Normally you’d just reach for a Box<dyn std::io::Write> here, but as we’ve already mentioned Rust’s trait objects aren’t FFI-safe, meaning we need to be a little more creative.

My solution takes inspiration from something I first discovered while browsing the source code for anyhow::Error. I wasn’t able to find a proper name for it, so I’m referring to this technique as Thin Trait Objects.

The code written in this article is available on GitHub. Feel free to browse through and steal code or inspiration.

If you found this useful or spotted a bug, let me know on the blog’s issue tracker!

Alternate Solutions

Now before we go any further it is important to ask the question, “do we actually need to come up with a fancy solution here?" This is especially important if your solution will require writing unsafe code.

9 times out of 10 taking the more complicated option will require you to do extra work that wasn’t needed in the first place.

Don’t Allow Polymorphism

This is probably the simplest option. If you want to avoid complexity, especially when already writing a Foreign Function Interface, don’t do polymorphism.

This could be as simple as hard-coding a simple implementation (i.e. if on Linux, accept a file descriptor and write to that).

Another option would be to design your API to be more data-oriented. That way the caller can write the custom logic in their own code instead of trying to inject it into someone else’s.

After all, the simplest code is no code.

Pointer to Enum

If you have a finite set of possible implementations you can pass around a pointer to an enum.

While more complex than the previous option, we’re all familiar with the Rust enum and how it enables a limited form of polymorphism.

Double Indirection

The problem with passing around a normal trait object (e.g. Box<dyn Trait> or *mut dyn Trait) is that you need space for two pointers, one for the data and one for a vtable that operates on the data.

The problem is that Rust trait objects don’t have a stable ABI so we can’t pass Box<dyn Trait> by value across the FFI boundary.

However, what about a pointer to a Box<dyn Trait>? A Box<Box<dyn Trait>> is the size of a single pointer and can be passed around just fine using Box::into_raw() and Box::from_raw().

The only drawback for this method is that you need to pass through two levels of indirection every time you want to use the object. Even though it probably doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things (your performance bottlenecks will almost certainly be elsewhere), using double indirection feels like a pretty weak solution.

Pointer to VTable + Object

Believe it or not, but you can implement inheritance-based polymorphism in plain C with just a couple function pointers and some casting.

The idea is you create a struct which will act as an “abstract base class”, a type which declares an interface which other types inherit from and implement methods for.

The trick is works because of this particular clause in the C standard:

A pointer to a structure object,suitably converted, points to its initial member (or if that member is a bit-field, then to the unit in which it resides), and vice versa. There may be unnamed padding within a structure object, but not at its beginning.

C17 Standard, §

In layman’s terms, it means I can declare a Child type who’s first element is a Base.

struct Base
    void (*destructor)(Base *);
    const char *(*get_name)(const Base *);
    const char *(*set_name)(Base *, const char *);

typedef struct Child
    Base base;
    const char *name;
} Child;

We can then pass the Child * pointer around as a Base * and, assuming get_name and set_name were implemented correctly, we can get and set the Child.name field.

void main()
    // Create a Child* and upcast it to a Base*
    Base *child = (Base *)new_child();

    // set the child object's name
    child->set_name(child, "Michael");

    // get the child object's name
    printf("Child's name is \"%s\"\n", child->get_name(child));

    // make sure the destructor is called

The set_name and get_name members are called virtual methods in traditional Object-Oriented parlance.

This technique is equally valid in Rust when each struct is marked as #[repr(C)].

The benefit of using C-style inheritance is that a Base * pointer is just a pointer, with the vtable being kept alongside the data being pointed to.

This isn’t a novel technique. It’s actually already used by frameworks like Gnome’s GObject and Microsoft’s COM.

Most C++ implementations use a slight variation where the virtual methods are stored behind another level of indirection. This extra level of indirection makes different trade-offs with respect to memory use, cache, and performance, but it’s much the same idea.

In code, the C++ implementation might look something like this:

struct VTable {
    void (*destructor)(Base *);
    const char *(*get_name)(const Base *);
    const char *(*set_name)(Base *, const char *);

struct CppBase {
    const VTable *vtable;

struct CppChild {
    CppBase base;

Creating the FileHandle

Returning to our original goal of creating a FFI-safe version of Box<dyn std::io::Write>, let’s create a struct representing our base “class”.

