
 5 years ago
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当前代码是以太坊Release 1.8,如果版本不同,代码上可能存在差异。




先看总体过程。产生区块后, miner 模块会发布一个事件 NewMinedBlockEvent ,订阅事件的协程收到事件后,就会把新区块的消息,广播给它所有的peer,peer收到消息后,会交给自己的fetcher模块处理,fetcher进行基本的验证后,区块没问题,发现这个区块就是本地链需要的下一个区块,则交给 blockChain 进一步进行完整的验证,这个过程会执行区块所有的交易,无误后把区块加入到本地链,写入数据库,这个过程就是下面的流程图,图1。



  1. 假如节点连接了 N 个Peer,它只向Peer列表的 sqrt(N) 个Peer广播 完整的区块 消息。
  2. 向所有的Peer广播 只包含区块Hash 的消息。

策略图的效果如图2,红色节点将区块传播给黄色节点: 1460000017047281

收到区块Hash的节点,需要从发送给它消息的Peer那里获取对应的完整区块,获取区块后就会按照图1的流程,加入到fetcher队列,最终插入本地区块链后, 将区块的Hash值广播给和它相连,但还不知道这个区块的Peer 。非产生区块节点的策略图,如图3,黄色节点将区块Hash传播给青色节点: 1460000017047282

至此,可以看出 以太坊采用以石击水的方式,像水纹一样,层层扩散新产生的区块


fetcher模块的功能,就是收集其他Peer通知它的区块信息:1)完整的区块2)区块Hash消息。根据通知的消息,获取完整的区块,然后传递给 eth 模块把区块插入区块链。







  1. 发布事件
  2. 事件处理函数选择要广播完整的Peer,然后将区块加入到它们的队列
  3. 事件处理函数把区块Hash添加到所有Peer的另外一个通知队列
  4. 每个Peer的广播处理函数,会遍历它的待广播区块队列和通知队列,把数据封装成消息,调用P2P接口发送出去



  1. worker.wait() 函数发布事件 NewMinedBlockEvent
  2. ProtocolManager.minedBroadcastLoop() 是事件处理函数。它调用了2次 pm.BroadcastBlock()
// Mined broadcast loop
func (pm *ProtocolManager) minedBroadcastLoop() {
    // automatically stops if unsubscribe
    for obj := range pm.minedBlockSub.Chan() {
        switch ev := obj.Data.(type) {
        case core.NewMinedBlockEvent:
            pm.BroadcastBlock(ev.Block, true)  // First propagate block to peers
            pm.BroadcastBlock(ev.Block, false) // Only then announce to the rest
  1. pm.BroadcastBlock() 的入参 propagate 为真时,向部分Peer广播完整的区块,调用 peer.AsyncSendNewBlock() ,否则向所有Peer广播区块头,调用 peer.AsyncSendNewBlockHash() ,这2个函数就是把数据放入队列,此处不再放代码。
// BroadcastBlock will either propagate a block to a subset of it's peers, or
// will only announce it's availability (depending what's requested).
func (pm *ProtocolManager) BroadcastBlock(block *types.Block, propagate bool) {
    hash := block.Hash()
    peers := pm.peers.PeersWithoutBlock(hash)

    // If propagation is requested, send to a subset of the peer
    // 这种情况,要把区块广播给部分peer
    if propagate {
        // Calculate the TD of the block (it's not imported yet, so block.Td is not valid)
        // 计算新的总难度
        var td *big.Int
        if parent := pm.blockchain.GetBlock(block.ParentHash(), block.NumberU64()-1); parent != nil {
            td = new(big.Int).Add(block.Difficulty(), pm.blockchain.GetTd(block.ParentHash(), block.NumberU64()-1))
        } else {
            log.Error("Propagating dangling block", "number", block.Number(), "hash", hash)
        // Send the block to a subset of our peers
        // 广播区块给部分peer
        transfer := peers[:int(math.Sqrt(float64(len(peers))))]
        for _, peer := range transfer {
            peer.AsyncSendNewBlock(block, td)
        log.Trace("Propagated block", "hash", hash, "recipients", len(transfer), "duration", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(block.ReceivedAt)))
    // Otherwise if the block is indeed in out own chain, announce it
    // 把区块hash值广播给所有peer
    if pm.blockchain.HasBlock(hash, block.NumberU64()) {
        for _, peer := range peers {
        log.Trace("Announced block", "hash", hash, "recipients", len(peers), "duration", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(block.ReceivedAt)))
  1. peer.broadcase() 是每个Peer连接的广播函数,它只广播3种消息:交易、完整的区块、区块的Hash,这样表明了节点只会主动广播这3中类型的数据,剩余的数据同步,都是通过 请求-响应 的方式。

