Language extensions of Arend

 3 years ago
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Language extensions of Arend

2020, May 16 by Tesla Ice Zhang

Last article I talked about basic functionality of Arend. This time let’s take a look at its Java FFI, aka language extension. I’m writing this because I didn’t yet see any similar intros – in the official documentation, it describes language extension as:

A language extension is a Java class which is invoked during type-checking. This can be used to implement custom operations on the abstract syntax tree which are not supported by the language. They can also be used to implement various decision procedures for proof automation. To do this, you’ll need Arend API (you can also download its sources).

Well, neither examples nor demos. In the tracking issue of Arend language extension, there is no description on the feature anywhere. Though the standard library has implemented a number of language extensions, which can serve as a great demo. I want to do this because there tends to be cloud-programmers(*) who want to know about Arend but were too busy to do so.

(*) cloud-programmers: programmers who only read documentation of something but never really used it (or only played with hello-world level programs with it). They will make false claims based on their assumptions of certain technologies and mess up the communities because fake information spreads the fastest. Don’t try to Google it (**), it’s transliterated from a Chinese meme.

(**) Interestingly, I googled it and the result says Clojure is a math language. Made my day.

We’ll create an Arend project with Java FFI.

Disclaimer. The content of this article might (though not likely) be obsolete in the future because it uses unreleased APIs, but I’ll try my best to keep the code examples up-to-date when things changed.

What is a language extension?

Well, the above text quoted from the documentation explains it well.

Example project


Now, you need to obtain the following stuffs:

  1. Any JDK of version >= 11 and any proper Java development environment
  2. Arend compiler fat jar, dev version (or maybe a release version when 1.4 is out) (I’m using 840e4c0fdd4889b2201736a3258e5e48fb98e67b)
  3. Arend API and optionally its sources

To obtain the latter two, you can:

Now, you’ll have the following jars:

  • Arend compiler
    • cli-1.3.0-full.jar
  • Arend API
    • api-1.3.0.jar
    • api-1.3.0-sources.jar (optional)

We’re gonna first create a simple function similar to the following Arend pseudo code:

\module Tesla.Meta {
  \func test => <some function body>

The function body cannot be implemented in Arend code, and it will “take any number of arguments, but just return 114514”.

Create a proper Java project

Now, let’s create a Java project with your favorite Java IDE (or via cli, if you’d like to), with the Arend API jar(s). I’m using IntelliJ IDEA for this – and I have the following project structure (after a clean build):

- .idea
- lib
  - api-1.3.0.jar
  - api-1.3.0-sources.jar
- out
  - production/IntroLangExt
    - org/ice1000/arend/ext
      - MyExt.class
- src
  - org/ice1000/arend/ext
    - MyExt.java

And, I have MyExt.java like this, as an initial extension:

package org.ice1000.arend.ext;

import org.arend.ext.*;
import org.arend.ext.module.*;
import org.arend.ext.concrete.*;
import org.arend.ext.dependency.*;
import org.arend.ext.reference.*;

public class MyExt extends DefaultArendExtension {
  public void declareDefinitions(DefinitionContributor contributor) {
    // TODO create some definition

A class implementing ArendExtension (or extending DefaultArendExtension) will be the entry point of a language extension. You can implement a lot of stuffs (and there will be more in the future), but we’re only gonna create Arend functions in Java this time. Btw, apart from that, you can also create goal solvers at the moment.

In order to declare language extension with dependencies on an Arend module, Use the annotation org.arend.ext.dependency.Dependency and org.arend.ext.dependency.ArendDependencyLoader#load (can be use in org.arend.ext.ArendExtension#load).

Now, we can invoke contributor::declare in the body of MyExt to create our own Arend definitions in Java.

