
 4 years ago
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而在一起高并发的场景,如果我们一味使用nosql式的缓存,如 redis, 那么也是好的吧!

但是有个问题我们得考虑下: redis 这样的缓存是快,但是它总有自己的瓶颈吧,如果什么东西我们都往里面存储,则在高并发场景下,应用瓶颈将受限于其缓存瓶颈吧!

所以,针对这种问题,在一些场景下,咱们可以使用本地缓存来存储一些数据,从而避免每次都将请求击穿到 redis 层面!

本文考虑的是使用 本地缓存 作为二级缓存存在,而非直接的充当缓存工具!


1. 缓存一致性问题;

2. 并发安全问题;




1. 减少访问远程缓存的网络io,速度自然是要提升的;

2. 减少远程缓存的并发请求,从而表现出更大的并发处理能力;


1. 单机部署的应用咱们就不说了;

2. 读多写少的场景;(这也缓存的应用场景)

3. 可以容忍一定时间内的缓存不一致; (因涉及的本地缓存,分布式机器结果必可能不一致)

4. 应用对缓存的请求量非常大的场景; (如果直接打到redis缓存, 则redis压力巨大, 且应用响应速度将变慢)



1. 缓存过期策略;

2. 缓存安全性;

其中一最简单直接的方式,就是使用一个定时刷新缓存的线程,在时间节点到达后,将缓存删除即可; 另一个安全问题,则可以使用 synchronized 或 并发包下的锁工具来实现即可。


咱们主要看下 guava 是如何来解决这种问题的?以其思路来开拓自己的设想!

如何 guava 来作为我们的二级缓存?

1. 首先,咱们得引入 guava 的依赖


2. 创建guava缓存;




public class LocalEnhancedCacheHolder {

    private Integer maxCacheSize;

    private Integer guavaCacheTimeout;

     * 字符串类型取值, k->v 只支持字符串存取,避免复杂化
    private LoadingCache<String, String> stringDbCacheContainer;

     * hash 数据缓存, 展示使用多key 作为 guava 的缓存key
    private LoadingCache<HashDbItemEntry, byte[]> hashDbCacheContainer;

    private RedisTemplate redisTemplate;

     * 值为空 字符串标识
    public static final String EMPTY_VALUE_STRING = "";

     * 值为空 字节标识
    public static final byte[] EMPTY_VALUE_BYTES = new byte[0];

    public void init() {

        Integer dbCount = 2;

        stringDbCacheContainer = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
                .expireAfterWrite(guavaCacheTimeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                .build(new CacheLoader<String, String>() {
                    public String load(String key) throws Exception {
                        log.info("【缓存】从redis获取配置:{}", key);
                        String value = redisTemplate.get(key);
                        return StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(value, EMPTY_VALUE_STRING);

        hashDbCacheContainer = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
                .expireAfterWrite(guavaCacheTimeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                .maximumSize(maxCacheSize / dbCount)
                .build(new CacheLoader<HashDbItemEntry, byte[]>() {
                    public byte[] load(HashDbItemEntry keyHolder) throws Exception {
                        log.info("【缓存】从redis获取配置:{}", keyHolder);
                        byte[] valueBytes = redisTemplate.hgetValue(
                                                keyHolder.getBucketKey(), keyHolder.getSlotKey());
                        if(valueBytes == null) {
                            valueBytes = EMPTY_VALUE_BYTES;
                        return valueBytes;

     * 获取k-v中的缓存值
     * @param key 键
     * @return 缓存值,没有值时,返回 null
    public String getCache(String key) {
        try {
            return stringDbCacheContainer.get(key);
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            log.error("【缓存】获取缓存异常:{}, ex:{}", key, e);
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

     * 放入缓存,此处暂只实现为向redis写入值
     * @param key 缓存key
     * @param value 缓存value
    public void putCache(String key, String value) {
        redisTemplate.set(key, value, 0L);

     * 放入缓存带超时时间设置,此处暂只实现为向redis写入值
     * @param key 缓存key
     * @param value 缓存value
     * @param timeout 超时时间,单位 s
    public void putCache(String key, String value, Long timeout) {
        redisTemplate.set(key, value, timeout);

     * 删除单个kv缓存
     * @param key 缓存键
    public void removeCache(String key) {

     * 批量删除单个kv缓存
     * @param keyList 缓存键 列表,以 管道形式删除,性能更高
    public void removeCache(Collection<String> keyList) {

     * 从hash数据库中获取缓存值
     * @param bucketKey 桶key, 对应一系列值 k->v
     * @param slotKey 槽key, 对应具体的缓存值
     * @return 缓存值
    public byte[] getCacheFromHash(String bucketKey, String slotKey) {
        HashDbItemEntry entry = new HashDbItemEntry(bucketKey, slotKey);
        try {
            return hashDbCacheContainer.get(entry);
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            log.error("【缓存】获取缓存异常:{}, ex:{}", entry, e);
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

     * hash 数据结构存储
     *      value 暂不存储相应值,只做查询使用
    class HashDbItemEntry {
        private String bucketKey;
        private String slotKey;
        private Object value;

        public HashDbItemEntry(String bucketKey, String slotKey) {
            this.bucketKey = bucketKey;
            this.slotKey = slotKey;

        public String getBucketKey() {
            return bucketKey;

        public String getSlotKey() {
            return slotKey;

        public Object getValue() {
            return value;

        // 必重写 equals & hashCode, 否则缓存将无法复用
        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o) return true;
            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
            HashDbItemEntry that = (HashDbItemEntry) o;
            return Objects.equals(bucketKey, that.bucketKey) &&
                    Objects.equals(slotKey, that.slotKey) &&
                    Objects.equals(value, that.value);

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(bucketKey, slotKey, value);

        public String toString() {
                return "HashDbItemEntry{" +
                    "bucketKey='" + bucketKey + '\'' +
                    ", slotKey='" + slotKey + '\'' +
                    ", value=" + value +

如上例子,展示了两种缓存,一种是 简单的 string -> string 的缓存, 另一种是 (string, string) -> byte[] 的缓存; 不管怎么样,只是想说明,缓存的方式有多种!

