mikeash.com: Friday Q&A 2017-10-06: Type-Safe User Defaults

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Type-Safe User Defaults
mikeash.com: just this guy, you know?
Friday Q&A 2017-10-06: Type-Safe User Defaults
by Mike Ash  

It's fun to re-imagine traditional techniques with a Swift twist. I've implemented a type-safe layer on top of the venerable NSUserDefaults, and I'm going to discuss my little library today. Credit/blame for this idea goes to local reader José Vazquez, although he inspired it by accident while talking about something else.

User Defaults
NSUserDefaults, or just UserDefaults in Swift, is a typical dynamically-typed string-oriented Objective-C API. It stores string keys and property list values. This is perfectly fine, but I wanted to do better. I came up with this wishlist:

  1. Keys should be declared, not written ad hoc at the point of use. You can do this with UserDefaults by declaring string constants, but it's easy to get lazy and not do it.
  2. There should be no repetition in the common case. A key's string should automatically be made to match its identifier in the code.
  3. No casting should be required. Keys should have a value type associated with them and the conversion handled internally.
  4. It should interoperate smoothly with values read and written directly through UserDefaults.
  5. Non-plist value types should be supported through Codable.
  6. Default values should be specified as part of the key rather than registered separately.
  7. The value should be made available as a property so that it can be the target of mutating methods and operators.

I managed to hit all of these points, although the implementation is somewhat gnarly.

As usual, the code is available on GitHub if you want to play with it or see it all in one place:


Example Use
Before we get into the implementation, let's take at what it looks like to use this API. That will inform the implementation choices and make it clearer why things work the way they do.

To declare a key, write a struct conforming to the TSUD protocol. Inside, implement a single static property called defaultValue which contains the value to be returned if UserDefaults doesn't contain a value:

    struct fontSize: TSUD {
        static let defaultValue = 12.0

To read or write the value, use the value property on the struct:

    let font = NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: fontSize.value)
    fontSize.value = 14.0

Since value is just a property, you can do disturbing and unnatural things like += to it.

    fontSize.value += 5.0

If you want to be able to detect the lack of a value and handle it specially rather than getting a default value, declare defaultValue to be optional and set it to nil:

    struct username: TSUD {
        static let defaultValue: String? = nil

Then use it like any other optional:

    if let username = username.value {
        field.string = username
    } else {
        username.value = promptForUsername()

By default, TSUD types correspond to a UserDefaults key matching their type name. These examples would be stored under "fontSize" and "username". If you need to override this (for example, because you want to access a key that has a space in it, or you don't like the key's capitalization in your code), implement the stringKey property:

    struct hasWidgets: TSUD {
        static let defaultValue = false
        static let stringKey = "Has Widgets"

Arbitrary Codable types are supported. They are encoded as property list objects:

    struct Person: Codable {
        var name: String
        var quest: String
        var age: Int

    struct testPerson: TSUD {
        static let defaultValue: Person? = nil

If you prefer, you can also use methods to get and set the value:

    if hasWidgets.get() {

These methods allow you to specify the UserDefaults object to work with, in the unlikely event that you want to work with something other than UserDefaults.standard:

    let otherDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: "...")!
    if hasWidgets.get(otherDefaults) {
        // That other thing has widgets!

If you want to access the value in another UserDefaults instance as a mutable value, there's a subscript which takes a UserDefaults instance and provides the value. Unfortunately, Swift doesn't allow static subscripts, so you have to instantiate the key type:

    fontSize()[otherDefaults] += 10.0

We'll start with the protocol itself. It contains an associatedtype for the value type, an empty init method so the type can be instantiated, and the two properties discussed above:

    public protocol TSUD {
        associatedtype ValueType: Codable


        static var defaultValue: ValueType { get }

        static var stringKey: String { get }

We'll provide a default implementation for stringKey that uses the type name:

    public extension TSUD {
        static var stringKey: String {
            let s = String(describing: Self.self)

In certain circumstances, Swift adds a little numeric tag at the end like "hasWidgets #1" If this name contains one, we strip it off. Otherwise we return the name directly:

            if let index = s.index(of: " ") {
                return String(s[..<index])
            } else {
                return s

Later on, we'll need the ability to detect whether a value of ValueType is an Optional set to nil. This is not as easy as checking it with == nil, because it needs to work with arbitrary types wrapped in an Optional. The best technique I could find was to create a small protocol with an isNil property, and make Optional conform to it. Code that wants to check for nil can attempt to cast to the protocol, check isNil on success, and assume false on failure:

    private protocol OptionalP {
        var isNil: Bool { get }

    extension Optional: OptionalP {
        var isNil: Bool { return self == nil }

The main API of TSUD is implemented in an extension:

    extension TSUD {

Getting and setting the value is implemented with subscripting. This calls helper methods to encode and decode the value:

        public subscript(nsud: UserDefaults) -> ValueType {
            get {
                return decode(nsud.object(forKey: Self.stringKey)) ?? Self.defaultValue
            nonmutating set {
                nsud.set(encode(newValue), forKey: Self.stringKey)

The get and set methods call through to the subscript. Because these are static methods and we can't have a static subscript, these instantiate self using the empty init() in the protocol:

        public static func get(_ nsud: UserDefaults = .standard) -> ValueType {
            return self.init()[nsud]

        public static func set(_ value: ValueType, _ nsud: UserDefaults = .standard) {
            self.init()[nsud] = value

value is a computed property that calls get and set:

        public static var value: ValueType {
            get {
                return get()
            set {

