GitHub - rudrankriyam/LeetCode-in-Swift: My solutions to LeetCode problems writt...

 4 years ago
source link: https://github.com/rudrankriyam/LeetCode-in-Swift
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LeetCode in Swift

My solutions to LeetCode problems written in Swift 😬


LeetCode Profile - https://leetcode.com/rudrankriyam/

For any queries or doubt, contact me on -
Twitter - https://twitter.com/rudrankriyam
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/rudrankriyam/

Inspired by the repository by Yi Gu! [https://github.com/soapyigu/LeetCode-Swift]


Problem Code Medium Article 0001 - Two Sum Swift - 0007 - Reverse Integer Swift - 0009 - Palindrome Number Swift - 0013 - Roman to Integer Swift - 0014 - Longest Common Prefix Swift - 0020 - Valid Parentheses Swift - 0021 - Merge Two Sorted Lists Swift - 0026 - Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Swift - 0027 - Remove Element Swift - 0028 - Implement strStr() Swift - 0035 - Search Insert Position Swift - 0038 - Count and Say Swift -


Problem Code Medium Article 0002 - Add Two Numbers Swift - 0003 - Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Swift - 0005 - Longest Palindromic Substring Swift - 0008 - String to Integer (atoi) Swift - 0011 - Container With Most Water Swift - 0012 - Integer to Roman Swift - 0015 - 3Sum Swift - 0016 - 3Sum Closest Swift - 0017 - Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Swift - 0018 - 4Sum Swift - 0019 - Remove Nth Node From End of List Swift - 0022 - Generate Parentheses Swift - 0024 - Swap Nodes in Pairs Swift - 0029 - Divide Two Integers Swift - 0031 - Next Permutation Swift - 0033 - Search in Rotated Sorted Array Swift - 0034 - Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array Swift - 0036 - Valid Sudoku Swift - 0039 - Combination Sum Swift - 0040 - Combination Sum II Swift - 0043 - Multiply Strings Swift - 0046 - Permutations Swift - 0048 - Rotate Image Swift - 0049 - Group Anagrams Swift - 0054 - Spiral Matrix Swift - 0055 - Jump Game Swift - 0056 - Merge Intervals Swift - 0059 - Spiral Matrix II Swift - 0062 - Unique Paths Swift - 0063 - Unique Paths II Swift - 0064 - Minimum Path Sum Swift - 0073 - Set Matrix Zeroes Swift - 0074 - Search a 2D Matrix Swift - 0075 - Sort Colors Swift - 0077 - Combinations Swift - 0078 - Subsets Swift - 0079 - Word Search Swift - 0081 - Search in Rotated Sorted Array II Swift - 0091 - Decode Ways Swift - 0092 - Reverse Linked List II Swift - 0098 - Validate Binary Search Tree Swift - 0102 - Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Swift - 0105 - Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Swift - 0113 - Path Sum II Swift - 0120 - Triangle Swift - 0130 - Surrounded Regions Swift - 0139 - Word Break Swift - 0146 - LRU Cache Swift - 0151 - Reverse Words in a String Swift - 0153 - Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Swift - 0162 - Find Peak Element Swift - 0165 - Compare Version Numbers Swift - 0173 - Binary Search Tree Iterator Swift - 0179 - Largest Number Swift - 0199 - Binary Tree Right Side View Swift - 0200 - Number of Islands Swift - 0207 - Course Schedule Swift - 0208 - Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Swift - 0209 - Minimum Size Subarray Sum Swift - 0210 - Course Schedule II Swift - 0221 - Maximal Square Swift - 0223 - Rectangle Area Swift - 0227 - Basic Calculator II Swift - 0229 - Majority Element II Swift - 0238 - Product of Array Except Self Swift - 0240 - Search a 2D Matrix II Swift - 0279 - Perfect Squares Swift - 0287 - Find the Duplicate Number Swift - 0300 - Longest Increasing Subsequence Swift - 0309 - Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown Swift - 0322 - Coin Change Swift - 0328 - Odd Even Linked List Swift - 0337 - House Robber III Swift - 0338 - Counting Bits Swift - 0341 - Flatten Nested List Iterator Swift - 0343 - Integer Break Swift - 0347 - Top K Frequent Elements Swift - 0378 - Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix Swift - 0382 - Linked List Random Node Swift - 0384 - Shuffle an Array Swift - 0394 - Decode String Swift - 0419 - Battleships in a Board Swift - 0435 - Non-overlapping Intervals Swift - 0450 - Delete Node in a BST Swift - 0454 - 4Sum II Swift - 0486 - Predict the Winner Swift - 0515 - Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row Swift - 0528 - Random Pick with Weight Swift - 0540 - Single Element in a Sorted Array Swift - 0560 - Subarray Sum Equals K Swift - 0609 - Find Duplicate File in System Swift - 0646 - Maximum Length of Pair Chain Swift - 0692 - Top K Frequent Words Swift - 0701 - Insert into a Binary Search Tree Swift - 0729 - My Calendar I Swift - 0739 - Daily Temperatures Swift - 0890 - Find and Replace Pattern Swift - 0911 - Online Election Swift - 0921 - Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid Swift - 0986 - Interval List Intersections Swift - 1004 - Max Consecutive Ones III Swift - 1011 - Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days Swift - 1038 - Binary Search Tree to Greater Sum Tree Swift - 1143 - Longest Common Subsequence Swift - 1296 - Divide Array in Sets of K Consecutive Numbers Swift - 1305 - All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees Swift -


Problem Code Medium Article 0010 - Regular Expression Matching Swift - 0042 - Trapping Rain Water Swift - 0076 - Minimum Window Substring Swift - 0329 - Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix Swift - 0410 - Split Array Largest Sum Swift -

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