iOS 利用 VideoToolbox 和 FFmpeg 推 RTMP 流

 3 years ago
source link: http://blog.danthought.com/programming/2020/07/15/ios-living-video-with-videotoolbox-ffmpeg/
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本文讲解了视频图像的格式 RGB、YUV 和 H.264,音视频封装格式 FLV 这些理论知识,然后讲解在 iOS 上通过 VideoToolbox 进行视频硬编码,再通过 FFmpeg 封装 FLV,并通过 FFmpeg 推 RTMP 流或者录制到本地文件。

Camera Sea


视频图像的非压缩数据格式有 RGB 和 YUV,RGB 大家接触的比较多,比较好理解。

对于 YUV 其中 Y 表示明亮度(Luminance 或 Luma),也称灰阶值;而 U 和 V 表示的则是色度(Chrominance 或 Chroma),它们的作用是描述影像的色彩及饱和度,用于指定像素的颜色,亮度是透过 RGB 输入信号来建立的,方法是将 RGB 信号的特定部分叠加到一起,色度则定义了颜色的两个方面:色调与饱和度,分别用 Cr 和 Cb 来表示,其中,Cr 反映了 RGB 输入信号红色部分与 RGB 信号亮度值之间的差异,而 Cb 反映的则是 RGB 输入信号蓝色部分与 RGB 信号亮度值之间的差异。

查看 视音频数据处理入门:RGB、YUV像素数据处理 了解更多。


NAL Unit

H264 Sequence

H.264 是很常见的压缩数据的视频编码,H.264 由多个 NAL Unit 组成的码流,每个 NAL Unit 之间通过 startcode 分隔,是 0x000001(3 Bytes)或 0x00000001(4 Bytes),SPS 和 PPS 是两种 NAL Unit,包括编码所用的 profile、level、图像的宽和高、deblock 滤波器等,通常位于整个码流的起始位置,在码流中间也可能出现这两种结构。

视频压缩中,每帧都代表着一幅静止的图像,而在进行实际压缩时,会采取各种算法以减少数据的容量,其中 IPB 帧就是最常见的一种。

  • I 帧:帧内编码帧(intra picture),I 帧通常是每个 GOP(MPEG 所使用的一种视频压缩技术)的第一个帧,经过适度地压缩,作为随机访问的参考点,可以当成静态图像,I 帧可以看作一个图像经过压缩后的产物,I 帧压缩可以得到 6:1 的压缩比而不会产生任何可觉察的模糊现象,I 帧压缩可去掉视频的空间冗余信息,下面即将介绍的 P 帧和 B 帧是为了去掉时间冗余信息。
  • P 帧:前向预测编码帧(predictive-frame),通过将图像序列中前面已编码帧的时间冗余信息充分去除来压缩传输数据量的编码图像,也称为预测帧。
  • B 帧:双向预测内插编码帧(bi-directional interpolated prediction frame),既考虑源图像序列前面的已编码帧,又顾及源图像序列后面的已编码帧之间的时间冗余信息,来压缩传输数据量的编码图像,也称为双向预测帧。

基于上面的定义,我们可以从解码的角度来理解 IPB 帧:

  • I 帧自身可以通过视频解压算法解压成一张单独的完整视频画面,所以 I 帧去掉的是视频帧在空间维度上的冗余信息。
  • P 帧需要参考其前面的一个 I 帧或者 P 帧来解码成一张完整的视频画面。
  • B 帧则需要参考其前一个 I 帧或者 P 帧及其后面的一个 P 帧来生成一张完整的视频画面,所以 P 帧与 B 帧去掉的是视频帧在时间维度上的冗余信息。

IDR 帧与 I 帧

在 H264 的概念中有一个帧称为 IDR 帧,那么 IDR 帧与 I 帧的区别是什么呢?首先来看一下 IDR 的英文全称instantaneous decoding refresh picture,因为 H264 采用了多帧预测,所以 I 帧之后的 P 帧有可能会参考 I 帧之前的帧,这就使得在随机访问的时候不能以找到 I 帧作为参考条件,因为即使找到 I 帧,I 帧之后的帧还是有可能解析不出来,而 IDR 帧就是一种特殊的 I 帧,即这一帧之后的所有参考帧只会参考到这个 IDR 帧,而不会再参考前面的帧,在解码器中,一旦收到一个 IDR 帧,就会立即清理参考帧缓冲区,并将 IDR 帧作为被参考的帧。

两个 I 帧之间形成的一组图片,就是 GOP(Group Of Picture)的概念,通常在为编码器设置参数的时候,必须要设置 gop_size 的值,其代表的是两个 I 帧之间的帧数目。前面已经讲解过,一个 GOP 中容量最大的帧就是 I 帧,所以相对来讲,gop_size 设置得越大,整个画面的质量就会越好,但是在解码端必须从接收到的第一个 I 帧开始才可以正确解码出原始图像,否则会无法正确解码(这也是前面提到的 I 帧可以作为随机访问的帧)。


参考 视音频数据处理入门:H.264视频码流解析 的代码和 音视频压缩:H264码流层次结构和NALU详解 对 H.264 格式的详细解读,我编写了 H264Parser 来解析 H.264 视频文件。

FLV Sequence

FLV 即 Flash Video,是 Adobe 公司推出的一种音视频封装格式,整体的封装格式如上图,通常 Video Tag 装的就是前面讲解 H.264 数据,Audio Tag 装的就是 AAC 数据,可以通过 iOS 利用 AudioToolbox 将 PCM 编码为 AAC 来了解数字音频、PCM 音频格式和 AAC 音频格式这些理论知识。

参考 视音频数据处理入门:FLV封装格式解析 的代码,以及 音视频封装:FLV格式详解和打包H264、AAC方案(上)音视频封装:FLV格式详解和打包H264、AAC方案(下) 对 FLV 格式的详细解读,我编写了 FLVParser 来解析 FLV 音频文件。


iOS 上通过 VideoToolbox 来进行视频硬件编码和硬件解码,前面说过如下的视频文件中需要关注的常见信息,这里主要关注第二行关于视频的部分:

  • 封装格式,时长,存储大小
  • 视频编码,视频码率,分辨率,帧率
  • 音频编码,音频采样率,音频码率,声道

第一步,创建和配置 VTCompressionSession

VTCompressionSessionCreate 中的 outputCallback 指定了编码后输出回调,剩下的就是配置前面提到的视频信息:

private var session: VTCompressionSession!

init(width: Int, height: Int, fps: Int, maxBitRate: Int, avgBitRate: Int) {
    self.width = width
    self.height = height
    self.fps = fps
    self.maxBitRate = maxBitRate
    self.avgBitRate = avgBitRate
    encodeQueue.async { [weak self] in
        guard let self = self else { return }
        let statusCode = VTCompressionSessionCreate(allocator: kCFAllocatorDefault,
                                                    width: Int32(width),
                                                    height: Int32(height),
                                                    codecType: kCMVideoCodecType_H264,
                                                    encoderSpecification: nil,
                                                    imageBufferAttributes: nil,
                                                    compressedDataAllocator: nil,
                                                    outputCallback: didCompressH264,
                                                    refcon: UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque()),
                                                    compressionSessionOut: &self.session)
        if statusCode != noErr {
            DDLogError("H264: Unable to create a H264 session status is \(statusCode)")
        VTSessionSetProperty(self.session, key: kVTCompressionPropertyKey_RealTime, value: kCFBooleanTrue)
        VTSessionSetProperty(self.session, key: kVTCompressionPropertyKey_ProfileLevel, value: kVTProfileLevel_H264_High_AutoLevel)
        VTSessionSetProperty(self.session, key: kVTCompressionPropertyKey_AllowFrameReordering, value: kCFBooleanFalse) // 不产生 B 帧
        self.setMaxBitRate(maxBitRate, avgBitRate: avgBitRate, fps: fps)
        self.isReady = true
        encodingSessionValid = true

func setMaxBitRate(_ maxBitRate: Int, avgBitRate: Int, fps: Int) {
    VTSessionSetProperty(session, key: kVTCompressionPropertyKey_MaxKeyFrameInterval, value: fps as CFTypeRef) // 关键帧间隔, gop size
    VTSessionSetProperty(session, key: kVTCompressionPropertyKey_ExpectedFrameRate, value: fps as CFTypeRef) // 帧率
    VTSessionSetProperty(session, key: kVTCompressionPropertyKey_DataRateLimits, value: [maxBitRate / 8, 1] as CFArray) // 控制码率
    VTSessionSetProperty(session, key: kVTCompressionPropertyKey_AverageBitRate, value: avgBitRate as CFTypeRef) // 控制码率

