Turning a synchronous client into async - Maurício Linhares' ramblings

 3 years ago
source link: https://mauricio.github.io/2013/05/13/turning-a-synchronous-client-into-async-or-why-the-mysql-protocol-is-so-absurdly-complicated-to-handle.html
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Turning a synchronous client into async or why the MySQL protocol is so complicated to handle

DISCLAIMER: this is a rant about MySQL’s network protocol only. I am very grateful for all the work everyone involved in MySQL did and it still is my database of choice if not on Heroku so, don’t take this as another ‘mysql sucks, bla bla bla’ post, I just think it’s important for people to understand how you can complicate someone else’s life with a complicated network protocol.

A week ago I released the first version of the postgresql-async project and got some feedback from people that were looking for something like this but for MySQL. Since I had already planned to do it sometime in the future, why not just start it now? It wouldn’t be much harder than PostgreSQL, would it?

Oh boy, I was never THIS wrong in my life.

As you might have seen from the project description, I’m using Netty as the IO framework for both clients. Netty follows a messaging approach to IO, when something happens, an event is created and eventually your code will receive this event and respond to it in some way. Since all that comes and goes from sockets are bytes, you need to make sense of them in some way and, when using Netty, you can build upon a simple abstraction to do this. Let’s see some code from the PostgreSQLConnectionHandler class:

this.bootstrap.setPipelineFactory(new ChannelPipelineFactory() {

  override def getPipeline(): ChannelPipeline = {
      new MessageDecoder(configuration.charset, configuration.maximumMessageSize),
      new MessageEncoder(configuration.charset, encoderRegistry),


A channel pipeline, as the name implies, is a sequence of handlers that will process the IO events. If you have done servlets, it’s akin to a filter chain (or a middleware stack on Rack, for instance), each object in the pipeline is invoked with an event and can process, discard or send it forward for someone else to process. In this case, we have a very basic pipeline, a MessageEncoder, a MessageDecoder and the PostgreSQLConnectionHandler itself as the end of the line.

Decoding a message

These classes are exactly what they look like, the MessageDecoder turns a bunch of bytes sent by the server into a meaningful object. If your server emits a warning, it becomes a NoticeMessage, this way, all the code to handle turning collections of bytes into messages live at the MessageDecoder, the driver code itself only works with high level messages, leaving all the heavy lifting for the decoder to do.

PostgreSQL defines a nice format for it’s messages, each message is composed of:

  • message type = 1 byte
  • message size (including self) = 4 bytes
  • message body = (message size) - 4 bytes

In Netty lingo, we call this a frame, it’s a common pattern on network apps communication, you say “this message has N bytes, so wait until you have N bytes available and process it”, this simplifies buffering and processing because you don’t have to wait for a terminator and the sender doesn’t have to escape the data in any way, you just read until N bytes and you’re done.

As this is commonplace in network apps, Netty offers a FrameDecoder class that you can subclass and build your own, here’s how it looks like in the PostgreSQL driver:

class MessageDecoder(charset: Charset, maximumMessageSize : Int = MessageDecoder.DefaultMaximumSize) extends FrameDecoder {

  private val parser = new MessageParsersRegistry(charset)

  override def decode(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, c: Channel, b: ChannelBuffer): Object = {

    if (b.readableBytes() >= 5) {


      val code = b.readByte()
      val lengthWithSelf = b.readInt()
      val length = lengthWithSelf - 4

      if (b.readableBytes() >= length) {
        code match {
          case ServerMessage.Authentication => {
          case _ => {
            parser.parse(code, b.readSlice(length))

      } else {
        return null

    } else {
      return null



It’s really simple, wait until we have at least 5 bytes (message type and length), once we have at least 5, read the type, then read size. With size in hand, check if we have at least (size - 4) bytes to read, if we do, read the slice needed and feed it to the message specific decoder so it can send the message forward. If we don’t have enough bytes, just “unread” the buffer and give it back.

These steps are repeated until you disconnect the client. The class is both simple and, most importantly, stateless. This message decoder does not have any mutable state, the state that the connection needs to maintain is kept farther down the pipeline to where it really makes sense to have state.

This makes it really easy to pinpoint bugs and errors, since there is only one possible state for the decoder, if it breaks, it will break on all cases and not in just one very specific and state dependent one. Better yet, since there is no mutable state, you can’t have concurrency issues! This class is thread safe by default and could be shared between different concurrent threads at any moment.

Why am I saying this? Because now we get to see how the MySQL network protocol works.

