Paytm Integration Using Golang.

 5 years ago
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Quick Paytm Integration using Golang

Paytm is India’s most popular and widely accepted Payment Gateway. Moreover, integration of it to your website or mobile app is simple enough if you possess Paytm Merchant Key. Though, paytm integration is available for various platforms, integrating it in the Golang might not be known to all.

Read about how we made this on our blog ( https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/paytm-integration-using-golang/ )


What it is?

It is a well managed repository, using which one can integrate Patym in their GoLang Website in quick simple steps once they get Paytm Merchant Key from Paytm official website.


  1. Create a merchant account in Paytm.
  2. Get PAYTM_MERCHANT_KEY which will be get once the onboarding process is completed.

Steps to Follow

  1. Set Up Merchant Key got from above process

    Provide the value for PAYTM_MERCHANT_KEY in .env file

  2. Verify Checksum Hash for successful transactions.

    A checksum hash is generated by the paytm which is verified on merchant server for successful transaction. For this there is a file library.go in Paytm folder which need to be copied to your local as it works for generation and verification of checksum.

  3. Set Mode

    Paytm integration can be done in two stages i.e. staging and production modes have different Paytm transaction urls.

    For more details about Paytm refer this link https://developer.paytm.com/docs/v1/payment-gateway


PayTm integration using Golang is MIT-licensed

Let us know!

We’d be really happy if you sent us links to your projects where you use our component. Just send an email to [email protected] And do let us know if you have any questions or suggestion regarding our work.

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