第二步,编码 CVPixelBuffer

将传入的视频图像 CVPixelBuffer 进行编码:

func encode(pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer) {
    if continuousEncodeFailureTimes > continuousEncodeFailureTimesTreshold {
    encodeQueue.async { [weak self] in
        guard let self = self, self.isReady else {
        let currentTimeMills = Int64(CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() * 1000)
        if self.encodingTimeMills == -1 {
            self.encodingTimeMills = currentTimeMills
        let encodingDuration = currentTimeMills - self.encodingTimeMills
        let pts = CMTimeMake(value: encodingDuration, timescale: 1000) // 当前编码视频帧的时间戳,单位为毫秒
        let duration = CMTimeMake(value: 1, timescale: Int32(self.fps)) // 当前编码视频帧的时长
        let statusCode = VTCompressionSessionEncodeFrame(self.session,
                                                         imageBuffer: pixelBuffer,
                                                         presentationTimeStamp: pts,
                                                         duration: duration,
                                                         frameProperties: nil,
                                                         sourceFrameRefcon: nil,
                                                         infoFlagsOut: nil)
        if statusCode != noErr {
            DDLogError("H264: VTCompressionSessionEncodeFrame failed \(statusCode)")


编码数据是放在 CMSampleBuffer 中的,下面的代码首先从 CMSampleBuffer 拆分出 sps 和 pps,再从中分离出视频帧数据:

func didCompressH264(outputCallbackRefCon: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?,
                     sourceFrameRefCon: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?,
                     status: OSStatus,
                     infoFlags: VTEncodeInfoFlags,
                     sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer?) -> Void {
    if status != noErr {
        continuousEncodeFailureTimes += 1
    continuousEncodeFailureTimes = 0
    guard let sampleBuffer = sampleBuffer,
        encodingSessionValid else {
    let encoder: VideoEncoder = Unmanaged.fromOpaque(outputCallbackRefCon!).takeUnretainedValue()
    if let attachments = CMSampleBufferGetSampleAttachmentsArray(sampleBuffer, createIfNecessary: true) {
        let rawDictionary: UnsafeRawPointer = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(attachments, 0)
        let dictionary: CFDictionary = Unmanaged.fromOpaque(rawDictionary).takeUnretainedValue()
        let isKeyframe = !CFDictionaryContainsKey(dictionary, Unmanaged.passUnretained(kCMSampleAttachmentKey_NotSync).toOpaque())
        if isKeyframe && !encoder.isKeyframeFound { // 每一个关键帧前面都会输出 SPS 和 PPS 信息
            let format = CMSampleBufferGetFormatDescription(sampleBuffer)
            // sps
            var spsSize: Int = 0
            var spsCount: Int = 0
            var nalHeaderLength: Int32 = 0
            var sps: UnsafePointer<UInt8>!
            var statusCode = CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetH264ParameterSetAtIndex(format!,
                                                                                parameterSetIndex: 0,
                                                                                parameterSetPointerOut: &sps,
                                                                                parameterSetSizeOut: &spsSize,
                                                                                parameterSetCountOut: &spsCount,
                                                                                nalUnitHeaderLengthOut: &nalHeaderLength)
            if statusCode == noErr {
                // pps
                var ppsSize: Int = 0
                var ppsCount: Int = 0
                var pps: UnsafePointer<UInt8>!
                statusCode = CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetH264ParameterSetAtIndex(format!,
                                                                                parameterSetIndex: 1,
                                                                                parameterSetPointerOut: &pps,
                                                                                parameterSetSizeOut: &ppsSize,
                                                                                parameterSetCountOut: &ppsCount,
                                                                                nalUnitHeaderLengthOut: &nalHeaderLength)
                if statusCode == noErr {
                    let spsData = Data(bytes: sps, count: spsSize)
                    let ppsData = Data(bytes: pps, count: ppsSize)
                    let timeMills = CMTimeGetSeconds(CMSampleBufferGetPresentationTimeStamp(sampleBuffer)) * 1000
                    DDLogDebug("videoEncoder spsSize: \(spsSize) nalHeaderLength: \(nalHeaderLength) ppsSize: \(ppsSize) nalHeaderLength: \(nalHeaderLength)")
                    encoder.isKeyframeFound = true
                    encoder.delegate?.videoEncoder(encoder, encoded: spsData, pps: ppsData, timestamp: timeMills)
        guard let dataBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetDataBuffer(sampleBuffer) else {
        var lengthAtOffset: Int = 0
        var totalLength: Int = 0
        var dataPointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>!
        let statusCode = CMBlockBufferGetDataPointer(dataBuffer,
                                                     atOffset: 0,
                                                     lengthAtOffsetOut: &lengthAtOffset,
                                                     totalLengthOut: &totalLength,
                                                     dataPointerOut: &dataPointer)
        if statusCode == noErr {
            var bufferOffset: Int = 0
            let AVCCHeaderLength = 4
            while bufferOffset < totalLength - AVCCHeaderLength {
                var NALUnitLength: UInt32 = 0
                // first four character is NAL Unit length
                memcpy(&NALUnitLength, dataPointer.advanced(by: bufferOffset), AVCCHeaderLength)
                // big endian to host endian. in iOS it's little endian
                NALUnitLength = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(NALUnitLength)
                let data: Data = Data(bytes: dataPointer.advanced(by: bufferOffset + AVCCHeaderLength), count: Int(NALUnitLength))
                let timeMills = CMTimeGetSeconds(CMSampleBufferGetPresentationTimeStamp(sampleBuffer)) * 1000
//                DDLogDebug("videoEncoder encodedData: \(Int(NALUnitLength))")
                encoder.delegate?.videoEncoder(encoder, encoded: data, isKeyframe: isKeyframe, timestamp: timeMills)
                // move forward to the next NAL Unit
                bufferOffset += Int(AVCCHeaderLength)
                bufferOffset += Int(NALUnitLength)


