Using Velero for K8s Backup and Restore of CSI Volumes

 4 years ago
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We’ve covered off prepping and installing K8s on this blog a few different ways; with VM templates built manually , withcloud-init, and withClusterAPI vSphere. Let’s say you’ve grown attached to some of the workloads you’re running on one of your clusters, naturally. It would be nice to backup and restore those should something go wrong – or even, as was my case, I deployed a distro of K8s on my Raspberry Pi cluster that I wasn’t wild about and wanted to move to another – how do you migrate those workloads?

Enter Velero . Velero (formerly Heptio Ark) is a backup, restore and DR orchestration application for your K8s workloads. In this post i’d like to take you through the installation and use of Velero, as well as some test backup and restores so you can kick the tyres on your own clusters and maybe give the team some feedback!

I’m assuming you have a K8s cluster up and running with a working storage system. I mean, otherwise you’d have nothing to back up. If not – check the blogs mentioned above to get one running.

If you just want to see it running – check out my VMWorld session and go to 19:30



I am using macOS, so will be using the brew package manager to install and manage my tools, if you are using Linux or Windows, use the appropriate install guide for each tool, according to your OS.

For each tool I will list the brew install command and the link to the install instructions for other OSes.

Installation and Use Workflow

To get Velero running on our cluster there are a few steps we need to run through, at a high level (explaination on these components in a bit):

  • Download and install the Velero CLI to our local machine
  • Install Minio on our cluster for use as a backup repo
  • Install Velero on our cluster


Velero CLI

The Velero CLI isn’t strictly required but it handles a lot of the heavy lifting of creating Velero specific custom resources (CRDs) in K8s that you’d have to do manually otherwise, things like backup schedules and all that jazz.

The Velero CLI is pre-compiled and available for download on the Velero GitHub page , as stated before i’m running macOS so i’ll download and move the binary into my PATH (adjust this to suit your OS).

wget https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/releases/download/v1.1.0/velero-v1.1.0-darwin-amd64.tar.gz
tar -zxvf velero-v1.1.0-darwin-amd64.tar.gz
mv velero-v1.1.0-darwin-amd64/velero /usr/local/bin/.

As long as /usr/local/bin is in your PATH, you’ll be able to now run the CLI:

$ velero version
        Version: v1.1.0
        Git commit: a357f21aec6b39a8244dd23e469cc4519f1fe608
<error getting server version: the server could not find the requested resource (post serverstatusrequests.velero.io)>

The error is expected as we haven’t yet installed Velero into our cluster – but it shows that the CLI is working. An important thing to note is that when using the Velero CLI, it uses the currently active K8s cluster that’s in your terminal session.

Installing Minio

Velero uses S3 API-compatible object storage as its backup location, that means to create a backup we need something that exposes and S3 API. Minio is a small, easy to deploy S3 object store you can run on-prem.

For this example, we’re going to run Minio on our K8s cluster, in production you’d want your S3 store somewhere else, for reasons that should be obvious.

To install Minio we’re going to use helm which is a package manager for K8s – this simplifies the installation down to creating a yaml file for the configuration.

Let’s create the yaml file for the setup of Minio with helm (a full list of variables can be found on the chart page in the repo ):

$ cat minio.yaml
  tag: latest
accessKey: "minio"
secretKey: "minio123"
  type: LoadBalancer
  enabled: true
  name: velero
  size: 50G

Stepping through this, it will deploy the latest version of Minio available, set the username and password to minio and minio123 respectively, expose the service using a LoadBalancer (consequently, you’ll need a LoadBalancer of some kind in your cluster – I recommend MetalLB for labs). Next up, we tell it to automatically create a bucket called velero and to persist the data in a 50GB volume.

Ideally, instead of using Service Type LoadBalancer – you’d use an Ingress Controller like Traefik or NginX , but that’s the subject for another blog post – an LB will do for a proof of concept.

