GitHub - rhysd/git-messenger.vim: Vim plugin to show the last commit message und...

 5 years ago
source link: https://github.com/rhysd/git-messenger.vim
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git-messenger.vim is a Vim/Neovim plugin to reveal the hidden message by Git under the cursor quickly. It shows the last commit message under the cursor in popup window.

When you modifying unfamiliar codes, you would sometimes wonder 'why was this line added?' or 'why this value was chosen?' in the source code. The answer sometimes lays in a commit message, especially in message of the last commit which modifies the line.

This plugin shows the message of the last commit in a 'popup window'. The popup window is implemented in

  • Floating window on Neovim (0.4 or later)
  • Preview window on Vim (8 or later) or Neovim (0.3 or earlier)

The floating window is definitely recommended since it can shows the information near the cursor.

This plugin supports both Neovim and Vim (8 or later).

Screencast with Neovim v0.4.0-dev:



If you use any package manager, please follow its instruction.

With vim-plug:

Plug 'rhysd/git-messenger.vim'

With dein.vim:

call dein#add('rhysd/git-messenger.vim', {
            \   'lazy' : 1,
            \   'on_cmd' : 'GitMessenger',
            \   'on_map' : '<Plug>(git-messenger-',
            \ })

With minpac:

call minpac#add('rhysd/git-messenger.vim')

When you're using Vim's builtin packager, please follow instruction at :help pack-add.

To enable a floating window support, you need to install Neovim 0.4 or later. The version is not yet released, so you need to install Neovim by building from source at this point. If you use macOS, it's quite easy with Homebrew.

$ brew install neovim --HEAD




It opens a popup window with the last commit message which modified the line at cursor. The popup window shows a commit hash, commit author, committer (if it's different from author), summary and body. The popup window will be automatically closed when you move the cursor so you don't need to close it manually.

Running command again after the popup window shows up moves the cursor into the window. This behavior is useful when the commit message is too long and window cannot show the whole content. By moving the cursor into the popup window, you can see the rest of contents by scrolling it.


Though a popup window is automatically closed by default, it closes the popup window explicitly. It is useful when you set g:git_messenger_close_on_cursor_moved to v:false.


Some <Plug> mappings are available to operate a popup window. They can be mapped to your favorite key sequences. For example:

nmap <Leader>cm <Plug>(git-messenger)
nmap <Leader>cM <Plug>(git-messenger-into-popup)

I recommend to map <Plug>(git-messenger) in your vimrc.

  • <Plug>(git-messenger): The same as running :GitMessenger command.
  • <Plug>(git-messenger-close): The same as running :GitMessengerClose command.
  • <Plug>(git-messenger-into-popup): Moves the cursor into the popup window. It's useful when you want to scroll the content and close the window.
  • <Plug>(git-messenger-scroll-down-1): Scroll down the popup window by 1 line directly
  • <Plug>(git-messenger-scroll-up-1): Scroll up the popup window by 1 line directly
  • <Plug>(git-messenger-scroll-down-page): Scroll down the popup window by 1 page directly
  • <Plug>(git-messenger-scroll-up-page): Scroll up the popup window by 1 page directly
  • <Plug>(git-messenger-scroll-down-half): Scroll down the popup window by half page directly
  • <Plug>(git-messenger-scroll-up-half): Scroll up the popup window by half page directly

If g:git_messenger_no_default_mappings is not set to v:false, this plugin also defines following default mapping.

nmap <Leader>gm <Plug>(git-messenger)


Some global variables are available to configure the behavior of this plugin.

g:git_messenger_close_on_cursor_moved (Default: v:true)

When this value is set to v:false, a popup window is no longer closed automatically when moving a cursor after the window is shown up.

g:git_messenger_git_command (Default: "git")

git command to retrieve commit messages. If your git executable is not in $PATH directories, please specify the path to the executable.

g:git_messenger_no_default_mappings (Default: v:true)

When this value is set to v:false, it does not define any key mappings. <Plug> mappings are still defined since they don't make any conflict with existing mappings.

g:git_messenger_into_popup_after_show (Default: v:true)

When this value is set to v:false, run :GitMessenger or <plug>(git-messenger) again after showing a popup does not move the cursor in the window.

Popup window highlight

This plugin sets sensible highlight colors to popup menu for light and dark colorschemes by default. However, it may not match to your colorscheme. In the case, you can specify your own colors to popup window in nvim/init.vim by defining highlights as follows.. This is only available on Neovim.


" Header such as 'Commit:', 'Author:'
hi gitmessengerHeader term=None guifg=#88b8f6 ctermfg=111

" Commit hash
hi gitmessengerHash term=None guifg=#f0eaaa ctermfg=229

" Normal color. This color is the most important
hi gitmessengerPopupNormal term=None guifg=#eeeeee guibg=#333333 ctermfg=255 ctermbg=234

" Color of 'end of buffer'. To hide '~' in popup window, I recommend to use the same background
" color as gitmessengerPopupNormal.
hi gitmessengerEndOfBuffer term=None guifg=#333333 guibg=#333333 ctermfg=234 ctermbg=234


Distributed under the MIT License

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