    // broadcast is a write loop that multiplexes block propagations, announcements
    // and transaction broadcasts into the remote peer. The goal is to have an async
    // writer that does not lock up node internals.
    func (p *peer) broadcast() {
        for {
            select {
            // 广播交易
            case txs := <-p.queuedTxs:
                if err := p.SendTransactions(txs); err != nil {
                p.Log().Trace("Broadcast transactions", "count", len(txs))
            // 广播完整的新区块
            case prop := <-p.queuedProps:
                if err := p.SendNewBlock(prop.block, prop.td); err != nil {
                p.Log().Trace("Propagated block", "number", prop.block.Number(), "hash", prop.block.Hash(), "td", prop.td)
            // 广播区块Hash
            case block := <-p.queuedAnns:
                if err := p.SendNewBlockHashes([]common.Hash{block.Hash()}, []uint64{block.NumberU64()}); err != nil {
                p.Log().Trace("Announced block", "number", block.Number(), "hash", block.Hash())
            case <-p.term:


本节介绍远端节点收到2种区块同步消息的处理,其中 NewBlockMsg 的处理流程比较清晰,也简洁。 NewBlockHashesMsg 消息的处理就绕了2绕,从总体流程图1上能看出来,它需要先从给他发送消息Peer那里获取到完整的区块,剩下的流程和 NewBlockMsg 又一致了。


消息处理的起点是 ProtocolManager.handleMsgNewBlockMsg 的处理流程是蓝色标记的区域,红色区域是单独的协程,是fetcher处理队列中区块的流程,如果从队列中取出的区块是当前链需要的,校验后,调用 blockchian.InsertChain() 把区块插入到区块链,最后写入数据库,这是黄色部分。最后,绿色部分是 NewBlockHashesMsg 的处理流程,代码流程上是比较复杂的,为了能通过图描述整体流程,我把它简化掉了。






只看 handle.Msg()NewBlockMsg 相关的部分。

case msg.Code == NewBlockMsg:
    // Retrieve and decode the propagated block
    // 收到新区块,解码,赋值接收数据
    var request newBlockData
    if err := msg.Decode(&request); err != nil {
        return errResp(ErrDecode, "%v: %v", msg, err)
    request.Block.ReceivedAt = msg.ReceivedAt
    request.Block.ReceivedFrom = p

    // Mark the peer as owning the block and schedule it for import
    // 标记peer知道这个区块
    // 为啥要如队列?已经得到完整的区块了
    // 答:存入fetcher的优先级队列,fetcher会从队列中选取当前高度需要的块
    pm.fetcher.Enqueue(p.id, request.Block)

    // Assuming the block is importable by the peer, but possibly not yet done so,
    // calculate the head hash and TD that the peer truly must have.
    // 截止到parent区块的头和难度
    var (
        trueHead = request.Block.ParentHash()
        trueTD   = new(big.Int).Sub(request.TD, request.Block.Difficulty())
    // Update the peers total difficulty if better than the previous
    // 如果收到的块的难度大于peer之前的,以及自己本地的,就去和这个peer同步
    // 问题:就只用了一下块里的hash指,为啥不直接使用这个块呢,如果这个块不能用,干嘛不少发送些数据,减少网络负载呢。
    // 答案:实际上,这个块加入到了优先级队列中,当fetcher的loop检查到当前下一个区块的高度,正是队列中有的,则不再向peer请求
    // 该区块,而是直接使用该区块,检查无误后交给block chain执行insertChain
    if _, td := p.Head(); trueTD.Cmp(td) > 0 {
        p.SetHead(trueHead, trueTD)

