Compiling a Lisp: Labelled procedure calls

 3 years ago
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Compiling a Lisp: Labelled procedure calls

October 29, 2020


Welcome back to the Compiling a Lisp series. Last time, we learned about Intel instruction encoding. This time, we’re going to use that knowledge to compile procedure calls.

The usual function expression in Lisp is a lambda — an anonymous function that can take arguments and close over variables. Procedure calls are not this. They are simpler constructs that just take arguments and return values.

We’re adding procedure calls first as a stepping stone to full closure support. This will help us get some kind of internal calling convention established and stack manipulation figured out before things get too complicated.

After this post, we will be able to support programs like the following:

(labels ((add (code (x y) (+ x y)))
         (sub (code (x y) (- x y))))
    (labelcall sub 4 (labelcall add 1 2)))
; => 1

and even this snazzy factorial function:

(labels ((factorial (code (x) 
            (if (< x 2) 1 (* x (labelcall factorial (- x 1)))))))
    (labelcall factorial 5))
; => 120

These are fairly pedestrian snippets of code but they demonstrate some new features we are adding, like:

  • A new labels form that all programs will now have to look like
  • A new code form for describing procedures and their parameters
  • A new labelcall expression for calling procedures

Ghuloum does not explain why he does this, but I imagine that the labels form was chosen over allowing multiple separate top-level bindings because it is easier to parse and traverse.

Big ideas

In order to compile a program, we are going to traverse every binding in the labels. For each binding, we will generate code for each code object.

Compiling code objects requires making an environment for their parameters. We’ll establish a calling convention later so that our compiler knows where to find the parameters.

Then, once we’ve emitted all the code for the bindings, we will compile the body. The body may, but is not required to, contain a labelcall expression.

In order to compile a labelcall expression, we will compile all of the arguments provided, save them in consecutive locations on the stack, and then emit a call instruction.

When all of these pieces come together, the resulting machine code will look something like this:

mov rsi, rdi  # prologue

You can see that all of the code objects will be compiled in sequence, followed by the body of the labels form.

Because I have not yet figured out how to start executing at somewhere other than the beginning of the generated code, and because I don't store generated code in any intermediate buffers, and because we don't know the sizes of any code in advance, I do this funky thing where I emit a `jmp` to the body code. If you, dear reader, have a better solution, please let me know.

Edit: jsmith45 gave me the encouragement I needed to work on this again. It turns out that storing the code offset of the beginning of the main_code (the labels body) adding that to the buf->address works just fine. I’ll explain more below.

A calling convention

We’re not going to use the System V AMD64 ABI. That calling convention requires that parameters are passed first in certain registers, and then on the stack. Instead, we will pass all parameters on the stack.

This makes our code simpler, but it also means that at some point later on, we will have to add a different kind of calling convention so that we can call foreign functions (like printf, or exit, or something). Those functions expect their parameters in registers. We’ll worry about that later.

If we borrow and adapt the excellent diagrams from the Ghuloum tutorial, this means that right before we make a procedure call, our stack will look like this:

Stack illustration courtesy of Leonard.

You can see the first return point at [rsp]. This is the return point placed by the caller of the current function.

Above that are whatever local variables we have declared with let or perhaps are intermediate values from some computation.

Above that is a blank space reserved for the second return point. This is the return point for the about-to-be-called function. The call instruction will fill in after evaluating all the arguments.

Above the return point are all the outgoing arguments. They will appear as locals for the procedure being called.

Finally, above the arguments, is untouched free stack space.

The call instruction decrements rsp and then writes to [rsp]. This means that if we just emitted a call, the first local would be overwritten. No good. Worse, the way the stack would be laid out would mean that the locals would look like arguments.

In order to solve this problem, we need to first adjust rsp to point to the last local. That way the decrement will move it below the local and the return address will go between the locals and the arguments.

After the call instruction, the stack will look different. Nothing will have actually changed, except for rsp. This change to rsp means that the callee has a different view:

Stack illustration courtesy of Leonard.

The empty colored in spaces below the return point indicate that the values on the stack are “hidden” from view, since they are above (higher addresses than) [rsp]. The called function will not be able to access those values.

If the called function wants to use one of its arguments, it can pull it off the stack from its designated location.

One unfortunate consequence of this calling convention is that Valgrind does not understand it. Valgrind cannot understand that the caller has placed data on the stack specifically for the callee to read it, and thinks this is a move/jump of an uninitialized value. This means that we get some errors now on these labelcall tests.