我们就以简单的 string -> string 来说明吧!

        stringDbCacheContainer = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
                .expireAfterWrite(guavaCacheTimeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                .build(new CacheLoader<String, String>() {
                    public String load(String key) throws Exception {
                        log.info("【缓存】从redis获取配置:{}", key);
                        String value = redisTemplate.get(key);
                        return StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(value, EMPTY_VALUE_STRING);

如上,咱们创建了一个缓存容器,它的最大容量是 maxCacheSize, 且每个key将在 guavaCacheTimeout 后过期, 过期后将从 redisTemplate 中获取数据!

如上,一个完整的 两级缓存组件就完成了,你大可以直接在项目进行相应的操作了!是不是很简单?

深入理解guava 二级缓存原理?

1. CacheBuilder 是如何创建的?

@GwtCompatible(emulated = true)
public final class CacheBuilder<K, V> {
  private static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 16;
  private static final int DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = 4;
  private static final int DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_NANOS = 0;
  private static final int DEFAULT_REFRESH_NANOS = 0;

  static final Supplier<? extends StatsCounter> NULL_STATS_COUNTER = Suppliers.ofInstance(
      new StatsCounter() {
        public void recordHits(int count) {}

        public void recordMisses(int count) {}

        public void recordLoadSuccess(long loadTime) {}

        public void recordLoadException(long loadTime) {}

        public void recordEviction() {}

        public CacheStats snapshot() {
          return EMPTY_STATS;
  static final CacheStats EMPTY_STATS = new CacheStats(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

  static final Supplier<StatsCounter> CACHE_STATS_COUNTER =
      new Supplier<StatsCounter>() {
    public StatsCounter get() {
      return new SimpleStatsCounter();

  enum NullListener implements RemovalListener<Object, Object> {

    public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification<Object, Object> notification) {}

  enum OneWeigher implements Weigher<Object, Object> {

    public int weigh(Object key, Object value) {
      return 1;

  static final Ticker NULL_TICKER = new Ticker() {
    public long read() {
      return 0;

  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CacheBuilder.class.getName());

  static final int UNSET_INT = -1;

  boolean strictParsing = true;

  int initialCapacity = UNSET_INT;
  int concurrencyLevel = UNSET_INT;
  long maximumSize = UNSET_INT;
  long maximumWeight = UNSET_INT;
  Weigher<? super K, ? super V> weigher;

  Strength keyStrength;
  Strength valueStrength;

  long expireAfterWriteNanos = UNSET_INT;
  long expireAfterAccessNanos = UNSET_INT;
  long refreshNanos = UNSET_INT;

  Equivalence<Object> keyEquivalence;
  Equivalence<Object> valueEquivalence;

  RemovalListener<? super K, ? super V> removalListener;
  Ticker ticker;

  Supplier<? extends StatsCounter> statsCounterSupplier = NULL_STATS_COUNTER;

  // TODO(fry): make constructor private and update tests to use newBuilder
  CacheBuilder() {}

   * Constructs a new {@code CacheBuilder} instance with default settings, including strong keys,
   * strong values, and no automatic eviction of any kind.
  public static CacheBuilder<Object, Object> newBuilder() {
    return new CacheBuilder<Object, Object>();

   * Sets the minimum total size for the internal hash tables. For example, if the initial capacity
   * is {@code 60}, and the concurrency level is {@code 8}, then eight segments are created, each
   * having a hash table of size eight. Providing a large enough estimate at construction time
   * avoids the need for expensive resizing operations later, but setting this value unnecessarily
   * high wastes memory.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code initialCapacity} is negative
   * @throws IllegalStateException if an initial capacity was already set
  public CacheBuilder<K, V> initialCapacity(int initialCapacity) {
    checkState(this.initialCapacity == UNSET_INT, "initial capacity was already set to %s",
    checkArgument(initialCapacity >= 0);
    this.initialCapacity = initialCapacity;
    return this;

  int getInitialCapacity() {
    return (initialCapacity == UNSET_INT) ? DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY : initialCapacity;

