handwriting/handwriting.sql at master · doersino/handwriting · GitHub

 4 years ago
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308 lines (291 sloc) 13.5 KB

-- Handwriting recognition scheme modeled after an interactive essay:
-- https://jackschaedler.github.io/handwriting-recognition/
-- Additional information: https://github.com/doersino/handwriting
-- Setup:
-- $ psql -c "CREATE DATABASE handwriting;"
-- $ psql -d handwriting -f handwriting_setup.sql
-- Usage:
-- Generate a pen stroke using the enclosed HTML file index.html, then run the
-- following (on PostgreSQL 10 or newer), replacing the "〰" placeholder
-- with the generated pen stroke:
-- $ psql -d handwriting -f handwriting.sql -v pen='〰'
-- Example (the letter A):
--\set pen '[ { "x": 37, "y": 31 }, { "x": 37, "y": 31 }, { "x": 37, "y": 34 }, { "x": 37, "y": 39 }, { "x": 38, "y": 43 }, { "x": 41, "y": 57 }, { "x": 44, "y": 66 }, { "x": 48, "y": 76 }, { "x": 52, "y": 86 }, { "x": 54, "y": 92 }, { "x": 56, "y": 96 }, { "x": 58, "y": 99 }, { "x": 59, "y": 101 }, { "x": 59, "y": 102 }, { "x": 60, "y": 102 }, { "x": 60, "y": 102 }, { "x": 60, "y": 101 }, { "x": 60, "y": 98 }, { "x": 61, "y": 90 }, { "x": 64, "y": 80 }, { "x": 65, "y": 73 }, { "x": 67, "y": 66 }, { "x": 69, "y": 60 }, { "x": 71, "y": 52 }, { "x": 72, "y": 49 }, { "x": 72, "y": 46 }, { "x": 73, "y": 44 }, { "x": 74, "y": 42 }, { "x": 74, "y": 41 }, { "x": 74, "y": 40 }, { "x": 74, "y": 40 }, { "x": 74, "y": 39 }, { "x": 74, "y": 39 }, { "x": 74, "y": 39 }, { "x": 74, "y": 39 }, { "x": 74, "y": 39 }, { "x": 74, "y": 39 }, { "x": 72, "y": 40 }, { "x": 67, "y": 43 }, { "x": 63, "y": 45 }, { "x": 60, "y": 47 }, { "x": 58, "y": 49 }, { "x": 56, "y": 50 }, { "x": 54, "y": 52 }, { "x": 52, "y": 52 }, { "x": 51, "y": 53 }, { "x": 50, "y": 54 }, { "x": 50, "y": 54 }, { "x": 50, "y": 54 }, { "x": 49, "y": 54 }, { "x": 49, "y": 54 }, { "x": 49, "y": 54 }, { "x": 49, "y": 54 }, { "x": 49, "y": 55 }, { "x": 49, "y": 55 }, { "x": 49, "y": 55 }, { "x": 48, "y": 55 }, { "x": 48, "y": 55 }, { "x": 48, "y": 55 }, { "x": 47, "y": 56 }, { "x": 46, "y": 56 }, { "x": 46, "y": 56 }, { "x": 46, "y": 56 }, { "x": 46, "y": 56 } ]'
-- Weight of previously smoothed point (0 < n < 1).
\set smoothingfactor 0.75
-- Size of thinning box in px (roughly 10x the essay values).
\set thinningsize 5
-- Minimum angle for a corner to be recognized.
\set cornerangle 90
-- Ask psql to put on some makeup.
\timing on
\pset border 2
-- Load the setup file.
--\i 'handwriting_setup.sql'
tablet(pos, x, y) AS (
-- Initial step: Convert JSON data into tabular representation of pen stroke.
-- It would be kinda cool to use the built-in path type here (and line/point/
-- box types throughout the rest of the query), but seems like there's no way
-- to extract a path's constituent points (apart from parsing them from a
-- textual representation, which seems silly), making it pretty useless here.
SELECT ordinality AS pos, x, y
FROM ROWS FROM(jsonb_to_recordset(:'pen') AS (x int, y int)) WITH ORDINALITY
smooth(pos, x, y) AS (
-- Smooth pen stroke to remove quantization jitter. Return reals because the
-- more idiomatic numeric type will feature unnecessarily many decimal places
-- after a few iterations.
SELECT pos, x :: real, y :: real
FROM tablet
WHERE pos = 1
SELECT t.pos,
(:smoothingfactor * s.x + (1.0 - :smoothingfactor) * t.x) :: real AS x,
(:smoothingfactor * s.y + (1.0 - :smoothingfactor) * t.y) :: real AS y
FROM smooth s, tablet t
WHERE t.pos = s.pos + 1
thin(pos, x, y) AS (
-- Thin stroke by removing all points within a certain distance from most
-- recent already thinned point.