        // Schedule a sync if above ours. Note, this will not fire a sync for a gap of
        // a singe block (as the true TD is below the propagated block), however this
        // scenario should easily be covered by the fetcher.
        currentBlock := pm.blockchain.CurrentBlock()
        if trueTD.Cmp(pm.blockchain.GetTd(currentBlock.Hash(), currentBlock.NumberU64())) > 0 {
            go pm.synchronise(p)
//------------------------ 以上 handleMsg

// Enqueue tries to fill gaps the the fetcher's future import queue.
// 发给inject通道,当前协程在handleMsg,通过通道发送给fetcher的协程处理
func (f *Fetcher) Enqueue(peer string, block *types.Block) error {
    op := &inject{
        origin: peer,
        block:  block,
    select {
    case f.inject <- op:
        return nil
    case <-f.quit:
        return errTerminated

//------------------------ 以下 fetcher.loop处理inject部分
case op := <-f.inject:
    // A direct block insertion was requested, try and fill any pending gaps
    // 区块加入队列,首先也填入未决的间距
    f.enqueue(op.origin, op.block)

//------------------------  如队列函数

// enqueue schedules a new future import operation, if the block to be imported
// has not yet been seen.
// 把导入的新区块放进来
func (f *Fetcher) enqueue(peer string, block *types.Block) {
    hash := block.Hash()

    // Ensure the peer isn't DOSing us
    // 防止peer的DOS攻击
    count := f.queues[peer] + 1
    if count > blockLimit {
        log.Debug("Discarded propagated block, exceeded allowance", "peer", peer, "number", block.Number(), "hash", hash, "limit", blockLimit)
    // Discard any past or too distant blocks
    // 高度检查:未来太远的块丢弃
    if dist := int64(block.NumberU64()) - int64(f.chainHeight()); dist < -maxUncleDist || dist > maxQueueDist {
        log.Debug("Discarded propagated block, too far away", "peer", peer, "number", block.Number(), "hash", hash, "distance", dist)
    // Schedule the block for future importing
    // 块先加入优先级队列,加入链之前,还有很多要做
    if _, ok := f.queued[hash]; !ok {
        op := &inject{
            origin: peer,
            block:  block,
        f.queues[peer] = count
        f.queued[hash] = op
        f.queue.Push(op, -float32(block.NumberU64()))
        if f.queueChangeHook != nil {
            f.queueChangeHook(op.block.Hash(), true)
        log.Debug("Queued propagated block", "peer", peer, "number", block.Number(), "hash", hash, "queued", f.queue.Size())




区块入的队列是一个优先级队列,高度低的区块会被优先取出来。 fetcher.loop 是单独协程,不断运转,清理fecther中的事务和事件。首先会清理正在 fetching 的区块,但已经超时。然后处理优先级队列中的区块,判断高度是否是下一个区块,如果是则调用 f.insert() 函数,校验后调用 BlockChain.InsertChain() ,成功插入后, 广播新区块的Hash

// Loop is the main fetcher loop, checking and processing various notification
// events.
func (f *Fetcher) loop() {
    // Iterate the block fetching until a quit is requested
    fetchTimer := time.NewTimer(0)
    completeTimer := time.NewTimer(0)

    for {
        // Clean up any expired block fetches
        // 清理过期的区块
        for hash, announce := range f.fetching {
            if time.Since(announce.time) > fetchTimeout {
        // Import any queued blocks that could potentially fit
        // 导入队列中合适的块
        height := f.chainHeight()
        for !f.queue.Empty() {
            op := f.queue.PopItem().(*inject)
            hash := op.block.Hash()
            if f.queueChangeHook != nil {
                f.queueChangeHook(hash, false)
            // If too high up the chain or phase, continue later
            // 块不是链需要的下一个块,再入优先级队列,停止循环
            number := op.block.NumberU64()
            if number > height+1 {
                f.queue.Push(op, -float32(number))
                if f.queueChangeHook != nil {
                    f.queueChangeHook(hash, true)
            // Otherwise if fresh and still unknown, try and import
            // 高度正好是我们想要的,并且链上也没有这个块
            if number+maxUncleDist < height || f.getBlock(hash) != nil {
            // 那么,块插入链
            f.insert(op.origin, op.block)
func (f *Fetcher) insert(peer string, block *types.Block) {
    hash := block.Hash()

    // Run the import on a new thread
    log.Debug("Importing propagated block", "peer", peer, "number", block.Number(), "hash", hash)
    go func() {
        defer func() { f.done <- hash }()

