SQL 3d engine (interactive preview)

 5 years ago
source link: https://www.tuicool.com/articles/hit/JNZz63j
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SQL 3d engine (interactive preview)

SQLite query:

  SELECT 0 AS n UNION ALL SELECT n+1 FROM numbers WHERE n<${Math.max(c.maxCol, c.maxRow)}
pixels AS (
  SELECT rows.n as row, cols.n as col
  FROM numbers as rows CROSS JOIN numbers as cols
  WHERE rows.n > ${c.minRow - 1} AND rows.n < ${c.maxRow} AND cols.n > ${c.minCol - 1} AND cols.n < ${c.maxCol}
), rawRays AS (
    row, col,
    ${(c.x0 - c.cols / 2 * c.scaleX * c.ux - c.rows / 2 * c.scaleY * c.vx).toFixed(4)} + col * ${(c.scaleX * c.ux).toFixed(4)} + row * ${(c.scaleY * c.vx).toFixed(4)} as x,
    ${(c.y0 - c.rows / 2 * c.scaleY * c.vy).toFixed(4)} + row * ${(c.scaleY * c.vy).toFixed(4)} as y,
    ${(c.z0 - c.cols / 2 * c.scaleX * c.uz - c.rows / 2 * c.scaleY * c.vz).toFixed(4)} + col * ${(c.scaleX * c.uz).toFixed(4)} + row * ${(c.scaleY * c.vz).toFixed(4)} as z
  FROM pixels
), normsSq AS (
  SELECT row, col, x, y, z, x * x + y * y + z * z AS n2 FROM rawRays
), norms AS (
  SELECT row, col, x, y, z, ${sqrt1SQL('n2', '1')} as n FROM normsSq
), rays AS (
  SELECT row, col, x / n AS x, y / n AS y, z / n AS z FROM norms
), iters AS (
  SELECT row, col, 0 as it, 0 as v FROM rays
  SELECT rays.row, rays.col, it + 1 AS it,
    v + ${formula(r.x, r.y, r.z)} AS v
  FROM iters JOIN rays ON rays.row = iters.row AND rays.col = iters.col
  WHERE it < ${c.iters}
), lastIters AS (
  SELECT it0.row, it0.col, it0.v AS v0, it1.v AS v1, it2.v AS v2
  FROM iters as it0
    JOIN iters AS it1 ON it0.row = it1.row AND it0.col = it1.col
    JOIN iters AS it2 ON it0.row = it2.row AND it0.col = it2.col
  WHERE it0.it = ${c.iters} AND it1.it = ${c.iters - 1} AND it2.it = ${c.iters - 2}
), res AS (
  SELECT col, (v0 - v1) / (v1 - v2) as v FROM lastIters
SELECT group_concat(
  substr('${ascii}', round(1 + max(0, min(${ascii.length - 1}, v * ${ascii.length}))), 1)
  || CASE WHEN col = ${c.maxCol - 1} THEN X'0A' ELSE '' END
, '')
FROM res;
viewof alpha = slider({
  min: -180, 
  max: 180, 
  step: 1, 
  value: -55, 
  title: "alpha",
  description: "horizontal rotation"
viewof beta = slider({
  min: -90, 
  max: 90, 
  step: 1, 
  value: 30, 
  title: "beta",
  description: "vertical rotation"
viewof dist = slider({
  min: 0.5, 
  max: 2.5, 
  step: 0.1, 
  value: 1.5, 
  title: "dist",
  description: "distance to camera"
viewof fov = slider({
  min: 1, 
  max: 100, 
  step: 1, 
  value: 26, 
  title: "fov",
  description: "camera field of view"
  const sqIt = (e, i) => (i + e / i) / 2;
  const sqrt = 0 ? x => Math.sqrt(x) : x => sqIt(x, sqIt(x, sqIt(x, 1)));
  const sqrt1a = (x) => (1 + x) / 2;
  const sqrt1b = (x) => 0.14 + 1.78 * x;
  const sqrt1 = (x, init=1) => sqIt(x, init);
  const sqrt2 = (x, init=1) => sqIt(x, sqIt(x, init));
  const fun = 1 ? (x, y, z) => Math.max(
    Math.abs(x) - 0.3, Math.abs(y) - 0.3, Math.abs(z) - 0.3,
    -sqrt1b(x * x + y * y + z * z) + 0.42
  ) : (x, y, z) => Math.max(Math.abs(x), Math.abs(y), Math.abs(z)) - 0.3;
  const iterCount = c.iters;
  let res = '\n';
  for (let row=c.minRow; row<c.maxRow; row++) {
    for (let col=c.minCol; col<c.maxCol; col++) {
      let dist = 0;
      const x = c.x0 + (col - c.cols / 2) * c.ux * c.scaleX + (row - c.rows / 2) * c.vx * c.scaleY;
      const y = c.y0 + (row - c.rows / 2) * c.vy * c.scaleY;
      const z = c.z0 + (col - c.cols / 2) * c.uz * c.scaleX + (row - c.rows / 2) * c.vz * c.scaleY;
      const n = sqrt1a(x * x + y * y + z * z);
      const [nx, ny, nz] = [x / n, y / n, z / n];
      const I = [];
      for (let i=0; i<=iterCount; i++) {
        dist += fun(c.camX + nx * dist, c.camY + ny * dist, c.camZ + nz * dist);
        I[i] = dist;
      const R0 = (I[iterCount] - I[iterCount - 1]) / (I[iterCount - 1] - I[iterCount - 2]);
      const r = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, R0 + colorShift)) ** gamma;
      const R = 1 - (I[iterCount - 1] - I[iterCount - 2] < 0.00000000000001 ? 0.09 : Math.max(0, Math.min(1, R0)));
      const ch = ('' + ascii[Math.round(r * (ascii.length - 1))])[0];
      res += ch;
      // res += R0 > 0.3 ? '#' : ' ';
    res += '\n';
  return preCanvas(res);

Explanation article (russian): https://habr.com/post/435390/

You may also want to check out the same thing for Excel: https://beta.observablehq.com/@pallada-92/excel-3d-engine-emulator

preHTML(range(80).map(() => '-').join(''))
viewof sqInit = slider({
  min: 0.1, 
  max: 1.0, 
  step: 0.01, 
  value: 0.28, 
  title: "sqInit",
  description: "initial value of square root"
viewof gamma = slider({
  min: 0.0, 
  max: 2.0, 
  step: 0.1, 
  value: 1.0, 
  title: "gamma",
  description: "gamma correction"
viewof colorShift = slider({
  min: -1.0, 
  max: 1.0, 
  step: 0.1, 
  value: 0, 
  title: "colorShift",
  description: "color shift"
c = ({
  iters: 15,
  minRow: 3,
  maxRow: 40,
  minCol: 0,
  maxCol: 80 + 9,
  rows: 36 + 7,
  cols: 80 + 10,
  scaleX: 0.6,
  scaleY: 1.5,
  camX: +(dist * cos(alpha) * cos(beta)).toFixed(camPrecision),
  camY: +(dist * sin(beta)).toFixed(camPrecision),
  camZ: +(dist * sin(alpha) * cos(beta)).toFixed(camPrecision),
  ux: -pixelSize * sin(alpha),
  uz: +pixelSize * cos(alpha),
  vx: +pixelSize * cos(alpha) * sin(beta),
  vy: -pixelSize * cos(beta),
  vz: +pixelSize * sin(alpha) * sin(beta),
  x0: -cos(alpha) * cos(beta),
  y0: -sin(beta),
  z0: -sin(alpha) * cos(beta),
formula = (x, y, z) => `MAX(ABS(${x}) - 0.3, ABS(${y}) - 0.3, ABS(${z}) - 0.3, -${sqrt1SQL(`((${x}) * (${x}) + (${y}) * (${y}) + (${z}) * (${z}))`, sqInit.toString())} + 0.42)`
camPrecision = 2
preCanvas = txt => {
  const ctx = DOM.context2d(width, width);
  const fontSize = Math.round(width / 60);
  ctx.font = `${fontSize}px monospace`;
  ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
  txt.split('\n').map((line, no) => ctx.fillText(line, 5, 5 + no * fontSize * 1.4));
  return ctx.canvas;
preHTML = txt => html`<pre>${txt.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>')}</pre>`;
cos = x => Math.cos(x * Math.PI / 180)
sin = x => Math.sin(x * Math.PI / 180)
tan = x => Math.tan(x * Math.PI / 180)
rows = 36
pixelSize = tan(fov / 2) / ((rows - 1) / 2)
ascii = `$@B%8&WM#*oahkbdpqwmZO0QLCJUYXzcvunxrjft/\|()1{}[]?-_+~<>i!lI;:,"^. `
rangeSQL = (name, size) => `${name} AS (SELECT 0 AS v UNION ALL SELECT v+1 FROM ${name} WHERE v<${size})`
sqrt1SQL = (expr, init) => init == 1 ? `(${init} + ${expr}) / 2.0` : `(${init} + ${expr} / ${init}) / 2.0`
sqrt2SQL = (expr, init) => sqrt1SQL(expr, '(' + sqrt1SQL(expr, init) + ')')
sqrt3SQL = (expr, init) => sqrt1SQL(expr, '(' + sqrt1SQL(expr, '(' + sqrt1SQL(expr, init) + ')') + ')')
r = ({
  x: `${c.camX}+v*x`,
  y: `${c.camY}+v*y`,
  z: `${c.camZ}+v*z`,
range = n => {
  const res = [];
  for (let i=0; i<n; i++) {
  return res;
function recurIter(n) {
  return `SELECT row, col, nx, ny, nz, v + ${formula(r.x, r.y, r.z)} as v FROM ${n == 0 ? 'iter0' : '(\n' + recurIter(n - 1) + ')\n'}`
import {slider, select} from "@jashkenas/inputs"