FFmpeg 推流


根据下图来回顾下整体流程,查看 iOS 利用 OpenGL ES 和 AVAssetWriter 录制视频 和前面对 VideoToolbox 的讲解,蓝色节点部分都已经涉及到了;查看 iOS Audio Unit 录制音频文件和播放音频文件iOS AVAudioEngine 录制音频文件和播放音频文件FFmpeg 接口使用 - 音频编码和音频解码,绿色节点部分都已经涉及到了,下面要重点讲解的就是黄色节点部分。

iOS Audio Video Producer

FFmpeg 编码和封装的流程

iOS Audio Video Producer Publish


Producer Consumer Queue

生产者-消费者模型主要是针对多线程场景,有一个生产者线程往队列中添加数据,另外有一个消费者线程从队列中消费数据,针对这里的场景就是,VideoToolbox 做为生产者往 H.264 Video Queue 中添加 H.264 数据,后面会讲到的 VideoConsumerThread 会从 H.264 Video Queue 中消费 H.264 数据,这里的线程同步机制采用了互斥量和条件变量,查看 iOS 基础 - Posix Thread 了解更多:

typedef struct LiveVideoPacketList {
    LiveVideoPacket *pkt;
    struct LiveVideoPacketList *next;
    LiveVideoPacketList() {
        pkt = NULL;
        next = NULL;
} LiveVideoPacketList;

void LiveVideoPacketQueue::init() {
    pthread_mutex_init(&mLock, NULL);
    pthread_cond_init(&mCondition, NULL);
    mNbPackets = 0;
    mFrist = NULL;
    mLast = NULL;
    mAbortRequest = false;
    currentTimeMills = NON_DROP_FRAME_FLAG;

int LiveVideoPacketQueue::put(LiveVideoPacket *pkt) {
    if (mAbortRequest) {
        delete pkt;
        return -1;
    LiveVideoPacketList *pkt1 = new LiveVideoPacketList();
    if (!pkt1) {
        return -1;
    pkt1->pkt = pkt;
    pkt1->next = NULL;
    if (mLast == NULL) {
        mFrist = pkt1;
    } else {
        mLast->next = pkt1;
    mLast = pkt1;
    return 0;

int LiveVideoPacketQueue::get(LiveVideoPacket **pkt, bool block) {
    LiveVideoPacketList *pkt1;
    int ret;
    for (;;) {
        if (mAbortRequest) {
            ret = -1;
        pkt1 = mFrist;
        if (pkt1) {
            mFrist = pkt1->next;
            if (!mFrist) {
                mLast = NULL;
            *pkt = pkt1->pkt;
            if (NON_DROP_FRAME_FLAG != currentTimeMills) {
                (*pkt)->timeMills = currentTimeMills;
                currentTimeMills += (*pkt)->duration;
            delete pkt1;
            pkt1 = NULL;
            ret = 1;
        } else if (!block) {
            ret = 0;
        } else {
            pthread_cond_wait(&mCondition, &mLock);
    return ret;


