GitHub - mentalfaculty/LLVS: Low-Level Versioned Store

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Low-Level Versioned Store (LLVS)

Author: Drew McCormack (@drewmccormack)

Introduction to LLVS

Ever wish it was as easy to move your app's data around as it is to push and pull your source code with a tool like Git? If so, read on.


Application data is more decentralized than ever. It is rare to find it concentrated on a single device. Typically, a single user will have a multitude of devices, from phones to laptops and watches, and each device may have several independent processes running (eg today extension, sharing extension), each working with a copy of the data. How can you share all of this data, giving the user a consistent picture, without writing thousands of lines of custom code to handle each scenario?

Software developers faced a similar situation in the world of source control. They were faced with this question: How can multiple individuals all work together on the same source files across multiple computers? We all know how that played out. Advances in Source Control Management (SCM) led to systems like Git and GitHub.

These tools successfully solved the problem of decentralized collaboration, and it is odd that the same approach has not been applied to app data before. That's where LLVS comes in. It provides a basic framework for storing and moving data through the decentralized world in which our apps live.

What is LLVS?

LLVS is a new kind of beast, and is not easy to characterize in terms of existing technologies. A reasonable description would be that it is a decentralized, versioned, key-value storage framework.

It works a bit like a traditional key-value store, in which you can insert data values for given unique keys. But LLVS adds to this several extra dimensions, namely, that every time a value is stored, it gets assigned a version, and each version has an ancestry of other versions which you can trace back in time. Just as with Git, you can retrieve the values for any version at any time, determine the differences between two versions, and merge together versions.

All of this would be great on its own, but if it were isolated to a single store, it still would not be very useful in our decentralized world. So LLVS can send and receive versions from other stores, in the same way that you push and pull from other repositories with Git.

If this still has you wondering what LLVS is about, here are a few other characterizations which may help you grok it. LLVS is...

  • A decentralized, versioned, key-value storage framework
  • An abstractive layer for handling the ancestry of a decentralized data set
  • A Directed, Acyclic Graph (DAG) history of the data in your app
  • A simple means to "sync up" data sets across devices, and in the cloud
  • An append-only distributed store, with full versioned history

What is LLVS Not?

At this point, you are probably trying to apply labels to LLVS; trying to categorize it in terms of what you are already acquainted with. Try to keep an open mind lest you miss important, atypical aspects of the framework. To help you in this direction, here is a list of things that LLVS is not:

  • An Object Relational Modeling (ORM) framework
  • A database
  • A serialization framework
  • A framework for developing web services

Where Does it Fit In?

LLVS is an abstraction. It handles the history of a dataset, without needing to know what the data actually represents, how it is stored on disk, or even how it moves between devices.

LLVS includes some classes to get you started. You can set up a basic store using the existing storage classes (eg file based), and distribute your data using an existing cloud service (eg CloudKit), but you could also choose to add support for your own store (eg SQLite) or cloud service (eg Firebase). And you are free to use any data format you like, including serialized Swift Codable values, JSON, and end-to-end encrypted formats.


Swift Package Manager (SPM)

Add this to your Package.swift, if you have a project that uses SPM for dependencies.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/mentalfaculty/LLVS.git, from: "0.3.0")

If you have a standard Xcode project, see the next section.

Swift Package Manager in Xcode 11 or later

Xcode 11 includes direct support for SPM. To add LLVS, choose File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency.... Put the minimum version you require (eg 0.3), and add the package. You can choose which frameworks to include in your target.


Add this to your Cartfile.

github "mentalfaculty/LLVS" "0.3.0"

Manually with Xcode

To add LLVS to your Xcode project, download the source code or add the project as a submodule with Git, and then drag the LLVS root folder into your own Xcode app project. Then select your app's target, and add the LLVS framework in the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section of the General tab.

If you want to use CloudKit, embed the LLVSCloudKit framework too.

