GitHub - paroxayte/vwm.vim: A highly extensible window manager for nvim/vim!

 5 years ago
source link: https://github.com/paroxayte/vwm.vim
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Vim Window Manager

A layout manager for vim and nvim.


  • Save and manage vim windows via layouts
  • Automatically cache and unlist buffers
  • Automatically reuse buffers
  • Highly configurable


  • vimplug: Plug 'paroxayte/vwm.vim'
  • dein: call dein#add('paroxayte/vwm.vim')
  • manual: source the this repo to your vim runtime


  • Layout on: :VwmOpen *layout_name*
  • Layout off: :VwmClose *layout_name*


note: For detailed configuration see help: vwm.vim, for more examples see :help vwm.vim-examples

The following example will create 3 equally sized terminals of height 12 at the bottom of the vim screen on neovim.

let g:vwm#layouts = [
      \  {
      \    'name': 'test',
      \    'bot':
      \    {
      \      'init': ['call termopen("zsh", {"detach": 0})'],
      \      'sz': 12,
      \      'left': 
      \      {
      \        'init': ['call termopen("zsh", {"detach": 0})'],
      \      },
      \      'right':
      \      {
      \        'init': ['call termopen("zsh", {"detach": 0})'],
      \      }
      \    }
      \  }

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