Create an Arend function

An Arend function is usually a class that implements org.arend.ext.typechecking.MetaDefinition (there’s an alternative base definition BaseMetaDefinition). Let’s create it, namely TestDef.java:

package org.ice1000.arend.ext;

import org.arend.ext.ArendPrelude;
import org.arend.ext.concrete.*;
import org.arend.ext.concrete.expr.*;
import org.arend.ext.typechecking.*;

public class TestDef extends BaseMetaDefinition {
  public TypedExpression invokeMeta(ExpressionTypechecker typechecker, ContextData contextData) {
    // TODO
    return null;

The contextData parameter gives you the arguments passed to our Java FFI definition, while the typechecker allows you to obtain well-typed core expressions (say, TypedExpression) from concrete expressions (that you can easily create by yourself).

Attention. Never implement any interfaces in org.arend.ext.concrete or org.arend.ext.core. Always use Arend API do obtain expressions!

In order to use the Nat type from the Prelude module, we need to obtain an instance of ArendPrelude. In order to create concrete expressions, we need an instance of ConcreteFactory. They can be obtained in ArendExtension, so we add the following to MyExt:

private ArendPrelude prelude;
private ConcreteFactory factory;

public void setConcreteFactory(ConcreteFactory factory) {
  this.factory = factory;

public void setPrelude(ArendPrelude prelude) {
  this.prelude = prelude;

These setters will be invoked by the Arend compiler. Then, we create a constructor of with the required fields in our TestDef:

private final MyExt ext;

public TestDef(MyExt ext) {
  this.ext = ext;

Implement the Arend function

Then, we implement invokeMeta:

public TypedExpression invokeMeta(ExpressionTypechecker typechecker, ContextData contextData) {
  var nat = ext.factory.ref(ext.prelude.getNat().getRef());
  var checkedNat = Objects.requireNonNull(typechecker.typecheck(nat, null));
  var num = ext.factory.number(114514);
  return typechecker.typecheck(num, checkedNat.getExpression());

In the four lines of the function body, we:

  1. Line 0
  2. Get a reference to the Nat type (ArendRef) by prelude.getNat().getRef()
  3. Use factory.ref to create a ConcreteExpression from an ArendRef
  4. Line 1
  5. Use typechecker.typecheck(nat, null) to check nat against no type
  6. Assert that the typechecking returns a non-null instance of TypedExpression
  7. Line 2
  8. Create a numeric literal 114514 (ConcreteExpression) by factory.number(114514)
  9. Line 3
  10. Use checkedNat.getExpression() to get the type-checked reference to Nat (you can also do checkedNat.getType() to get its type)
  11. Use typechecker.typecheck to check the numeric literal against the type Nat
  12. Return the type-checked result

We ignored all the arguments passed to it, but just return a natural number 114514 typed as Nat (we’re typing it as Nat because numeric literals are polymorphic, they can be Int as well).

Remark. You can do arbitrary things in invokeMeta, such as IO (file, network, process, etc), storing side-effective local states, etc. But it’s recommended in general to be referential-transparent.

Remark. Since you can do IO, you can easily integrate third-party tools into Arend.

Integration into extension

With TestDef we can now implement MyExt. Recall that we’re gonna provide a function test in module Tesla.Meta, so we register the definition in this way:

public void declareDefinitions(DefinitionContributor contributor) {
  var modulePath = ModulePath.fromString("Tesla.Meta");
      "A testing function",
      new TestDef(this)

In the above code, we:

  1. Use ModulePath.fromString("Tesla.Meta") to create a module path Tesla.Meta
  2. Invoke contributor::declare to declare a definition that
    1. is in module Tesla.Meta
    2. is of name test – by passing the name to LongName::fromString
    3. is described as A testing function
    4. is a symbol of the default precedence (like ordinary functions)
    5. is implemented as new TestDef(this)

Then, we build the Java project to obtain the class files.

Create Arend module

Now, let’s invoke it in Arend!