        // If the parent's unknown, abort insertion
        parent := f.getBlock(block.ParentHash())
        if parent == nil {
            log.Debug("Unknown parent of propagated block", "peer", peer, "number", block.Number(), "hash", hash, "parent", block.ParentHash())
        // Quickly validate the header and propagate the block if it passes
        // 验证区块头,成功后广播区块
        switch err := f.verifyHeader(block.Header()); err {
        case nil:
            // All ok, quickly propagate to our peers
            go f.broadcastBlock(block, true)

        case consensus.ErrFutureBlock:
            // Weird future block, don't fail, but neither propagate

            // Something went very wrong, drop the peer
            log.Debug("Propagated block verification failed", "peer", peer, "number", block.Number(), "hash", hash, "err", err)
        // Run the actual import and log any issues
        // 调用回调函数,实际是blockChain.insertChain
        if _, err := f.insertChain(types.Blocks{block}); err != nil {
            log.Debug("Propagated block import failed", "peer", peer, "number", block.Number(), "hash", hash, "err", err)
        // If import succeeded, broadcast the block
        go f.broadcastBlock(block, false)

        // Invoke the testing hook if needed
        if f.importedHook != nil {




  1. 对消息进行RLP解码,然后标记Peer已经知道此区块。
  2. 寻找出本地区块链不存在的区块Hash值,把这些未知的Hash通知给fetcher。
  3. fetcher.Notify 记录好通知信息,塞入 notify 通道,以便交给fetcher的协程。
  4. fetcher.loop() 会对 notify 中的消息进行处理,确认区块并非DOS攻击,然后检查区块的高度,判断该区块是否已经在 fetching 或者 comleting(代表已经下载区块头,在下载body) ,如果都没有,则加入到 announced 中,触发0s定时器,进行处理。

关于 announced 下节再介绍。

// handleMsg()部分
case msg.Code == NewBlockHashesMsg:
    var announces newBlockHashesData
    if err := msg.Decode(&announces); err != nil {
        return errResp(ErrDecode, "%v: %v", msg, err)
    // Mark the hashes as present at the remote node
    for _, block := range announces {
    // Schedule all the unknown hashes for retrieval
    // 把本地链没有的块hash找出来,交给fetcher去下载
    unknown := make(newBlockHashesData, 0, len(announces))
    for _, block := range announces {
        if !pm.blockchain.HasBlock(block.Hash, block.Number) {
            unknown = append(unknown, block)
    for _, block := range unknown {
        pm.fetcher.Notify(p.id, block.Hash, block.Number, time.Now(), p.RequestOneHeader, p.RequestBodies)
// Notify announces the fetcher of the potential availability of a new block in
// the network.
// 通知fetcher(自己)有新块产生,没有块实体,有hash、高度等信息
func (f *Fetcher) Notify(peer string, hash common.Hash, number uint64, time time.Time,
    headerFetcher headerRequesterFn, bodyFetcher bodyRequesterFn) error {
    block := &announce{
        hash:        hash,
        number:      number,
        time:        time,
        origin:      peer,
        fetchHeader: headerFetcher,
        fetchBodies: bodyFetcher,
    select {
    case f.notify <- block:
        return nil
    case <-f.quit:
        return errTerminated
// fetcher.loop()的notify通道消息处理
case notification := <-f.notify:
    // A block was announced, make sure the peer isn't DOSing us
    count := f.announces[notification.origin] + 1
    if count > hashLimit {
        log.Debug("Peer exceeded outstanding announces", "peer", notification.origin, "limit", hashLimit)

    // If we have a valid block number, check that it's potentially useful
    // 高度检查
    if notification.number > 0 {
        if dist := int64(notification.number) - int64(f.chainHeight()); dist < -maxUncleDist || dist > maxQueueDist {
            log.Debug("Peer discarded announcement", "peer", notification.origin, "number", notification.number, "hash", notification.hash, "distance", dist)