   * Guides the allowed concurrency among update operations. Used as a hint for internal sizing. The
   * table is internally partitioned to try to permit the indicated number of concurrent updates
   * without contention. Because assignment of entries to these partitions is not necessarily
   * uniform, the actual concurrency observed may vary. Ideally, you should choose a value to
   * accommodate as many threads as will ever concurrently modify the table. Using a significantly
   * higher value than you need can waste space and time, and a significantly lower value can lead
   * to thread contention. But overestimates and underestimates within an order of magnitude do not
   * usually have much noticeable impact. A value of one permits only one thread to modify the cache
   * at a time, but since read operations and cache loading computations can proceed concurrently,
   * this still yields higher concurrency than full synchronization.
   * <p> Defaults to 4. <b>Note:</b>The default may change in the future. If you care about this
   * value, you should always choose it explicitly.
   * <p>The current implementation uses the concurrency level to create a fixed number of hashtable
   * segments, each governed by its own write lock. The segment lock is taken once for each explicit
   * write, and twice for each cache loading computation (once prior to loading the new value,
   * and once after loading completes). Much internal cache management is performed at the segment
   * granularity. For example, access queues and write queues are kept per segment when they are
   * required by the selected eviction algorithm. As such, when writing unit tests it is not
   * uncommon to specify {@code concurrencyLevel(1)} in order to achieve more deterministic eviction
   * behavior.
   * <p>Note that future implementations may abandon segment locking in favor of more advanced
   * concurrency controls.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code concurrencyLevel} is nonpositive
   * @throws IllegalStateException if a concurrency level was already set
  public CacheBuilder<K, V> concurrencyLevel(int concurrencyLevel) {
    checkState(this.concurrencyLevel == UNSET_INT, "concurrency level was already set to %s",
    checkArgument(concurrencyLevel > 0);
    this.concurrencyLevel = concurrencyLevel;
    return this;

  int getConcurrencyLevel() {
    return (concurrencyLevel == UNSET_INT) ? DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL : concurrencyLevel;

   * Specifies the maximum number of entries the cache may contain. Note that the cache <b>may evict
   * an entry before this limit is exceeded</b>. As the cache size grows close to the maximum, the
   * cache evicts entries that are less likely to be used again. For example, the cache may evict an
   * entry because it hasn't been used recently or very often.
   * <p>When {@code size} is zero, elements will be evicted immediately after being loaded into the
   * cache. This can be useful in testing, or to disable caching temporarily without a code change.
   * <p>This feature cannot be used in conjunction with {@link #maximumWeight}.
   * @param size the maximum size of the cache
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code size} is negative
   * @throws IllegalStateException if a maximum size or weight was already set
  public CacheBuilder<K, V> maximumSize(long size) {
    checkState(this.maximumSize == UNSET_INT, "maximum size was already set to %s",
    checkState(this.maximumWeight == UNSET_INT, "maximum weight was already set to %s",
    checkState(this.weigher == null, "maximum size can not be combined with weigher");
    checkArgument(size >= 0, "maximum size must not be negative");
    this.maximumSize = size;
    return this;

   * Specifies the maximum weight of entries the cache may contain. Weight is determined using the
   * {@link Weigher} specified with {@link #weigher}, and use of this method requires a
   * corresponding call to {@link #weigher} prior to calling {@link #build}.
   * <p>Note that the cache <b>may evict an entry before this limit is exceeded</b>. As the cache
   * size grows close to the maximum, the cache evicts entries that are less likely to be used
   * again. For example, the cache may evict an entry because it hasn't been used recently or very
   * often.
   * <p>When {@code weight} is zero, elements will be evicted immediately after being loaded into
   * cache. This can be useful in testing, or to disable caching temporarily without a code
   * change.
   * <p>Note that weight is only used to determine whether the cache is over capacity; it has no
   * effect on selecting which entry should be evicted next.
   * <p>This feature cannot be used in conjunction with {@link #maximumSize}.
   * @param weight the maximum total weight of entries the cache may contain
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code weight} is negative
   * @throws IllegalStateException if a maximum weight or size was already set
   * @since 11.0
  @GwtIncompatible("To be supported")
  public CacheBuilder<K, V> maximumWeight(long weight) {
    checkState(this.maximumWeight == UNSET_INT, "maximum weight was already set to %s",
    checkState(this.maximumSize == UNSET_INT, "maximum size was already set to %s",
    this.maximumWeight = weight;
    checkArgument(weight >= 0, "maximum weight must not be negative");
    return this;

   * Specifies the weigher to use in determining the weight of entries. Entry weight is taken
   * into consideration by {@link #maximumWeight(long)} when determining which entries to evict, and
   * use of this method requires a corresponding call to {@link #maximumWeight(long)} prior to
   * calling {@link #build}. Weights are measured and recorded when entries are inserted into the
   * cache, and are thus effectively static during the lifetime of a cache entry.
   * <p>When the weight of an entry is zero it will not be considered for size-based eviction
   * (though it still may be evicted by other means).
   * <p><b>Important note:</b> Instead of returning <em>this</em> as a {@code CacheBuilder}
   * instance, this method returns {@code CacheBuilder<K1, V1>}. From this point on, either the
   * original reference or the returned reference may be used to complete configuration and build
   * the cache, but only the "generic" one is type-safe. That is, it will properly prevent you from
   * building caches whose key or value types are incompatible with the types accepted by the
   * weigher already provided; the {@code CacheBuilder} type cannot do this. For best results,
   * simply use the standard method-chaining idiom, as illustrated in the documentation at top,
   * configuring a {@code CacheBuilder} and building your {@link Cache} all in a single statement.
   * <p><b>Warning:</b> if you ignore the above advice, and use this {@code CacheBuilder} to build
   * a cache whose key or value type is incompatible with the weigher, you will likely experience
   * a {@link ClassCastException} at some <i>undefined</i> point in the future.
   * @param weigher the weigher to use in calculating the weight of cache entries
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code size} is negative
   * @throws IllegalStateException if a maximum size was already set
   * @since 11.0
  @GwtIncompatible("To be supported")
  public <K1 extends K, V1 extends V> CacheBuilder<K1, V1> weigher(
      Weigher<? super K1, ? super V1> weigher) {
    checkState(this.weigher == null);
    if (strictParsing) {
      checkState(this.maximumSize == UNSET_INT, "weigher can not be combined with maximum size",