FROM smooth
WHERE pos = 1
FROM ( -- ORDER BY being illegal in the recursive part of a WITH RECURSIVE
-- necessitates this ugly subquery hack.
SELECT s.pos, s.x, s.y
FROM thin t, smooth s
WHERE s.pos > t.pos
AND :thinningsize < |/ (s.x - t.x)^2 + (s.y - t.y)^2
-- Alternative, closer to the original specification, but less ideal: square
-- instead of circle, pruning too many points for diagonal strokes.
--AND (abs(s.x - t.x) >= :thinningsize OR abs(s.y - t.y) >= :thinningsize)
ORDER BY s.pos
) AS _
curve(pos, x, y, direction) AS (
-- Compute angle (in integer degrees) between each adjacent pair of points.
-- 0 degrees corresponds to both points lying on a horizontal line, with the
-- newer point to the right of the older point. 90 degrees means that the
-- newer point is directly above the older point. Remaining values follow the
-- same pattern (think unit circle).
SELECT pos, x, y,
COALESCE(degrees(-atan2( y - lag(y) OVER (ORDER BY pos),
-x + lag(x) OVER (ORDER BY pos))
) + 180,
90) -- First point corresponds to "up" direction,
-- matches essay implementation and avoids NULLs.
FROM thin
cardinal(pos, direction) AS (
-- Compute cardinal direction for each point from angle. Note that this is
-- done using a set of inequalities in the essay, which is computationally
-- less expensive, but it really doesn't make a difference considering 50
-- years' worth of Moore's law between the algorithm's conception and the time
-- of this implementation.
(enum_range(NULL :: cardinal_direction))[(direction / 90) :: int % 4 + 1]
FROM curve
--cardinal_hysteresis(pos, actual_direction, direction) AS (
-- -- Same as above, but featuring so-called hysteresis zones with a width of 8
-- -- degrees which keep the emitted cardinal direction from switching around
-- -- between two values for an around-45-degree stroke. Outdated, needs minor
-- -- adjustments before use.
-- SELECT pos, direction, (enum_range(NULL :: cardinal_direction))[(direction / 90) :: int % 4 + 1]
-- FROM curve
-- WHERE pos = 1
-- (SELECT c.pos,
-- WHEN abs(c.direction - c42.actual_direction) < 8
-- THEN c42.actual_direction
-- ELSE c.direction
-- END,
-- (enum_range(NULL :: cardinal_direction))[((
-- WHEN abs(c.direction - c42.actual_direction) < 8
-- THEN c42.actual_direction
-- ELSE c.direction
-- END) / 90) :: int % 4 + 1]
-- FROM curve c, cardinal_hysteresis c42
-- WHERE c.pos > c42.pos
-- ORDER BY c.pos
-- LIMIT 1) AS _
cardinal_change(pos, direction) AS (
-- Only keep changes (meaning a new direction that occurs at least twice in
-- succession) of the cardinal direction.
SELECT pos, direction
FROM (SELECT pos, direction,
COALESCE(lag(direction, 2) OVER win <> lag(direction) OVER win,
true) -- Prevent NULLs from escaping this term.
AND lag(direction) OVER win = direction
FROM cardinal
WINDOW win AS (ORDER BY pos)) AS _(pos, direction, is_new)
WHERE is_new
corner(pos, x, y) AS (
-- Detect corners: between two segments going in the same direction and two
-- segments going into a wildly different direction, with an optional in-
-- between "turn" segment with an arbitrary direction.
SELECT pos, x, y
FROM (SELECT pos, x, y, (
angdiff(lag(direction, 2) OVER win, lag(direction) OVER win) < 22.5
AND angdiff(lag(direction) OVER win, direction) > :cornerangle
AND angdiff(direction, lead(direction) OVER win) < 22.5
) OR ( -- Immediate direction change OR one-segment turn.
angdiff(lag(direction, 3) OVER win, lag(direction, 2) OVER win) < 22.5
AND angdiff(lag(direction, 2) OVER win, direction) > :cornerangle
AND angdiff(direction, lead(direction) OVER win) < 22.5
) AS is_corner
FROM curve
WINDOW win AS (ORDER BY pos)) AS _(pos, x, y, is_corner)
WHERE is_corner
--corner_hysteresis(pos, x, y, corner) AS (
-- -- Same as above, but utilizing a different approach and allowing slight
-- -- differences in the directions of each pair of pre- and post-corner
-- -- segments. Outdated, needs minor adjustments before use.
-- SELECT pos,
-- x,
-- y,
-- abs(corner[1] - corner[2]) <= 1 AND
-- abs(corner[array_length(corner, 1)] - corner[array_length(corner, 1) - 1]) <= 1 AND
-- abs(corner[2] - corner[array_length(corner, 1) - 1]) > :cornerangle / 16; --, direction
-- array_agg(direction) OVER (ORDER BY pos ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND 2 FOLLOWING) AS corner
-- FROM (SELECT pos, x, y, (direction / 22.5) :: int AS direction
-- FROM curve) AS _
-- WINDOW win AS (ORDER BY pos)) AS _
aabb(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, aspect, width, height, centerx, centery) AS (
-- Define an axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) around the drawn character and
-- output some statistics.
SELECT min(x),
(max(y) - min(y)) / greatest(1, (max(x) - min(x))), -- Prevent n/0.
max(x) - min(x),
max(y) - min(y),
min(x) + (max(x) - min(x)) / 2,
min(y) + (max(y) - min(y)) / 2
FROM smooth
start_grid(n) AS (
-- Start point (pen-down position) as an area on a 4x4 grid.
SELECT gridpos(a.width, a.height, a.xmin, a.ymin, s.x, s.y)
FROM smooth s, aabb a
ORDER BY s.pos
stop_grid(n) AS (
-- End point (pen-up position) as an area on a 4x4 grid. Called "stop"
-- throughout this query because "end" is a reserved keyword.
SELECT gridpos(a.width, a.height, a.xmin, a.ymin, s.x, s.y)
FROM smooth s, aabb a
corner_grid(pos, n) AS (
-- Corners as areas on a 4x4 grid. Use DISTINCT to get rid of sequential
-- duplicates that arise due to the two OR'd corner conditions (one-segment
-- turn OR immediate direction change). This also gets rid of non-sequential
-- duplicates, but that didn't turn out to be an issue, so I saw no need to
-- implement a conceptually-cleaner-but-more-verbose approach.
c.pos, gridpos(a.width, a.height, a.xmin, a.ymin, c.x, c.y)
FROM corner c, aabb a
features(directions, start, stop, corners, width, height, aspect, center) AS (
-- Assemble summary of the extracted features, ready for pattern-matching in
-- the next step. This single-row table should contain all information
-- required to identify the character corresponding to the input pen stroke.
-- In truth, not all features (width, height, center) are all that useful when
-- it comes to recognizing capital characters, but extracting them here
-- doesn't cost much and allows for future expansion.
SELECT (SELECT array_agg(direction ORDER BY pos)
FROM cardinal_change),
(TABLE start_grid),
(TABLE stop_grid),
(SELECT COALESCE(array_agg(n ORDER BY pos), '{}')
FROM corner_grid),
point(centerx, centery)
FROM aabb
character(character) AS (
-- Consult first lookup table, yielding one or more potential character
-- matching the first four cardinal directions of the pen stroke. Then narrow
-- list of potential characters down to just one.
SELECT l.character
FROM features f, lookup_candidates c, lookup_bestfit l
WHERE f.directions[1:4] = c.first_four_directions
AND c.candidate_characters = l.candidate_characters
AND (l.start IS NULL OR f.start = l.start)
AND (l.stop IS NULL OR f.stop = l.stop)
AND (l.corners IS NULL OR f.corners = l.corners)
AND (l.last_direction IS NULL OR f.directions[array_length(f.directions, 1)] = l.last_direction)
AND (l.aspect_range IS NULL OR l.aspect_range @> f.aspect :: numeric)
debug AS (
-- Ugh, figuring out how to properly add double quotes around array elements
-- in the tuple output took way too long.
SELECT candidate_characters,
(SELECT character FROM character) AS character,
'(''{' || (SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(unnest :: text), ',' ORDER BY ordinality)
FROM unnest(candidate_characters) WITH ORDINALITY)
|| '}'', '''
|| COALESCE((SELECT character FROM character), '?') :: text
|| ''', '
|| start
|| ', '
|| stop
|| ', '
|| ''''
|| corners :: text
|| ''', '''
|| directions[array_length(directions, 1)]
|| ''', numrange('
|| aspect
|| ','
|| aspect
|| '))' AS tuple
FROM features, lookup_candidates
WHERE directions[1:4] = first_four_directions
prettyprint AS (
-- Not actually very pretty.
SELECT candidate_characters, COALESCE((TABLE character), '?') AS character
FROM features, lookup_candidates
WHERE directions[1:4] = first_four_directions
TABLE debug;
--TABLE prettyprint;
-- Here be dragons.

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