Simple Stream Processing With I/O Operations

 3 years ago
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Simple Stream Processing With I/O Operations

Suppose we need to process a data stream in a sequence of steps (or “operations” or “functions”). If all the steps are CPU-bound, then we just chain them up. Each data item goes through the CPU-bound functions one by one; the CPU is fully utilized. Now, if one or more of the steps involve I/O, typical examples being disk I/O or http service calls, things get interesting.

The interesting part is that I/O-bound operations spend much time waiting on something external of the CPU. If we naively call the I/O function and wait for its result, much of the time is wasted, because during the time of waiting, the CPU may very well do something else useful. The solution, of course, is concurrency—let multiple calls to the I/O function be active at the same time, so that their waiting periods overlap. Nowadays a good way to do I/O concurrency is using asyncio. In this post, I’ll develop a few utilities to make this task nice and easy.

Async generators and async iterators

Since much of the code will run in an async context, I’ll require the data stream to be an async iterable, that is, we’re going to consume the data with aync for ... whenever we can. As it turned out, we need a little more than async iterable—we need the data stream to be an async iterator so that we don’t have to be in the async for ... loop. Instead, we could request “the next item” by calling data.__anext__() directly. That gives the algorithm a lot of extra flexibility and, fortunately, this extra doesn’t require a lot of extra effort.

In fact, the preferred way to create async iterators is by async generators. (Analogous to the recommendation of using generators to produce iterators.) An async generator is an async function that contains yield statements. For example, below is a small convenience function that turns a (sync) iterable into an async iterator:

import asyncio
from collections.abc import Iterable, AsyncIterator

async def stream(x: Iterable) -> AsyncIterator:
    for xx in x:
        yield xx

Let’s verify the types of things:

In [2]: x = range(10)

In [3]: y = stream(x)

In [4]: type(y)
Out[4]: async_generator

In [5]: isinstance(y, AsyncIterator)
Out[5]: True

Note that although stream is an async function, we don’t call it with await stream(...). Instead we directly call stream(...) and the result is an async generator, which satisfies the interface of AsyncIterator. A little puzzling, I know. Just get used to it. In fact, AsyncGenerator inherits from AsyncIterator.

Sure enough, we can consume the elements of an AsyncIterator (or just AsyncIterable) with async for:

In [11]: import asyncio

In [12]: async def foo():
    ...:     async for z in y:
    ...:         print(z)

In [13]: asyncio.run(foo())

In [14]: 


I’m going to call the mechanism that handles I/O operations a transformer. It takes data items out of an AsyncIterator, makes concurrent calls to an async I/O function, and outputs the results in the same order that the data items come in.

import typing
from typing import Callable, Awaitable, Any, TypeVar

T = TypeVar('T')

async def transform(
    in_stream: typing.AsyncIterator[T],
    func: Callable[[T], Awaitable[Any]],
    workers: int,
    if workers < 2:
        async for x in in_stream:
            y = await func(x, **func_args)
            yield y

    # to be continued ...

The parameter func represents an async I/O operation. (It doesn’t have to be “I/O”. For example, it can be the async API to a service that is running in other processes, such as the model service I described previously.) The parameter workers specify how many concurrent calls are allowed to func. The case where workers < 2 is simple and has no concurrency at all, so we get it out of the way first. The interesting part comes next.

Because the input could be an infinite stream, the design must take care to control input consumption, concurrent calls, and output production so that no component starves or gets overwhelmed. A good tool for such control is a size-capped queue. The designed revolves around four questions:

  • How is input consumed?
  • How is output returned?
  • How are input items processed concurrently?
  • How is the order of output items controlled to follow that of the input?
    # ... continuing

    out_stream = asyncio.Queue(workers * 8)
    lock = asyncio.Lock()
    finished = False
    NO_MORE_DATA = object()

    async def _process(in_stream, lock, out_stream, func, **kwargs):
        nonlocal finished
        while not finished:
            async with lock:
                if finished:
                    x = await in_stream.__anext__()
                except StopAsyncIteration:
                    finished = True
                    await out_stream.put(NO_MORE_DATA)
                fut = asyncio.Future()
                await out_stream.put(fut)

            y = await func(x, **kwargs)

    t_workers = [
        for _ in range(workers)

    while True:
        fut = await out_stream.get()
        if fut is NO_MORE_DATA:
        yield await fut

    for t in t_workers:
        await t

Concurrency is achieved by as many as workers count of “background” tasks, each of which independently and repeatedly fetches items from the input stream, processes them, and places results in an output queue. As such, the input stream is not consumed in an async for ... loop. Rather, each task directly calls __anext__ of the input stream (which is an AsyncIterator) to request the next item whenever the task is ready to work on the next item. The task ends when __anext__ indicates the input stream has run out.

The tasks are launched by asyncio.create_task and scheduled by the event loop to run “soon”. Let’s say workers is 4, then 4 copies of the function _process are running concurrently. At the end, we take care to await on each task to be sure they finish up properly.

Once one task sees the end of in_stream in _process, it needs to prevent other tasks from calling in_stream.__anext__. This is achieved by an indicator variable finished and a lock.

Please look closely at what is controlled by the lock. Although the loop is controlled by while not finished, the indicator finished is checked again after the lock is acquired, because, during the time of acquiring the lock, finished may have been set by another task. After this check finds finished is False, finished won’t be changed by another task (because the code that changes finished is in the locked block).

Also in the locked scope is the fetching of the next item from in_stream, as well as handling of StopAsyncIteration. This means that no two tasks are trying to fetch from in_stream at the same time. If in_stream has run out, then the task that first knows it will set finished to True. When another task acquires the lock and intends to fetch from in_stream, it will see finished and quit.

The order of output is maintained by asyncio.Future objects. Specifically, once an item is fetched out of in_stream, a Future object is immediately created and placed in the output queue to “hold the spot” for the item. After this, the item is processed by func—this can take as long as needed, since the spot for the result is already secured. Once done, the result is set to the Future object.

Please note that placement of the Future object in the output queue also happens with the lock. Otherwise the order of the outputs can not be guaranteed. The lock also guarantees that the indicator NO_MORE_DATA is the very last element placed in out_stream.

Finally, all these background tasks are set up and doing their job. All that remains to be done is wait on the output queue, and yield the results as they become available. One caveat is that the elements in the queue are not results, but rather Future objects. When a Future object is taken off the queue, it may not contain result yet, so we await it and yield the result.

Let’s verify it works.

import asyncio
import random
import pytest

async def f1(x):
    await asyncio.sleep(random.random() * 0.01)
    return x + 3.8

async def test_transform():
    x = list(range(10000))
    expected = [v + 3.8 for v in x]
    s = transform(stream(x), f1, workers=10)
    got = [v async for v in s]
    assert got == expected

It does.

Unordered transformers

In transform, a queue holds Future objects in order to maintain order of the elements. If the processing of a later element has finished sooner, it will wait for its turn to be de-queued and yielded, because the queue is first-in first-out. This could be suboptimal if the application does not need the output to be in the same order as the input. These applications may use the “unordered” version below.

async def unordered_transform(
    in_stream: typing.AsyncIterator[T],
    func: Callable[[T], Awaitable[Any]],
    workers: int = None,
    assert workers > 1
    out_stream = asyncio.Queue(workers * 8)
    lock = asyncio.Lock()
    finished = False
    NO_MORE_DATA = object()
    n_active_workers = workers

    async def _process(in_stream, lock, out_stream, func, **kwargs):
        nonlocal finished
        while not finished:
            async with lock:
                if finished:
                    x = await in_stream.__anext__()
                except StopAsyncIteration:
                    finished = True
            y = await func(x, **kwargs)
            await out_stream.put(y)

        nonlocal n_active_workers
        n_active_workers -= 1
        if n_active_workers == 0:
            await out_stream.put(NO_MORE_DATA)

    t_workers = [
        for _ in range(workers)

    while True:
        y = await out_stream.get()
        if y is NO_MORE_DATA:
        yield y

    for t in t_workers:
        await t

This differs from transform at two places. First, it does not put Future objects in the output queue to “hold spots”, because there is no need to maintain particular order of the elements. The input item is processed, and only the result is placed in the output queue.

Second, the indicator NO_MORE_DATA is not placed in the output queue as soon as the task sees the end of the input stream. The reason is that at this moment there may very well be items being processed in other tasks. When they are done and their results enter the queue, they would appear after NO_MORE_DATA! The solution is to enqueue NO_MORE_DATA by the very last task that shuts down, and just before it shuts down.


A slight variant to “transformer” is a “sink”, which processes data but does not produce results. Or, more accurately, we don’t care to receive the results. Examples include writing data to files, inserting to databases, sending out emails, etc. For verb for a “sink” is “drain”, so that’s the name of the function. It simply uses transform or unordered_transform and ignores their output.

async def drain(
        in_stream: typing.AsyncIterable[T],
        func: Callable[[T], Awaitable[Any]],
        workers: int = None,
        log_every: int = 1000,
) -> int:
    if workers is not None and workers < 2:
        trans = transform(
        trans = unordered_transform(

    n = 0
    async for _ in trans:
        if log_every:
            n += 1
            if n % log_every == 0:
                print('drained', n)
    return n

The function reports progress every 1000 elements. This is not needed in transform and unordered_transform because the downstream consumer can do that in its own way.

