GitHub - fxm90/LightweightObservable: A lightweight implementation of an observa...

 4 years ago
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Lightweight Obserservable is a simple implementation of an observable sequence that you can subscribe to. The framework is designed to be minimal meanwhile convenient. The entire code is only ~80 lines (excluding comments). With Lightweight Observable you can easily set up UI-Bindings in an MVVM application, handle asynchronous network calls and a lot more.

Credits: The code was heavily influenced by roberthein/observable. However I needed something that was syntactically closer to RxSwift, which is why I came up with this code, and for reusability reasons afterwards moved it into a CocoaPod.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and open the workspace from the Example directory.



LightweightObservable can be added to your project using CocoaPods by adding the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'LightweightObservable', '~> 1.0'

To integrate LightweightObservable into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "fxm90/LightweightObservable" ~> 1.0

Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built LightweightObservable.framework into your Xcode project.

How to use

The framework provides two classes Observable and Variable:

  • Observable: Contains an immutable value, you only can subscribe to. This is useful in order to avoid side-effects on an internal API.
  • Variable: Subclass of Observable, where you can modify the value as well.

So basically your view-model could look like this:

class TimeViewModel {
    // MARK: - Public properties

    /// The current time as a formatted string (**immutable**).
    var formattedTime: Observable<String> {
        return formattedTimeSubject.asObservable

    // MARK: - Private properties

    /// The current time as a formatted string (**mutable**).
    private let formattedTimeSubject: Variable<String> = Variable("")

    private var timer: Timer?

    // MARK: - Initializer

    init() {
        // Update variable with current time every second.
        timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1, repeats: true, block: { [weak self] _ in
            self?.formattedTimeSubject.value = "\(Date())"

And your view controller like this:

class TimeViewController: UIViewController {
    // MARK: - Outlets

    @IBOutlet private var timeLabel: UILabel!

    // MARK: - Private properties

    /// The view model calculating the current time.
    private let timeViewModel = TimeViewModel()

    /// The dispose bag for this view controller. On it's deallocation, it removes the
    /// subscribtion-closures from the corresponding observable-properties.
    private var disposeBag = DisposeBag()

    // MARK: - Public methods

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        timeViewModel.formattedTime.subscribe { [weak self] newFormattedTime, _ in
            self?.timeLabel.text = newFormattedTime
        }.disposed(by: &disposeBag)

Feel free to check out the example application for a better understanding of this approach ?

Further details

– Create a variable

let formattedTimeSubject = Variable("")

// ...

formattedTimeSubject.value = "4:20 PM"

– Create an observable

Initializing an observable directly is not possible, as this would lead to a sequence that will never change. Instead, use the computed property asObservable from Variable to cast the instance to an observable.

var formattedTime: Observable<String> {
    return formattedTimeSubject.asObservable

– Subscribe to changes

Every subscriber gets initialized with the current value and updated on all further changes to the observable value.

formattedTime.subscribe { [weak self] newFormattedTime, oldFormattedTime in
    self?.timeLabel.text = newFormattedTime

Please notice that the old value (oldFormattedTime) is an optional of the underlying type, as we don't have this value on the initial call to the subscriber.

Important: To avoid retain cycles and/or crashes, always use [weak self] when self is needed by an observer.

– Memory Management (Disposable / DisposeBag)

When you subscribe to an Observable the method returns a Disposable, which is basically a reference to the new subscription.

We need to maintain it, in order to properly control the lifecycle of that subscription.

Let me explain you why in a little example:

Imagine having a MVVM application using a service layer for network calls. A service is used as a singleton across the entire app.

The view-model has a reference to a service and subscribes to an observable property. The subscription-closure is now saved inside the observable property on the service.

If the view-model gets deallocated (e.g. due to a dismissed view-controller), without noticing the observable property somehow, the subscription-closure would continue to be alive.

As a workaround, we store the returned disposable from the subscription on the view-model. On deallocation of the disposable, it automatically informs the observable property to remove the referenced subscription closure.

In case you only use a single subscriber you can store the returned Disposable to a variable:

let disposable = formattedTime.subscribe { [weak self] newFormattedTime, oldFormattedTime in
	// ...

In case you're having multiple observers, you can store all returned Disposable in an array of Disposable. (To match the syntax from RxSwift, this pod contains a typealias called DisposeBag, which is an array of Disposable).

var disposeBag = DisposeBag()

formattedTime.subscribe { [weak self] newFormattedTime, oldFormattedTime in
    // ...
}.disposed(by: &disposeBag)

formattedDate.subscribe { [weak self] newFormattedDate, oldFormattedDate in
    // ...
}.disposed(by: &disposeBag)

A DisposeBag is exactly what it says it is, a bag (or array) of disposables.

– Observing Equatable values

If you create an Observable which underlying type conforms to Equtable you can subscribe to changes using a specific filter. Therefore this pod contains the method:

typealias Filter = (NewValue, OldValue) -> Bool

func subscribe(filter: @escaping Filter, observer: @escaping Observer) -> Disposable {}

Using this method, the observer will only be notified on changes if the corresponding filter matches.

This pod comes with one predefined filter method, called subscribeDistinct. Subscribing to an observable using this method, will only notify the observer if the new value is different from the old value. This is useful to prevent unnecessary UI-Updates.

Feel free to add more filters, by extending the Observable like this:

extension Observable where T: Equatable {}


Felix Mau, [email protected]


LightweightObservable is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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