FFmpeg 封装 FLV 的准备

创建 AVFormatContext,指定封装格式为 FLV,在其上添加一路 H.264 视频流和一路 AAC 音频流,这部分的代码同 FFmpeg 接口使用 - 基础和转封装FFmpeg 接口使用 - 音频编码和音频解码 讲的道理是一样的。

FFmpeg 写 H.264 数据

从 H.264 Video Queue 中拿到 H.264 数据,再将其装到 AVPacket 中,再通过 av_interleaved_write_frame 来写:

int RecordingH264Publisher::write_video_frame(AVFormatContext *oc, AVStream *st) {
    int ret = 0;
    AVCodecContext *c = st->codec;
    // 调用注册的回调方法来拿到我们的 h264 的 EncodedData
    LiveVideoPacket *h264Packet = NULL;
    fillH264PacketCallback(&h264Packet, fillH264PacketContext);
    if (h264Packet == NULL) {
        printf("fillH264PacketCallback get null packet\n");
    int bufferSize = (h264Packet)->size;
    uint8_t *outputData = (uint8_t *)(h264Packet->buffer);
    lastPresentationTimeMs = h264Packet->timeMills;
    // 填充起来我们的AVPacket
    AVPacket pkt = { 0 };
    pkt.stream_index = st->index;
    int64_t cal_pts = lastPresentationTimeMs / 1000.0f / av_q2d(video_st->time_base);
    int64_t pts = h264Packet->pts == PTS_PARAM_UN_SETTIED_FLAG ? cal_pts : h264Packet->pts;
    int64_t dts = h264Packet->dts == DTS_PARAM_UN_SETTIED_FLAG ? pts : h264Packet->dts == DTS_PARAM_NOT_A_NUM_FLAG ? AV_NOPTS_VALUE : h264Packet->dts;
    int nalu_type = (outputData[4] & 0x1F);
    if (nalu_type == H264_NALU_TYPE_SEQUENCE_PARAMETER_SET) {
        // 我们这里要求 sps 和 pps 一块拼接起来构造成 AVPacket 传过来
        headerSize = bufferSize;
        headerData = new uint8_t[headerSize];
        memcpy(headerData, outputData, bufferSize);
        uint8_t *spsFrame = 0;
        uint8_t *ppsFrame = 0;
        int spsFrameLen = 0;
        int ppsFrameLen = 0;
        parseH264SequenceHeader(headerData, headerSize, &spsFrame, spsFrameLen, &ppsFrame, ppsFrameLen);
        // 将 SPS 和 PPS 封装到视频编码器上下文的 extradata 中,参考 FFmpeg 源码中 avc.c
        int extradata_len = 8 + spsFrameLen - 4 + 1 + 2 + ppsFrameLen - 4;
        c->extradata = (uint8_t *)av_mallocz(extradata_len);
        c->extradata_size = extradata_len;
        c->extradata[0] = 0x01; // version
        c->extradata[1] = spsFrame[4 + 1];  // profile
        c->extradata[2] = spsFrame[4 + 2];  // profile compat
        c->extradata[3] = spsFrame[4 + 3];  // level
        c->extradata[4] = 0xFC | 3; // 保留位
        c->extradata[5] = 0xE0 | 1; // 保留位
        int tmp = spsFrameLen - 4; // 开始写 SPS
        c->extradata[6] = (tmp >> 8) & 0x00ff;
        c->extradata[7] = tmp & 0x00ff;
        int i = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < tmp; i++) {
            c->extradata[8 + i] = spsFrame[4 + i];
        c->extradata[8 + tmp] = 0x01; // 结束写 SPS
        int tmp2 = ppsFrameLen - 4; // 开始写 PPS
        c->extradata[8 + tmp + 1] = (tmp2 >> 8) & 0x00ff;
        c->extradata[8 + tmp + 2] = tmp2 & 0x00ff;
        for (i = 0; i < tmp2; i++) {
            c->extradata[8 + tmp + 3 + i] = ppsFrame[4 + i];
        // 结束写 PPS
        int ret = avformat_write_header(oc, NULL);
        if (ret < 0) {
            printf("Error occurred when opening output file: %s\n", av_err2str(ret));
        } else {
            isWriteHeaderSuccess = true;
    } else {
        if (nalu_type == H264_NALU_TYPE_IDR_PICTURE || nalu_type == H264_NALU_TYPE_SEI) {
            pkt.size = bufferSize;
            pkt.data = outputData;
            if (pkt.data[0] == 0x00 && pkt.data[1] == 0x00 &&
                pkt.data[2] == 0x00 && pkt.data[3] == 0x01) {
                bufferSize -= 4;
                pkt.data[0] = ((bufferSize) >> 24) & 0x00ff;
                pkt.data[1] = ((bufferSize) >> 16) & 0x00ff;
                pkt.data[2] = ((bufferSize) >> 8) & 0x00ff;
                pkt.data[3] = ((bufferSize)) & 0x00ff;
//                printf("write_video_frame %d %d %x %x %x %x\n", nalu_type, bufferSize,
//                       pkt.data[0], pkt.data[1], pkt.data[2], pkt.data[3]);