Shorter, but slower version, I don't know, why:

  SELECT 0 AS n UNION ALL SELECT n+1 FROM numbers WHERE n<${Math.max(c.maxCol, c.maxRow)}
pixels AS (
  SELECT rows.n as row, cols.n as col
  FROM numbers as rows CROSS JOIN numbers as cols
  WHERE rows.n > ${c.minRow - 1} AND rows.n < ${c.maxRow} AND cols.n > ${c.minCol - 1} AND cols.n < ${c.maxCol}
), rawRays AS (
    row * 100 + col AS no,
    ${(c.x0 - c.cols / 2 * c.scaleX * c.ux - c.rows / 2 * c.scaleY * c.vx).toFixed(4)} + col * ${(c.scaleX * c.ux).toFixed(4)} + row * ${(c.scaleY * c.vx).toFixed(4)} as x,
    ${(c.y0 - c.rows / 2 * c.scaleY * c.vy).toFixed(4)} + row * ${(c.scaleY * c.vy).toFixed(4)} as y,
    ${(c.z0 - c.cols / 2 * c.scaleX * c.uz - c.rows / 2 * c.scaleY * c.vz).toFixed(4)} + col * ${(c.scaleX * c.uz).toFixed(4)} + row * ${(c.scaleY * c.vz).toFixed(4)} as z
  FROM pixels
), normsSq AS (
  SELECT no, x, y, z, x * x + y * y + z * z AS n2 FROM rawRays
), norms AS (
  SELECT no, x, y, z, ${sqrt1SQL('n2', '1')} as n FROM normsSq
), rays AS (
  SELECT no, x / n AS x, y / n AS y, z / n AS z FROM norms
), iters AS (
  SELECT no, 0 as it, 0 as v FROM rays
  SELECT rays.no, it + 1 AS it, v + ${formula(r.x, r.y, r.z)} AS v
  FROM iters JOIN rays ON rays.no = iters.no
  WHERE it < ${c.iters}
), lastIters AS (
  SELECT it0.no, it0.v AS v0, it1.v AS v1, it2.v AS v2
  FROM iters as it0
    JOIN iters AS it1 ON it0.no = it1.no
    JOIN iters AS it2 ON it0.no = it2.no
  WHERE it0.it = ${c.iters} AND it1.it = ${c.iters - 1} AND it2.it = ${c.iters - 2}
), res AS (
  SELECT no, (v0 - v1) / (v1 - v2) as v FROM lastIters
SELECT group_concat(
  substr('${ascii}', round(1 + max(0, min(${ascii.length - 1}, v * ${ascii.length}))), 1)
  || CASE WHEN no % 1000 = 0 THEN X'0A' ELSE '' END
, '')
FROM res;

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