I’m assuming you have the file saved as minio.yaml – so let’s now use helm to deploy this to our cluster.

helm install stable/minio --name minio --namespace infra -f minio.yaml

This installs Minio to your cluster, in a namespace called infra and the helm deployment is given a name of minio (otherwise you’ll get a randomly allocated name).

If we run the following, we’ll get the IP and Port that Minio will be accessible on outside the cluster – in my case the IP is and is accessible on port 9000 :

$ kubectl get service minio -n infra
NAME    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
minio   LoadBalancer   9000:32549/TCP   127m

If you substitute your own details into the below and login using minio and minio123 you’ll see the Minio UI with the Velero bucket present.


Ta-da , an S3 compliant object store, running on K8s.


Installing Velero

Velero can be installed either via a helm chart or via the Velero CLI, my preferred method is to use the helm chart as it means I can store the configuration in a yaml file and deploy it repeatably without having to memorise commands.

If you want to deploy via the CLI, see the Velero documentation , we are going to use helm here.

Again, as with the Minio chart, the first step is to create the configuration yaml file:

$ cat velero.yaml
  tag: v1.1.0
  provider: aws
    name: aws
    bucket: velero
      region: minio
      s3ForcePathStyle: true
      s3Url: http://minio.infra.svc:9000
  useSecret: true
    cloud: |
      aws_access_key_id = minio
      aws_secret_access_key = minio123
snapshotsEnabled: false
      velero.io/plugin-config: ""
      velero.io/restic: RestoreItemAction
      image: gcr.io/heptio-images/velero-restic-restore-helper:v1.1.0
deployRestic: true

So, it may look a little strange with the provider type aws and such, but that is simply there to allow us to use the S3 backup target – notice that we just use the IP address and port of the Minio service we deployed in the previous step as the URL to send the backups to.

One thing i’d like to call out is the difference between publicUrl and s3UrlpublicUrl is what the Velero CLI will communicate with when it needs to get things like logs and such, the s3Url is what the Velero in-cluster process sends the data and logs to. In this case s3Url is not publically accessible, it uses a Kubernetes in-cluster DNS record ( minio.infra.svc:9000 ) – this says, send the data to service minio in namespace infra and of type service on port 9000 .

Because the s3Url is only resolvable within the K8s cluster, we must also specify the publicUrl to allow the CLI to also interface with the assets in that object store.

The last line may be something you’re wondering about – deployRestic tells Velero to deploy the restic data mover to pull bits off the disk from inside the cluster, rather than relying on native snapshotting and diff capabilities and is required for vSphere installations.

With all that said, once you’ve adjusted the above to suit your environment (likely just publicUrl and s3Url ) you can deploy the helm chart.

helm install stable/velero --name velero --namespace velero -f velero.yaml

With Velero deployed to our cluster, we can now get to creating some backup schedules and test how it all works.

Deploying a Sample Application

As of Velero v1.1.0, CSI volumes are supported, meaning we can backup the contents of PVs on kubernetes clusters running CSI plugins, as well as the manifests that make up that app.

To test this out, let’s deploy an app – a Slack clone i’m awfully fond of called RocketChat – as usual, we’ll create the config yaml file first:

$ cat rocketchat.yaml
  enabled: true
  type: LoadBalancer
  mongodbPassword: password
  mongodbRootPassword: password

This will deploy RocketChat (which uses MongoDB as a database) to our cluster and expose it using another LoadBalancer IP – again, ideally this would be done using an Ingress Controller instead, but for simplicity – we’ll do it this way.

helm install stable/rocketchat --name rocketchat --namespace rocketchat -f rocketchat.yaml

If you watch the pods as this comes up, you should see the arbiter, the primary and then the secondary MongoDB nodes come up, following that – the RocketChat app itself will come up and at that point, will be accessible within the browser:

kubectl get pod -n rocketchat -w

Once all the pods show Running and 1/1 – we can grab the LoadBalancer IP and port and access the app:

$ kubectl get svc -n rocketchat
NAME                          TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
rocketchat-mongodb            ClusterIP   <none>        27017/TCP      3m34s
rocketchat-mongodb-headless   ClusterIP      None            <none>        27017/TCP      3m34s
rocketchat-rocketchat         LoadBalancer   80:30904/TCP   3m34s

So, to access this service, as with Minio – sub in your own IP into the following:


Go through the motions of creating a user account with whatever name and password you like until you get to the main page:


Navigate to the #general channel and upload something or type in some text – this will be the data we want to protect with Velero!


Now, we can’t have that data going missing – i’m sure you’ll agree, so let’s back it up with Velero!

Backup and Restore with Velero

Now that we have an application, and data we want to protect – let’s tag the PersistentVolumes so Velero will back them up. First – we need to find out what the volumes are called:

$ kubectl get pvc -n rocketchat
NAME                                     STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS      AGE
datadir-rocketchat-mongodb-primary-0     Bound    pvc-dda3e972-e5fa-11e9-a30e-00505691513e   8Gi        RWO            space-efficient   23m
datadir-rocketchat-mongodb-secondary-0   Bound    pvc-ddb17d70-e5fa-11e9-a30e-00505691513e   8Gi        RWO            space-efficient   23m
rocketchat-rocketchat                    Bound    pvc-dd633f78-e5fa-11e9-a30e-00505691513e   8Gi        RWO            space-efficient   23m

The first word in the name of each PVC, is the name of the volume – so datadir and rocketchat . Let’s tell Velero to backup those datadir volumes by tagging the pods.

$ kubectl annotate pod -n rocketchat --selector=release=rocketchat,app=mongodb backup.velero.io/backup-volumes=datadir --overwrite
pod/rocketchat-mongodb-arbiter-0 annotated
pod/rocketchat-mongodb-primary-0 annotated
pod/rocketchat-mongodb-secondary-0 annotated

The above command looks for all pods in the rocketchat namespace with the tags release=rocketchat and app=mongodb and annotates them with a label backup.velero.io/backup-volumes=datadir – this tells Velero to backup the Persistent Volumes that are consumed with the name datadir .

Set up a Velero Schedule

Now that our app is set up to request Velero backups – let’s schedule some – in the below example, we are asking for a backup to be taken every hour and for them to be held for 24 hours each.

velero schedule create hourly --schedule="@every 1h" --ttl 24h0m0s

Let’s create another that runs daily and retains the backups for 7 days:

velero schedule create daily --schedule="@every 24h" --ttl 168h0m0s

If we query Velero, we can now see what schedules are set up:

$ velero get schedules
daily    Enabled   2019-10-03 17:57:43 +0100 BST   @every 24h   168h0m0s     23s ago       <none>
hourly   Enabled   2019-10-03 17:56:20 +0100 BST   @every 1h    24h0m0s      1m ago        <none>

Additionally, we can see they’ve already taken a backup each, we can query those backups with the following command:

$ velero get backups  
NAME                    STATUS      CREATED                         EXPIRES   STORAGE LOCATION   SELECTOR
daily-20191003165757    Completed   2019-10-03 17:58:33 +0100 BST   6d        default            <none>
hourly-20191003165634   Completed   2019-10-03 17:56:34 +0100 BST   23h       default            <none>

If we wanted to take an ad-hoc backup that can be achieved through the following (in this case, we will only backup the rocketchat namespace):

$ velero backup create before-disaster --include-namespaces rocketchat
Backup request "before-disaster" submitted successfully.
Run `velero backup describe before-disaster` or `velero backup logs before-disaster` for more details.

