Generate News Sentiment Scores in Excel
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with a single function
Jul 13 ·3min read
Null result for days which have no news articles on The Business Times
Scraped news article
Search result for USD on the 8th July, Sentiment Score: -0.1409
I have gotten a request from one of my readers of Algorithmic Trading using Sentiment Analysis on News Articles to create a general tool which would allow you to get the sentiment scores from web-scraped news articles ( The Business Times ). I previously used it as a metric in algo trading but I figured it would be very useful to people from the portfolio management or risk side of Finance as well.
The idea was to make it easier for non-technical users to get a simple -1 to 1 score on Excel, based on various terms they are interested in across different days. I would imagine this being used in portfolio re-balancing or even as an automated form of media monitoring. The web-scraping and sentiment scoring was described in my previouspost.
9 simple steps to get set up
*Windows only*
1. LinkedIn message me with your email for the project folder
2. Open in project folder
Replace the highlighted path with your own aka C:/Users/bob/Desktop/sentiment/stock_lexicon.pickle
3. Download and install Anaconda (Python)
4. Open command prompt and create conda environment
5. Enter the sentiment project directory and install packages
Assuming the folder is on your desktop
cd desktop/sentiment && pip install -r requirements.txt6. Reveal Developer tab in Excel
File > Options > Customize Ribbon
7. Enable settings
File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Macro Settings > Trust access to the VBA project object model
8. Open sentiment.xlsm and enable xlwings
9. Point xlwings to your conda environment and import python function
Specify the installation path to your Anaconda3
Conda Base: C:\Users\bob\Anaconda3
And.. we’re done!
Feel free to share any comments or ideas!
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Joyk means Joy of geeK