Eventually, when the function returns, the ret instruction will pop the return point off the stack and jump to it. This will bring us back to the previous call frame.

That’s that! I have yet to find a good tool that will let me visualize the stack as a program is executing. GDB probably has a mode hidden away somewhere undocumented that does exactly this. Cutter sort of does, but it’s finicky in ways I don’t really understand. Maybe one day Kartik’s x86-64 Mu fork will be able to do this.

Building procedure calls in small pieces

In order for this set of changes to make sense, I am going to explain all of the pieces one at a time, top-down.

First, we’ll look at the new-and-improved Compile_entry, which has been updated to handle the labels form. This will do the usual Lisp entrypoint setup and some checks about the structure of the AST.

Then, we’ll actually look at compiling the labels. This means going through the bindings one-by-one and compiling their code objects.

Then, we’ll look at what it means to compile a code object. Hint: it’s very much like let.

Last, we’ll tie it all together when compiling the body of the labels form.

Compiling the entrypoint

Most of this code is checking. What used to just compile an expression now validates that what we’ve passed in at least vaguely looks like a well-formed labels form before picking it into its component parts: the bindings and the body.

int Compile_entry(Buffer *buf, ASTNode *node) {
  assert(AST_is_pair(node) && "program must have labels");
  // Assume it's (labels ...)
  ASTNode *labels_sym = AST_pair_car(node);
  assert(AST_is_symbol(labels_sym) && "program must have labels");
  assert(AST_symbol_matches(labels_sym, "labels") &&
         "program must have labels");
  ASTNode *args = AST_pair_cdr(node);
  ASTNode *bindings = operand1(args);
  assert(AST_is_pair(bindings) || AST_is_nil(bindings));
  ASTNode *body = operand2(args);
  return Compile_labels(buf, bindings, body, /*labels=*/NULL);

Compile_entry dispatches to Compile_labels for iterating over all of the labels. Compile_labels is a recursive function that keeps track of all the labels so far in its arguments, so we start it off with an empty labels environment.

Compiling labels

In Compile_labels, we have first a base case: if there are no labels we should just emit the body.

int Compile_labels(Buffer *buf, ASTNode *bindings, ASTNode *body,
                   Env *labels) {
  if (AST_is_nil(bindings)) {
    buf->entrypoint = Buffer_len(buf);
    // Base case: no bindings. Compile the body
    Buffer_write_arr(buf, kEntryPrologue, sizeof kEntryPrologue);
    _(Compile_expr(buf, body, /*stack_index=*/-kWordSize, /*varenv=*/NULL,
    Buffer_write_arr(buf, kFunctionEpilogue, sizeof kFunctionEpilogue);
    return 0;
  // ...

We also set the buffer entrypoint location to the position where we’re going to emit the body of the labels. We’ll use this later when executing, or later in the series when we emit ELF binaries. You’ll have to add a field word entrypoint to your Buffer struct.

We pass in an empty varenv, since we are not accumulating any locals along the way; only labels. For the same reason, we give a stack_index of -kWordSize — the first slot.

If we do have labels, on the other hand, we should deal with the first label. This means:

  • pulling out the name and the code object
  • binding the name to the code location (the current location)
  • compiling the code

And then from there we deal with the others recursively.

int Compile_labels(Buffer *buf, ASTNode *bindings, ASTNode *body,
                   Env *labels) {
  // ....
  // Get the next binding
  ASTNode *binding = AST_pair_car(bindings);
  ASTNode *name = AST_pair_car(binding);
  ASTNode *binding_code = AST_pair_car(AST_pair_cdr(binding));
  word function_location = Buffer_len(buf);
  // Bind the name to the location in the instruction stream
  Env entry = Env_bind(AST_symbol_cstr(name), function_location, labels);
  // Compile the binding function
  _(Compile_code(buf, binding_code, &entry));
  return Compile_labels(buf, AST_pair_cdr(bindings), body, &entry);

It’s important to note that we are binding before we compile the code object and we are making the code location available before it is compiled! This means that code objects can reference themselves and even recursively call themselves.

Since we then pass that binding into labels for the recursive call, it also means that labels can access all labels defined before them, too.

Now let’s figure out what it means to compile a code object.

Compiling code

I split this into two functions: one helper that pulls apart code objects (I didn’t want to do that in labels because I thought it would clutter the meaning), and one recursive function that does the work of putting the parameters in the environment.

