Biro maker Bic buys start-up that digitises your doodles

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2020/12/16/biro-maker-bic-buys-start-up-digitises-doodles/
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Biro maker Bic buys start-up that digitises your doodles

Bic, the French firm behind the popular ballpoint pens, will acquire Rocketbook for $40m

By Matthew Field

16 December 2020 • 3:11pm


Rocketbook develops a re-usable notepad

Credit: Rocketbook

Bic, the French firm behind the popular ballpoint pens, has snapped up a Boston-based company that designs re-usable smart notebooks that can email doodles to a user's smartphone....

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