    // safely limiting the kinds of caches this can produce
    CacheBuilder<K1, V1> me = (CacheBuilder<K1, V1>) this;
    me.weigher = checkNotNull(weigher);
    return me;

  // Make a safe contravariant cast now so we don't have to do it over and over.
  <K1 extends K, V1 extends V> Weigher<K1, V1> getWeigher() {
    return (Weigher<K1, V1>) MoreObjects.firstNonNull(weigher, OneWeigher.INSTANCE);

   * Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed duration
   * has elapsed after the entry's creation, or the most recent replacement of its value.
   * <p>When {@code duration} is zero, this method hands off to
   * {@link #maximumSize(long) maximumSize}{@code (0)}, ignoring any otherwise-specificed maximum
   * size or weight. This can be useful in testing, or to disable caching temporarily without a code
   * change.
   * <p>Expired entries may be counted in {@link Cache#size}, but will never be visible to read or
   * write operations. Expired entries are cleaned up as part of the routine maintenance described
   * in the class javadoc.
   * @param duration the length of time after an entry is created that it should be automatically
   *     removed
   * @param unit the unit that {@code duration} is expressed in
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code duration} is negative
   * @throws IllegalStateException if the time to live or time to idle was already set
  public CacheBuilder<K, V> expireAfterWrite(long duration, TimeUnit unit) {
    checkState(expireAfterWriteNanos == UNSET_INT, "expireAfterWrite was already set to %s ns",
    checkArgument(duration >= 0, "duration cannot be negative: %s %s", duration, unit);
    this.expireAfterWriteNanos = unit.toNanos(duration);
    return this;

  long getExpireAfterWriteNanos() {
    return (expireAfterWriteNanos == UNSET_INT) ? DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_NANOS : expireAfterWriteNanos;

   * Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed duration
   * has elapsed after the entry's creation, the most recent replacement of its value, or its last
   * access. Access time is reset by all cache read and write operations (including
   * {@code Cache.asMap().get(Object)} and {@code Cache.asMap().put(K, V)}), but not by operations
   * on the collection-views of {@link Cache#asMap}.
   * <p>When {@code duration} is zero, this method hands off to
   * {@link #maximumSize(long) maximumSize}{@code (0)}, ignoring any otherwise-specificed maximum
   * size or weight. This can be useful in testing, or to disable caching temporarily without a code
   * change.
   * <p>Expired entries may be counted in {@link Cache#size}, but will never be visible to read or
   * write operations. Expired entries are cleaned up as part of the routine maintenance described
   * in the class javadoc.
   * @param duration the length of time after an entry is last accessed that it should be
   *     automatically removed
   * @param unit the unit that {@code duration} is expressed in
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code duration} is negative
   * @throws IllegalStateException if the time to idle or time to live was already set
  public CacheBuilder<K, V> expireAfterAccess(long duration, TimeUnit unit) {
    checkState(expireAfterAccessNanos == UNSET_INT, "expireAfterAccess was already set to %s ns",
    checkArgument(duration >= 0, "duration cannot be negative: %s %s", duration, unit);
    this.expireAfterAccessNanos = unit.toNanos(duration);
    return this;

  long getExpireAfterAccessNanos() {
    return (expireAfterAccessNanos == UNSET_INT)
        ? DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_NANOS : expireAfterAccessNanos;

   * Specifies that active entries are eligible for automatic refresh once a fixed duration has
   * elapsed after the entry's creation, or the most recent replacement of its value. The semantics
   * of refreshes are specified in {@link LoadingCache#refresh}, and are performed by calling
   * {@link CacheLoader#reload}.
   * <p>As the default implementation of {@link CacheLoader#reload} is synchronous, it is
   * recommended that users of this method override {@link CacheLoader#reload} with an asynchronous
   * implementation; otherwise refreshes will be performed during unrelated cache read and write
   * operations.
   * <p>Currently automatic refreshes are performed when the first stale request for an entry
   * occurs. The request triggering refresh will make a blocking call to {@link CacheLoader#reload}
   * and immediately return the new value if the returned future is complete, and the old value
   * otherwise.
   * <p><b>Note:</b> <i>all exceptions thrown during refresh will be logged and then swallowed</i>.
   * @param duration the length of time after an entry is created that it should be considered
   *     stale, and thus eligible for refresh
   * @param unit the unit that {@code duration} is expressed in
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code duration} is negative
   * @throws IllegalStateException if the refresh interval was already set
   * @since 11.0
  @GwtIncompatible("To be supported (synchronously).")
  public CacheBuilder<K, V> refreshAfterWrite(long duration, TimeUnit unit) {
    checkState(refreshNanos == UNSET_INT, "refresh was already set to %s ns", refreshNanos);
    checkArgument(duration > 0, "duration must be positive: %s %s", duration, unit);
    this.refreshNanos = unit.toNanos(duration);
    return this;

  long getRefreshNanos() {
    return (refreshNanos == UNSET_INT) ? DEFAULT_REFRESH_NANOS : refreshNanos;

   * Specifies a nanosecond-precision time source for use in determining when entries should be
   * expired. By default, {@link System#nanoTime} is used.
   * <p>The primary intent of this method is to facilitate testing of caches which have been
   * configured with {@link #expireAfterWrite} or {@link #expireAfterAccess}.
   * @throws IllegalStateException if a ticker was already set
  public CacheBuilder<K, V> ticker(Ticker ticker) {
    checkState(this.ticker == null);
    this.ticker = checkNotNull(ticker);
    return this;

  Ticker getTicker(boolean recordsTime) {
    if (ticker != null) {
      return ticker;
    return recordsTime ? Ticker.systemTicker() : NULL_TICKER;

   * Specifies a listener instance that caches should notify each time an entry is removed for any
   * {@linkplain RemovalCause reason}. Each cache created by this builder will invoke this listener
   * as part of the routine maintenance described in the class documentation above.
   * <p><b>Warning:</b> after invoking this method, do not continue to use <i>this</i> cache
   * builder reference; instead use the reference this method <i>returns</i>. At runtime, these
   * point to the same instance, but only the returned reference has the correct generic type
   * information so as to ensure type safety. For best results, use the standard method-chaining
   * idiom illustrated in the class documentation above, configuring a builder and building your
   * cache in a single statement. Failure to heed this advice can result in a {@link
   * ClassCastException} being thrown by a cache operation at some <i>undefined</i> point in the
   * future.
   * <p><b>Warning:</b> any exception thrown by {@code listener} will <i>not</i> be propagated to
   * the {@code Cache} user, only logged via a {@link Logger}.
   * @return the cache builder reference that should be used instead of {@code this} for any
   *     remaining configuration and cache building
   * @throws IllegalStateException if a removal listener was already set
  public <K1 extends K, V1 extends V> CacheBuilder<K1, V1> removalListener(
      RemovalListener<? super K1, ? super V1> listener) {
    checkState(this.removalListener == null);

    // safely limiting the kinds of caches this can produce
    CacheBuilder<K1, V1> me = (CacheBuilder<K1, V1>) this;
    me.removalListener = checkNotNull(listener);
    return me;

  // Make a safe contravariant cast now so we don't have to do it over and over.
  <K1 extends K, V1 extends V> RemovalListener<K1, V1> getRemovalListener() {
    return (RemovalListener<K1, V1>)
        MoreObjects.firstNonNull(removalListener, NullListener.INSTANCE);

   * Enable the accumulation of {@link CacheStats} during the operation of the cache. Without this
   * {@link Cache#stats} will return zero for all statistics. Note that recording stats requires
   * bookkeeping to be performed with each operation, and thus imposes a performance penalty on
   * cache operation.
   * @since 12.0 (previously, stats collection was automatic)
  public CacheBuilder<K, V> recordStats() {
    statsCounterSupplier = CACHE_STATS_COUNTER;
    return this;
  boolean isRecordingStats() {
    return statsCounterSupplier == CACHE_STATS_COUNTER;

  Supplier<? extends StatsCounter> getStatsCounterSupplier() {
    return statsCounterSupplier;

   * Builds a cache, which either returns an already-loaded value for a given key or atomically
   * computes or retrieves it using the supplied {@code CacheLoader}. If another thread is currently
   * loading the value for this key, simply waits for that thread to finish and returns its
   * loaded value. Note that multiple threads can concurrently load values for distinct keys.
   * <p>This method does not alter the state of this {@code CacheBuilder} instance, so it can be
   * invoked again to create multiple independent caches.
   * @param loader the cache loader used to obtain new values
   * @return a cache having the requested features
  public <K1 extends K, V1 extends V> LoadingCache<K1, V1> build(
      CacheLoader<? super K1, V1> loader) {
    return new LocalCache.LocalLoadingCache<K1, V1>(this, loader);

   * Builds a cache which does not automatically load values when keys are requested.
   * <p>Consider {@link #build(CacheLoader)} instead, if it is feasible to implement a
   * {@code CacheLoader}.
   * <p>This method does not alter the state of this {@code CacheBuilder} instance, so it can be
   * invoked again to create multiple independent caches.
   * @return a cache having the requested features
   * @since 11.0
  public <K1 extends K, V1 extends V> Cache<K1, V1> build() {
    return new LocalCache.LocalManualCache<K1, V1>(this);


如上,使用建造者模式创建 LoadingCache<K, V> 缓存; 设置好 最大值,过期时间等参数;

2. 如何获取一个guava缓存?

其实就是一个get方法而已! stringDbCacheContainer.get(key);

    // com.google.common.cache.LocalCache
    // LoadingCache methods
    public V get(K key) throws ExecutionException {
        // 两种数据来源,一是直接获取,二是调用 load() 方法加载数据
      return localCache.getOrLoad(key);
    // com.google.common.cache.LocalCache
  V getOrLoad(K key) throws ExecutionException {
    return get(key, defaultLoader);
  V get(K key, CacheLoader<? super K, V> loader) throws ExecutionException {
    int hash = hash(checkNotNull(key));
    // 还记得 ConcurrentHashMap 吗? 先定位segment, 再定位 entry
    return segmentFor(hash).get(key, hash, loader);
  Segment<K, V> segmentFor(int hash) {
    // TODO(fry): Lazily create segments?
    return segments[(hash >>> segmentShift) & segmentMask];