Decoding MySQL messages

For the MySQL client I built the MySQLFrameDecoder class. The message protocol is a bit different from the PostgreSQL protocol as we work with “packets” and not messages per se (and the protocol uses the little endian byte order). Packets are made of:

  • packet length - 3 bytes
  • sequence number - 1 byte
  • payload - packet length bytes

You might be thinking, “where is the packet type field?”, well, there isn’t one. The closest thing you would have to this are the “generic response packets”:

But this is a very loose assumption since the documentation itself says:

the EOF packet may appear in places where a Protocol::LengthEncodedInteger may appear. You have to check the packet length is less then 9 to make sure it is a EOF packet.

And this is also the case for the OK_Packet since you can get something that looks like an OK while doing prepared statements but it won’t be one, it will be a result set row.

What does this all mean? Different than the PostgreSQL protocol, where the parser knew right away what kind of message it was handling, on MySQL we don’t have this kind of information, the parser needs context, it needs to know “what am I doing now?” to be able to process the messages and this is bad.

First, now we have state in two different places, the message decoder and the MySQLConnectionHandler. Then a query message is received, the connection handler has to ping the decoder and say “hey, we’re in query phase, switch the way you handle messages” and this same decoder also needs to know when this phase ends, clear it’s internal state and then move on to the next sequence of commands. As you might imagine, this is a concurrency nightmare, you have a lot of mutable state and there is no way to hide from it, that’s how the protocol was built and it’s unlikely it will change in the long run.

But it’s still not enough. When you send a statement, MySQL will respond with a text based response, which means all rows will be turned into string values and the driver has to decode them back to their original values. If you use a prepared statement, MySQL will answer with a binary formatted result set. All fields will be encoded as their byte representations and you need to switch to this “decoding” mode by yourself at your parser.

Not only we have a protocol made for sequential programming, the protocol lacks consistency between it’s communication mechanisms. Instead of having only one way to represent a result set during a connection (like PostgreSQL does, you can set if you want all results to be text or binary based) MySQL again puts state into the protocol and forces the driver to understand how to parse data in two different ways. Not funny if you are the guy building the driver.

Why is MySQL like that?

When you switch from a synchronous model to an asynchronous one, the way you think about communication changes. The MySQL network protocol is a classic example of imperative and sequential programming. Here’s how doing a prepared statement in MySQL would look in pseudo code:

 socket.COM_STMT_PREPARE("select 10")
 val prepareResponsePacket = socket.readPacket()

if ( prepareResponsePacket == ERR_Packet ) {

val paramsCount = socket.readPacket().numParams
val params = []
val columnsCount = socket.readPacket().numColumns
val columns = []

for ( x = 0; x < paramsCount; x++ ) {

socket.readPacket() // EOF to parameters

for ( x = 0; x < columnsCount; x++ ) {

socket.readPacket() // EOF to columns


val executeResponse = socket.readPacket()

if executeResponse == OK_Packet
elsif executeResponse == ERR_Packet

When you’re building synchronous code that follows a sequence, it’s rather easy to have it built like that. You are already at the “state” necessary to perform the other actions so it becomes natural for you to keep this state and just go on like that. While in PostgreSQL you need to peek at the message to know what it is, in MySQL you need to understand “where” you are and in an async model this becomes blurry, because you just can’t chain methods one after the other as with the synchronous solution just above.

Also, this kind of solution not only makes it harder for someone to go async, but it also makes it harder to separate the “workflow” of the app from the resources it uses. Since you need to keep a handle to the socket connection available inside the code to keep on reading, it makes it harder to test this stuff in isolation.

A synchronous mind in an asynchronous world

Building an asynchronous solution isn’t exactly something easy from the get go, but a biased protocol like MySQL’s makes it much harder. It’s ambiguous, since messages can not be easily identified unless you know beforehand what you could get, it’s inconsistent, since the same kind of answer (the result set) can come in different formats, again, depending on what kind of state you are and it’s unnecessarily complicated. The prepared statement response could contain a single packet with parameters and column data, but it gets separated into at least 3 packets for no reason other than the possibility of having much more data than the 3 bytes integer used for size (16mb) can handle. If the column data (not the data itself) for the query you are making is more than 16mb, I don’t even want to know what kind of query you’re sending!

All of this made the job of building an async driver for MySQL be much longer than I had planned or hoped for (as much as programmers are bad with estimates). Building a nice network protocol isn’t simple, but making it unnecessarily complex is not the most awesome thing you can do, think about the lives of all the other programmers out there that will try to talk to your system :)

Still, after all that, the driver had it’s first release, so go check it out!

PS: If you use someone else’s MySQL driver and you meet this person, buy him a burrito, he/she definitely deserves it!

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Joyk means Joy of geeK