MapboxGL简析(二):变换 | ¥ЯႭ1I0

 4 years ago
source link: https://yrq110.me/post/front-end/mapboxgl-ii-transform/?
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  1. 相机变换: 姿态属性、操作及变换矩阵
  2. 坐标变换: 经纬度、3D墨卡托与矢量瓦片





  1. center - 指向的中心点位置
  2. zoom - 缩放级别
  3. pitch - 俯仰角度,也叫倾斜度
  4. bearing - 上方向,类似指南针的方向




  1. zoomTo/zoomIn
  2. panBy/panTo
  3. rotateTo/resetNorth


  1. jumpTo: 直接赋值(without animation transition)
  2. easeTo: 渐变赋值(with animation transition)
  3. flyTo: 巡航渐变赋值(with animaton transiton along a curve that evokes flight)
// 无需动画渐变的姿态改变
jumpTo(options: CameraOptions, eventData?: Object) {
    // 处理四种相机属性,更新transform对象
    const tr = this.transform;
    // 修改标记
    let zoomChanged = false,
    // 直接修改transform属性,其它三种属性同理
    if ('zoom' in options && tr.zoom !== +options.zoom) {
        zoomChanged = true;
        tr.zoom = +options.zoom;
    this.fire(new Event('movestart', eventData))
        .fire(new Event('move', eventData));
    // 触发属性改变时机事件,由于无渐变因此同时触发。其它三种属性同理
    if (zoomChanged) {
        this.fire(new Event('zoomstart', eventData))
            .fire(new Event('zoom', eventData))
            .fire(new Event('zoomend', eventData));
// 带有动画渐变的姿态改变
easeTo() {
    const tr = this.transform,
    // 获取当前各属性的初始值
    startZoom = this.getZoom(),
    zoom = 'zoom' in options ? +options.zoom : startZoom,
    // 触发属性开始变化事件
    this._prepareEase(eventData, options.noMoveStart, currently);
    // 执行封装的类rAF方法,在回调方法中进行姿态属性的插值,其中k为利用now计算的时间差除以设置中经过的时间duration得到的步进值t
    this._ease((k) => {
        // 对各属性进行插值,步进值k根据经过的时段比例计算
        if (this._zooming) {
            tr.zoom = interpolate(startZoom, zoom, k);
    }, (interruptingEaseId?: string) => {
        // 触发属性结束变化事件
        this._afterEase(eventData, interruptingEaseId);
    }, options)
    // 封装对于渐变属性的事件触发
    this._prepareEase(eventData, options.noMoveStart, currently);
// 带有巡航效果的姿态改变
flyTo() {
     * 该方法的核心是flight path的计算,代码中参考了一片论文中的方法来计算最优路径
     * Van Wijk, Jarke J.; Nuij, Wim A. A. “Smooth and efficient zooming and panning.” INFOVIS
     *   ’03. pp. 15–22. <https://www.win.tue.nl/~vanwijk/zoompan.pdf#page=5>.
     * 简单的说就是该方法实现了在视图切换时的一种平滑路径,在uw空间中计算
    // 整条巡航路线的长度
    let S = (r(1) - r0) / rho;
    // 返回地平面的可见范围
    let w: (_: number) => number = function (s) {
        return (cosh(r0) / cosh(r0 + rho * s));
    // 返回巡航路线与地平面的距离
    let u: (_: number) => number = function (s) {
        return w0 * ((cosh(r0) * tanh(r0 + rho * s) - sinh(r0)) / rho2) / u1;
    // S、w与u参与属性插值
    this._ease((k) => {
        const s = k * S;
        const scale = 1 / w(s);
        tr.zoom = k === 1 ? zoom : startZoom + tr.scaleZoom(scale);
        if (this._rotating) {
            tr.bearing = interpolate(startBearing, bearing, k);
        const newCenter = k === 1 ? center : tr.unproject(from.add(delta.mult(u(s))).mult(scale));
        tr.setLocationAtPoint(tr.renderWorldCopies ? newCenter.wrap() : newCenter, pointAtOffset);
    }, () => this._afterEase(eventData), options);


在Transform类中,设置了多种姿态属性的setter/getter拦截器,并且在每种属性的setter拦截器中,除了属性值的更新以外,都调用了 _calcMatrices() 来更新所有相关的变换矩阵。


set pitch(pitch: number) {
    const p = clamp(pitch, this.minPitch, this.maxPitch) / 180 * Math.PI;
    if (this._pitch === p) return;
    this._unmodified = false;
    this._pitch = p;
set center(center: LngLat) {
    if (center.lat === this._center.lat && center.lng === this._center.lng) return;
    this._unmodified = false;
    this._center = center;