So Compile_code just pulls apart the (code (x y z ...) body) into the formal parameters and the body. Since Compile_code_impl will need to recursively build up information about the stack_index and varenv, we supply those.

int Compile_code(Buffer *buf, ASTNode *code, Env *labels) {
  ASTNode *code_sym = AST_pair_car(code);
  assert(AST_symbol_matches(code_sym, "code"));
  ASTNode *args = AST_pair_cdr(code);
  ASTNode *formals = operand1(args);
  ASTNode *code_body = operand2(args);
  return Compile_code_impl(buf, formals, code_body, /*stack_index=*/-kWordSize,
                           /*varenv=*/NULL, labels);

I said this would be like let. What I meant by that was that, like let bodies, code objects have “locals” — the formal parameters. We have to bind the names of the parameters to successive stack locations, as per our calling convention.

In the base case, we do not have any formals, so we compile the body:

int Compile_code_impl(Buffer *buf, ASTNode *formals, ASTNode *body,
                      word stack_index, Env *varenv, Env *labels) {
  if (AST_is_nil(formals)) {
    _(Compile_expr(buf, body, stack_index, varenv, labels));
    Buffer_write_arr(buf, kFunctionEpilogue, sizeof kFunctionEpilogue);
    return 0;
  // ...

We also emit this function epilogue, which right now is just ret. I got rid of the push rbp/mov rbp, rsp/pop rbp dance because we switched to using rsp only instead. I alluded to this in the previous instruction encoding interlude post.

In the case where we have at least one formals, we bind the name to the stack location and go on our merry way.

int Compile_code_impl(Buffer *buf, ASTNode *formals, ASTNode *body,
                      word stack_index, Env *varenv, Env *labels) {
  // ...
  ASTNode *name = AST_pair_car(formals);
  Env entry = Env_bind(AST_symbol_cstr(name), stack_index, varenv);
  return Compile_code_impl(buf, AST_pair_cdr(formals), body,
                           stack_index - kWordSize, &entry, labels);

That’s it! That’s how you compile procedures.

Compiling labelcalls

What use are procedures if we can’t call them? Let’s figure out how to compile procedure calls.

Code for calling a procedure must put the arguments and return address on the stack precisely how the called procedure expects them.

Getting this contract right can be tricky. I spent several frustrated hours getting this to not crash. Then, even though it didn’t crash, it returned bad data. It turns out that I was overwriting the return address by accident and returning to someplace strange instead.

Making handmade diagrams that track the changes to rsp and the stack really helps with understanding calling convention bugs.

We’ll start off by dumping yet more code into Compile_call. This code will look for something of the form (labelcall name ...).

Before calling into a helper function Compile_labelcall, we get two bits of information ready:

  • arg_stack_index, which is the first place on the stack where args are supposed to go. Since we’re skipping a space for the return address, this is one more than the current (available) slot index.
  • rsp_adjust, which is the amount that we’re going to have to, well, adjust rsp. Without locals from let or incoming arguments from a procedure call, this will be 0. With locals and/or arguments, this will be the total amount of space taken up by those.

Then we call Compile_labelcall.

int Compile_call(Buffer *buf, ASTNode *callable, ASTNode *args,
                 word stack_index, Env *varenv, Env *labels) {
    // ...
    if (AST_symbol_matches(callable, "labelcall")) {
      ASTNode *label = operand1(args);
      ASTNode *call_args = AST_pair_cdr(args);
      // Skip a space on the stack to put the return address
      word arg_stack_index = stack_index - kWordSize;
      // We enter Compile_call with a stack_index pointing to the next
      // available spot on the stack. Add kWordSize (stack_index is negative)
      // so that it is only a multiple of the number of locals N, not N+1.
      word rsp_adjust = stack_index + kWordSize;
      return Compile_labelcall(buf, label, call_args, arg_stack_index, varenv,
                               labels, rsp_adjust);
    // ...

Compile_labelcall is one of those fun recursive functions we write so frequently. Its job is to compile all of the arguments and store their results in successive stack locations.