    // All is well, schedule the announce if block's not yet downloading
    // 检查是否已经在下载,已下载则忽略
    if _, ok := f.fetching[notification.hash]; ok {
    if _, ok := f.completing[notification.hash]; ok {
    // 更新peer已经通知给我们的区块数量
    f.announces[notification.origin] = count
    // 把通知信息加入到announced,供调度
    f.announced[notification.hash] = append(f.announced[notification.hash], notification)
    if f.announceChangeHook != nil && len(f.announced[notification.hash]) == 1 {
        f.announceChangeHook(notification.hash, true)
    if len(f.announced) == 1 {
        // 有通知放入到announced,则重设0s定时器,loop的另外一个分支会处理这些通知









  1. 收到 NewBlockHashesMsg 后,相关信息会记录到 announced ,进入 announced 状态,代表了本节点接收了消息。
  2. announced 由fetcher协程处理,经过校验后,会向给他发送消息的Peer发送请求,请求该区块的区块头,然后进入 fetching 状态。
  3. 获取区块头后,如果区块头表示没有交易和uncle,则转移到 completing 状态,并且使用区块头合成完整的区块,加入到 queued 优先级队列。
  4. 获取区块头后,如果区块头表示该区块有交易和uncle,则转移到 fetched 状态,然后发送请求,请求交易和uncle,然后转移到 completing 状态。
  5. 收到交易和uncle后,使用头、交易、uncle这3个信息,生成完整的区块,加入到队列 queued





// Fetcher is responsible for accumulating block announcements from various peers
// and scheduling them for retrieval.
// 积累块通知,然后调度获取这些块
type Fetcher struct {
    // Various event channels
    // 收到区块hash值的通道
    notify chan *announce
    // 收到完整区块的通道
    inject chan *inject

    blockFilter chan chan []*types.Block
    // 过滤header的通道的通道
    headerFilter chan chan *headerFilterTask
    // 过滤body的通道的通道
    bodyFilter chan chan *bodyFilterTask

    done chan common.Hash
    quit chan struct{}

    // Announce states
    // Peer已经给了本节点多少区块头通知
    announces map[string]int // Per peer announce counts to prevent memory exhaustion
    // 已经announced的区块列表
    announced map[common.Hash][]*announce // Announced blocks, scheduled for fetching
    // 正在fetching区块头的请求
    fetching map[common.Hash]*announce // Announced blocks, currently fetching
    // 已经fetch到区块头,还差body的请求,用来获取body
    fetched map[common.Hash][]*announce // Blocks with headers fetched, scheduled for body retrieval
    // 已经得到区块头的
    completing map[common.Hash]*announce // Blocks with headers, currently body-completing

    // Block cache
    // queue,优先级队列,高度做优先级
    // queues,统计peer通告了多少块
    // queued,代表这个块如队列了,
    queue  *prque.Prque            // Queue containing the import operations (block number sorted)
    queues map[string]int          // Per peer block counts to prevent memory exhaustion
    queued map[common.Hash]*inject // Set of already queued blocks (to dedupe imports)

    // Callbacks
    getBlock       blockRetrievalFn   // Retrieves a block from the local chain
    verifyHeader   headerVerifierFn   // Checks if a block's headers have a valid proof of work,验证区块头,包含了PoW验证
    broadcastBlock blockBroadcasterFn // Broadcasts a block to connected peers,广播给peer
    chainHeight    chainHeightFn      // Retrieves the current chain's height
    insertChain    chainInsertFn      // Injects a batch of blocks into the chain,插入区块到链的函数
    dropPeer       peerDropFn         // Drops a peer for misbehaving

    // Testing hooks
    announceChangeHook func(common.Hash, bool) // Method to call upon adding or deleting a hash from the announce list
    queueChangeHook    func(common.Hash, bool) // Method to call upon adding or deleting a block from the import queue
    fetchingHook       func([]common.Hash)     // Method to call upon starting a block (eth/61) or header (eth/62) fetch
    completingHook     func([]common.Hash)     // Method to call upon starting a block body fetch (eth/62)
    importedHook       func(*types.Block)      // Method to call upon successful block import (both eth/61 and eth/62)

