GitHub - superDross/ticket.vim: Manges git branch specific vim session files

 5 years ago
source link: https://github.com/superDross/ticket.vim
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Creates and manges git branch specific session files.


This allows one to open and save session files associated with specific git branches easily. This is particularly useful if you need to switch branch, but want to preserve your vim state in the branch you are currently within.

When in the branch1 you can execute :SaveSession, switch to branch2 do what you need to do here then switch back to branch1 and execute OpenSession. Your vim instance will look exactly the same as it was prior to switching to branch2.

In this way, each branch can have its very own session that can be easily opened (:OpenSession) and saved/overwritten (:SaveSession).

Let's say every development ticket you get results in a new branch. Having a session & note file ready for when you have to revisit the ticket at a later date, due to another higher priority ticket requiring attention or lengthy code review process, is very useful for regaining your train of thought.

One can also have these session files automatically open and save.

Branch specific note files can be created & managed using :OpenNote & :SaveNote. This is useful when fixing a bug in a certain branch and you wish to document your findings while troubleshooting.

Key Bindings


  • :SaveSession -- To create a branch session

  • :OpenSession -- Open the session

  • :SaveNote -- Save notes about the branch

  • :OpenNote -- Open branch note

  • :GrepNotes * -- Search all notes for given arg

  • :GrepTicketNotesFzf -- FZF grep notes (requires FZF

Normal Mode:

  • <Leader>ng -- FZF grep notes (requires FZF
  • <Leader>ns -- Save notes about branch
  • <Leader>no -- Open branch note


To automatically open and save and session files set the following in your .vimrc:

let g:ticket_auto_open = 1
let g:ticket_auto_save = 1


For vim-plug

Plug 'superDross/ticket.vim'

File Storage

The session files are stored as below; git repository directory name with all branch specific session and note files within it.

└── <repository-name>/
   ├── <branch-name>.md
   └── <branch-name>.vim


The organisation and storage of the session files depends upon the repo & git branch pairing name being unique.

Only works in UNIX based systems, this plugin has only been tested in Ubuntu.

  • Create a blacklist for auto open/save settings e.g. disallow auto session open/saving of the master branch.
  • Increase testing coverage.
  • Allow user to override command names.

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