                pkt.pts = pts;
                pkt.dts = dts;
                pkt.flags = AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY; // 标识为关键帧
        } else {
            pkt.size = bufferSize;
            pkt.data = outputData;
            if (pkt.data[0] == 0x00 && pkt.data[1] == 0x00 &&
                pkt.data[2] == 0x00 && pkt.data[3] == 0x01) {
                bufferSize -= 4;
                pkt.data[0] = ((bufferSize) >> 24) & 0x00ff;
                pkt.data[1] = ((bufferSize) >> 16) & 0x00ff;
                pkt.data[2] = ((bufferSize) >> 8) & 0x00ff;
                pkt.data[3] = ((bufferSize)) & 0x00ff;
//                printf("write_video_frame %d %d %x %x %x %x\n", nalu_type, bufferSize,
//                       pkt.data[0], pkt.data[1], pkt.data[2], pkt.data[3]);

                pkt.pts = pts;
                pkt.dts = dts;
                pkt.flags = 0; // 标识为不是关键帧
        // 写出数据
        if (pkt.size) {
            ret = RecordingPublisher::interleavedWriteFrame(oc, &pkt);
            if (ret != 0) {
                printf("Error while writing Video frame: %s\n", av_err2str(ret));
        } else {
            ret = 0;
    delete h264Packet;
    return ret;

FFmpeg 写 AAC 数据

从 AAC Audio Queue 中拿到 AAC 数据,再将其装到 AVPacket 中,再通过 av_interleaved_write_frame 来写:

int RecordingPublisher::write_audio_frame(AVFormatContext *oc, AVStream *st) {
    LiveAudioPacket *audioPacket = NULL;
    if ((ret = fillAACPacketCallback(&audioPacket, fillAACPacketContext)) > 0) {
        AVPacket pkt = {0};
        lastAudioPacketPresentationTimeMills = audioPacket->position;
        pkt.data = audioPacket->data;
        pkt.size = audioPacket->size;
        pkt.dts = pkt.pts = lastAudioPacketPresentationTimeMills / 1000.0f / av_q2d(st->time_base);
        pkt.duration = 1024;
        pkt.stream_index = st->index;
        AVPacket newPacket;
        ret = av_bitstream_filter_filter(bsfc, st->codec, NULL, &newPacket.data, &newPacket.size, pkt.data, pkt.size, pkt.flags & AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY);
        if (ret >= 0) {
            newPacket.pts = pkt.pts;
            newPacket.dts = pkt.dts;
            newPacket.duration = pkt.duration;
            newPacket.stream_index = pkt.stream_index;
//            printf("write_audio_frame %d\n", newPacket.size);
            ret = this->interleavedWriteFrame(oc, &newPacket);
            if (ret != 0) {
                printf("Error while writing audio frame: %s\n", av_err2str(ret));
        } else {
            printf("Error av_bitstream_filter_filter: %s\n", av_err2str(ret));
        delete audioPacket;
    } else {
    return ret;