NewBlockHashesMsg 消息的处理,不记得可向前翻看。这里从 announced 的状态处理说起。 loop() 中, fetchTimer 超时后,代表了收到了消息通知,需要处理,会从 announced 中选择出需要处理的通知,然后创建请求,请求区块头,由于可能有很多节点都通知了它某个区块的Hash,所以随机的从这些发送消息的Peer中选择一个Peer,发送请求的时候,为每个Peer都创建了单独的协程。

case <-fetchTimer.C:
    // At least one block's timer ran out, check for needing retrieval
    // 有区块通知,去处理
    request := make(map[string][]common.Hash)

    for hash, announces := range f.announced {
        if time.Since(announces[0].time) > arriveTimeout-gatherSlack {
            // Pick a random peer to retrieve from, reset all others
            // 可能有很多peer都发送了这个区块的hash值,随机选择一个peer
            announce := announces[rand.Intn(len(announces))]

            // If the block still didn't arrive, queue for fetching
            // 本地还没有这个区块,创建获取区块的请求
            if f.getBlock(hash) == nil {
                request[announce.origin] = append(request[announce.origin], hash)
                f.fetching[hash] = announce
    // Send out all block header requests
    // 把所有的request发送出去
    // 为每一个peer都创建一个协程,然后请求所有需要从该peer获取的请求
    for peer, hashes := range request {
        log.Trace("Fetching scheduled headers", "peer", peer, "list", hashes)

        // Create a closure of the fetch and schedule in on a new thread
        fetchHeader, hashes := f.fetching[hashes[0]].fetchHeader, hashes
        go func() {
            if f.fetchingHook != nil {
            for _, hash := range hashes {
                fetchHeader(hash) // Suboptimal, but protocol doesn't allow batch header retrievals
    // Schedule the next fetch if blocks are still pending

Notify 的调用中,可以看出, fetcherHeader() 的实际函数是 RequestOneHeader() ,该函数使用的消息是 GetBlockHeadersMsg ,可以用来请求多个区块头,不过fetcher只请求一个。

pm.fetcher.Notify(p.id, block.Hash, block.Number, time.Now(), p.RequestOneHeader, p.RequestBodies)

// RequestOneHeader is a wrapper around the header query functions to fetch a
// single header. It is used solely by the fetcher.
func (p *peer) RequestOneHeader(hash common.Hash) error {
    p.Log().Debug("Fetching single header", "hash", hash)
    return p2p.Send(p.rw, GetBlockHeadersMsg, &getBlockHeadersData{Origin: hashOrNumber{Hash: hash}, Amount: uint64(1), Skip: uint64(0), Reverse: false})

GetBlockHeadersMsg 的处理如下:因为它是获取多个区块头的,所以处理起来比较“麻烦”,还好,fetcher只获取一个区块头,其处理在20行~33行,获取下一个区块头的处理逻辑,这里就不看了,最后调用 SendBlockHeaders() 将区块头发送给请求的节点,消息是 BlockHeadersMsg

// handleMsg()
// Block header query, collect the requested headers and reply
case msg.Code == GetBlockHeadersMsg:
    // Decode the complex header query
    var query getBlockHeadersData
    if err := msg.Decode(&query); err != nil {
        return errResp(ErrDecode, "%v: %v", msg, err)
    hashMode := query.Origin.Hash != (common.Hash{})

    // Gather headers until the fetch or network limits is reached
    // 收集区块头,直到达到限制
    var (
        bytes   common.StorageSize
        headers []*types.Header
        unknown bool
    // 自己已知区块 && 少于查询的数量 && 大小小于2MB && 小于能下载的最大数量
    for !unknown && len(headers) < int(query.Amount) && bytes < softResponseLimit && len(headers) < downloader.MaxHeaderFetch {
        // Retrieve the next header satisfying the query
        // 获取区块头
        var origin *types.Header
        if hashMode {
            // fetcher 使用的模式
            origin = pm.blockchain.GetHeaderByHash(query.Origin.Hash)
        } else {
            origin = pm.blockchain.GetHeaderByNumber(query.Origin.Number)
        if origin == nil {
        number := origin.Number.Uint64()
        headers = append(headers, origin)
        bytes += estHeaderRlpSize

        // Advance to the next header of the query
        // 下一个区块头的获取,不同策略,方式不同
        switch {
        case query.Origin.Hash != (common.Hash{}) && query.Reverse:
            // ...
    return p.SendBlockHeaders(headers)

BlockHeadersMsg 的处理很有意思,因为 GetBlockHeadersMsg 并不是fetcher独占的消息,downloader也可以调用,所以,响应消息的处理需要分辨出是fetcher请求的,还是downloader请求的。它的处理逻辑是:fetcher先过滤收到的区块头,如果fetcher不要的,那就是downloader的,在调用 fetcher.FilterHeaders 的时候,fetcher就将自己要的区块头拿走了。

// handleMsg()
case msg.Code == BlockHeadersMsg:
    // A batch of headers arrived to one of our previous requests
    var headers []*types.Header
    if err := msg.Decode(&headers); err != nil {
        return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
    // If no headers were received, but we're expending a DAO fork check, maybe it's that
    // 检查是不是当前DAO的硬分叉
    if len(headers) == 0 && p.forkDrop != nil {
        // Possibly an empty reply to the fork header checks, sanity check TDs
        verifyDAO := true

        // If we already have a DAO header, we can check the peer's TD against it. If
        // the peer's ahead of this, it too must have a reply to the DAO check
        if daoHeader := pm.blockchain.GetHeaderByNumber(pm.chainconfig.DAOForkBlock.Uint64()); daoHeader != nil {
            if _, td := p.Head(); td.Cmp(pm.blockchain.GetTd(daoHeader.Hash(), daoHeader.Number.Uint64())) >= 0 {
                verifyDAO = false
        // If we're seemingly on the same chain, disable the drop timer
        if verifyDAO {
            p.Log().Debug("Seems to be on the same side of the DAO fork")
            p.forkDrop = nil
            return nil
    // Filter out any explicitly requested headers, deliver the rest to the downloader
    // 过滤是不是fetcher请求的区块头,去掉fetcher请求的区块头再交给downloader
    filter := len(headers) == 1
    if filter {
        // If it's a potential DAO fork check, validate against the rules
        // 检查是否硬分叉
        if p.forkDrop != nil && pm.chainconfig.DAOForkBlock.Cmp(headers[0].Number) == 0 {
            // Disable the fork drop timer
            p.forkDrop = nil

            // Validate the header and either drop the peer or continue
            if err := misc.VerifyDAOHeaderExtraData(pm.chainconfig, headers[0]); err != nil {
                p.Log().Debug("Verified to be on the other side of the DAO fork, dropping")
                return err
            p.Log().Debug("Verified to be on the same side of the DAO fork")
            return nil
        // Irrelevant of the fork checks, send the header to the fetcher just in case
        // 使用fetcher过滤区块头
        headers = pm.fetcher.FilterHeaders(p.id, headers, time.Now())
    // 剩下的区块头交给downloader
    if len(headers) > 0 || !filter {
        err := pm.downloader.DeliverHeaders(p.id, headers)
        if err != nil {
            log.Debug("Failed to deliver headers", "err", err)

FilterHeaders() 是一个很有大智慧的函数,看起来耐人寻味,但实在妙。它要把所有的区块头,都传递给fetcher协程,还要获取fetcher协程处理后的结果。 fetcher.headerFilter 是存放通道的通道,而 filter 是存放包含区块头过滤任务的通道。它先把 filter 传递给了 headerFilter ,这样 fetcher 协程就在另外一段等待了,而后将 headerFilterTask 传入 filter ,fetcher就能读到数据了,处理后,再将数据写回 filter 而刚好被 FilterHeaders 函数处理了,该函数实际运行在 handleMsg() 的协程中。

每个Peer都会分配一个ProtocolManager然后处理该Peer的消息,但 fetcher 只有一个事件处理协程,如果不创建一个 filter ,fetcher哪知道是谁发给它的区块头呢?过滤之后,该如何发回去呢?

// FilterHeaders extracts all the headers that were explicitly requested by the fetcher,
// returning those that should be handled differently.
// 寻找出fetcher请求的区块头
func (f *Fetcher) FilterHeaders(peer string, headers []*types.Header, time time.Time) []*types.Header {
    log.Trace("Filtering headers", "peer", peer, "headers", len(headers))

    // Send the filter channel to the fetcher
    // 任务通道
    filter := make(chan *headerFilterTask)

    select {
    // 任务通道发送到这个通道
    case f.headerFilter <- filter:
    case <-f.quit:
        return nil
    // Request the filtering of the header list
    // 创建过滤任务,发送到任务通道
    select {
    case filter <- &headerFilterTask{peer: peer, headers: headers, time: time}:
    case <-f.quit:
        return nil
    // Retrieve the headers remaining after filtering
    // 从任务通道,获取过滤的结果并返回
    select {
    case task := <-filter:
        return task.headers
    case <-f.quit:
        return nil