I’m going to call this a FileHandle because that’s how it was being used in the user forum thread that inspired this article.

// src/file_handle.rs

use std::{any::TypeId, io::{Error, Write}};

pub struct FileHandle {
    pub(crate) type_id: TypeId,
    pub(crate) destroy: unsafe fn(*mut FileHandle),
    pub(crate) write: unsafe fn(*mut FileHandle, &[u8]) -> Result<usize, Error>,
    pub(crate) flush: unsafe fn(*mut FileHandle) -> Result<(), Error>,

I’ve added a couple extra fields alongside the write() and flush() methods from std::io::Write,

  • type_id to allow downcasting (more on that later)
  • destroy(), our object’s destructor

I don’t particularly want have to create a new type which inherits from FileHandle for every possible std::io::Write implementation I need.

Instead it’d be nice to have some generic function like FileHandle::for_writer() which accepts any writer and returns a pointer to an appropriate child class.

impl FileHandle {
    pub fn for_writer<W>(writer: W) -> *mut FileHandle
        W: Write + 'static,

To do this we just need a normal generic struct.

// src/file_handle.rs

pub(crate) struct Repr<W> {
    // SAFETY: The FileHandle must be the first field so we can cast between
    // *mut Repr<W> and *mut FileHandle
    pub(crate) base: FileHandle,
    pub(crate) writer: W,

Our FileHandle::for_writer() function can then be implemented by creating a Repr<W> on the heap and returning a pointer to it, cast to *mut FileHandle.

// src/file_handle.rs

impl FileHandle {
    pub fn for_writer<W>(writer: W) -> *mut FileHandle
        W: Write + Send + Sync + 'static,
        let repr = Repr {
            base: FileHandle::vtable::<W>(),

        let boxed = Box::into_raw(Box::new(repr));

        // SAFETY: A pointer to the first field on a #[repr(C)] struct has the
        // same address as the struct itself
        boxed as *mut _

    fn vtable<W: Write + 'static>() -> FileHandle {
        let type_id = TypeId::of::<W>();

        FileHandle {
            destroy: destroy::<W>,
            write: write::<W>,
            flush: flush::<W>,

I’ve also added the requirement that the W type is Send + Sync. That means it should be possible to move the object between threads and refer to it (immutably) concurrently.

We need to be conservative here because when working with FFI there’s no way of knowing what the code on the other end will do.

For the destroy, write, and flush fields we can use a trick taken from Rust Closures in FFI, using turbofish to get a concrete function pointer to a generic function.

The functions themselves are almost trivial, they just cast a *mut FileHandle to *mut Repr<W> then invoke the corresponding method. The destructor uses Box::from_raw() to turn the *mut Repr<W> back into a Box<Repr<W>> so it can be destroyed properly.

// src/file_handle.rs

// SAFETY: The following functions can only be used when `handle` is actually a
// `*mut Repr<W>`.

unsafe fn destroy<W>(handle: *mut FileHandle) {
    let repr = handle as *mut Repr<W>;
    let _ = Box::from_raw(repr);

unsafe fn write<W: Write>(handle: *mut FileHandle, data: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, Error> {
    let repr = &mut *(handle as *mut Repr<W>);

unsafe fn flush<W: Write>(handle: *mut FileHandle) -> Result<(), Error> {
    let repr = &mut *(handle as *mut Repr<W>);

It only took about 50 lines, but we’ve

  1. Created an abstract base class
  2. Created a child class inheriting from the base class
  3. Made a FileHandle::for_writer() constructor which will create a new child and populate the vtable in the base class with child-specific methods

Using the FileHandle from C

Now, to actually be usable from C code we’ll need to define extern "C" functions for interacting with our *mut FileHandle.

Let’s start with a couple common constructors.

// src/ffi.rs

use crate::FileHandle;

/// Create a new [`FileHandle`] which throws away all data written to it.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn new_null_file_handle() -> *mut FileHandle {

/// Create a new [`FileHandle`] which writes directly to stdout.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn new_stdout_file_handle() -> *mut FileHandle {

It’d be nice to construct a FileHandle which actually writes to a file, so let’s create a new_file_handle_from_path() constructor which takes a *const c_char containing the path.

