Map.merge() – One method to rule them all

 5 years ago
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I don’t often explain a single method in JDK, but when I do, it’s about Map.merge() . Probably the most versatile operation in the key-value universe. And also rather obscure and rarely used. merge() can be explained as follows: it either puts new value under the given key (if absent) or updates existing key with a given value ( UPSERT ). Let’s start with the most basic example: counting unique word occurrences. Pre-Java 8 (read: pre-2014!) code was quite messy and the essence was lost in implementation details:

var map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
words.forEach(word -> {
    var prev = map.get(word);
    if (prev == null) {
        map.put(word, 1);
    } else {
        map.put(word, prev + 1);

However, it works and for given input produces desired output:

var words = List.of("Foo", "Bar", "Foo", "Buzz", "Foo", "Buzz", "Fizz", "Fizz");
{Bar=1, Fizz=2, Foo=3, Buzz=2}

OK, but let’s try to refactor it to avoid conditional logic:

words.forEach(word -> {
    map.putIfAbsent(word, 0);
    map.put(word, map.get(word) + 1);

That’s nice! putIfAbsent() is a necessary evil, otherwise, the code breaks on the first occurrence of a previously unknown word. Also, I find map.get(word) inside map.put() a bit awkward. Let’s get rid of it as well!

words.forEach(word -> {
    map.putIfAbsent(word, 0);
    map.computeIfPresent(word, (w, prev) -> prev + 1);

computeIfPresent() invokes given transformation only if key in question ( word ) exists. Otherwise does nothing. We made sure key exists, by initializing it to zero, so incrementation always works. Can we do better? We can cut the extra initialization, but I wouldn’t recommend it:

words.forEach(word ->
        map.compute(word, (w, prev) -> prev != null ? prev + 1 : 1)

compute() is like computeIfPresent() , but invoked irrespective to the existence of given key. If value for the key does not exist, prev argument is null . Moving simple if to ternary expression hidden in lambda is far from optimal. This is where merge() operator shines. Before I’ll show you the final version, let’s see a slightly simplified default implementation of Map.merge() :

default V merge(K key, V value, BiFunction<V, V, V> remappingFunction) {
    V oldValue = get(key);
    V newValue = (oldValue == null) ? value :
               remappingFunction.apply(oldValue, value);
    if (newValue == null) {
    } else {
        put(key, newValue);
    return newValue;

The code snippet is worth a thousand words. merge() works in two scenarios. If the given key is not present, it simply becomes put(key, value) . However, if said key already holds some value, our remappingFunction may merge (duh!) the old and the one. This function is free to:

(old, new) -> new
(old, new) -> old
(old, new) -> old + new
(old, new) -> null

As you can see merge() is quite versatile. So how does our academic problem look like with merge() ? It’s quite pleasing:

words.forEach(word ->
        map.merge(word, 1, (prev, one) -> prev + one)

You can read it as follows: put 1 under word key if absent, otherwise add 1 to existing value. I named one of the parameters “ one ” because in our example it’s always… 1. Sadly remappingFunction takes two parameters, where the second one is the value we are about to upsert (insert or update). Technically we know this value already, so (word, 1, prev -> prev + 1) would be much easier to digest. But there’s no such API.

All right, but is merge() really useful? Imagine you have an account operation (constructor, getters and other useful properties omitted):

class Operation {
    private final String accNo;
    private final BigDecimal amount;

And a bunch of operations for different accounts:

var operations = List.of(
    new Operation("123", new BigDecimal("10")),
    new Operation("456", new BigDecimal("1200")),
    new Operation("123", new BigDecimal("-4")),
    new Operation("123", new BigDecimal("8")),
    new Operation("456", new BigDecimal("800")),
    new Operation("456", new BigDecimal("-1500")),
    new Operation("123", new BigDecimal("2")),
    new Operation("123", new BigDecimal("-6.5")),
    new Operation("456", new BigDecimal("-600"))

We would like to compute balance (total over operations’ amounts) for each account. Without merge() this is quite cumbersome:

var balances = new HashMap<String, BigDecimal>();

operations.forEach(op -> {
    var key = op.getAccNo();
    balances.putIfAbsent(key, BigDecimal.ZERO);
    balances.computeIfPresent(key, (accNo, prev) -> prev.add(op.getAmount()));

But with a little help of merge() :

operations.forEach(op ->
        balances.merge(op.getAccNo(), op.getAmount(), 
                (soFar, amount) -> soFar.add(amount))

Do you see a method reference opportunity here?

operations.forEach(op ->
        balances.merge(op.getAccNo(), op.getAmount(), BigDecimal::add)

I find this astoundingly readable. For each operation add given amount to given accNo . The results are as expected:

{123=9.5, 456=-100}


Map.merge() shines even brighter when you realize it’s properly implemented in ConcurrentHashMap . This means we can atomically perform insert-or-update operation. Single line and thread-safe. ConcurrentHashMap is obviously thread-safe, but not across many operations, e.g. get() and then put() . However merge() makes sure no updates are lost.

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