GitHub - noahlevenson/stealing-ur-feelings: Winner of Mozilla's $50,000...

 5 years ago
source link: https://github.com/noahlevenson/stealing-ur-feelings
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stealing ur feelings


https://stealingurfeelin.gs ⬅️⬅️⬅️

Meet the new AI that knows you better than you know yourself.

Stealing Ur Feelings is an augmented reality experience that reveals how your favorite apps can use facial emotion recognition technology to make decisions about your life, promote inequalities, and even destabilize American democracy. Using the AI techniques described in corporate patents, Stealing Ur Feelings learns your deepest secrets just by analyzing your face.

The project premiered on the internet on September 23, 2019.

It world premiered at the 2019 Tribeca Film Festival and was exhibited at the Tate Modern. It was profiled by the Museum of the Moving Image, Scientific American, Engadget, and many more; MIT selected it for inclusion in DocuBase, a curated database of people and projects transforming documentary in the digital age.

Stealing Ur Feelings is supported by a $50,000 prize from the NetGain partnership -- a collaboration between Mozilla, MacArthur Foundation, Ford Foundation, Knight Foundation, and the Open Society Foundations.

This project began life as an application for Mozilla's 2018 awards for art and advocacy exploring artificial intelligence. This repository is an open workspace. Check back often for updates!

📰 press & recognition

Museum of the Moving Image

Scientific American


MIT DocuBase


Business Insider Italy

Boing Boing


🎥 festival & exhibition history

2019 Tribeca Film Festival

2019 Camden International Film Festival

2019 Montreal International Documentary Festival

2019 Open City Documentary Festival

Tate Exchange at the Tate Modern

The Glass Room SF presented by Tactical Tech

👀 development

⚡️ changelog

10/21/2019 We're coming to Montreal International Documentary Festival and The Glass Room SF

09/23/2019 Internet premiere

09/14/2019 We're coming to Tate Exchange at the Tate Modern

08/19/2019 We're coming to Camden International Film Festival in Maine

08/14/2019 MIT selected us for inclusion in DocuBase

08/10/2019 We're coming to Open City Documentary Festival in London

05/07/2019 Profiles by the Museum of the Moving Image and Engadget

03/06/2019 We've been selected to premiere at the 2019 Tribeca Film Festival!

01/02/2019 Interactive tech demo v2.0 is live!

10/24/2018 We won

07/12/2018 Submitted full application to Mozilla

07/08/2018 The interactive tech demo is live!

07/06/2018 Registered domain name: stealingurfeelin.gs

06/29/2018 Original funding concept accepted by Mozilla - we've been invited to submit a full application!

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