Not Crying Over Old Code

 3 years ago
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Critiquing My Own

The oldest project I have on github is Tinker (a warcraft 3 hosting bot). Tinker was a hobby project, has about 35 thousand lines of code, and is written in VB.Net. Some would say those facts don’t bode well.

I have a surprisingly good memory for code. Especially when compared to my day to day memory. It’s been years, but I still remember how Tinker is laid out and which classes I had trouble splitting up. Let’s look at one of the classes I remember being okay with, though not particularly happy about: GameServer. It’s been at least a year since I touched it, and years since I made any major changes. Here’s the class’ current code:

Public NotInheritable Class GameServer
    Inherits DisposableWithTask

    Private Shared ReadOnly InitialConnectionTimeout As TimeSpan = 5.Seconds

    Private ReadOnly inQueue As CallQueue = MakeTaskedCallQueue
    Private ReadOnly outQueue As CallQueue = MakeTaskedCallQueue

    Private ReadOnly _clock As IClock
    Private ReadOnly _logger As Logger
    Private ReadOnly _gameSets As New Dictionary(Of UInt32, GameSet)()
    Private ReadOnly _viewGameSets As New ObservableCollection(Of GameSet)(outQueue:=outQueue)
    Private ReadOnly _viewActiveGameSets As New ObservableCollection(Of GameSet)(outQueue:=outQueue)
    Private ReadOnly _viewGames As New ObservableCollection(Of Tuple(Of GameSet, Game))(outQueue:=outQueue)
    Private ReadOnly _viewPlayers As New ObservableCollection(Of Tuple(Of GameSet, Game, Player))(outQueue:=outQueue)

    Public Event PlayerTalked(sender As GameServer, game As Game, player As Player, text As String)
    Public Event PlayerLeft(sender As GameServer, game As Game, gameState As GameState, player As Player, reportedResult As Protocol.PlayerLeaveReason, reasonDescription As String)
    Public Event PlayerSentData(sever As GameServer, game As Game, player As Player, data As Byte())
    Public Event PlayerEntered(sender As GameServer, game As Game, player As Player)

     Private Sub ObjectInvariant()
        Contract.Invariant(_clock IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Invariant(_viewGames IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Invariant(_viewGameSets IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Invariant(_viewActiveGameSets IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Invariant(_viewPlayers IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Invariant(_gameSets IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Invariant(_logger IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Invariant(inQueue IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Invariant(outQueue IsNot Nothing)
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(clock As IClock,
                   Optional logger As Logger = Nothing)
        Contract.Assume(clock IsNot Nothing)
        Me._logger = If(logger, New Logger)
        Me._clock = clock
    End Sub

    Public ReadOnly Property Logger As Logger
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result(Of Logger)() IsNot Nothing)
            Return _logger
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property Clock As IClock
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result(Of IClock)() IsNot Nothing)
            Return _clock
        End Get
    End Property

    '''Handles new connections to the server.'
    Private Async Sub AcceptSocket(socket As W3Socket)
        Contract.Assume(socket IsNot Nothing)

        _logger.Log("Connection from {0}.".Frmt(socket.Name), LogMessageType.Positive)
        Dim socketHandled = New OnetimeLock()

        'Setup initial timeout'
        Call Async Sub()
                 Await _clock.Delay(InitialConnectionTimeout)
                 If Not socketHandled.TryAcquire Then Return
                 socket.Disconnect(expected:=True, reason:="Timeout")
             End Sub

        'Try to read Knock packet'
            Dim data = Await socket.AsyncReadPacket()
            If Not socketHandled.TryAcquire Then Return
            HandleFirstPacket(socket, data)
        Catch ex As Exception
            socket.Disconnect(expected:=False, reason:=ex.Summarize)
        End Try
    End Sub
    Public Function QueueAcceptSocket(socket As W3Socket) As Task
        Contract.Requires(socket IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result(Of Task)() IsNot Nothing)
        Return inQueue.QueueAction(Sub() AcceptSocket(socket))
    End Function
    Private Sub HandleFirstPacket(socket As W3Socket, data As IRist(Of Byte))
        Contract.Requires(socket IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Requires(data IsNot Nothing)
        If data.Count < 4 OrElse data(0) <> Protocol.Packets.PacketPrefix OrElse data(1) <> Protocol.PacketId.Knock Then
            Throw New IO.InvalidDataException("{0} was not a warcraft 3 player connection.".Frmt(socket.Name))
        End If

