Run Puppeteer on AWS Lambda

 5 years ago
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Chromium Binary for AWS Lambda


$ npm i chrome-aws-lambda

This will ship with appropriate binary for the latest stable release of puppeteer (usually updated within a day or two).

If you wish to install an older version of Chromium, take a look at Versioning .

AWS Lambda Layers

Lambda Layers is a new convenient way to manage common dependencies between different Lambda Functions.

The following set of commands will create a well-structured layer of this package:

npm pack && \
mkdir --parents nodejs/node_modules/chrome-aws-lambda/ && \
tar --directory nodejs/node_modules/chrome-aws-lambda/ --extract --file chrome-aws-lambda-*.tgz --strip-components=1 && \
rm chrome-aws-lambda-*.tgz && \
zip -9 --filesync --move --recurse-paths _/chrome-aws-lambda.layer.zip nodejs/

The above will create a _/chrome-aws-lambda.layer.zip file, which can be uploaded to your Layers console.


Property Returns Description args {!Array<string>} Provides a list of recommended additional Chromium flags. defaultViewport {!Object} Returns more sensible default viewport settings. executablePath {?Promise<string>} Returns the path where the Chromium binary was extracted. headless {!boolean} Returns true if we are running on AWS Lambda. puppeteer {!Object} Overloads puppeteer and returns the resolved package.


The nodejs8.10 AWS Lambda runtime is required for this package to work properly.

const chromium = require('chrome-aws-lambda');
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer-core');

exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
  let result = null;
  let browser = null;

  try {
    browser = await puppeteer.launch({
      args: chromium.args,
      executablePath: await chromium.executablePath,
      headless: chromium.headless,

    let page = await browser.newPage();

    await page.goto(event.url || 'https://example.com');

    result = await page.title();
  } catch (error) {
    return context.fail(error);
  } finally {
    if (browser !== null) {
      await browser.close();

  return context.succeed(result);

You should allocate at least 512 MB of RAM to your Lambda, 1600 MB is recommended.


Since version 1.7.0 , it's also possible to overload puppeteer / puppeteer-core API with useful methods:

  • Frame
    fill(form, data, heuristic = 'name')
    number(selector, decimal = null, index = null, property = 'textContent')
    selectByLabel(selector, ...values)
    string(selector, property = 'textContent')
    waitUntilVisible(selector, timeout = null)
    waitWhileVisible(selector, timeout = null)
  • Page
    clickAndWaitForNavigation(selector, options = null)
    fill(form, data, heuristic = 'name')
    go(url, options = null)
    number(selector, decimal = null, index = null, property = 'textContent')
    selectByLabel(selector, ...values)
    string(selector, property = 'textContent')
    waitUntilVisible(selector, timeout = null)
    waitWhileVisible(selector, timeout = null)

Besides the public API, the following browser-context methods will also become available:

σ.$(selector, context = document)
σ.$$(selector, index = null, context = document)
σ.$x(expression, index = null, context = document)
σ.$number(data, decimal = null, index = null, property = 'textContent')
σ.$string(data, property = 'textContent')
σ.$regexp(data, pattern, index = null, property = 'textContent')

To enable overloading, simply call the puppeteer property exposed by this package.


This package is versioned based on the underlying puppeteer minor version:

puppeteer Version chrome-aws-lambda Version Chromium Revision 1.11.0 npm i [email protected] --save-exact 609904 ( 72.0.3618.0 ) 1.10.0 npm i [email protected] --save-exact 604907 ( 72.0.3582.0 ) 1.9.0 npm i [email protected] --save-exact 594312 ( 71.0.3563.0 ) 1.8.0 npm i [email protected] --save-exact 588429 ( 71.0.3542.0 ) 1.7.0 npm i [email protected] --save-exact 579032 ( 70.0.3508.0 ) 1.6.2 npm i [email protected] --save-exact 575458 ( 69.0.3494.0 ) 1.5.0 npm i [email protected] --save-exact 564778 ( 69.0.3452.0 ) 1.4.0 npm i [email protected] --save-exact 555668 ( 68.0.3419.0 ) 1.3.0 npm i [email protected] --save-exact 549031 ( 67.0.3391.0 ) 1.2.0 npm i [email protected] --save-exact 543305 ( 67.0.3372.0 ) 1.1.0 npm i [email protected] --save-exact 536395 ( 66.0.3347.0 ) 1.0.0 npm i [email protected] --save-exact 526987 ( 65.0.3312.0 ) 0.13.0 npm i [email protected] --save-exact 515411 ( 64.0.3264.0 )


To compile your own version of Chromium check the Ansible playbook instructions .


The Chromium binary is compressed using the Brotli algorithm.

This allows us to get the best compression ratio and faster decompression times.

File Algorithm Level Bytes MiB % Inflation chromium - - 136964856 130.62 - - chromium.gz Gzip 1 51662087 49.27 62.28% 1.035s chromium.gz Gzip 2 50438352 48.10 63.17% 1.016s chromium.gz Gzip 3 49428459 47.14 63.91% 0.968s chromium.gz Gzip 4 47873978 45.66 65.05% 0.950s chromium.gz Gzip 5 46929422 44.76 65.74% 0.938s chromium.gz Gzip 6 46522529 44.37 66.03% 0.919s chromium.gz Gzip 7 46406406 44.26 66.12% 0.917s chromium.gz Gzip 8 46297917 44.15 66.20% 0.916s chromium.gz Gzip 9 46270972 44.13 66.22% 0.968s chromium.gz Zopfli 10 45089161 43.00 67.08% 0.919s chromium.gz Zopfli 20 45085868 43.00 67.08% 0.919s chromium.gz Zopfli 30 45085003 43.00 67.08% 0.925s chromium.gz Zopfli 40 45084328 43.00 67.08% 0.921s chromium.gz Zopfli 50 45084098 43.00 67.08% 0.935s chromium.br Brotli 0 55401211 52.83 59.55% 0.778s chromium.br Brotli 1 54429523 51.91 60.26% 0.757s chromium.br Brotli 2 46436126 44.28 66.10% 0.659s chromium.br Brotli 3 46122033 43.99 66.33% 0.616s chromium.br Brotli 4 45050239 42.96 67.11% 0.692s chromium.br Brotli 5 40813510 38.92 70.20% 0.598s chromium.br Brotli 6 40116951 38.26 70.71% 0.601s chromium.br Brotli 7 39302281 37.48 71.30% 0.615s chromium.br Brotli 8 39038303 37.23 71.50% 0.668s chromium.br Brotli 9 38853994 37.05 71.63% 0.673s chromium.br Brotli 10 36090087 34.42 73.65% 0.765s chromium.br Brotli 11 34820408 33.21 74.58% 0.712s

For this reason, a stripped-down version of iltorb is bundled as a dependency.



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