We’re gonna create our Arend module under the root of the Java project, and copy cli-1.3.0-full.jar there (I’m copying it for convenience because I constantly change the cli jar I use. You may also put it somewhere else and use java -jar [path to cli-1.3.0-full.jar] [path to arend.yaml] to check the module):

- ArendMod
  - src
    - Test.ard
  - arend.yaml
  - cli-1.3.0-full.jar
- out
- src
- ... other files and subdirectories omitted

In arend.yaml, we describe our module:

langVersion: 1.3
sourcesDir: src
binariesDir: .bin
extensionsDir: ../out/production/IntroLangExt
extensionMainClass: org.ice1000.arend.ext.MyExt

Then, we put the following Arend code into Test.ard to test our test function in Tesla.Meta:

\import Tesla.Meta

\func boy : Nat => test
\func next : Nat => test 1
\func door : Nat => test boy

Typecheck the extension

To really check it, we open the terminal in the ArendMod directory, and type the following command:

$ java -jar cli-1.3.0-full.jar

[INFO] Loading library prelude
[INFO] Loaded library prelude (215ms)
[INFO] Loading library ArendMod
[INFO] Loaded library ArendMod (130ms)

--- Typechecking ArendMod ---
[ ] Test
--- Done (47ms) ---

Well, seems it worked.

Real-world example

We can use language extension to create some algebra solvers, program synthesizer, etc.

More examples can be found in the standard library – find it on GitHub. One extension in the stdlib I’d like to talk about is $ – it’s the same thing as the one in Haskell, but it’s not implemented as a function as in Agda or Idris.

Here’s the definition in Agda:

_$_ : ∀ {A : Set a} {B : A → Set b} →
      ((x : A) → B x) → ((x : A) → B x)
f $ x = f x

Look at its type signature. It’s very complicated in comparison to Haskell’s, but serves no more functionality than an alternative to parenthesis. Also, there’s one implicit parameter which can be solved only with higher-order unification. So, it’s an overkill in dependent type systems.

In Idris (maybe they’re aware of the overkill-ness of the problem), it became part of the syntax to avoid letting the compiler to solve a complicated implicit argument like in Agda (code taken from src/Idris/Parser/Ops.hs):

-- | Creates table for fixity declarations to build expression parser
-- using pre-build and user-defined operator/fixity declarations
table :: [FixDecl] -> [[P.Operator IdrisParser PTerm]]
table fixes
   = [[prefix "-" negateExpr]] ++
      toTable (reverse fixes) ++
      [binary "$" P.InfixR $ \fc _ x y -> flatten $ PApp fc x [pexp y]],
      [binary "=" P.InfixL $ \fc _ x y -> PApp fc (PRef fc [fc] eqTy) [pexp x, pexp y]],

However, making it part of the syntax disables users from changing its name. Also, it’s impossible to eliminate it (since we can hide Prelude functions in Haskell, and we can avoid importing Function._$_ in Agda).

In Arend, $ is a language extension (in the stdlib) that simply creates an application expression with two of its arguments, provided as an infix operator, neither polluting the syntax nor burdening the unifier.

If you’re curious about the actual implementation, here’s a copy:

package org.arend.lib.meta;

import org.arend.ext.concrete.expr.ConcreteArgument;
import org.arend.ext.concrete.expr.ConcreteExpression;
import org.arend.ext.typechecking.BaseMetaDefinition;
import org.arend.ext.typechecking.ContextData;
import org.arend.ext.typechecking.ExpressionTypechecker;
import org.arend.ext.typechecking.TypedExpression;
import org.arend.lib.StdExtension;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;

import java.util.List;

public class ApplyMeta extends BaseMetaDefinition {
  private final StdExtension ext;

  public ApplyMeta(StdExtension ext) {
    this.ext = ext;

  public boolean[] argumentExplicitness() {
    return new boolean[] { true };

  public @Nullable ConcreteExpression getConcreteRepresentation(@NotNull List<? extends ConcreteArgument> arguments) {
    return ext.factory.app(arguments.get(0).getExpression(), arguments.subList(1, arguments.size()));

  public @Nullable TypedExpression invokeMeta(@NotNull ExpressionTypechecker typechecker, @NotNull ContextData contextData) {
    List<? extends ConcreteArgument> args = contextData.getArguments();
    return typechecker.typecheck(ext.factory.withData(contextData.getReferenceExpression().getData()).app(args.get(0).getExpression(), args.subList(1, args.size())), contextData.getExpectedType());

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