Announcing Beacon Fuzz, an Eth2 Differential Fuzzer

 3 years ago
source link: https://blog.sigmaprime.io/beacon-fuzz.html
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Sigma Prime was approached by the Ethereum Foundation to lead the development and maintenance of a differential fuzzer for Ethereum 2.0 clients. This document explains our approach for the proposed differential fuzzer, and defines the upcoming milestones for this project.


Fuzz testing (or fuzzing) is a process that allows the identification of bugs (not just security-related bugs) by providing randomised and unexpected data inputs to software, with the goal of causing crashes (or in Rust, panics) and other unexpected behaviours (e.g. memory leaks).

Popular modern fuzzing frameworks, including AFL and libFuzzer, allow for several types of fuzzing:

  • In-process fuzzing: the fuzzing engine executes the target many times with multiple data inputs in the same process. It must tolerate any kind of input (empty, huge, malformed, etc);
  • White-box fuzzing: the fuzzing toolset leverages compiler instrumentation and requires access to the source code
  • Coverage-guided fuzzing: for every input/test case, the fuzzing framework tracks code paths (sections of the code which have been reached), and produces variants of each test case to generate additional input data with the goal of increasing code coverage.

Sigma Prime has been utilising libFuzzer on Lighthouse to identify vulnerabilities which affect our crates and our dependencies. This process has been successful in identifying multiple bugs, some of which were caused by upstream dependencies used by various projects in the Blockchain space (refer to our fuzzing update and the security section of our Lighthouse updates for more details).

Differential fuzzing is the process of fuzz testing multiple implementations of the same specification and detecting any deviation/differences between the outputs produced by each of these implementations.

In May 2019, the Ethereum Foundation engaged Guido Vranken to build a platform that allows differential fuzzing to be performed across the various Ethereum 2.0 clients. This work leveraged libFuzzer, and focussed on fuzzing ZRNT and Pyspec, the Go and Python executable Ethereum 2.0 specification.

Vranken’s work leverages libFuzzer by creating modules (1 module per implementation to be fuzzed), orchestrated in C++, to be provided the same fuzzing input.


Since September 2019, Sigma Prime (primarily Nathaniel Jensen) has been building upon Guido Vranken’s prior work by:

  • Analysing the long-term maintainability of the differential fuzzing platform and exploring other potential options to achieve the same goals;
  • Upgrading the fuzzing targets to match the latest version of the Ethereum 2.0 specification (version 0.8.3 at the time of writing);
  • Adding more fuzzing targets;
  • Establishing a set of valid inputs (corpora) to be used by the differential fuzzer.

Sigma Prime’s work on the differential fuzzer, named beacon-fuzz, is accessible at the following repositories:

Beacon-fuzz currently runs the following fuzzing targets:

  • block: process_block()
  • block_header: process_block_header()
  • attestation: process_attestation()
  • shuffle: compute_shuffled_index()

Implementations are now loading a BeaconState from file through a pre-processing function that uses a state_id reference and passes the relevant state to the different fuzz targets.

The four fuzzing targets currently support implementations from ZRNT, Pyspec, and Lighthouse.

Upcoming Milestones

Coverage tracking and optimisation is a main priority. We’re adding more valid inputs to the corpora (refer to the https://github.com/sigp/beacon-fuzz-corpora repository) and are exploring adding valid post-states (Beacon states generated after a valid state transition) to the BeaconState corpus.

Specifically, we are working on adding support for the following epoch state transition related functions in new fuzzing targets:

  • process_justification_and_finalization
  • process_final_updates
  • process_slashings
  • process_registry_updates
  • process_rewards_and_penalties

We’re also ensuring consistent behaviour in the various implementations when returning empty byte arrays as opposed to uninitialized pointers.

Sigma Prime is also exploring the possibility of creating custom libFuzzer mutators to enable structure-aware mutation-based fuzzing. Custom mutators can be considered as libFuzzer plugins and are user-defined functions which perform the following:

  • Parses the input data following a defined scheme (or grammar)
  • Performs mutations of the parsed data (by leveraging libFuzzer mutations)
  • Encodes (in our case, SSZ-serialises) the mutated data

This approach should provide greater coverage by generating and mutating valid beacon states.

The plan is to progressively onboard all Eth2 implementations:

  • Nimbus
  • Prysm
  • Trinity
  • Shasper
  • Artemis/Harmony
  • Lodestar

We have started reaching out to the development teams listed above to integrate their respective clients.


We're very excited to further contribute to the Eth2 security ecosystem beyond Lighthouse and proud to have received a grant from the Ethereum Foundation to support this effort. We're looking forward to sharing updates about this project on a monthly basis with a focus on documenting the technical challenges and keeping the community informed on the latest developments. We will also actively be seeking input and feedback from experts in the fuzzing and Ethereum security communities. If you want to help, please feel free to DM me on Twitter!

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