
 3 years ago
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// 普通姿势1
func originMethod1() {
    guard let url = URL(string: imageURL),
          let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) else { return }
    imageView.image = UIImage(data: data)

// 普通姿势2
func originMethod2() {
    DispatchQueue.global().async {
        guard let url = URL(string: self.imageURL),
              let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) else { return }
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            self.imageView.image = UIImage(data: data)

上面是两种普通设置网络图片的方法,弊端也是很明显的, originMethod1 会阻塞主线程,并且它们都没办法中途取消任务。


以 Kingfisher v5.6.0 版本代码为示例


let url = URL(string: imageURL)
imageView.kf.setImage(with: url)

2. kf 定义

先看 kf 的定义,返回一个包含自己的 KingfisherWrapper 对象,可以调用 Setting Image 一系列函数。

extension ImageView: KingfisherCompatible { }

extension KingfisherCompatible {
    /// Gets a namespace holder for Kingfisher compatible types.
    public var kf: KingfisherWrapper<Self> {
        get { return KingfisherWrapper(self) }
        set { }

public struct KingfisherWrapper<Base> {
    public let base: Base
    public init(_ base: Base) {
        self.base = base

3.1 setImage(with: resource…)

public func setImage(
    with resource: Resource?,
    placeholder: Placeholder? = nil,
    options: KingfisherOptionsInfo? = nil,
    progressBlock: DownloadProgressBlock? = nil,
    completionHandler: ((Result<RetrieveImageResult, KingfisherError>) -> Void)? = nil) -> DownloadTask?
    return setImage(
        with: resource.map { .network($0) },
        placeholder: placeholder,
        options: options,
        progressBlock: progressBlock,
        completionHandler: completionHandler)


可以看到 setImage(with: url) 内部调用了另外一个相似函数,只不过 source 参数类型从 Resource? 变成 Source? ,我们来看下这两者的区别:

public protocol Resource {
    var cacheKey: String { get }
    var downloadURL: URL { get }

public enum Source {
    public enum Identifier {
        public typealias Value = UInt
        static var current: Value = 0
        static func next() -> Value {
            current += 1
            return current

    case network(Resource)
    case provider(ImageDataProvider)

    public var cacheKey: String {
        switch self {
        case .network(let resource): return resource.cacheKey
        case .provider(let provider): return provider.cacheKey
    public var url: URL? {
        switch self {
        case .network(let resource): return resource.downloadURL
        case .provider(_): return nil

Resource 是协议,Source 是枚举,Source 有两种类型:.network(Resource) 和 .provider(ImageDataProvider)

imageView.kf.setImage(with: url) 可以直接传入 url,是因为 URL 实现了 Resource 协议

extension URL: Resource {
    public var cacheKey: String { return absoluteString }
    public var downloadURL: URL { return self }

3.2 setImage(with: source…)

public func setImage(
    with source: Source?,
    placeholder: Placeholder? = nil,
    options: KingfisherOptionsInfo? = nil,
    progressBlock: DownloadProgressBlock? = nil,
    completionHandler: ((Result<RetrieveImageResult, KingfisherError>) -> Void)? = nil) -> DownloadTask?
    var mutatingSelf = self

    // 如果 source 为 nil,设置 imageView 的 image 为 placeholder,然后 return
    guard let source = source else {
        mutatingSelf.placeholder = placeholder
        mutatingSelf.taskIdentifier = nil
        completionHandler?(.failure(KingfisherError.imageSettingError(reason: .emptySource)))
        return nil

    // KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo: 图片下载的解析选项
    // 具体参数含义参考 KingfisherOptionsInfo.swift 文件里 KingfisherOptionsInfoItem 定义
    var options = KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo(KingfisherManager.shared.defaultOptions + (options ?? .empty))
    let noImageOrPlaceholderSet = base.image == nil && self.placeholder == nil

    if !options.keepCurrentImageWhileLoading || noImageOrPlaceholderSet {
        // imageView 当前没有 image/placeholder 时,优先设置 placeholder
        mutatingSelf.placeholder = placeholder

    // 图片下载指示器,默认为 nil
    let maybeIndicator = indicator

    // 设置 taskIdentifier,从1开始,1,2,3...
    let issuedIdentifier = Source.Identifier.next()
    mutatingSelf.taskIdentifier = issuedIdentifier

    // 预加载所有动画图像数据
    if base.shouldPreloadAllAnimation() {
        options.preloadAllAnimationData = true

    // 下载进度 block
    if let block = progressBlock {
        options.onDataReceived = (options.onDataReceived ?? []) + [ImageLoadingProgressSideEffect(block)]

    if let provider = ImageProgressiveProvider(options, refresh: { image in
        self.base.image = image
    }) {
        options.onDataReceived = (options.onDataReceived ?? []) + [provider]

    options.onDataReceived?.forEach {
        $0.onShouldApply = { issuedIdentifier == self.taskIdentifier }

    // 获取图片
    let task = KingfisherManager.shared.retrieveImage(
        with: source,
        options: options,
        completionHandler: { result in
            // 处理结果
            CallbackQueue.mainCurrentOrAsync.execute {
                // 判断 Identifier 是否相等			   
                // 用来避免 UITableviewCell,UICollectionViewCell 重用时数据显示错误
                guard issuedIdentifier == self.taskIdentifier else {
                    let reason: KingfisherError.ImageSettingErrorReason
                    do {
                        let value = try result.get()
                        reason = .notCurrentSourceTask(result: value, error: nil, source: source)
                    } catch {
                        reason = .notCurrentSourceTask(result: nil, error: error, source: source)
                    // Identifier 不相等,返回错误原因
                    let error = KingfisherError.imageSettingError(reason: reason)

                // 置空 imageTask,taskIdentifier
                mutatingSelf.imageTask = nil
                mutatingSelf.taskIdentifier = nil

                switch result {
                case .success(let value):
                    // 判断 直接/过渡动画 设置 image
                    guard self.needsTransition(options: options, cacheType: value.cacheType) else {
                        mutatingSelf.placeholder = nil
                        self.base.image = value.image

                    self.makeTransition(image: value.image, transition: options.transition) {

                case .failure:
                    // 失败情况下,设置 imageView.image = options.onFailureImage
                    if let image = options.onFailureImage {
                        self.base.image = image

    // 设置 imageTask,用于做 cancelDownloadTask() 操作
    mutatingSelf.imageTask = task
    return task

3.3 KingfisherManager.shared.retrieveImage(with: source…)

func retrieveImage(
        with source: Source,
        options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo,
        completionHandler: ((Result<RetrieveImageResult, KingfisherError>) -> Void)?) -> DownloadTask?
        // 忽略缓存,直接下载并缓存图片
        if options.forceRefresh {
            return loadAndCacheImage(
                source: source,
                options: options,
                completionHandler: completionHandler)?.value
        } else {
            // 从缓存中获取图片
            let loadedFromCache = retrieveImageFromCache(
                source: source,
                options: options,
                completionHandler: completionHandler)
            // 缓存中获取到图片,直接返回
            if loadedFromCache {
                return nil
            if options.onlyFromCache {
                let error = KingfisherError.cacheError(reason: .imageNotExisting(key: source.cacheKey))
                return nil
            // 下载并缓存图片
            return loadAndCacheImage(
                source: source,
                options: options,
                completionHandler: completionHandler)?.value

3.4.1 从缓存中获取图片: retrieveImageFromCache(source: Source…)

func retrieveImageFromCache(
        source: Source,
        options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo,
        completionHandler: ((Result<RetrieveImageResult, KingfisherError>) -> Void)?) -> Bool
        // 1. Check whether the image was already in target cache. If so, just get it.
      	// 1.检查内存缓存,如果有缓存,就返回图片
        let targetCache = options.targetCache ?? cache
        let key = source.cacheKey
        let targetImageCached = targetCache.imageCachedType(
            forKey: key, processorIdentifier: options.processor.identifier)
        let validCache = targetImageCached.cached &&
            (options.fromMemoryCacheOrRefresh == false || targetImageCached == .memory)
        if validCache {
            targetCache.retrieveImage(forKey: key, options: options) { result in
                guard let completionHandler = completionHandler else { return }
                options.callbackQueue.execute {
                        onSuccess: { cacheResult in
                            let value: Result<RetrieveImageResult, KingfisherError>
                            if let image = cacheResult.image {
                                value = result.map {
                                    RetrieveImageResult(image: image, cacheType: $0.cacheType, source: source)
                            } else {
                                value = .failure(KingfisherError.cacheError(reason: .imageNotExisting(key: key)))
                        onFailure: { _ in
                            completionHandler(.failure(KingfisherError.cacheError(reason: .imageNotExisting(key: key))))
            return true

        // 2. Check whether the original image exists. If so, get it, process it, save to storage and return.
      	// 2.检查磁盘缓存,如果有缓存,返回图片,并存储到内存缓存 
        let originalCache = options.originalCache ?? targetCache
        // No need to store the same file in the same cache again.
        if originalCache === targetCache && options.processor == DefaultImageProcessor.default {
            return false