VideoConsumerThread 消费者线程的实现

VideoConsumerThread 消费者线程通过 pthread 实现,线程运行时会执行下面的代码:

void VideoConsumerThread::handleRun(void *ptr) {
    while (mRunning) {
        int ret = videoPublisher->encode();
        if (ret < 0) {
            printf("videoPublisher->encode result is invalid, so we will stop encode...\n");


int RecordingPublisher::encode() {
    int ret = 0;
    double video_time = getVideoStreamTimeInSecs();
    double audio_time = getAudioStreamTimeInSecs();
    printf("video_time is %lf, audio_time is %f\n", video_time, audio_time);
    // 通过比较两路流上当前的时间戳信息,将时间戳比较小的那一路流进行封装和输出,音视频是交错存储的,即存储完一帧视频帧之后,再存储一段时间的音频,不一定是一帧音频,要看视频的 FPS 是多少
    if (!video_st || (video_st && audio_st && audio_time < video_time)) {
        ret = write_audio_frame(oc, audio_st);
    } else if (video_st) {
        ret = write_video_frame(oc, video_st);
    sendLatestFrameTimemills = platform_4_live::getCurrentTimeMills();
    duration = MIN(audio_time, video_time);
    if (ret < 0 && VIDEO_QUEUE_ABORT_ERR_CODE != ret && AUDIO_QUEUE_ABORT_ERR_CODE != ret && !isInterrupted()) {
        if (NULL != onPublishTimeoutCallback) {
        this->isConnected = false;
    return ret;


接收 VideoToolbox 编码的 H.264 数据

给 sps 和 pps,以及视频帧数据,再加上 startcode 0x00000001 就添加到 H.264 Video Queue:

- (void)gotSpsPps:(NSData*)sps pps:(NSData*)pps timestramp:(Float64)miliseconds {
    const char bytesHeader[] = "\x00\x00\x00\x01";
    size_t headerLength = 4;
    LiveVideoPacket *videoPacket = new LiveVideoPacket();
    size_t length = 2 * headerLength + sps.length + pps.length;
    videoPacket->buffer = new unsigned char[length];
    videoPacket->size = int(length);
    memcpy(videoPacket->buffer, bytesHeader, headerLength);
    memcpy(videoPacket->buffer + headerLength, (unsigned char*)[sps bytes], sps.length);
    memcpy(videoPacket->buffer + headerLength + sps.length, bytesHeader, headerLength);
    memcpy(videoPacket->buffer + headerLength * 2 + sps.length, (unsigned char*)[pps bytes], pps.length);
    videoPacket->timeMills = 0;

- (void)gotEncodedData:(NSData*)data isKeyFrame:(BOOL)isKeyFrame timestramp:(Float64)miliseconds {
    const char bytesHeader[] = "\x00\x00\x00\x01";
    size_t headerLength = 4;

    LiveVideoPacket *videoPacket = new LiveVideoPacket();
    videoPacket->buffer = new unsigned char[headerLength + data.length];
    videoPacket->size = int(headerLength + data.length);
    memcpy(videoPacket->buffer, bytesHeader, headerLength);
    memcpy(videoPacket->buffer + headerLength, (unsigned char*)[data bytes], data.length);
    videoPacket->timeMills = miliseconds;

接收 AVAudioEngine 采集的 PCM 数据

注意是接收的非压缩音频数据 PCM,发送到 PCM Audio Queue:

- (void)receiveAudioBuffer:(AudioBuffer)buffer sampleRate:(int)sampleRate startRecordTimeMills:(Float64)startRecordTimeMills {
    double maxDiffTimeMills = 25;
    double minDiffTimeMills = 10;
    double audioSamplesTimeMills = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() * 1000 - startRecordTimeMills;
    int audioSampleRate = sampleRate;
    int audioChannels = 2;
    double dataAccumulateTimeMills = self.totalSampleCount * 1000 / audioSampleRate / audioChannels;
    if (dataAccumulateTimeMills <= audioSamplesTimeMills - maxDiffTimeMills) {
        double correctTimeMills = audioSamplesTimeMills - dataAccumulateTimeMills - minDiffTimeMills;
        int correctBufferSize = (int)(correctTimeMills / 1000.0 * audioSampleRate * audioChannels);
        LiveAudioPacket *audioPacket = new LiveAudioPacket();
        audioPacket->buffer = new short[correctBufferSize];
        memset(audioPacket->buffer, 0, correctBufferSize * sizeof(short));
        audioPacket->size = correctBufferSize;
        self.totalSampleCount += correctBufferSize;
        NSLog(@"Correct Time Mills is %lf\n", correctTimeMills);
        NSLog(@"audioSamplesTimeMills is %lf, dataAccumulateTimeMills is %lf\n", audioSamplesTimeMills, dataAccumulateTimeMills);
    int sampleCount = buffer.mDataByteSize / 2;
    self.totalSampleCount += sampleCount;
    short *packetBuffer = new short[sampleCount];
    memcpy(packetBuffer, buffer.mData, buffer.mDataByteSize);
    LiveAudioPacket *audioPacket = new LiveAudioPacket();
    audioPacket->buffer = packetBuffer;
    audioPacket->size = sampleCount;

FFmpeg 将 PCM 编码为 AAC

从 PCM Audio Queue 中拿到 PCM 数据,FFmpeg 编码为 AAC 数据,再发送到 AAC Audio Queue,这部分的代码同 FFmpeg 接口使用 - 音频编码和音频解码 讲的道理是一样的。

安装 RTMP 流媒体服务器

在 macOS 参考 Mac上搭建直播服务器 Nginx+rtmp 进行安装:

$ brew tap denji/nginx
$ brew install nginx-full --with-rtmp-module

修改配置 /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:

http {

rtmp {
	server {
		listen 1935;
		chunk_size 4000;
		# TV mode: one publisher, many subscribers
		application mytv {
			live on;
			record off;

在 Linux 参考 SRS 进行安装。

VLC 播放器

下载 VLC 播放器,开始直播后,通过下面的步骤就可以观看直播:

VLC Media Player
VLC Media Player RTMP


前面的代码也可以将 flv 写到本地文件,写 flv 同时也将 h264 单独写到了本地文件,通过 ffprobe 来查看:

$ ffprobe -show_format -pretty video.h264
Input #0, h264, from 'video.h264':
  Duration: N/A, bitrate: N/A
    Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (High), yuv420p(progressive), 720x720, 25 fps, 25 tbr, 1200k tbn, 50 tbc
format_long_name=raw H.264 video
size=800.383789 Kibyte
$ ffprobe -show_format -pretty video.flv
Input #0, flv, from 'video.flv':
    encoder         : Lavf55.48.100
  Duration: 00:00:05.31, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 1299 kb/s
    Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (High), yuv420p(progressive), 720x720, 1500 kb/s, 24 fps, 23.92 tbr, 1k tbn
    Stream #0:1: Audio: aac (LC), 44100 Hz, stereo, fltp, 64 kb/s
format_long_name=FLV (Flash Video)
size=841.477539 Kibyte
bit_rate=1.299167 Mbit/s


也可以通过 ffplay 来播放 flv 和 h264:

$ ffplay video.h264
$ ffplay video.flv


H264Parser 对每一个 NALU 的输出(截取了部分):

-----+-------- NALU Table ------+---------+
 NUM |    POS  |    IDC |  TYPE |   LEN   |
    0|        0|     LOW|    SPS|       10|
    1|       14|     LOW|    PPS|        4|
    2|       22|  DISPOS|    SEI|       30|
    3|       56|     LOW|    IDR|     7425|
    4|     7485|     LOW|  SLICE|     1942|
    5|     9431|     LOW|  SLICE|     2136|
    6|    11571|     LOW|  SLICE|     2536|
    7|    14111|     LOW|  SLICE|     3504|
    8|    17619|     LOW|  SLICE|     3193|
    9|    20816|     LOW|  SLICE|     4105|
   10|    24925|     LOW|  SLICE|     5774|


FLVParser 对 FLV Header 以及每个 TAG 的输出(截取了部分):

============== FLV Header ==============
Signature:  0x F L V
Version:    0x 1
Flags  :    0x 5
HeaderSize: 0x 9
PreviousTagSize: 0 Position: 13
[SCRIPT]    293      0 |
PreviousTagSize: 304 Position: 321
[ VIDEO]     30      0 || key frame | AVC | SPS PPS
PreviousTagSize: 41 Position: 366
[ AUDIO]      4      0 |
PreviousTagSize: 15 Position: 385
[ VIDEO]     39      0 || key frame | AVC | NALU | 30
PreviousTagSize: 50 Position: 439
[ VIDEO]   7434      0 || key frame | AVC | NALU | 7425
PreviousTagSize: 7445 Position: 7888
[ AUDIO]    187      0 |
PreviousTagSize: 198 Position: 8090
[ AUDIO]    188     23 |
PreviousTagSize: 199 Position: 8293
[ VIDEO]   1951     46 || inter frame | AVC | NALU | 1942
PreviousTagSize: 1962 Position: 10259
[ AUDIO]    188     46 |
PreviousTagSize: 199 Position: 10462
[ AUDIO]    188     69 |

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