As the command says – we can query progress with the following:

velero backup describe before-disaster --details

Adding the --details option will show us the restic backup status of the persistent volumes at the very bottom:

Restic Backups:
    rocketchat/rocketchat-mongodb-primary-0: datadir
    rocketchat/rocketchat-mongodb-secondary-0: datadir

And now if we go to Minio, in the velero bucket you will see the backups and their contents (they are all encrypted on disk by default):



Simulating a disaster

Now that we have a backup and some scheduled backups, let’s delete the rocketchat app – and all it’s data off disk and restore it using Velero.

helm delete --purge rocketchat

This will delete the RocketChat app – but because MongoDB uses a StatefulSet , the data volumes will stick around – as you can see from the CNS UI:


We can delete these PVs by deleting the namespace too:

kubectl delete ns rocketchat

So, now all our data is truely gone – as evidenced by the CNS UI no longer showing any volumes for the rocketchat filter:


Restoring with Velero

Our app is dead, and the data is gone – so it’s time to restore it from one of the backups we took – i’ll use the ad-hoc one for ease of naming:

$ velero restore create --from-backup before-disaster --include-namespaces rocketchat
Restore request "before-disaster-20191003181320" submitted successfully.
Run `velero restore describe before-disaster-20191003181320` or `velero restore logs before-disaster-20191003181320` for more details.

Again – let's monitor it with the command from above:

velero restore describe before-disaster-20191003181320 --details

Once the output of the command shows completed and the Restic Restores at the bottom are done, like below, we can check on our app:

Name:         before-disaster-20191003181320
Namespace:    velero
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>

Phase:  Completed

Backup:  before-disaster

  Included:  rocketchat
  Excluded:  <none>

  Included:        *
  Excluded:        nodes, events, events.events.k8s.io, backups.velero.io, restores.velero.io, resticrepositories.velero.io
  Cluster-scoped:  auto

Namespace mappings:  <none>

Label selector:  <none>

Restore PVs:  auto

Restic Restores:
    rocketchat/rocketchat-mongodb-primary-0: datadir
    rocketchat/rocketchat-mongodb-secondary-0: datadir

Let's see if the pods are back up and running, and our PVCs are restored in our namespace:

$ kubectl get po,pvc -n rocketchat
NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/rocketchat-mongodb-arbiter-0             1/1     Running   0          3m5s
pod/rocketchat-mongodb-primary-0             1/1     Running   0          3m5s
pod/rocketchat-mongodb-secondary-0           1/1     Running   0          3m5s
pod/rocketchat-rocketchat-7bdf95cb47-86q9t   1/1     Running   0          3m4s

NAME                                                           STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS      AGE
persistentvolumeclaim/datadir-rocketchat-mongodb-primary-0     Bound    pvc-1d90d0d7-e601-11e9-a30e-00505691513e   8Gi        RWO            space-efficient   3m5s
persistentvolumeclaim/datadir-rocketchat-mongodb-secondary-0   Bound    pvc-1d95abc7-e601-11e9-a30e-00505691513e   8Gi        RWO            space-efficient   3m5s
persistentvolumeclaim/rocketchat-rocketchat                    Bound    pvc-1d99ea27-e601-11e9-a30e-00505691513e   8Gi        RWO            space-efficient   3m5s

In the CNS UI – we’ll see the volumes again present – this time with some extra velero labels against them:


And our app should once be again accessible and our data safe:




A tip on troubleshooting Velero backups – make liberal use of the logs command:

velero restore logs before-disaster-20191003181320

This is where the publicUrl section from the very start matters – if you don’t have that populated, your logs won’t get displayed to you, so if you’re experiencing that, make sure you’ve defined that parameter.

The logs have a trove of information in them, so if Restic is having trouble pulling data from a volume or such, all that info is in there!

This brings us to the end of our look at Velero on vSphere – and in particular the integration with CSI. If you have feedback for the Velero team – please reach out on GitHub and file some issues, whether is enhancements, bugs – or if you just need help. Stay tuned for more K8s goodness in the near future!

Why not follow @mylesagray on Twitter for more like this!

About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK