Writing efficient free variable traversals

 4 years ago
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bgamari - 2019-07-28

Imagine that I show you a fragment of a Haskell program:

let x = y + 1
in x

and pose the question: “what are the variables in this program?” You would likely respond x and y . Now I ask you: what is the difference between those two variables?

One answer is that x is bound by the fragment whereas y comes from the fragment’s surrounding context. Variables like y are known as free variables .

When compiling a language like Haskell you often find yourself needing to enumerate the free variables of types and expressions. Consequently, GHC’s free variable traversals are some of the most heavily used pieces of code in the compiler and we try hard to ensure that they are efficient.

How does one write an efficient free variable traversal? This is a question we will try to answer in this post.

A naïve solution

For the sake of concreteness, let’s consider a toy expression language:

data Var = Var Int

data Expr = EVar Var        -- a variable expression
          | ELam Var Expr   -- lambda abstraction
          | EApp Expr Expr  -- function application
          | ELit Integer    -- an integer literal

Since we are talking about sets of variables, we need a way to represent such things (in GHC this is implemented using containersIntMap , but anything with this interface will do):

data VarSet

instance Monoid VarSet
instance Semigroup VarSet

insertVarSet :: Var -> VarSet -> VarSet
delVarSet    :: Var -> VarSet -> VarSet
unitVarSet   :: Var -> VarSet

With this groundwork in place, our first attempt at writing a free variable traversal for such a language might look like this:

-- A naïve free variable traversal.
freeVars :: Expr -> VarSet
freeVars (EVar v)       = unitVarSet v
freeVars (ELam v e)     = delVarSet (freeVars e)
freeVars (EApp fun arg) = freeVars fun <> freeVars arg
freeVars (ELit _)       = mempty

Loading this into GHCi we see that this indeed gives us the right answer for a simple example program:

>>> f:x:y:z:_ = map (EVar . Var) [0..]
    -- \x -> (\y -> f x) (f z)
>>> e = ELam x ((ELam y (EApp f x)) `EApp` (EApp f z))
>>> freeVars e
VarSet (fromList [EVar (Var 0), EVar (Var 3)])

However, this traversal is far from efficient:

  1. We build VarSet s containing variables for which we have already encountered a binding site. For instance, when computing freeVars ELam y (EApp x y) we will build the full free variable set of the subexpression EApp x y , then perform yet another allocation to remove the variable that we bind (e.g.  y ). It would be better to avoid adding y to our result in the first place.

  2. the EApp case is not tail recursive, resulting in unnecessary stack and heap allocation. To see this we look at the (cleaned-up) STG produced for the RHS of freeVar ‘s’ EApp case (compiled with -O0 ), recalling that in STG let bindings correspond directly to thunk allocation:

    freeVars = \expr ->
      case expr of
        EApp fun arg -> 
          let x = freeVars fun  -- allocate a thunk for the free vars of fun
              y = freeVars arg  -- allocate a thunk for the free vars of arg
          in (<>) x y           -- call (<>) with the two thunks

    Note that GHC, when invoked with -O1 , will eliminate these thunk allocations as itknows that (<>) is strict in its arguments. This will produce slight less allocation-heavy STG (noting that case in STG corresponds to forcing an expression):

    freeVars = \expr ->
      case expr of
        EApp fun arg -> 
          case freeVars fun of
            fun_fvs -> 
              case freeVars arg of
                arg_fvs ->
                  (<>) fun_fvs arg_fvs

    Now we have two nested case analyses, each of which will incur a stack frame push and pop. This cost likely won’t be terrible, but we can nevertheless do better.

Improving upon our attempt

We can address the issues noted above with a two-pronged plan of attack:

  1. Carry a set of bound variables downward with us as we traverse the expression tree. Consequently, when we encounter a EVar we can first ask whether we have seen a binding site for that variable before committing to allocate a new VarSet .

  2. Move to an accumulator style , refactoring freeVars to take a partially-built set of free-variables we have seen thusfar as an argument. This allows us to define freeVars tail recursively.

An implementation of these optimizations might look like:

freeVars' :: VarSet    -- ^ bound variable set
          -> Expr      -- ^ the expresson we want the free variables of
          -> VarSet    -- ^ the accumulator
          -> VarSet    -- ^ the final free variable set

freeVars' boundVars (EVar v) acc
  | memberVarSet v boundVars
  = acc  -- we have seen the binding site for the variable, not free

  | otherwise
  = insertVarSet v acc
freeVars' boundVars (ELam v e) acc
  = let -- we are binding 'v' so add it to our bound variable set
        boundVars' = insertVarSet v boundVars
    in freeVars' boundVars' e acc
freeVars' boundVars (EApp fun arg) acc
  = freeVars' boundVars fun $ freeVars' boundVars arg acc
freeVars' boundVars (ELit _) acc
  = acc

freeVars :: Expr -> VarSet
freeVars e = freeVars' mempty e mempty

While a bit more verbose this gives much nicer performance characteristics:

Aside: Avoiding redundant inserts

An additional optimization that can also be useful is to check whether we have already added a variable to our accumulator before inserting:

freeVars' boundVars (EVar v) acc
  | memberVarSet v boundVars
  = acc  -- we have seen the binding site for the variable, not free

  | memberVarSet v acc
  = acc  -- the variable is free but has already been added to the accumulator

  | otherwise
  = insertVarSet v acc

In VarSet representations like the IntMap used by GHC this can alleviate pressure on the garbage collector. Given that GC time is often considerable in a heavily-allocating program like GHC this is likely a worthwhile optimization (although I have not yet measured its effect).

However, as it is not critical to the current discussion, we will ignore it for the remainder of the post.

Cleaning up the implementation

It is nice that this new implementation is fast, but wouldn’t it be great if we could recover the readability of our naïve approach? To do so we might be tempted to define a type and some combinators to capture the patterns seen in freeVars' above:

-- | A computation to build a free variable set.
newtype FV = FV { runFV :: VarSet   -- bound variable set
                        -> VarSet   -- the accumulator
                        -> VarSet   -- the result

instance Monoid FV where
  -- The empty FV just passes the accumulator along unperturbed
  mempty = FV $ \_ acc -> acc

instance Semigroup FV where
  -- Unioning two FVs passes the accumulator produced by one to the other
  fv1 <> fv2 = FV $ \boundVars acc -> 
    runFV fv1 boundVars (runFV fv2 boundVars acc)

-- | Consider a variable to be bound in the given 'FV' computation.
bindVar :: Var -> FV -> FV
bindVar v fv = FV $ \boundVars acc ->
  runFV fv (insertVarSet v boundVars) acc

-- | Take note of a variable reference.
unitFV :: Var -> FV
unitFV v = FV $ \boundVars acc ->
  if memberVarSet v boundVars
  then acc                 -- variable is known to be bound, ignore
  else insertVarSet v acc  -- variable is free, insert into accumulator

fvToVarSet :: FV -> VarSet
fvToVarSet fv = runFV fv mempty mempty

With this groundwork in place freeVars becomes a simple declarative description of how to walk the Expr AST:

exprFV :: Expr -> FV
exprFV (EVar v)       = unitFV v
exprFV (ELam v e)     = bindVar v (exprFV e)
exprFV (EApp fun arg) = exprFV fun <> exprFV arg
exprFV (ELit _)       = mempty

freeVars = fvToVarSet . exprFV

Improving code re-use

GHC has used a close relative of the FV type seen above for its free variable traversals on its Core ASTs for a few years now. However, over the years the varying needs of different parts of GHC have caused the codebase to sprout several additional traverals:

  • free variable collection that doesn’t guarantee determinism across compiler runs (as GHC uses non-deterministic unique numbers to identify variables)
  • free variable collection which only returns local variables
  • free variable collection which only returns coercion variables (a variety of variable beyond the scope of the present discussion; see the System FC paper for details)
  • traversal that only returns a boolean reflecting whether an expression has any free variables

Moreover, in GHC each of these must be implemented on each of the three ASTs which comprise Core programs: Expr , Type , and Coercion .

Needless to say, this results in a significant amount of repetition. Is it possible to abstract over the details of each travesal strategy and share the bare skeleton of exprFV and get preserve our hard-fought performance improvements? We would be poor functional programmers if we answered “no”. Let’s see how.

Abstracting the traversal strategy

To improve code re-use we want to separate the AST traversal (that is, how we walk over the various parts of the AST) from what we call the strategy used to build the free variable set. To guide our abstraction we can start by looking at the operations used by the exprFV traversal above:


Following a final tagless style, we write down a typeclass capturing all of these operations (N.B. recall that Semigroup is implied by Monoid ):

class Monoid a => FreeVarStrategy a where
  unitFV :: Var -> a
  bindVar :: Var -> a -> a

We can now define our traversals in terms of this class (note that only the type signature has changed from the exprFV seen above; how nice!):

exprFV :: FreeVarStrategy a => Expr -> a
exprFV (EVar v)       = unitFV v
exprFV (ELam v e)     = bindVar v (exprFV e)
exprFV (EApp fun arg) = exprFV fun <> exprFV arg
exprFV (ELit _)       = mempty

Finally we can write some strategies implementing this interface. To start, the naïve implementation from the beginning of this post can be captured as:

newtype Naive = Naive { runNaive :: VarSet }

instance Monoid Naive where
  mempty = Naive mempty
instance Semigroup Naive where
  Naive a <> Naive b = Naive (a <> b)
instance FreeVarStrategy Naive where
  unitFV = Naive . unitVarSet
  bindVar v (Naive xs) = Naive (delVarSet v xs)

Our optimized implementation is ported with a bit more work:

newtype FV = FV { runFV :: VarSet   -- bound variable set
                        -> VarSet   -- the accumulator
                        -> VarSet   -- the result

instance Monoid FV where
  mempty = FV $ \_ acc -> acc

instance Semigroup FV where
  fv1 <> fv2 = FV $ \boundVars acc -> 
    runFV fv1 boundVars (runFV fv2 boundVars acc)

instance FreeVarStrategy FV where
  unitFV v = FV $ \boundVars acc ->
    if memberVarSet v boundVars
    then acc
    else insertVarSet v acc
  bindVar v fv = FV $ \boundVars acc ->
    runFV fv (insertVarSet v boundVars) acc

fvToVarSet :: FV -> VarSet
fvToVarSet fv = runFV fv mempty mempty

Further, we can implement a strategy which determines whether an expression has any free variables without writing any code looking at Expr (using the same bound-variable set optimized as FV ):

newtype NoFreeVars = NoFreeVars { runNoFreeVars :: VarSet   -- bound variable set
                                                -> Bool     -- True is free variable set is empty

instance Monoid NoFreeVars where
  mempty = NoFreeVars $ const True

instance Semigroup NoFreeVars where
  NoFreeVars f <> NoFreeVars g = NoFreeVars $ \boundVars ->
    f boundVars && g boundVars

instance FreeVarStrategy NoFreeVars where
  unitFV v = NoFreeVars $ \boundVars ->
    memberVarSet v boundVars
  bindVar tv (NoFreeVars f) = NoFreeVars $ \boundVars ->
    f $ insertVarSet v boundVars

noFreeVars :: NoFreeVars -> Bool
noFreeVars (NoFreeVars f) = f mempty

Finally, to guarantee that this abstration carries no cost, we can explicitly ask GHC to specialise our exprFV traversal for these strategies:

{-# SPECIALISE exprFV :: Expr -> Naive #-}
{-# SPECIALISE exprFV :: Expr -> FV #-}
{-# SPECIALISE exprFV :: Expr -> NoFreeVars #-}

Looking at -ddump-stg output we can see that GHC has done a wonderful job in optimising our abstration away.

The problem of mutual recursion

While this has all worked out swimmingly so far, things can go awry with more complex ASTs (such as Core). In particular, ASTs where the traversal is part of a mutually recursive group can break the nice performance characteristics that we have seen thusfar.

To see how, let’s augment our expression AST with some (admittedly rather peculiar) dependent type system.

data Expr = EVar Var Type        -- a variable expression and its type
          | ELam Var Expr        -- lambda abstraction
          | EApp Expr Expr       -- function application
          | ELit Integer         -- an integer literal

data Type = ...                  -- these constructors are irrelevant
          | TExpr Expr

Note here that the point here is not the type system itself but rather the fact that our traversals now must be mutually recursive functions For instance, in GHC Core this mutual recursion happens between the Type and Coercion types.

Writing traversals for this AST is straightforward:

exprFV :: FreeVarStrategy a => Expr -> a
exprFV (EVar v ty)    = unitFV v <> typeFV ty
exprFV (ELam v e)     = bindVar v (exprFV e)
exprFV (EApp fun arg) = exprFV fun <> exprFV arg
exprFV (ELit _)       = mempty

typeFV :: FreeVarStrategy a => Type -> a
typeFV (TExpr e)      = exprFV e
-- omitted: traverse other constructors of Type

However, if we look at the STG generated for NoFreeVars we see that things have gone terribly wrong (again recalling that in STG let corresponds to heap allocation):

exprFV :: Expr -> NoFreeVars
exprFV = \expr ->
  case expr of
    EApp fun arg -> 
      let fun_fvs :: NoFreeVars
          fun_fvs = exprFV fun
      let arg_fvs :: NoFreeVars
          arg_fvs = exprFV arg
      let r :: NoFreeVars
          r = \boundVars ->
            case fun_fvs boundVars of
              False -> False
              True  -> arg_fvs boundVars
      in r

Notice that GHC has now allocated a thunk for each application of exprFV (and typeFV , although this is not seen in the above excerpt). As we will see below, this is a result of the fact that GHC’s arity analysis does not attempt to handle mutual recursion (see Note [Arity analysis] in CoreArity.hs ):

In the case of our untyped Expr AST the simplifier was able to see that exprFV was of arity 2 (as we look through casts) and consequently eta-expanded its right-hand side to yield the following Core after inlining (ignoring casts):

exprFV = \expr boundVars ->
  case expr of
    EApp fun arg -> 
      case fun_fvs boundVars of
        False -> False
        True  -> arg_fvs boundVars

By contrast, in the typed AST arity analysis conservatively concludes that exprFV is arity 1 and consequently this eta expansion does not happen. Consequently (<>) will be inlined and have its arguments let -bound (which GHC does to ensure inlining does not compromise sharing).

There are two ways via which this can be remedied:

  1. Manually eta expand exprFV and the like . This is what GHC’s free variable traversal did for many years. Unfortunately this means giving up on the ability to newtype FV .
  2. Convince GHC to push fun_fvs and arg_fvs in to the lambda in r . This is what the rest of this post will be about.

The magical oneShot primitive

GHC calls the transform of pushing a let binding down an AST tree floating in . In general GHC will not float a let binding into a lambda for good reason: doing so may reduce sharing. For instance, if we have:

main = do
  let nthPrime :: Integer -> Integer
      nthPrime =
        let primes :: [Integer]
            primes = {- insert favorite method for enumerating primes here -}
        in \n -> primes !! n

  print (nthPrime 10)
  print (nthPrime 100)

We must ensure that primes is only evaluated once, not once for each application. Consequently GHC will not float a let binding into a lambda unless it can prove that the lambda is applied at most once (such a lambda is said to be a one-shot lambda).

In the case of our free variable traversal, we indeed expect each NoFreeVars value to be applied to precisely one bound-variable set (which, recall, is the argument to the function inside a NoFreeVars ). Happily, GHC gives us the means to communicate this expectation via the GHC.Magic.oneShot combinator:

oneShot :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
oneShot = {- there be dragons here -}

Applying this primitive to a lambda expression will cause GHC to consider that lambda to be one-shot, even if it can’t prove this is the case.

Applying this to the (<>) definition of NoFreeVars :

instance Semigroup NoFreeVars where
  NoFreeVars f <> NoFreeVars g =
    NoFreeVars $ oneShot $ \boundVars ->     -- <=== oneShot here
      f boundVars && g boundVars

This one-line change allows the simplifier to push the let bindings seen in the EApp case of exprFV into the lambda in r as we expected, recovering the nice efficient code that we saw in the untyped AST traversal.

We can use this same trick to fix the FV strategy. However, note that oneShot only affects the lambda binder that it is immediately applied to. Consequently, in the case of FV the incantation is a bit more verbose as we must break what was previously a single syntactic lambda into several lambdas, punctuated with oneShot s:

instance Semigroup FV where
  fv1 <> fv2 = FV $ oneShot $ \boundVars -> oneShot $ \acc -> 
    runFV fv1 boundVars (runFV fv2 boundVars acc)


In this post we have examined a few ways of writing free variable travesals in Haskell. We started with a simple yet inefficient implementation and then used some simple tricks to improve the efficiency of the produced code at the expense of verbosity. We then abstracted away this verbosity and in so doing allowed for easy implementation of more specialised traversal strategies such as NoFreeVars .

Finally, we saw how a short-coming of GHC’s simplifier can cause poor code generation for mutually-recursive traversals and described GHC’s oneShot primitive. This allowed us to inform GHC of an assumption made by our abstraction, enabling GHC to produce the code we would write by hand from our simple, orthogonal specification of an AST traversal and free variable strategy.

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