GitHub - Ashok-Varma/Gander: Gander is a simple in-app HTTP inspector for Androi...

 5 years ago
source link: https://github.com/Ashok-Varma/Gander
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What is this library about?

Gander is a simple in-app HTTP inspector for Android OkHttp clients. Gander intercepts and persists all HTTP requests and responses inside your application, and provides a UI for inspecting their content.


get sample apk from Google Play Store


  1. Apps using Gander will display a notification showing a summary of ongoing HTTP activity. Tapping on the notification launches the full Gander UI. Apps can optionally suppress the notification, and launch the Gander UI directly from within their own interface. HTTP interactions and their contents can be exported via a share intent.
  2. Search HTTP Activity and also request and response
  3. The main Gander activity is launched in its own task, allowing it to be displayed alongside the host app UI using Android 7.x multi-window support.


Gander requires Android 4.1+ and OkHttp 3.x.

Warning: The data generated and stored when using this interceptor may contain sensitive information such as Authorization or Cookie headers, and the contents of request and response bodies. It is intended for use during development, and not in release builds or other production deployments.



Based on your IDE you can import library in one of the following ways


Add the dependency in your build.gradle file. Add it alongside the no-op variant to isolate Gander from release builds as follows:

debugCompile 'com.ashokvarma.android:gander:1.3.3'
releaseCompile 'com.ashokvarma.android:gander-no-op:1.3.3'

If you want this in library in both release and compile, then try this :

compile 'com.ashokvarma.android:gander:1.3.3'
or grab via Maven:

or Download the latest JAR


In your application code, create an instance of GanderInterceptor (you'll need to provide it with a Context, because Android) and add it as an interceptor when building your OkHttp client:

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
  .addInterceptor(new GanderInterceptor(context, true))

That's it! Gander will now record all HTTP interactions made by your OkHttp client. You can optionally disable the notification by passing false in constructor new GanderInterceptor(context, false)

Other Features

Launch the Gander UI directly within your app with the intent from Gander.getLaunchIntent().


Add app shortcut to your app



  • Why are some of my request headers missing?
  • Why are retries and redirects not being captured discretely?
  • Why are my encoded request/response bodies not appearing as plain text?

Please refer to this section of the OkHttp wiki. You can choose to use Gander as either an application or network interceptor, depending on your requirements.

Diff between Chuck and Gander:
  1. Gander uses Room for db instead of Cupboard
  2. Removed Gson Dependency
  3. Improved Search
  4. Improved Performance (PagedList, BackGround Load for Text, other minor pref boosts)
  5. Minor fixes (Notification Channel Creation ..etc)
  6. Many new features (Search highlight, app shortcut, Improved Notifications ..etc)


Chuck (parent repo)

  • Chuck - Copyright Jeff Gilfelt, Inc.
Thanks to Jeff Gilfelt for his amazing library Chuck. This repo is a fork from Chuck, later on moved and released as separate project, since chuck is no longer maintained.

Awesome Icon Designer

Gander uses the following open source libraries:

  • OkHttp - Copyright Square, Inc.


Copyright (C) 2018 Ashok Varma.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Other Open Source Libraries

  1. SqliteManager : Sqlite Manager is a Dev Debug tool that helps to manage(Edit, Add, Clear) your android Sqlite Databases.
  2. SharedPrefManager : SharedPref Manager is a Dev Debug tool that helps to manage(Edit, Add, Clear) your android Shared Preferences.
  3. BottomNavigation : This Library helps users to use Bottom Navigation Bar (A new pattern from google) with ease and allows ton of customizations.

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