Trying it Out First

If you don't want to go to the trouble of installing the framework, but do want to test it out in practice, you can try out the LoCo sample app via Test Flight. Use the link below to add the app to Test Flight on your iOS device.


Some Simple Examples

This section shows simple code for getting started, and provides a means to better understand the framework, and where it fits in to your toolkit.

Creating a Store

Creating a versioned store on a single device is as simple as passing in a directory URL.

let groupDir = FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: "group.com.mycompany.myapp")!
let rootDir = groupDir.appendingPathComponent("MyStore")
let store = Store(rootDirectoryURL: rootStoreDirectory)

This code uses the app group container, which is useful if you want to share data with app extensions. (LLVS stores can be shared directly between multiple processes, such as the main app and a sharing extension.)

Storing Values

When you first create a store, you will probably want to add some initial data.

let stringData = "My first data".data(using: .utf8)!
let newValueId = Value.Identifier("ABCDEF")
let newValue = Value(identifier: newValueId, version: nil, data: stringData)
let insert: Value.Change = .insert(newValue)
let firstVersion = try store.addVersion(basedOnPredecessor: nil, storing: [insert])

This code...

  1. Creates some data from the string "My first data".
  2. Makes a Value.Identifier for the new data with string "ABCDEF". (You will often use a UUID for this.)
  3. Combines the identifier and data in a Value.
  4. The value is wrapped in a Change type, in this case indicating that the value is being inserted into the store for the first time.
  5. The last line creates a new version in the store, and stores the insertion change. Because it is the first version, it has no "predecessor" versions.

At this point, a new version is returned. You could typically store this version somewhere (eg a variable, a file, user defaults), so that it can be used in fetching data.

Storing subsequent values is very similar. The only difference is that you need to pass in the version upon which the changes are based.

let secondData = "My second data".data(using: .utf8)!
let secondValue = Value(identifier: .init("CDEFGH"), version: nil, data: secondData)
let secondInsert: Value.Change = .insert(secondValue)
let secondVersion = try store.addVersion(basedOnPredecessor: firstVersion.identifier, storing: [secondInsert])

The main difference here is that a non-nil predecessor is passed in when adding the version. The predecessor is just the identifier of the first version we created above.

We have also used a shorter notation for the identifier, creating it inline with .init, rather than explicitly storing it in a variable.

Fetching Data

Once we have data in the store, we can of course retrieve it again. With LLVS you need to indicate which version of the data you want, because the store includes a complete history of changes.

let value = try store.value(.init("CDEFGH"), prevailingAt: secondVersion.identifier)!
let fetchedString = String(data: value.data, encoding: .utf8)

Here we have fetched the second value we added above, and converted it back into a string. We passed in the second version identifier; if we had passed in the first version, which was created before the value was added, nil would have been returned.

What about the first value we added above? That was added before the second version, so it continues to exist in future versions. (We say it "prevails".) So we can fetch it in exactly the same way.

let value = try store.value(.init("ABCDEF"), prevailingAt: secondVersion.identifier)!
let fetchedString = String(data: value.data, encoding: .utf8)

Even though it was not added to the store in the second version, it remains in existence in descendent versions until it is explicitly removed.

Updating and Removing Values

Just as you can insert new values, you can also update existing values, and remove them.

let updateData = "An update of my first data".data(using: .utf8)!
let updateValue = Value(identifier: .init("ABCDEF"), version: nil, data: updateData)
let update: Value.Change = .update(updateValue)
let removal: Value.Change = .remove(.init("CDEFGH"))
let thirdVersion = try store.addVersion(basedOnPredecessor: secondVersion.identifier, storing: [update, removal])

The third version is based on the second one. There are two changes: it updates the value for "ABCDEF" with new data, and removes the value for "CDEFGH".

If we now attempted to fetch the value with identifier "CDEFGH" at the third version, we would get nil; however the value would still exist if we fetched the second version.