In the base case, it has no arguments to compile. It should just adjust the stack pointer, call the procedure, adjust the stack pointer back, and return.

void Emit_rsp_adjust(Buffer *buf, word adjust) {
  if (adjust < 0) {
    Emit_sub_reg_imm32(buf, kRsp, -adjust);
  } else if (adjust > 0) {
    Emit_add_reg_imm32(buf, kRsp, adjust);

int Compile_labelcall(Buffer *buf, ASTNode *callable, ASTNode *args,
                      word stack_index, Env *varenv, Env *labels,
                      word rsp_adjust) {
  if (AST_is_nil(args)) {
    word code_address;
    if (!Env_find(labels, AST_symbol_cstr(callable), &code_address)) {
      return -1;
    // Save the locals
    Emit_rsp_adjust(buf, rsp_adjust);
    Emit_call_imm32(buf, code_address);
    // Unsave the locals
    Emit_rsp_adjust(buf, -rsp_adjust);
    return 0;
  // ...

Emit_rsp_adjust is a convenience function that takes some stack adjustment delta. If it’s negative, it will issue a sub instruction. If it’s positive, an add. Otherwise, it’ll do nothing.

In the case with arguments, we should compile them one at a time:

int Compile_labelcall(Buffer *buf, ASTNode *callable, ASTNode *args,
                      word stack_index, Env *varenv, Env *labels,
                      word rsp_adjust) {
  // ...
  ASTNode *arg = AST_pair_car(args);
  _(Compile_expr(buf, arg, stack_index, varenv, labels));
  Emit_store_reg_indirect(buf, Ind(kRsp, stack_index), kRax);
  return Compile_labelcall(buf, callable, AST_pair_cdr(args),
                           stack_index - kWordSize, varenv, labels, rsp_adjust);

There, that wasn’t so bad, was it? I mean, if you manage to get it right the first time. I certainly did not. In fact, I gave up on the first version of this compiler many months ago because I could not get procedure calls right. With this post, I have now made it past that particular thorny milestone!

One last thing: we’ll need to update the code that converts buf->address into a function pointer. We have to use the buf->entrypoint we set earlier.

uword Testing_execute_entry(Buffer *buf, uword *heap) {
  assert(buf != NULL);
  assert(buf->address != NULL);
  assert(buf->state == kExecutable);
  // The pointer-pointer cast is allowed but the underlying
  // data-to-function-pointer back-and-forth is only guaranteed to work on
  // POSIX systems (because of eg dlsym).
  byte *start_address = buf->address + buf->entrypoint;
  JitFunction function = *(JitFunction *)(&start_address);
  return function(heap);

Let’s test our implementation. Maybe these tests will help you.


I won’t include all the tests in this post, but a full battery of tests is available in compile-procedures.c. Here are some of them.

First, we should check that compiling code objects works:

TEST compile_code_with_two_params(Buffer *buf) {
  ASTNode *node = Reader_read("(code (x y) (+ x y))");
  int compile_result = Compile_code(buf, node, /*labels=*/NULL);
  ASSERT_EQ(compile_result, 0);
  // clang-format off
  byte expected[] = {
      // mov rax, [rsp-16]
      0x48, 0x8b, 0x44, 0x24, 0xf0,
      // mov [rsp-24], rax
      0x48, 0x89, 0x44, 0x24, 0xe8,
      // mov rax, [rsp-8]
      0x48, 0x8b, 0x44, 0x24, 0xf8,
      // add rax, [rsp-24]
      0x48, 0x03, 0x44, 0x24, 0xe8,
      // ret
  // clang-format on
  EXPECT_EQUALS_BYTES(buf, expected);

As expected, this takes the first argument in [rsp-8] and second in [rsp-16], storing a temporary in [rsp-24]. This test does not test execution because I did not want to write the testing infrastructure for manually setting up procedure calls.

Second, we should check that defining labels works:

TEST compile_labels_with_one_label(Buffer *buf) {
  ASTNode *node = Reader_read("(labels ((const (code () 5))) 1)");
  int compile_result = Compile_entry(buf, node);
  ASSERT_EQ(compile_result, 0);
  // clang-format off
  byte expected[] = {
      // mov rax, compile(5)
      0x48, 0xc7, 0xc0, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
      // ret
      // mov rsi, rdi
      0x48, 0x89, 0xfe,
      // mov rax, 0x2
      0x48, 0xc7, 0xc0, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
      // ret
  // clang-format on
  EXPECT_EQUALS_BYTES(buf, expected);
  uword result = Testing_execute_entry(buf, /*heap=*/NULL);
  ASSERT_EQ_FMT(Object_encode_integer(1), result, "0x%lx");

This tests for a jump over the compiled procedure bodies (CHECK!), emitting compiled procedure bodies (CHECK!), and emitting the body of the labels form (CHECK!). This one we can execute.