This constructor is a bit more complex than the previous two in that we need to use CStr to turn the *const c_char into a Rust &str that can be passed to File::create(). Both CStr::to_str() and File::create() can fail, in which case we’ll let the caller know by returning a null pointer.

// src/ffi.rs

use std::{os::raw::c_char, ffi::CStr, fs::File};

/// Create a new [`FileHandle`] which will write to a file on disk.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn new_file_handle_from_path(path: *const c_char) -> *mut FileHandle {
    let path = match CStr::from_ptr(path).to_str() {
        Ok(p) => p,
        Err(_) => return ptr::null_mut(),

    let f = match File::create(path) {
        Ok(f) => f,
        Err(_) => return ptr::null_mut(),


Now callers can create a *mut FileHandle, let’s give them a way to destroy it.

The implementation is pretty simple in this case, load the destructor from our vtable then call it with the *mut FileHandle.

// src/ffi.rs

pub unsafe extern "C" fn file_handle_destroy(handle: *mut FileHandle) {
    let destructor = (*handle).destroy;

Next we need a way to call the write() and flush() methods. This gets a bit trickier because we need to translate arguments from C types to Rust types and follow C conventions for notifying the caller of failure.

In this case the convention we use is to return a negative error code on failure, which aligns with errno on most *nix platforms.

// src/ffi.rs

/// Write some data to the file handle, returning the number of bytes written.
/// The return value is negative when writing fails.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn file_handle_write(
    handle: *mut FileHandle,
    data: *const c_char,
    len: c_int,
) -> c_int {
    let write = (*handle).write;
    let data = std::slice::from_raw_parts(data as *const u8, len as usize);

    match write(handle, data) {
        Ok(bytes_written) => bytes_written as c_int,
        Err(e) => -e.raw_os_error().unwrap_or(1),

/// Flush this output stream, ensuring that all intermediately buffered contents
/// reach their destination.
/// Returns `0` on success or a negative value on failure.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn file_handle_flush(handle: *mut FileHandle) -> c_int {
    let flush = (*handle).flush;

    match flush(handle) {
        Ok(_) => 0,
        Err(e) => -e.raw_os_error().unwrap_or(1),


Now we have some code for interacting with FileHandle, let’s make sure it actually works and is sound.

The first thing I want to test is that destructors are called by file_handle_destroy().

To do this let’s create a dummy type which implements Write and will set a flag when it gets destroyed.

// src/ffi.rs

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use std::sync::{Arc, atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}};

    struct NotifyOnDrop(Arc<AtomicBool>);

    impl Drop for NotifyOnDrop {
        fn drop(&mut self) {
            self.0.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);

    impl Write for NotifyOnDrop {
        fn write(&mut self, _buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {

        fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> {

Now we can use FileHandle::for_writer() to create a new *mut FileHandle, then immediately call file_handle_destroy() to destroy it.

// src/ffi.rs

mod tests {

    fn writer_destructor_is_always_called() {
        let was_dropped = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
        let file_handle = FileHandle::for_writer(NotifyOnDrop(Arc::clone(&was_dropped)));

        unsafe {


Normally you can run this test with cargo test but when working with unsafe code it’s a good idea to run tests with Miri, a Rust interpreter which executes code and will detect instances of Undefined Behaviour and memory leaks.

$ cargo miri test
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.00s
     Running target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/deps/thin_trait_objects-3a5d6200958baa20

running 1 test
test ffi::tests::writer_destructor_is_always_called ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

The test passed and Miri seems happy with our code so that gives me a lot of confidence 🙂

If our test did something wrong like forgetting to call file_handle_destroy() we’d be greeted with a message like this:

$ cargo miri test
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.00s
     Running target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/deps/thin_trait_objects-3a5d6200958baa20

running 1 test
test ffi::tests::writer_destructor_is_always_called ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 7 filtered out