    // 核心取数逻辑在此get 中
    // loading
    V get(K key, int hash, CacheLoader<? super K, V> loader) throws ExecutionException {
      try {
        if (count != 0) { // read-volatile
          // don't call getLiveEntry, which would ignore loading values
          ReferenceEntry<K, V> e = getEntry(key, hash);
          if (e != null) {
            // 如果存在值,则依据 ticker 进行判断是否过期,从而直接返回值,具体过期逻辑稍后再说
            long now = map.ticker.read();
            V value = getLiveValue(e, now);
            if (value != null) {
              recordRead(e, now);
              return scheduleRefresh(e, key, hash, value, now, loader);
            ValueReference<K, V> valueReference = e.getValueReference();
            if (valueReference.isLoading()) {
              return waitForLoadingValue(e, key, valueReference);

        // 初次加载或过期之后,进入加载逻辑,重要
        // at this point e is either null or expired;
        return lockedGetOrLoad(key, hash, loader);
      } catch (ExecutionException ee) {
        Throwable cause = ee.getCause();
        if (cause instanceof Error) {
          throw new ExecutionError((Error) cause);
        } else if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) {
          throw new UncheckedExecutionException(cause);
        throw ee;
      } finally {

    // static class Segment<K, V> extends ReentrantLock
    // 整个 Segment 继承了 ReentrantLock, 所以 LocalCache 的锁是依赖于 ReentrantLock 实现的
    V lockedGetOrLoad(K key, int hash, CacheLoader<? super K, V> loader)
        throws ExecutionException {
      ReferenceEntry<K, V> e;
      ValueReference<K, V> valueReference = null;
      LoadingValueReference<K, V> loadingValueReference = null;
      boolean createNewEntry = true;

      try {
        // re-read ticker once inside the lock
        long now = map.ticker.read();
        // 在更新值前,先把过期数据清除

        int newCount = this.count - 1;
        AtomicReferenceArray<ReferenceEntry<K, V>> table = this.table;
        int index = hash & (table.length() - 1);
        ReferenceEntry<K, V> first = table.get(index);

        // 处理 hash 碰撞时的链表查询
        for (e = first; e != null; e = e.getNext()) {
          K entryKey = e.getKey();
          if (e.getHash() == hash && entryKey != null
              && map.keyEquivalence.equivalent(key, entryKey)) {
            valueReference = e.getValueReference();
            if (valueReference.isLoading()) {
              createNewEntry = false;
            } else {
              V value = valueReference.get();
              if (value == null) {
                enqueueNotification(entryKey, hash, valueReference, RemovalCause.COLLECTED);
              } else if (map.isExpired(e, now)) {
                // This is a duplicate check, as preWriteCleanup already purged expired
                // entries, but let's accomodate an incorrect expiration queue.
                enqueueNotification(entryKey, hash, valueReference, RemovalCause.EXPIRED);
              } else {
                recordLockedRead(e, now);
                // we were concurrent with loading; don't consider refresh
                return value;

              // immediately reuse invalid entries
              this.count = newCount; // write-volatile

        // 如果是第一次加载,则先创建 Entry, 进入 load() 逻辑
        if (createNewEntry) {
          loadingValueReference = new LoadingValueReference<K, V>();

          if (e == null) {
            e = newEntry(key, hash, first);
            table.set(index, e);
          } else {
      } finally {

      if (createNewEntry) {
        try {
          // Synchronizes on the entry to allow failing fast when a recursive load is
          // detected. This may be circumvented when an entry is copied, but will fail fast most
          // of the time.
          // 同步加载数据源值, 从 loader 中处理
          synchronized (e) {
            return loadSync(key, hash, loadingValueReference, loader);
        } finally {
            // 记录未命中计数,默认为空
      } else {
        // The entry already exists. Wait for loading.
        // 如果有线程正在更新缓存,则等待结果即可,具体实现就是调用 Future.get() 
        return waitForLoadingValue(e, key, valueReference);

    // 加载原始值
    // at most one of loadSync.loadAsync may be called for any given LoadingValueReference
    V loadSync(K key, int hash, LoadingValueReference<K, V> loadingValueReference,
        CacheLoader<? super K, V> loader) throws ExecutionException {
        // loadingValueReference中保存了回调引用,加载原始值
      ListenableFuture<V> loadingFuture = loadingValueReference.loadFuture(key, loader);
      // 存储数据入缓存,以便下次使用
      return getAndRecordStats(key, hash, loadingValueReference, loadingFuture);

    // 从 loader 中加载数据, 
    public ListenableFuture<V> loadFuture(K key, CacheLoader<? super K, V> loader) {
      V previousValue = oldValue.get();
      try {
        // 如果原来没有值,则直接加载后返回
        if (previousValue == null) {
          V newValue = loader.load(key);
          return set(newValue) ? futureValue : Futures.immediateFuture(newValue);
        // 否则一般为无过期时间的数据进行 reload, 如果 reload() 的结果为空,则直接返回
        // 须重写 reload() 实现
        ListenableFuture<V> newValue = loader.reload(key, previousValue);
        if (newValue == null) {
          return Futures.immediateFuture(null);
        // To avoid a race, make sure the refreshed value is set into loadingValueReference
        // *before* returning newValue from the cache query.
        return Futures.transform(newValue, new Function<V, V>() {
          public V apply(V newValue) {
            return newValue;
      } catch (Throwable t) {
        if (t instanceof InterruptedException) {
        return setException(t) ? futureValue : fullyFailedFuture(t);