If the history of changes is serial — one set of changes always based on the preceding — it is easy to work with your data. It gets more complex when concurrent changes are made. If two versions are added at about the same time, you can end up with divergence of your data, and this will likely need to be merged at a later time.

An example of this is when a user makes changes on two different devices, with no interceding sync. Later, when the data does get transferred, the versions branch off, rather than appearing in a continuous ancestral line. This can even happen if you are not using sync; for example, if you have a sharing extension, and it adds a version while your main app is also adding a version.

Navigating History

The Version type forms the basis of the history tracking in LLVS. A version can have up to two predecessor versions upon which it is based, and it can have zero or more successors.

If a version has no successors, it is a head. You can ask for the heads at any time.

var heads: Set<Version.Identifier>?
store.queryHistory { history in
    heads = history.headIdentifiers

Getting the current heads is useful to determine what you need to merge together.

Use the queryHistory function to get a history object that you can navigate. You can request the heads, but you can also retrieve any version you choose.

Getting the most recent head is also easy.

let version: Version? = store.mostRecentHead

The most recent head is a convenient version to use when starting up an extension, or syncing for the first time on a new device. In effect, you are saying "take me to the newest data".


One of the strengths of LLVS is that it gives you a systematic way to resolve discrepancies between versions. If two devices each edit a particular value at about the same time, you can not only identify the conflict, but can merge the two disparate data values together into a new consistent version.

There are two types of merges in LLVS: two-way and three-way. Most of the time you will deal with three-way merges. A three way merge involves two versions — usually heads — and one so-called common ancestor. A common ancestor is a version that exists in the ancestry of each of the two versions being merged; it is a point in the history where the two versions were in agreement, before they diverged.

Merging in this way is much more powerful than the facilities you get from most data modelling frameworks, because you don't just know what the latest values are, you also know what they were in the past, so you can determine what has changed.

Three-way merges are also what are used in Git. In fact, they are the only type of merge possible with Git, which assumes all data derives from a single initial commit.

LLVS supports a second type of merge: two-way. This happens when more than one data set is added to the store that does not have any predecessors. Effectively, you have two initial commits.

Two-way merges are much more rare than three-way merges, and you can even choose to disallow them entirely if you wish, and adopt a Git-like approach where the app is required to choose one initial data set or the other, but cannot merge them together.

You can get started with merging quite easily.

let arbiter = MostRecentChangeFavoringArbiter()
let newVersion = try! store.merge(version: currentVersionId, with: otherHead, resolvingWith: arbiter)

If it turns out that otherHead is a descendent of the current version, this will not actually add a new version, but will just return the new head. (In Git terminology, it will fast forward.)

However, normally the two versions will be divergent, and will need a three-way merge. The merge method will search back through the history, and find a common ancestor. It will then determine the differences between the two new versions by comparing them to the common ancestor. These differences will be passed to a MergeArbiter object, whose task it is to resolve any conflicts.

In this instance, we have used a built-in arbiter class called MostRecentChangeFavoringArbiter. As the name suggests, it will choose the most recently changed value whenever there is a conflict.

In your app, you are more likely to create your own arbiter class, to merge your data in custom ways. You can also choose to handle certain specific cases, and pass more standard tasks off to one of the existing arbiter classes.

Inside a MergeArbiter

You might be wondering what the internals of an arbiter class look like. It's typically a loop over the differences, treating each type of conflict. One of the simplest is MostRecentBranchFavoringArbiter, which will simply favor the branch that has the most recent timestamp. Here is the whole class.

public class MostRecentBranchFavoringArbiter: MergeArbiter {
    public init() {}

    public func changes(toResolve merge: Merge, in store: Store) throws -> [Value.Change] {
        let v = merge.versions
        let favoredBranch: Value.Fork.Branch = v.first.timestamp >= v.second.timestamp ? .first : .second
        let favoredVersion = favoredBranch == .first ? v.first : v.second
        var changes: [Value.Change] = []
        for (valueId, fork) in merge.forksByValueIdentifier {
            switch fork {
            case let .removedAndUpdated(removeBranch):
                if removeBranch == favoredBranch {
                } else {
                    let value = try store.value(valueId, prevailingAt: favoredVersion.identifier)!
            case .twiceInserted, .twiceUpdated:
                let value = try store.value(valueId, prevailingAt: favoredVersion.identifier)!
            case .inserted, .removed, .updated, .twiceRemoved:
        return changes

The engine of this class is the loop over forks. A fork summarizes the changes made in each branch for a single value identifier. Forks can be non-conflicting, like .inserted, .removed, .updated, and .twiceRemoved. These types involve either a change on a single branch, or a change on both branches that can be considered equivalent (eg removing the value on both branches).

Alternatively, a fork can be conflicting. At a minimum, the arbiter is required to return new changes for any forks that are conflicting. This is how they resolve the conflicts in the merge. They can return a completely new change to resolve a conflicting fork, or they can preserve an existing change.

You can see in the code above that when data is inserted on each branch, or updated on each branch, the arbiter preserves the value from the more recent branch. When a .removedAndUpdated is encountered — one branch removing the value, and another applying an update — the arbiter again preserves whichever change was made on the most recent branch.

You need not worry much about arbiters when getting started. You can just choose one of the existing classes, and start with that. Later, as you need more control, you can think about developing your own custom class that conforms to the MergeArbiter protocol.

Setting Up an Exchange

LLVS is a decentralized storage framework, so you need a way to move versions between stores. For this purpose, we use an Exchange. An Exchange is a class that can send and receive data with the goal of moving it to/from other stores.

CloudKit is a good choice for transferring data on Apple platforms. The CloudKitExchange class can be used to move data between LLVS stores using CloudKit.

To get started, we create the exchange.

let cloudDatabase = CKContainer.default().privateCloudDatabase
self.cloudKitExchange = CloudKitExchange(with: store, zoneIdentifier: "MyZone", cloudDatabase: cloudDatabase)

To retrieve new versions from the cloud, we simply call the retrieve func, which is asynchronous, with a completion callback.

self.cloudKitExchange.retrieve { result in
    switch result {
    case let .failure(error):
        // Handle failure
    case let .success(versionIds):
        // Handle success

Sending new versions to the cloud is just as easy.

self.cloudKitExchange.send { result in
    switch result {
    case let .failure(error):
        // Handle failure
    case .success:
        // Handle success

LLVS has no limit on how many exchanges you setup. You can setup several for a single store, effectively pushing and pulling data via different routes.

Exchanges are also not limited to cloud services. You can write your own peer-to-peer class which conforms to the Exchange protocol. LLVS even includes FileSystemExchange, which is an exchange that works via a directory in the file system. This is very useful for testing your app without having to use the cloud.

Learning More

You can begin to explore the code itself, which includes documentary comments. But perhaps the best way to see how it works is to look in the provided Samples.

If you are looking into the sample code, bear in mind that LLVS places no restrictions on what data you put into it. It is entirely up to you how you structure your app data. LLVS gives you a means to store and move the data around, and to track how it is changing, but the data itself is opaque to the framework.

Features of LLVS

Here are list of LLVS features, some of which may not be apparent from the description above.

  • No lock in! Use multiple services to exchange data, and switch at will
  • Includes a full history of changes
  • Branch and merge history
  • Determine what changed between two different versions
  • Work with old versions of data
  • Playback changes
  • Revert commits for undo purposes
  • Extend to any cloud storage
  • Support pure peer-to-peer exchange
  • Support end-to-end encryption
  • Add support for any on-disk storage (eg SQLite, CouchDB, flat file)
  • Systematic 3-way merging of data
  • Append only, so very robust. No mutable data
  • Fully thread safe. Work from any thread, and switch at any time
  • Multiprocess safe. Share the same store between processes (eg extensions)
  • Can safely be added to syncing folders like Dropbox (unlike SQLite, for example)

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