The following memory was leaked: alloc77819 (Rust heap, size: 24, align: 8) {
    0x00 │ 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 │ ................
    0x10 │ 00 __ __ __ __ __ __ __                         │ .░░░░░░░
alloc77918 (Rust heap, size: 58, align: 8) {
    0x00 │ 1d 71 55 22 f5 a8 92 81 ╾alloc77896[<191016>]─╼ │ .qU"....╾──────╼
    0x10 │ ╾alloc77897[<191017>]─╼ ╾alloc77898[<191018>]─╼ │ ╾──────╼╾──────╼
    0x20 │ ╾─a77819[<untagged>]──╼                         │ ╾──────╼
alloc77896 (fn: file_handle::destroy::<ffi::tests::NotifyOnDrop>)
alloc77897 (fn: file_handle::write::<ffi::tests::NotifyOnDrop>)
alloc77898 (fn: file_handle::flush::<ffi::tests::NotifyOnDrop>)

In this case you can see two items were leaked, the first is a block of 24 bytes for the Arc<AtomicBool>. If you look carefully, you’ll see the allocation contains 2x 1_usize values followed by a single 0 and a bunch of padding (the underscores). They are the strong count, the weak count, and the false, respectively.

In the second allocation you can see 8 bytes followed by a bunch of items like alloc77896, which we see further down is actually a pointer to the file_handle::destroy::<ffi::tests::NotifyOnDrop> function.

That indicates we’ve leaked the Repr<NotifyOnDrop> behind our *mut FileHandle, which would hopefully be enough information to start tracking down a memory leak.

Most of the other ffi module tests look the same, create a dummy type which will behave in a particular way (e.g. by returning an error from write() or writing to a buffer that can be inspected later) then exercise the code, running tests with cargo miri test.

An Owned Wrapper

Now our hypothetical C caller has the ability to create a *mut FileHandle, but we don’t want to be using unsafe and raw pointers when the file handle gets passed to normal Rust code.

We need a safe smart pointer.

// src/owned.rs

use std::ptr::NonNull;

pub struct OwnedFileHandle(NonNull<FileHandle>);

We use a std::ptr::NonNull instead of a normal raw pointer (*mut FileHandle) because it guarantees the pointer can never be null.

A nice side-effect is that the Rust compiler knows NonNull can never be null. This means if it ever needs to store a OwnedFileHandle alongside a single bit of information (e.g. an enum’s tag), null can be used to represent this information.

This Null Pointer Optimisation means types like Option<OwnedFileHandle> are guaranteed to be the same size as OwnedFileHandle, which in turn is guaranteed to be the same size as a pointer.

As you would have guessed by the name, our OwnedFileHandle needs to run the destructor from its Drop impl.

// src/owned.rs

impl Drop for OwnedFileHandle {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {
            let ptr = self.0.as_ptr();
            let destroy = (*ptr).destroy;

This smart pointer also needs functions for converting to/from its raw pointer form or constructing it with FileHandle::for_writer() directly.

// src/owned.rs

impl OwnedFileHandle {
    /// Create a new [`OwnedFileHandle`] which wraps some [`Write`]r.
    pub fn new<W>(writer: W) -> Self
        W: Write + Send + Sync + 'static,
        unsafe {
            let handle = FileHandle::for_writer(writer);

    /// Create an [`OwnedFileHandle`] from a `*mut FileHandle`, taking
    /// ownership of the [`FileHandle`].
    /// # Safety
    /// Ownership of the `handle` is given to the [`OwnedFileHandle`] and the
    /// original pointer may no longer be used.
    /// The `handle` must be a non-null pointer which points to a valid
    /// `FileHandle`.
    pub unsafe fn from_raw(handle: *mut FileHandle) -> Self {

    /// Consume the [`OwnedFileHandle`] and get a `*mut FileHandle` that can be
    /// used from native code.
    pub fn into_raw(self) -> *mut FileHandle {
        let ptr = self.0.as_ptr();

We can also implement std::io::Write by directly calling the vtable methods.

// src/owned.rs

impl Write for OwnedFileHandle {
    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
        unsafe {
            let ptr = self.0.as_ptr();
            let write = (*ptr).write;
            (write)(ptr, buf)

    fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
        unsafe {
            let ptr = self.0.as_ptr();
            let flush = (*ptr).flush;

Thanks to our Send + Sync requirements on FileHandle::for_writer() we can guarantee *mut FileHandle is also Send + Sync and can implement the two traits on our OwnedFileHandle.