        Dim pickle = Protocol.ClientPackets.Knock.Jar.ParsePickle(data.SkipExact(4))
        Dim knockData = pickle.Value

        Dim oldSocketName = socket.Name
        _logger.Log(Function() "{0} self-identified as {1} and wants to join game with id = {2}".Frmt(oldSocketName,
                                                                                                      knockData.GameId), LogMessageType.Positive)
        socket.Name = knockData.Name
        _logger.Log(Function() "Received {0} from {1}".Frmt(Protocol.PacketId.Knock, oldSocketName), LogMessageType.DataEvent)
        _logger.Log(Function() "Received {0} from {1}: {2}".Frmt(Protocol.PacketId.Knock, oldSocketName, pickle.Description), LogMessageType.DataParsed)
        inQueue.QueueAction(Sub() OnPlayerIntroduction(knockData, socket))
    End Sub

    '''Handles connecting players that have sent their Knock packet.'
    Private Async Sub OnPlayerIntroduction(knockData As Protocol.KnockData, socket As W3Socket)
        Contract.Assume(knockData IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Assume(socket IsNot Nothing)

        'Get players desired game set'
        If Not _gameSets.ContainsKey(knockData.GameId) Then
            _logger.Log("{0} specified an invalid game id ({1})".Frmt(knockData.Name, knockData.GameId), LogMessageType.Negative)
            socket.Disconnect(expected:=False, reason:="Invalid game id")
        End If
        Dim entry = _gameSets(knockData.GameId)
        Contract.Assume(entry IsNot Nothing)

        'Send player to game set'
            Dim game = Await entry.QueueTryAcceptPlayer(knockData, socket)
            _logger.Log("{0} entered {1}.".Frmt(knockData.Name, game.Name), LogMessageType.Positive)
        Catch ex As Exception
            _logger.Log("A game could not be found for {0}.".Frmt(knockData.Name), LogMessageType.Negative)
            socket.Disconnect(expected:=True, reason:="A game could not be found for {0}.".Frmt(knockData.Name))
        End Try
    End Sub

    Private Function AddGameSet(gameSettings As GameSettings) As GameSet
        Contract.Requires(gameSettings IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result(Of GameSet)() IsNot Nothing)

        Dim id = gameSettings.GameDescription.GameId
        If _gameSets.ContainsKey(id) Then Throw New InvalidOperationException("There is already a server entry with that game id.")
        Dim gameSet = New GameSet(gameSettings, _clock)
        _gameSets(id) = gameSet
        Dim activeAdder As WC3.GameSet.StateChangedEventHandler = Sub(sender, active) inQueue.QueueAction(
                If _viewActiveGameSets.Contains(sender) <> active Then
                    If active Then
                    End If
                End If
            End Sub)
        AddHandler gameSet.StateChanged, activeAdder

        Dim gameLink = gameSet.ObserveGames(
                adder:=Sub(game) inQueue.QueueAction(Sub() _viewGames.Add(Tuple.Create(gameSet, game))),
                remover:=Sub(game) inQueue.QueueAction(Sub() _viewGames.Remove(Tuple.Create(gameSet, game))))
        Dim playerLink = gameSet.ObservePlayers(
                adder:=Sub(game, player) inQueue.QueueAction(Sub() _viewPlayers.Add(Tuple.Create(gameSet, game, player))),
                remover:=Sub(game, player) inQueue.QueueAction(Sub() _viewPlayers.Remove(Tuple.Create(gameSet, game, player))))