Batch and un-batch

Some operations can take advantage of “vectorization”, i.e., processing many items at once at higher efficiency than processing them one by one. A small convenience function can bundle up input elements ahead of such vectorized functions.

async def batch(in_stream: AsyncIterable, batch_size: int):
    assert 0 < batch_size <= 10000
    batch_ = []
    n = 0
    async for x in in_stream:
        n += 1
        if n >= batch_size:
            yield batch_
            batch_ = []
            n = 0
    if n:
        yield batch_

Suppose a vectorized function takes list input and produces list of results, but the function coming next prefers to process one item at a time. The following small utility un-bundles the stream for it.

async def unbatch(in_stream: AsyncIterable):
    async for batch in in_stream:
        for x in batch:
            yield x

Note that batch and unbatch do not have to be used in pairs. It all depends on the actual need of the pipeline.


Look at the function batch above. It does not consider situations like: the next item is not coming after a long wait, so go ahead and produce the items collected so far as a smaller batch. It always collects the specified number of items (with the only exception of the final batch, which may be partial). This works fine if the input stream always has abundance of supply. Otherwise there could be scenarios of glaring inefficiency. Such scenarios could be mitigated by having a “buffer” ahead of it.

A “buffer” is a speed stabilizer. The idea is simple: proactively fetch items from the input stream; if the downstream function does it need them now or consumes them at a lower pace than they are being fetched, just store them temporarily in a private pool.

async def buffer(in_stream: AsyncIterable, buffer_size: int):
    out_stream = asyncio.Queue(maxsize=buffer_size)
    NO_MORE_DATA = object()

    async def buff(in_stream, out_stream):
        async for x in in_stream:
            await out_stream.put(x)
        await out_stream.put(NO_MORE_DATA)

    t = asyncio.create_task(buff(in_stream, out_stream))

    while True:
        x = await out_stream.get()
        if x is NO_MORE_DATA:
        yield x

    await t

If the downstream consumer is slow, the function buff will proactively collect items from in_stream and stuff out_stream to its capacity.

Put it all together

Let’s cook up an example to show off all these utilities.

x = [1, 5, 6, 3, 7, 9, 2, 4, 4, 5, 1]

async def diff_shoot(batch):
    return range(max(batch) - min(batch))

async def scale(x):
    return x * 2

class Sink:
    def __init__(self):
        self.sum = 0

    async def __call__(self, x):
        self.sum += x

batches = batch(stream(x), 3)
shots = transform(batches, diff_shoot, workers=3)
flat = buffer(unbatch(shots), 10)
doubled = unordered_transform(flat, scale, workers=2)

mysink = Sink()

n = asyncio.run(drain(doubled, mysink, workers=1))
print('processed', n, 'elements')
print('sum is', mysink.sum)

Before running it, let’s figure out what the result should be.

  1. batch will bundle x into
    • [1, 5, 6]
    • [3, 7, 9]
    • [2, 4, 4]
    • [5, 1]
  2. diff_shoot will find the ranges of these bundles to be 5 (= 6 - 1), 6 (= 9 - 3), 2 (= 4 - 2), 4 (= 5 - 1), and produce the ranges
    • range(5)
    • range(6)
    • range(2)
    • range(4)
  3. unbatch will flatten these out (note that the upstream of unbatch provided range instead of list objects, and that’s fine) into the stream
    • 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3

    These are 17 numbers and buffer does not change this.

  4. scale doubles each of these numbers.
  5. drain and mysink will add them up.

All in all, the final sum should be 64.

In [3]: 

   ...: x = [1, 5, 6, 3, 7, 9, 2, 4, 4, 5, 1]
   ...: async def diff_shoot(batch):
   ...:     return list(range(max(batch) - min(batch)))
   ...: async def scale(x):
   ...:     return x * 2
   ...: class Sink:
   ...:     def __init__(self):
   ...:         self.sum = 0
   ...:     async def __call__(self, x):
   ...:         self.sum += x
   ...: batches = batch(stream(x), 3)
   ...: shots = transform(batches, diff_shoot, workers=3)
   ...: flat = buffer(unbatch(shots), 10)
   ...: doubled = unordered_transform(flat, scale, workers=2)
   ...: mysink = Sink()
   ...: n = asyncio.run(drain(doubled, mysink, workers=1))
   ...: print('processed', n, 'elements')
   ...: print('sum is', mysink.sum)
processed 17 elements
sum is 64

In [4]: 

Final thoughts

A very nice feature of these functions is that the AsyncIterator type unites them all. The output of one can be the input of another. As a result, they can be used in a “pipe” fashion in flexible ways.

The transform and unordered_transform are like “mappers”, but they don’t have to take one input and generate one output. They could aggregate and expand, with the help of batch and unbatch.

The final example shows that drain could behave like a “reducer”. But not quite, as drain can not produce an output stream. That’s something to think about!

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