        // Check whether the unprocessed image existing or not.
        let originalImageCached = originalCache.imageCachedType(
            forKey: key, processorIdentifier: DefaultImageProcessor.default.identifier).cached
        if originalImageCached {
            // Now we are ready to get found the original image from cache. We need the unprocessed image, so remove
            // any processor from options first.
            var optionsWithoutProcessor = options
            optionsWithoutProcessor.processor = DefaultImageProcessor.default
            originalCache.retrieveImage(forKey: key, options: optionsWithoutProcessor) { result in

                    onSuccess: { cacheResult in
                        guard let image = cacheResult.image else {

                        let processor = options.processor
                        (options.processingQueue ?? self.processingQueue).execute {
                            let item = ImageProcessItem.image(image)
                            guard let processedImage = processor.process(item: item, options: options) else {
                                let error = KingfisherError.processorError(
                                    reason: .processingFailed(processor: processor, item: item))
                                options.callbackQueue.execute { completionHandler?(.failure(error)) }

                            var cacheOptions = options
                            cacheOptions.callbackQueue = .untouch
                                forKey: key,
                                options: cacheOptions,
                                toDisk: !options.cacheMemoryOnly)
                                _ in
                                if options.waitForCache {
                                    let value = RetrieveImageResult(image: processedImage, cacheType: .none, source: source)
                                    options.callbackQueue.execute { completionHandler?(.success(value)) }

                            if !options.waitForCache {
                                let value = RetrieveImageResult(image: processedImage, cacheType: .none, source: source)
                                options.callbackQueue.execute { completionHandler?(.success(value)) }
                    onFailure: { _ in
                        // This should not happen actually, since we already confirmed `originalImageCached` is `true`.
                        // Just in case...
                        options.callbackQueue.execute {
                            completionHandler?(.failure(KingfisherError.cacheError(reason: .imageNotExisting(key: key))))
            return true

        return false

3.5.1 下载并缓存图片: loadAndCacheImage(source…)

func loadAndCacheImage(
    source: Source,
    options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo,
    completionHandler: ((Result<RetrieveImageResult, KingfisherError>) -> Void)?) -> DownloadTask.WrappedTask?
    // 添加图片到缓存
    func cacheImage(_ result: Result<ImageLoadingResult, KingfisherError>)
        switch result {
        case .success(let value):
            // 默认缓存是 ImageCache.default = ImageCache(name: "default")
            let targetCache = options.targetCache ?? self.cache
                original: value.originalData,
                forKey: source.cacheKey,
                options: options,
                toDisk: !options.cacheMemoryOnly)
                _ in
                // 缓存成功后再执行 completionHandler 回调
                if options.waitForCache {
                    let result = RetrieveImageResult(image: value.image, cacheType: .none, source: source)

            let needToCacheOriginalImage = options.cacheOriginalImage &&
                options.processor != DefaultImageProcessor.default
            // 缓存图片的原始数据 Data
            if needToCacheOriginalImage {
                let originalCache = options.originalCache ?? targetCache
                    forKey: source.cacheKey,
                    processorIdentifier: DefaultImageProcessor.default.identifier,
                    expiration: options.diskCacheExpiration)

            // 直接执行 completionHandler 回调
            if !options.waitForCache {
                let result = RetrieveImageResult(image: value.image, cacheType: .none, source: source)
        case .failure(let error):

    switch source {
    case .network(let resource):
        let downloader = options.downloader ?? self.downloader

        // 创建 DownloadTask,下载图片
        guard let task = downloader.downloadImage(
            with: resource.downloadURL,
            options: options,
            completionHandler: cacheImage) else {
            return nil
        return .download(task)

    case .provider(let provider):
        provideImage(provider: provider, options: options, completionHandler: cacheImage)
        return .dataProviding
} 创建 DownloadTask: downloadImage(with url…)

func downloadImage(
    with url: URL,
    options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo,
    completionHandler: ((Result<ImageLoadingResult, KingfisherError>) -> Void)? = nil) -> DownloadTask?
    // 创建 request,timeoutInterval 默认为 15s
    var request = URLRequest(url: url, cachePolicy: .reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData, timeoutInterval: downloadTimeout)
    request.httpShouldUsePipelining = requestsUsePipelining

    // 修改 request
    if let requestModifier = options.requestModifier {
        guard let r = requestModifier.modified(for: request) else {
            options.callbackQueue.execute {
                completionHandler?(.failure(KingfisherError.requestError(reason: .emptyRequest)))
            return nil
        request = r

    // 判断 url 是否为 nil / empty
    guard let url = request.url, !url.absoluteString.isEmpty else {
        options.callbackQueue.execute {
            completionHandler?(.failure(KingfisherError.requestError(reason: .invalidURL(request: request))))
        return nil

    // Wraps `completionHandler` to `onCompleted` respectively.
    // 将 completionHandler 包装成 onCompleted
    let onCompleted = completionHandler.map {
        block -> Delegate<Result<ImageLoadingResult, KingfisherError>, Void> in
        let delegate = Delegate<Result<ImageLoadingResult, KingfisherError>, Void>()
        delegate.delegate(on: self) { (_, callback) in
        return delegate

    // SessionDataTask.TaskCallback is a wrapper for `onCompleted` and `options` (for processor info)
    // SessionDataTask.TaskCallback 是 onCompleted 和 options 的包装(用于处理下载完成后的图片 Data)
    let callback = SessionDataTask.TaskCallback(
        onCompleted: onCompleted,
        options: options

    // Ready to start download. Add it to session task manager (`sessionHandler`)

    // 如果 sessionDelegate 里有相同 url 的 task 时,就不创建新的 SessionDataTask,仅把 callback 添加到对应 SessionDataTask 的 callbacksStore 里即可,请求结束后,顺序依次处理 callbacks,避免重复请求,浪费用户流量
    let downloadTask: DownloadTask
    if let existingTask = sessionDelegate.task(for: url) {
        downloadTask = sessionDelegate.append(existingTask, url: url, callback: callback)
    } else {
        // 创建新的 URLSessionDataTask
        let sessionDataTask = session.dataTask(with: request)
        sessionDataTask.priority = options.downloadPriority
        downloadTask = sessionDelegate.add(sessionDataTask, url: url, callback: callback)

    let sessionTask = downloadTask.sessionTask

  	// 当下载完成后执行 sessionTask 的 onTaskDone 回调
    if !sessionTask.started {
        sessionTask.onTaskDone.delegate(on: self) { (self, done) in
            // Underlying downloading finishes.
            // result: Result<(Data, URLResponse?)>, callbacks: [TaskCallback]
            let (result, callbacks) = done

            // Before processing the downloaded data.
            do {
                let value = try result.get()
                    didFinishDownloadingImageForURL: url,
                    with: value.1,
                    error: nil
            } catch {
                    didFinishDownloadingImageForURL: url,
                    with: nil,
                    error: error

            switch result {
            // Download finished. Now process the data to an image.
            // 下载完成,将数据转化成图片
            case .success(let (data, response)):
                let processor = ImageDataProcessor(
                    data: data, callbacks: callbacks, processingQueue: options.processingQueue)
                processor.onImageProcessed.delegate(on: self) { (self, result) in
                    // `onImageProcessed` will be called for `callbacks.count` times, with each
                    // `SessionDataTask.TaskCallback` as the input parameter.
                    // result: Result<Image>, callback: SessionDataTask.TaskCallback
                    let (result, callback) = result

                    if let image = try? result.get() {
                        self.delegate?.imageDownloader(self, didDownload: image, for: url, with: response)

                    let imageResult = result.map { ImageLoadingResult(image: $0, url: url, originalData: data) }
                    let queue = callback.options.callbackQueue
                    queue.execute {

            case .failure(let error):
                callbacks.forEach { callback in
                    let queue = callback.options.callbackQueue
                    queue.execute { callback.onCompleted?.call(.failure(error)) }
        delegate?.imageDownloader(self, willDownloadImageForURL: url, with: request)

        // 开始下载
    return downloadTask


  1. ImageDownloader 是下载管理器,这个类中包含 session、sessionDelegate 等
  2. SessionDelegate 是 URLSession 的 delegate,这个类中包含 tasks: [URL: SessionDataTask] ,以及实现 URLSessionDataDelegate 相关协议
  3. SessionDataTask 是 URLSessionDataTask 的封装,里面包含了 task、callbacksStore,callbacksStore 是 task 对应的多个回调


当 sessionTask.resume() 开始下载时,SessionDelegate 就开始接受数据,接受完数据后,会调用 urlSession(_ session: URLSession, task: URLSessionTask, didCompleteWithError error: Error?) 协议,然后再调用 onCompleted(task: URLSessionTask, result: Result<(Data, URLResponse?), KingfisherError>) 方法,找到对应的 sessionTask,执行 sessionTask 的 onTaskDone 回调,传入 result 和 callbacks。

func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, task: URLSessionTask, didCompleteWithError error: Error?) {
    guard let sessionTask = self.task(for: task) else { return }

    onCompleted(task: task, result: result)

private func onCompleted(task: URLSessionTask, result: Result<(Data, URLResponse?), KingfisherError>) {
    guard let sessionTask = self.task(for: task) else {
    sessionTask.onTaskDone.call((result, sessionTask.callbacks))
} Data 转换为 Image: process(item: ImageProcessItem…)