        'Automatic removal'
        Call Async Sub()
                 Await gameSet.DisposalTask
                 Call Async Sub() Await gameLink.DisposeAsync()
                 Call Async Sub() Await playerLink.DisposeAsync()
                 RemoveHandler gameSet.StateChanged, activeAdder
             End Sub

        Return gameSet
    End Function
    Public Function QueueAddGameSet(gameSettings As GameSettings) As Task(Of GameSet)
        Contract.Requires(gameSettings IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result(Of Task(Of GameSet))() IsNot Nothing)
        Return inQueue.QueueFunc(Function() AddGameSet(gameSettings))
    End Function

    Protected Overrides Function PerformDispose(finalizing As Boolean) As Task
        If finalizing Then Return Nothing
        Return inQueue.QueueAction(
                For Each entry In _gameSets.Values
                Next entry
            End Sub)
    End Function

    Private Async Function AsyncFindPlayer(username As String) As Task(Of Player)
        Contract.Assume(username IsNot Nothing)
        'Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result(Of Task(Of Player))() IsNot Nothing)'
        Dim findResults = Await Task.WhenAll(From entry In _gameSets.Values Select entry.QueueTryFindPlayer(username))
        Return (From player In findResults Where player IsNot Nothing).FirstOrDefault
    End Function
    Public Function QueueFindPlayer(userName As String) As Task(Of Player)
        Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result(Of Task(Of Player))() IsNot Nothing)
        Return inQueue.QueueFunc(Function() AsyncFindPlayer(userName)).Unwrap.AssumeNotNull
    End Function

    Private Async Function AsyncFindPlayerGame(username As String) As Task(Of Game)
        Contract.Assume(username IsNot Nothing)
        'Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result(Of Task(Of Game))() IsNot Nothing)'
        Dim findResults = Await Task.WhenAll(From entry In _gameSets.Values Select entry.QueueTryFindPlayerGame(username))
        Return (From game In findResults Where game IsNot Nothing).FirstOrDefault
    End Function
    Public Function QueueFindPlayerGame(userName As String) As Task(Of Game)
        Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result(Of Task(Of Game))() IsNot Nothing)
        Return inQueue.QueueFunc(Function() AsyncFindPlayerGame(userName)).Unwrap.AssumeNotNull
    End Function

    Public Function ObserveGameSets(adder As Action(Of GameSet),
                                    remover As Action(Of GameSet)) As Task(Of IDisposable)
        Contract.Requires(adder IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Requires(remover IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result(Of Task(Of IDisposable))() IsNot Nothing)
        Return inQueue.QueueFunc(Function() _viewGameSets.Observe(adder, remover))
    End Function

    Public Function ObserveActiveGameSets(adder As Action(Of GameSet),
                                          remover As Action(Of GameSet)) As Task(Of IDisposable)
        Contract.Requires(adder IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Requires(remover IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result(Of Task(Of IDisposable))() IsNot Nothing)
        Return inQueue.QueueFunc(Function() _viewActiveGameSets.Observe(adder, remover))
    End Function

    Public Function ObserveGames(adder As Action(Of GameSet, Game),
                                 remover As Action(Of GameSet, Game)) As Task(Of IDisposable)
        Contract.Requires(adder IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Requires(remover IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result(Of Task(Of IDisposable))() IsNot Nothing)
        Return inQueue.QueueFunc(Function() _viewGames.Observe(
            adder:=Sub(item) adder(item.Item1, item.Item2),
            remover:=Sub(item) remover(item.Item1, item.Item2)))
    End Function

    Public Function ObservePlayers(adder As Action(Of GameSet, Game, Player),
                                   remover As Action(Of GameSet, Game, Player)) As Task(Of IDisposable)
        Contract.Requires(adder IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Requires(remover IsNot Nothing)
        Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result(Of Task(Of IDisposable))() IsNot Nothing)
        Return inQueue.QueueFunc(Function() _viewPlayers.Observe(
            adder:=Sub(item) adder(item.Item1, item.Item2, item.Item3),
            remover:=Sub(item) remover(item.Item1, item.Item2, item.Item3)))
    End Function
End Class()>

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