Year in Review: Acumatica Cloud ERP's Top Highlights of 2020 | Acumatica Cloud E...

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.acumatica.com/blog/year-in-review-2020/
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Year in Review: Acumatica Cloud ERP's Top Highlights of 2020

Can there be “highlights” from a year such as 2020? Acumatica cloud ERP has a few, and CEO Jon Roskill shares them with us today.  


If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that we’re all thankful 2020 is finally drawing to a close. On a positive note, it hasn’t all been bad news. For example, the Acumatica team, in accordance with the values we set forth in the Acumatica Customer Bill of Rights, was excited to be able to help hundreds of customers get through the unprecedented challenges of 2020. With our award-winning cloud ERP solution, we eased the transition to remote work and helped essential businesses with exploding online demand succeed, doing what we could to help struggling businesses remain intact through the pandemic.

We were also excited to see Acumatica continued to be hailed as an ERP leader by users and industry analysts alike. This recognition and a few other highlights from this year are worth mentioning.

Acumatica’s top highlights of 2020

1. IDC names Acumatica a Midmarket Leader

In their 2020 IDC MarketScape report, IDC compared 23 worldwide SaaS and cloud ERP midmarket applications. Acumatica, based on IDC’s categories of capabilities and strategies, was firmly placed in the Leader’s category above many of our major competitors, including Oracle NetSuite.

Acumatica’s huge investment in R&D is paying off. We are consistently delivering an innovative, highly usable product for companies in every industry. The IDC analysts urge SMBs to “consider Acumatica when you are looking for a straightforward and adaptable ERP application that can be configured to fit your business.”

2. Sustaining customer growth during a pandemic

While many businesses faltered due to COVID-19 restrictions, Acumatica was busily ensuring business continuity for our customers through our secure and mobile cloud ERP software. In fact, the shifting of their workforce from onsite to home was practically a non-issue for some of our customers, such as Rebecca Ogle, CFO of Safety Management Group.

“In a day’s time, we confirmed everyone had what they needed,” she says. “They took their office work home that night and started working from home the next day. I shudder to think about the amount of time and coordination it would have taken with our prior system.”

For Acumatica customer Monahan Partners, COVID hit while they were in the process of implementing Acumatica. Vice President Matt Short says that the anywhere access to Acumatica’s cloud-based ERP solution allowed their office staff to work remotely when their local area experienced a spike in cases “without causing any disruption in customer service.”

We have many more examples of Acumatica customers keeping their business running smoothly and running successfully during this unforeseen pandemic. They have shown their gratitude by providing amazing user reviews, which led to our ranking as a Leader in Forbes, Gartner, and G2 channels (we were awarded multiple G2 badges for 2020).

3. Annual product releases arrived on schedule and uninterrupted

The Acumatica community has come to expect two major product releases every year, and we meet their expectations every year—even during a pandemic.

Acumatica 2020 R1 and Acumatica 2020 R2 were released on time and with improvements, enhancements, and upgrades that take back time with superior ERP usability, eliminate business silos with new native modules, support growth with best-in-class functionality, and more. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) capabilities continue to be enhanced within each iteration.

The business continuity we experienced is exactly the same business continuity we provide to our valued customers. As I expressed in the Acumatica 2021 press release, we have to marvel at the pace our product team delivers innovation. Following health and safety protocols, our team continued to do their job with skill and expertise in an unprecedented time.

Welcome the new year with Acumatica cloud ERP

Though we’re all ready to greet 2021 with open arms, I can’t help but be proud of Acumatica’s role in helping each customer continue to be a successful, connected business, and I want to invite the Acumatica community, as well as those who may want to join the Acumatica community, to our annual Summit.

Though this year will be different from our record-breaking event last year, Acumatica Summit 2021 in Las Vegas, Nevada (May 16-21, 2021) is a perfect (and safe) opportunity to learn why top analysts, such as IDC, Nucleus Research, InfoTech Research Group, and G2, consistently call Acumatica an industry leader and how your business management needs can be met with Acumatica’s comprehensive cloud-based ERP solution.

If you have questions or would like to request a demonstration, please contact our team today. You can be assured that we’re able to help your business succeed even in uncertain times.

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