// SAFETY: The FileHandle::for_writer() method ensure by construction that our
// object is Send + Sync.
unsafe impl Send for OwnedFileHandle {}
unsafe impl Sync for OwnedFileHandle {}


A useful feature of Object Oriented languages is downcasting, the ability to convert from a parent class back to a child class; in this case we want a way to access the W from our Repr<W> when we know what type it is.

Rust provides a mechanism called std::any::TypeId for uniquely identifying different types. It’s deliberately basic, providing nothing more than equality, but that’s perfectly fine for our cases.

First we need a way to check if the item inside an OwnedFileHandle has a particular type. We’ll use the TypeId added to the FileHandle vtable earlier.

// src/owned.rs

impl OwnedFileHandle {
    /// Check if the object pointed to by a [`OwnedFileHandle`] has type `W`.
    pub fn is<W: 'static>(&self) -> bool {
        unsafe {
            let ptr = self.0.as_ptr();
            (*ptr).type_id == TypeId::of::<W>()

Using this new is() method we can now provide access to the W by doing a type check followed by an unsafe pointer cast.

// src/owned.rs

impl OwnedFileHandle {
    /// Returns a reference to the boxed value if it is of type `T`, or
    /// `None` if it isn't.
    pub fn downcast_ref<W: 'static>(&self) -> Option<&W> {
        if self.is::<W>() {
            unsafe {
                // SAFETY: We just did a type check
                let repr = self.0.as_ptr() as *const Repr<W>;
        } else {

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the boxed value if it is of type `T`, or
    /// `None` if it isn't.
    pub fn downcast_mut<W: 'static>(&mut self) -> Option<&mut W> {
        if self.is::<W>() {
            unsafe {
                // SAFETY: We just did a type check
                let repr = self.0.as_ptr() as *mut Repr<W>;
                Some(&mut (*repr).writer)
        } else {

We also need a method which consumes self, unboxes the Repr<W>, and gives the original W back to the caller.

However, what happens if the type check fails? If we follow downcast_ref() and return an Option<W> we’d be throwing the OwnedFileHandle away with no way to try again or fall back to something else. Most APIs in the standard library will return a Result<W, OwnedFileHandle> here, returning ownership of the file handle in the error case.

// src/owned.rs

impl OwnedFileHandle {
    /// Attempt to downcast the [`OwnedFileHandle`] to a concrete type and
    /// extract it.
    pub fn downcast<W: 'static>(self) -> Result<W, Self> {
        if self.is::<W>() {
            unsafe {
                let ptr = self.into_raw();
                // SAFETY: We just did a type check
                let repr: *mut Repr<W> = ptr.cast();

                let unboxed = Box::from_raw(repr);
        } else {

With the addition of downcasting our OwnedFileHandle has pretty much reached feature parity with most Box<dyn Write> solutions.

You may have noticed that throughout the implementation of OwnedFileHandle I was very careful to only do operations using raw pointers. While a *mut FileHandle can be freely interchanged with a *mut Repr<W>, it absolutely cannot be turned into a &mut FileHandle (i.e. a normal Rust reference).

This is to do with a concept called Provenance. The idea is that a pointer can “remember” what allocation it came from (e.g. if we created it from a Box<Repr<std::fs::File>) and it’s not okay to cast Rust references into something they aren’t.

Ralf Jung does a much better job of explaining the subtleties of provenance so I’ll just defer to his articles on the topic,


While it’s not something you’ll be using every day, Thin Trait Objects are a technique that you may find a use for some day. If nothing else, understanding them should give you a better appreciation for how much work our compilers do to implement nice things like Polymorphism and inheritance.

It also reinforces the idea that all Turing-complete languages are equivalent. Just because you start with a non-OO language doesn’t mean you can’t have inheritance, it just requires a bit more work.

Another nice thing is that, apart from the ffi module, this code is just a mechanical transformation based on a trait definition. I’m sure a suitably motivated person could create a procedural macro which lets you add a #[thin_trait_object] attribute on top of a trait definition and automatically generate the corresponding FileHandle, OwnedFileHandle, and Repr<W> types.

If you noticed anything unsound (or just plain incorrect) in my code, please get in contact because I want to hear from you! I’m also curious to hear if from people who create Rust products which use FFI, and if you’ve had to do something similar in production.

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