The encode method takes care of transforming a value to a property list object suitable for UserDefaults:

        private func encode(_ value: ValueType) -> Any? {

There are some special cases to handle. First, if ValueType is an optional and value contains nil, we return nil:

            switch value {
            case let value as OptionalP where value.isNil: return nil

Date and Data are returned unchanged. For some reason, Date's implementation of Codable encodes its value as a raw number, even though property lists support Date values natively. Likewise, Data encodes its value as an array of numbers even though Data is a valid property list type. We get past that by avoiding any encoding for these types. It's possible that more property list types need this treatment, in which case it's easy to add them here:

            case is Date: return value
            case is Data: return value

All other values get encoded. We use PropertyListEncoder to encode the value:

                let data = try? PropertyListEncoder().encode([value])

If this fails, we'll return nil:

                guard let dataUnwrapped = data else { return nil }

You'll notice that we're not encoding the value directly, but rather an array containing the value. For some reason, PropertyListEncoder does not support numbers or dates as top-level objects. Wrapping them in an array convinces it to work. We'll extract it back out afterwards.

Unfortunately, there's a bit of an impedence mismatch here. PropertyListEncoder produces binary data in property list format, but we want property list objects which can be passed to UserDefaults. We'll turn that data back into objects by using PropertyListSerialization:

                let wrappedPlist = (try? PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: dataUnwrapped, options: [], format: nil)) as? [Any]

This is really ugly. It's unfortunate that PropertyListEncoder doesn't have an option to skip the serialization step and provide objects directly. We could make our own, but that's more ambitious than I was willing to get for this.

Once we have the property list object, we can index into the wrapper array to fetch the object we actually want:

                return wrappedPlist?[0]

            let data = try? PropertyListEncoder().encode([value])
            guard let dataUnwrapped = data else { return nil }
            let wrappedPlist = (try? PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: dataUnwrapped, options: [], format: nil)) as? [Any]
            return wrappedPlist?[0]

Decoding is the same thing in reverse. The decode method takes an optional to make it easier to handle nil from UserDefaults. It returns a nil value in that case:

        private func decode(_ plist: Any?) -> ValueType? {
            guard let plist = plist else { return nil }

As with encoding, decoding a Date or Data is special-cased to pass the value through:

            switch ValueType.self {
            case is Date.Type,
                 is Data.Type:
                return plist as? ValueType

For all other values, we'll use PropertyListDecoder. As with the encoder, there's no way to have PropertyListDecoder work on property list objects directly. It only works with data, so we have to encode the object as data, then decode that:

                let data = try? PropertyListSerialization.data(fromPropertyList: plist, format: .binary, options: 0)
                guard let dataUnwrapped = data else { return nil }
                return try? PropertyListDecoder().decode(ValueType.self, from: dataUnwrapped)

Unlike the encoder, the decoder is perfectly happy with a top-level number or date, so the array dance is not necessary on this end.

With encoding and decoding implemented, we've reached the end!

This was a fun project for an NSCoderNight, and it's interesting to see just how far it can go. The result ends up looking pretty nice, although the problem it's solving isn't particularly pressing. This code is mostly intended as an educational experiment, but it could be used for practical purposes too.

That's it for today. Come back again for more terrifying tales of coding bravery. Friday Q&A is driven by reader ideas (some of them accidental), so as always, if you have a topic you'd like to see covered here, please send it in!

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In let otherDefaults = UserDefaults(suitName: "...")! shouldn't that be suiteName?

Re: Optionals, why did you need the isNil property versus treating it as an enum with something like case let value as Optional where .none (except, you know, correct syntax that I don't remember because pattern matching syntax in Swift is weird)?
Man, you really can tell when I just write code directly in the article and don't compile it. Fixed, thanks.

Your proposal for nil checking doesn't work because you can't use the bare Optional type. You have to specialize it. So you can do as Optional<Int> or as Optional<String> but you'd have to write out every type you wanted to handle.
Ooo, good point. I wonder if that's a limitation of Swift generics or just an algorithmic thing. Feels like the ability to do something similar to C++'s specializations would solve it.
Instead of handling all types, what about handling only the Codable case ?

case let value as Optional<Codable> where value == nil: return nil
Good call. I tried it with Optional<Any> and that failed, but Optional<Codable> appears to work.
I’ve been using SwiftyUserDefaults for a while:

Key differences:
- you have to declare both var name and key name (#2 in your wishlist)
- you can’t provide default value (#6). I made a pull request for that, but it’s ignored
- I think it makes more semantic sense to subscript Defaults to get a value, instead of getting it from a key.value property. It’s clear that you get it from Defaults.
Interesting implementation.
I usually use reflection in order to achieve this.

Using the Objective-C runtime, or a Mirror in Swift.

The goal is to declare usual properties, and let the reflection initialise and update them.

Writing to NSUserDefaults is then done with KVO, for each reflected property, so everything is automatic, you just have to declare the properties.

As an example: https://gist.github.com/macmade/0824d91b1f3a3b095057a40742d50a03
@Macmade That's a beautifully elegant piece of code!
let wrappedPlist = (try? PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: dataUnwrapped, options: [], format: nil)) as? [Any]
This is really ugly. It's unfortunate that PropertyListEncoder doesn't have an option to skip the serialization step and provide objects directly. We could make our own, but that's more ambitious than I was willing to get for this.
Thank you for providing this important information that will add knowledge most especially to the students.
I really Love this amazing site. Thanks for posting
I'm impressed with your content. Keep it up
Great point. I wonder if that's a limitation of Swift generics or just a basic algorithmic. Feels like the idea to do something similar to C++'s specializations would resolve the whole issue.

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