Easy scraping with httpie and jq

 3 years ago
source link: https://willschenk.com/articles/2019/easy_scraping_with_httpie_and_jq/
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Published April 18, 2019 #howto #hugo #scraping #api #jq

I recently saw a tweet mentioning the combination of using HTTPie (a command line HTTP client), jq (a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor) and Gron (Make JSON greppable!) was “all you needed to build a scraper.” Lets see if that’s true.

First install


sudo apt-get install httpie jq
brew install httpie
brew install jq

Lets get some stars

We can pull down the list of repositories people have starred on Github using the URL scheme https://api.github.com/users/:username/starred. Try this:

http https://api.github.com/users/wschenk/starred

This returns a wall of data! HTTPie does a nice job of formatting the JSON out and showing the response headers.

Let’s use jq to print out the first response:

http https://api.github.com/users/wschenk/starred | jq '.[0]'

Weirdly, the Github API returns the items in the order starred, but doesn’t include the date that we starred them. There’s an alternative api call that we can use to get the date that I pushed the Star button. For this to work we need to pass in an Accept header of application/vnd.github.v3.star+json which is done like so:

http https://api.github.com/users/wschenk/starred Accept:application/vnd.github.v3.star+json| jq '.[0]'

jq lets us slice and dice the JSON. Lets pull out the fields that we want. We are using the .[] syntax and piping it to a json writer, which is pulling only the fields out that we want. And we write the output to the data directory in our hugo app.

http https://api.github.com/users/wschenk/starred \
  Accept:application/vnd.github.v3.star+json | \
  jq '[.[] | {name: .repo.name, full_name: .repo.full_name,
  avatar_url: .repo.owner.avatar_url, login: .repo.owner.login,
  description: .repo.description, starred_at: .starred_at,
  html_url: .repo.html_url, language: .repo.language,
  updated_at: .repo.updated_at}] ' > data/stars.json

Using the hugo data directory

Now that we have the data in a JSON format that Hugo can understand, lets build a page to render this glory.

Create a simple file in content/stars.md that we’ll use to define a kind of stars

title: GitHub stars
type: stars

I like software.  Here is some of the stuff I've found on GitHub that
I've marked as interesting.

Now we create a single page template that we’ll use to render it in layouts/stars/single.html:

{{ define "main" }}
<div class="container">
  <h1 class="display-4 text-center">{{.Title}}</h1>

  {{ .Content }}

  <ul class="list-unstyled">
  {{ range $.Site.Data.stars }}
    <li class="media my-2">
      <img class="mr-3 img-fluid" width="64px" src="{{ .avatar_url }}" alt="{{ .owner }} avatar">
      <div class="media-body">
        <h4 class="mt-0 mb-1">
          <a href="{{.html_url}}">{{ .name }}</a>
          <small><span class="ml-1 text-muted">{{ .language }}</span></small>
        <p class="lead my-0">{{ .description }}</p>
        <p class="text-muted">
          Starred {{ dateFormat "Jan 2, 2006" .starred_at }},
          Updated {{ dateFormat "Jan 2, 2006" .updated_at }}
  {{ end }}

{{ end }}

Now start up your server and go to http://localhost:1313/stars !

Less easy scraping

So it turns out that I’ve been liking lots of things on GitHub and I have more than one page of results. The GitHub api used the HTTP Link header to point to next, prev, first, and last last pages. We’ll write a little script that saves that and then parses it out.

  1. We create a small function that passes in -dh flags to http, redirecting stdout to our file >page1.json and stderr to a file containing the headers 2>headers.
  2. Then we’ll parse the headers using grep, tr, and sed to pull out the url that’s matched with rel="next".
  3. If there is one we’ll follow that and download page2.json etc.
  4. Then we’ll merge all of the files together using jq --slurp '[.[][]]' *json so the muliple files of JSON Arrays is one big JSON array.
  5. And then copy over our existing jq parsing

Here’s update_github_stars.sh:


# Download a url
function scrape_page() {
  echo Downloading $1 to $2
  http $1 Accept:application/vnd.github.v3.star+json -dh >$2 2>$3

function next_link_from_header() {
  # grep - Filter for the Link header
  # tr - slit each of the entries into it's own line
  # grep - look for the next link
  # sed - get rid of everything out side of the < >
  cat $1 | grep ^Link |tr ',' '\n'|grep \"next\" | sed 's/.*<\(.*\)>.*/\1/'

OUTDIR=$(mktemp -d)

while [ ! -z "${NEXTURL}" ]; do
  scrape_page $NEXTURL  $OUTDIR/page${PAGE}.json $OUTDIR/headers

  NEXTURL=$(next_link_from_header $OUTDIR/headers)
  PAGE=$(( $PAGE + 1 ))

echo Finished scraping pages

# Combine the files
# Parse them into data/stars.json

jq -s '[.[][]]' $OUTDIR/*json | \
  jq '[.[] | {name: .repo.name, full_name: .repo.full_name,
  avatar_url: .repo.owner.avatar_url, login: .repo.owner.login,
  description: .repo.description, starred_at: .starred_at,
  html_url: .repo.html_url, language: .repo.language,
  updated_at: .repo.updated_at}] ' > data/stars.json


My Star List is a little unwieldy right now with 120 entries (js '. | length' data/stars.json) and not all of the descriptions are that informative, but this was all built with simple tools and minimal dependacies. We didn’t need any special libraries to script this, Gemfile or package.json installations, just a relatively simple bash script.

About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK