Real-time currency exchange for developers - CurrencyApi

 4 years ago
source link: https://currencyapi.net/
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Live Rates on 152 currencies

Get real-time accurate rates on over 152 currencies, cryptocurrencies and precious metals.

Rates are updated every 60 seconds.

  1. "timestamp": "1593949824"
  2. "base": "USD"
  3. "rates": {
  4. "CAD": 1.260038
  5. "EUR": 0.806922
  6. "GBP": 0.719104
  7. [+ 149 more]

Historical Data

History is important, so we store currency data from as far back as the year 2000.

Passing the date as a parameter, you can find all currency rates for a particular day.

With our timeframe endpoint, you can select a start and end date to get multiple currencies rates for each day.

More than just physical currencies

We supply a range of popular cryptocurrencies including:
Bitcoin (BTC)
Litecoin (LTC)
Ethereum (ETH)
Ripple (XRP)
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and more!

Unlimited Requests

Staying up to date is important, so we offer plans that give you freedom.

Our plans offer a range from 1,250 API calls to unlimited, so you can select the best option for your project.

If your business requires a custom plan, feel free to get in touch.

More Features

Delivered in JSON or XML

Our endpoints return either JSON or XML. Keeping it simple and easy to work with.

Convert on the fly

Send values and currencies to our Covert endpoint, and we supply the results.

API key authentication

Our 36 character API keys ensure your account is kept safe. Just pass it as a parameter. Simple

Limit your request

You may not always need each conversion rate. Limit what's returned with our limit parameter.

Clear documentation

Our documentation is second to none. Follow along to see how easy we've made it.


Our support team are here to help. So if you need any help setting up, drop us a line.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK