HTML Templates in Go
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HTML Templates in Go
Submitted by NanoDano on Sat, 04/26/2014 - 19:51
Here is a quick example of how to use Go's html/template package to loop through a slice of structs and print out the contents. Note that in the templates {{.}} prints all the template variables, and . refers to the data passed.
type Person struct {
var Name string
var Age int
Simple struct definition for our Person
var persons []Person
// ... persons is filled with info somewhere ...
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("myTemplate.html")
t.Execute(response, persons)
Abbreviated code showing how we call the template and pass variables.
{{range .}}
<p>{{.Name}} {{.Age}}</p>
The {{range .}} iterates through . which is the data passed from template.Execute(). In this case it is a slice of Person structs. We are iterating through the slice and printing out the name and age associated with each struct.
Variable Maps
You can also use a map to send variables to the template.
// Create a variable map to send to the template
vars := map[string]interface{}{
"something": "some value",
"someNumber": 23,
// Pass the variables when executing the template
t.Execute(response, vars)
{{ .something }}<br />
{{ .someNumber }}
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