可以看到是通过 Image(data: data, scale: options.scale) 方法生成对应图片

通过 Data 前面的 bytes 判断图片对应的格式

public func process(item: ImageProcessItem, options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo) -> Image? {
    switch item {
    case .image(let image):
        return image.kf.scaled(to: options.scaleFactor)
    case .data(let data):
        return KingfisherWrapper.image(data: data, options: options.imageCreatingOptions)

public static func image(data: Data, options: ImageCreatingOptions) -> Image? {
    var image: Image?
    switch data.kf.imageFormat {
    case .JPEG:
        image = Image(data: data, scale: options.scale)
    case .PNG:
        image = Image(data: data, scale: options.scale)
    case .GIF:
        image = KingfisherWrapper.animatedImage(data: data, options: options)
    case .unknown:
        image = Image(data: data, scale: options.scale)
    return image

public var imageFormat: ImageFormat {
    guard base.count > 8 else { return .unknown }

    var buffer = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: 8)
    base.copyBytes(to: &buffer, count: 8)

    if buffer == ImageFormat.HeaderData.PNG {
        return .PNG

    } else if buffer[0] == ImageFormat.HeaderData.JPEG_SOI[0],
        buffer[1] == ImageFormat.HeaderData.JPEG_SOI[1],
        buffer[2] == ImageFormat.HeaderData.JPEG_IF[0]
        return .JPEG

    } else if buffer[0] == ImageFormat.HeaderData.GIF[0],
        buffer[1] == ImageFormat.HeaderData.GIF[1],
        buffer[2] == ImageFormat.HeaderData.GIF[2]
        return .GIF

    return .unknown

3.5.2 缓存图片 store(_ image: Image…)

open func store(_ image: Image,
                    original: Data? = nil,
                    forKey key: String,
                    options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo,
                    toDisk: Bool = true,
                    completionHandler: ((CacheStoreResult) -> Void)? = nil)
    // 处理器的标示符,默认为 ""
    let identifier = options.processor.identifier
    let callbackQueue = options.callbackQueue
    // 计算缓存 key,默认为 URL 的 absoluteString
    let computedKey = key.computedKey(with: identifier)
    // Memory storage should not throw.
    // 存储图片到内存缓存(NSCache)
    memoryStorage.storeNoThrow(value: image, forKey: computedKey, expiration: options.memoryCacheExpiration)

    guard toDisk else {
        if let completionHandler = completionHandler {
            let result = CacheStoreResult(memoryCacheResult: .success(()), diskCacheResult: .success(()))
            callbackQueue.execute { completionHandler(result) }

    // 存储图片到磁盘(File)
    ioQueue.async {
        let serializer = options.cacheSerializer
        if let data = serializer.data(with: image, original: original) {
                forKey: key,
                processorIdentifier: identifier,
                callbackQueue: callbackQueue,
                expiration: options.diskCacheExpiration,
                completionHandler: completionHandler)
        } else {
            guard let completionHandler = completionHandler else { return }

            let diskError = KingfisherError.cacheError(
                reason: .cannotSerializeImage(image: image, original: original, serializer: serializer))
            let result = CacheStoreResult(
                memoryCacheResult: .success(()),
                diskCacheResult: .failure(diskError))
            callbackQueue.execute { completionHandler(result) }

3.6 完整流程



1. 缓存策略

  1. 内存缓存:

    MemoryStorage.Backend 类中有一个 cleanTimer 定时器,默认时间是 120s 去清理一次过期图片,图片的默认过期时间是 300s。如果从缓存中取到了图片,就重置该图片的开始时间,默认过期时间依然是 300s。

  2. 磁盘缓存:

    图片的默认过期时间是 7天,如果从磁盘中取到了图片,就重置该图片的开始时间,默认过期时间依然是 7天。

2. 其它细节

  1. ImageCache 类中添加了一系列的监听通知,比如 App 收到内存警告时,所以当 App 收到内存警告时,不需要再次处理图片缓存。

    notifications = [
                (UIApplication.didReceiveMemoryWarningNotification, #selector(clearMemoryCache)),
                (UIApplication.willTerminateNotification, #selector(cleanExpiredDiskCache)),
                (UIApplication.didEnterBackgroundNotification, #selector(backgroundCleanExpiredDiskCache))
    notifications.forEach {
                NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: $0.1, name: $0.0, object: nil)

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