    // com.google.common.util.concurrent.Uninterruptibles
     * Waits uninterruptibly for {@code newValue} to be loaded, and then records loading stats.
    V getAndRecordStats(K key, int hash, LoadingValueReference<K, V> loadingValueReference,
        ListenableFuture<V> newValue) throws ExecutionException {
      V value = null;
      try {
        // 同步等待加载结果,注意,此处返回值不允许为null, 否则将报异常,这可能是为了规避缓存攻击漏洞吧
        value = getUninterruptibly(newValue);
        if (value == null) {
          throw new InvalidCacheLoadException("CacheLoader returned null for key " + key + ".");
        // 加载成功记录,此处扩展点,默认为空
        // 最后将值存入缓存容器中,返回(论hash的重要性)
        storeLoadedValue(key, hash, loadingValueReference, value);
        return value;
      } finally {
        if (value == null) {
          removeLoadingValue(key, hash, loadingValueReference);
   * Invokes {@code future.}{@link Future#get() get()} uninterruptibly.
   * To get uninterruptibility and remove checked exceptions, see
   * {@link Futures#getUnchecked}.
   * <p>If instead, you wish to treat {@link InterruptedException} uniformly
   * with other exceptions, see {@link Futures#get(Future, Class) Futures.get}
   * or {@link Futures#makeChecked}.
   * @throws ExecutionException if the computation threw an exception
   * @throws CancellationException if the computation was cancelled
  public static <V> V getUninterruptibly(Future<V> future)
      throws ExecutionException {
    boolean interrupted = false;
    try {
      while (true) {
        try {
          return future.get();
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
          interrupted = true;
    } finally {
      if (interrupted) {


1. 先使用hash定位到 segment中,然后尝试直接到 map中获取结果;

2. 如果没有找到或者已过期,则调用客户端的load()方法加载原始数据;

3. 将结果存入 segment.map 中,本地缓存生效;

4. 记录命中情况,读取计数;

3. 如何处理过期?


要确认两点: 1. 是否有创建异步清理线程进行过期数据清理? 2. 清理过程中,原始数据如何自处?


    // com.google.common.cache.LocalCache
    // static class Segment<K, V> extends ReentrantLock
    // 整个 Segment 继承了 ReentrantLock, 所以 LocalCache 的锁是依赖于 ReentrantLock 实现的
    V lockedGetOrLoad(K key, int hash, CacheLoader<? super K, V> loader)
        throws ExecutionException {
      ReferenceEntry<K, V> e;
      ValueReference<K, V> valueReference = null;
      LoadingValueReference<K, V> loadingValueReference = null;
      boolean createNewEntry = true;

      try {
        // re-read ticker once inside the lock
        long now = map.ticker.read();
        // 在更新值前,先把过期数据清除

        int newCount = this.count - 1;
        AtomicReferenceArray<ReferenceEntry<K, V>> table = this.table;
        int index = hash & (table.length() - 1);
        ReferenceEntry<K, V> first = table.get(index);

        // 处理 hash 碰撞时的链表查询
        for (e = first; e != null; e = e.getNext()) {
          K entryKey = e.getKey();
          if (e.getHash() == hash && entryKey != null
              && map.keyEquivalence.equivalent(key, entryKey)) {
            valueReference = e.getValueReference();
            if (valueReference.isLoading()) {
              createNewEntry = false;
            } else {
              V value = valueReference.get();
              if (value == null) {
                enqueueNotification(entryKey, hash, valueReference, RemovalCause.COLLECTED);
              } else if (map.isExpired(e, now)) {
                // This is a duplicate check, as preWriteCleanup already purged expired
                // entries, but let's accomodate an incorrect expiration queue.
                enqueueNotification(entryKey, hash, valueReference, RemovalCause.EXPIRED);
              } else {
                recordLockedRead(e, now);
                // we were concurrent with loading; don't consider refresh
                return value;

              // immediately reuse invalid entries
              this.count = newCount; // write-volatile

        // 如果是第一次加载,则先创建 Entry, 进入 load() 逻辑
        if (createNewEntry) {
          loadingValueReference = new LoadingValueReference<K, V>();

          if (e == null) {
            e = newEntry(key, hash, first);
            table.set(index, e);
          } else {
      } finally {

      if (createNewEntry) {
        try {
          // Synchronizes on the entry to allow failing fast when a recursive load is
          // detected. This may be circumvented when an entry is copied, but will fail fast most
          // of the time.
          // 同步加载数据源值, 从 loader 中处理
          synchronized (e) {
            return loadSync(key, hash, loadingValueReference, loader);
        } finally {
            // 记录未命中计数,默认为空
      } else {
        // The entry already exists. Wait for loading.
        return waitForLoadingValue(e, key, valueReference);
    // 我们来细看下 preWriteCleanup(now);  是如何清理过期数据的
     * Performs routine cleanup prior to executing a write. This should be called every time a
     * write thread acquires the segment lock, immediately after acquiring the lock.
     * <p>Post-condition: expireEntries has been run.
    void preWriteCleanup(long now) {
    void runLockedCleanup(long now) {
        // 再次确保清理数据时,锁是存在的
      if (tryLock()) {
        try {
            // 当存在特殊类型数据时,可以先进行清理
          // 清理过期数据,按时间清理
          expireEntries(now); // calls drainRecencyQueue
          // 读计数清零
        } finally {
     * Drain the key and value reference queues, cleaning up internal entries containing garbage
     * collected keys or values.
    void drainReferenceQueues() {
      if (map.usesKeyReferences()) {
      if (map.usesValueReferences()) {
    void expireEntries(long now) {
        // 更新最近的访问队列