下面来看看计算各种变换相关矩阵信息的函数 _calcMatrices() :

_calcMatrices() {
     * 计算投影矩阵
    // 计算相机的近裁面与远裁面距离
    const furthestDistance = Math.cos(Math.PI / 2 - this._pitch) * topHalfSurfaceDistance + this.cameraToCenterDistance;
    const farZ = furthestDistance * 1.01;
    const nearZ = this.height / 50;
    // 本地坐标系到GL坐标系的变换矩阵
    let m = new Float64Array(16);
    mat4.perspective(m, this._fov, this.width / this.height, nearZ, farZ);
    m[8] = -offset.x * 2 / this.width;
    m[9] = offset.y * 2 / this.height;
    mat4.scale(m, m, [1, -1, 1]);
    mat4.translate(m, m, [0, 0, -this.cameraToCenterDistance]);
    mat4.rotateX(m, m, this._pitch);
    mat4.rotateZ(m, m, this.angle);
    mat4.translate(m, m, [-x, -y, 0]);
     * 计算3D墨卡托变换矩阵,用于将点从墨卡托坐标系([0, 0] nw, [1, 1] se)转换到GL坐标系
    this.mercatorMatrix = mat4.scale([], m, [this.worldSize, this.worldSize, this.worldSize]);
    // 处理z轴变量并保存投影矩阵及其逆阵
    mat4.scale(m, m, [1, 1, mercatorZfromAltitude(1, this.center.lat) * this.worldSize, 1]);
    this.projMatrix = m;
    this.invProjMatrix = mat4.invert([], this.projMatrix);
    // 计算轴向投影矩阵,为渲染光栅瓦片所准备
    const xShift = (this.width % 2) / 2, yShift = (this.height % 2) / 2,
        angleCos = Math.cos(this.angle), angleSin = Math.sin(this.angle),
        dx = x - Math.round(x) + angleCos * xShift + angleSin * yShift,
        dy = y - Math.round(y) + angleCos * yShift + angleSin * xShift;
    const alignedM = new Float64Array(m);
    mat4.translate(alignedM, alignedM, [ dx > 0.5 ? dx - 1 : dx, dy > 0.5 ? dy - 1 : dy, 0 ]);
    this.alignedProjMatrix = alignedM;
    // 标签平面在GL中的初始mv矩阵,无姿态变换,亦作为symbol的默认mv矩阵
    m = mat4.create();
    mat4.scale(m, m, [this.width / 2, -this.height / 2, 1]);
    mat4.translate(m, m, [1, -1, 0]);
    this.labelPlaneMatrix = m;
    // 本地坐标系到屏幕坐标系的变换矩阵及其逆阵,即mvp矩阵,用于墨卡托与屏幕坐标互转等方法
    this.pixelMatrix = mat4.multiply(new Float64Array(16), this.labelPlaneMatrix, this.projMatrix);
    m = mat4.invert(new Float64Array(16), this.pixelMatrix);
    if (!m) throw new Error("failed to invert matrix");
    this.pixelMatrixInverse = m;




  1. 经纬度(Longitude and latitude) -> Web墨卡托投影(Global projected coordinate)
  2. Web墨卡托投影 -> 二维屏幕坐标(Pixel coordinate)
  3. 二维屏幕坐标 -> 矢量瓦片坐标(Tile coordinate)


  • coordinateLocation/locationCoordinate: 经纬度与墨卡托互转
  • pointCoordinate/coordinatePoint 墨卡托与屏幕坐标系互转


  1. 经纬度转web墨卡托


    export function mercatorXfromLng(lng: number) {
        return (180 + lng) / 360;
    export function mercatorYfromLat(lat: number) {
        return (180 - (180 / Math.PI * Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + lat * Math.PI / 360)))) / 360;
    class MercatorCoordinate {
        x: number;
        y: number;
        z: number;
        static fromLngLat(lngLatLike: LngLatLike, altitude: number = 0) {
            const lngLat = LngLat.convert(lngLatLike);
            return new MercatorCoordinate(
                    mercatorZfromAltitude(altitude, lngLat.lat));
  2. 墨卡托投影转屏幕坐标

    class Transform {
        // 计算屏幕坐标时,无需z轴数据
        coordinatePoint(coord: MercatorCoordinate) {
            const p = [coord.x * this.worldSize, coord.y * this.worldSize, 0, 1];
            // pixelMatrix即为前面_calcMatrices()得到的本地空间到GL空间的mvp矩阵
            vec4.transformMat4(p, p, this.pixelMatrix);
            // 将w分量转换为1
            return new Point(p[0] / p[3], p[1] / p[3]);
  3. 经纬度转矢量瓦片索引


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