Third, we should check that passing arguments to procedures works:

TEST compile_labelcall_with_one_param(Buffer *buf) {
  ASTNode *node = Reader_read("(labels ((id (code (x) x))) (labelcall id 5))");
  int compile_result = Compile_entry(buf, node);
  ASSERT_EQ(compile_result, 0);
  // clang-format off
  byte expected[] = {
      // mov rax, [rsp-8]
      0x48, 0x8b, 0x44, 0x24, 0xf8,
      // ret
      // mov rsi, rdi
      0x48, 0x89, 0xfe,
      // mov rax, compile(5)
      0x48, 0xc7, 0xc0, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
      // mov [rsp-16], rax
      0x48, 0x89, 0x44, 0x24, 0xf0,
      // call `id`
      0xe8, 0xe6, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
      // ret
  // clang-format on
  EXPECT_EQUALS_BYTES(buf, expected);
  uword result = Testing_execute_entry(buf, /*heap=*/NULL);
  ASSERT_EQ_FMT(Object_encode_integer(5), result, "0x%lx");

This tests that we put the arguments in the right stack locations (skipping a space for the return address), emit a call to the right relative address, and that the call returns successfully. All check!!

Fourth, we should check that we adjust the stack when we have locals:

TEST compile_labelcall_with_one_param_and_locals(Buffer *buf) {
  ASTNode *node = Reader_read(
      "(labels ((id (code (x) x))) (let ((a 1)) (labelcall id 5)))");
  int compile_result = Compile_entry(buf, node);
  ASSERT_EQ(compile_result, 0);
  // clang-format off
  byte expected[] = {
      // mov rax, [rsp-8]
      0x48, 0x8b, 0x44, 0x24, 0xf8,
      // ret
      // mov rsi, rdi
      0x48, 0x89, 0xfe,
      // mov rax, compile(1)
      0x48, 0xc7, 0xc0, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
      // mov [rsp-8], rax
      0x48, 0x89, 0x44, 0x24, 0xf8,
      // mov rax, compile(5)
      0x48, 0xc7, 0xc0, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
      // mov [rsp-24], rax
      0x48, 0x89, 0x44, 0x24, 0xe8,
      // sub rsp, 8
      0x48, 0x81, 0xec, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
      // call `id`
      0xe8, 0xd3, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
      // add rsp, 8
      0x48, 0x81, 0xc4, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
      // ret
  // clang-format on
  EXPECT_EQUALS_BYTES(buf, expected);
  uword result = Testing_execute_entry(buf, /*heap=*/NULL);
  ASSERT_EQ_FMT(Object_encode_integer(5), result, "0x%lx");

This tests the presence of sub and add instructions for adjusting rsp. It also tests that that did not mess up our stack frame for returning to the caller of the Lisp entrypoint — the test harness.

Fifth, we should check that procedures can refer to procedures defined before them:

TEST compile_multilevel_labelcall(Buffer *buf) {
  ASTNode *node =
      Reader_read("(labels ((add (code (x y) (+ x y)))"
                  "         (add2 (code (x y) (labelcall add x y))))"
                  "    (labelcall add2 1 2))");
  int compile_result = Compile_entry(buf, node);
  ASSERT_EQ(compile_result, 0);
  uword result = Testing_execute_entry(buf, /*heap=*/NULL);
  ASSERT_EQ_FMT(Object_encode_integer(3), result, "0x%lx");

And last, but definitely not least, we should check that procedures can refer to themselves:

TEST compile_factorial_labelcall(Buffer *buf) {
  ASTNode *node = Reader_read(
      "(labels ((factorial (code (x) "
      "            (if (< x 2) 1 (* x (labelcall factorial (- x 1)))))))"
      "    (labelcall factorial 5))");
  int compile_result = Compile_entry(buf, node);
  ASSERT_EQ(compile_result, 0);
  uword result = Testing_execute_entry(buf, /*heap=*/NULL);
  ASSERT_EQ_FMT(Object_encode_integer(120), result, "0x%lx");

Ugh, beautiful. Recursion works. Factorial works. I’m so happy.

What’s next?

The logical next step in our journey is to compile lambda expressions. This has some difficulty, notably that lambdas can capture variables from outside the lambda. This means that next time, we will implement closures.

For now, revel in your newfound procedural freedom.

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