      ReferenceEntry<K, V> e;
      // 从头部开始取元素,如果过期就进行清理
      // 写队列超时: 清理, 访问队列超时: 清理
      while ((e = writeQueue.peek()) != null && map.isExpired(e, now)) {
        if (!removeEntry(e, e.getHash(), RemovalCause.EXPIRED)) {
          throw new AssertionError();
      while ((e = accessQueue.peek()) != null && map.isExpired(e, now)) {
        if (!removeEntry(e, e.getHash(), RemovalCause.EXPIRED)) {
          throw new AssertionError();
    public ReferenceEntry<K, V> peek() {
      ReferenceEntry<K, V> next = head.getNextInAccessQueue();
      return (next == head) ? null : next;
    // 清理指定类型的元素,如 过期元素
    boolean removeEntry(ReferenceEntry<K, V> entry, int hash, RemovalCause cause) {
      int newCount = this.count - 1;
      AtomicReferenceArray<ReferenceEntry<K, V>> table = this.table;
      int index = hash & (table.length() - 1);
      ReferenceEntry<K, V> first = table.get(index);

      for (ReferenceEntry<K, V> e = first; e != null; e = e.getNext()) {
        if (e == entry) {
          // 调用 removeValueFromChain, 清理具体元素
          ReferenceEntry<K, V> newFirst = removeValueFromChain(
              first, e, e.getKey(), hash, e.getValueReference(), cause);
          newCount = this.count - 1;
          table.set(index, newFirst);
          this.count = newCount; // write-volatile
          return true;

      return false;
    ReferenceEntry<K, V> removeValueFromChain(ReferenceEntry<K, V> first,
        ReferenceEntry<K, V> entry, @Nullable K key, int hash, ValueReference<K, V> valueReference,
        RemovalCause cause) {
      enqueueNotification(key, hash, valueReference, cause);
      // 清理两队列

      if (valueReference.isLoading()) {
        return first;
      } else {
        return removeEntryFromChain(first, entry);
    ReferenceEntry<K, V> removeEntryFromChain(ReferenceEntry<K, V> first,
        ReferenceEntry<K, V> entry) {
      int newCount = count;
      // 普通情况,则直接返回 next 元素链即可
      // 针对有first != entry 的情况,则依次将 first 移动到队尾,然后跳到下一个元素返回
      ReferenceEntry<K, V> newFirst = entry.getNext();
      for (ReferenceEntry<K, V> e = first; e != entry; e = e.getNext()) {
        // 将first链表倒转到 newFirst 尾部
        ReferenceEntry<K, V> next = copyEntry(e, newFirst);
        if (next != null) {
          newFirst = next;
        } else {
      this.count = newCount;
      return newFirst;

到此,我们就完整的看到了一个 key 的过期处理流程了。总结就是:

1. 在读取的时候,触发清理操作;

2. 使用 ReentrantLock 来进行线程安全的更新;

3. 读取计数器清零,元素数量减少;

3. 怎样主动放入一个缓存?


    // com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$LocalManualCache
    public void put(K key, V value) {
      localCache.put(key, value);
    // com.google.common.cache.LocalCache
  public V put(K key, V value) {
    int hash = hash(key);
    return segmentFor(hash).put(key, hash, value, false);
    // com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$Segment
    V put(K key, int hash, V value, boolean onlyIfAbsent) {
      try {
        long now = map.ticker.read();

        int newCount = this.count + 1;
        if (newCount > this.threshold) { // ensure capacity
          newCount = this.count + 1;

        AtomicReferenceArray<ReferenceEntry<K, V>> table = this.table;
        int index = hash & (table.length() - 1);
        ReferenceEntry<K, V> first = table.get(index);

        // Look for an existing entry.
        for (ReferenceEntry<K, V> e = first; e != null; e = e.getNext()) {
          K entryKey = e.getKey();
          if (e.getHash() == hash && entryKey != null
              && map.keyEquivalence.equivalent(key, entryKey)) {
            // We found an existing entry.

            ValueReference<K, V> valueReference = e.getValueReference();
            V entryValue = valueReference.get();

            if (entryValue == null) {
              if (valueReference.isActive()) {
                enqueueNotification(key, hash, valueReference, RemovalCause.COLLECTED);
                setValue(e, key, value, now);
                newCount = this.count; // count remains unchanged
              } else {
                setValue(e, key, value, now);
                newCount = this.count + 1;
              this.count = newCount; // write-volatile
              return null;
            } else if (onlyIfAbsent) {
              // Mimic
              // "if (!map.containsKey(key)) ...
              // else return map.get(key);
              recordLockedRead(e, now);
              return entryValue;
            } else {
              // clobber existing entry, count remains unchanged
              enqueueNotification(key, hash, valueReference, RemovalCause.REPLACED);
              setValue(e, key, value, now);
              return entryValue;

        // Create a new entry.
        ReferenceEntry<K, V> newEntry = newEntry(key, hash, first);
        setValue(newEntry, key, value, now);
        table.set(index, newEntry);
        newCount = this.count + 1;
        this.count = newCount; // write-volatile
        return null;
      } finally {



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