接下来要看 f.headerFilter 的处理,这段代码有90行,它做了一下几件事:

  1. f.headerFilter 取出 filter ,然后取出过滤任务 task
  2. 它把区块头分成3类: unknown 这不是分是要返回给调用者的,即 handleMsg() , incomplete 存放还需要获取body的区块头, complete 存放只包含区块头的区块。遍历所有的区块头,填到到对应的分类中,具体的判断可看18行的注释,记住宏观中将的状态转移图。
  3. unknonw 中的区块返回给 handleMsg()
  4. incomplete 的区块头获取状态移动到 fetched 状态,然后触发定时器,以便去处理 complete 的区块。
  5. compelete 的区块加入到 queued
// fetcher.loop()
case filter := <-f.headerFilter:
    // Headers arrived from a remote peer. Extract those that were explicitly
    // requested by the fetcher, and return everything else so it's delivered
    // to other parts of the system.
    // 收到从远端节点发送的区块头,过滤出fetcher请求的
    // 从任务通道获取过滤任务
    var task *headerFilterTask
    select {
    case task = <-filter:
    case <-f.quit:

    // Split the batch of headers into unknown ones (to return to the caller),
    // known incomplete ones (requiring body retrievals) and completed blocks.
    // unknown的不是fetcher请求的,complete放没有交易和uncle的区块,有头就够了,incomplete放
    // 还需要获取uncle和交易的区块
    unknown, incomplete, complete := []*types.Header{}, []*announce{}, []*types.Block{}
    // 遍历所有收到的header
    for _, header := range task.headers {
        hash := header.Hash()

        // Filter fetcher-requested headers from other synchronisation algorithms
        // 是正在获取的hash,并且对应请求的peer,并且未fetched,未completing,未queued
        if announce := f.fetching[hash]; announce != nil && announce.origin == task.peer && f.fetched[hash] == nil && f.completing[hash] == nil && f.queued[hash] == nil {
            // If the delivered header does not match the promised number, drop the announcer
            // 高度校验,竟然不匹配,扰乱秩序,peer肯定是坏蛋。
            if header.Number.Uint64() != announce.number {
                log.Trace("Invalid block number fetched", "peer", announce.origin, "hash", header.Hash(), "announced", announce.number, "provided", header.Number)
            // Only keep if not imported by other means
            // 本地链没有当前区块
            if f.getBlock(hash) == nil {
                announce.header = header
                announce.time = task.time

                // If the block is empty (header only), short circuit into the final import queue
                // 如果区块没有交易和uncle,加入到complete
                if header.TxHash == types.DeriveSha(types.Transactions{}) && header.UncleHash == types.CalcUncleHash([]*types.Header{}) {
                    log.Trace("Block empty, skipping body retrieval", "peer", announce.origin, "number", header.Number, "hash", header.Hash())

                    block := types.NewBlockWithHeader(header)
                    block.ReceivedAt = task.time

                    complete = append(complete, block)
                    f.completing[hash] = announce
                // Otherwise add to the list of blocks needing completion
                // 否则就是不完整的区块
                incomplete = append(incomplete, announce)
            } else {
                log.Trace("Block already imported, discarding header", "peer", announce.origin, "number", header.Number, "hash", header.Hash())
        } else {
            // Fetcher doesn't know about it, add to the return list
            // 没请求过的header
            unknown = append(unknown, header)
    // 把未知的区块头,再传递会filter
    select {
    case filter <- &headerFilterTask{headers: unknown, time: task.time}:
    case <-f.quit:
    // Schedule the retrieved headers for body completion
    // 把未完整的区块加入到fetched,跳过已经在completeing中的,然后触发completeTimer定时器
    for _, announce := range incomplete {
        hash := announce.header.Hash()
        if _, ok := f.completing[hash]; ok {
        f.fetched[hash] = append(f.fetched[hash], announce)
        if len(f.fetched) == 1 {
    // Schedule the header-only blocks for import
    // 把只有头的区块入队列
    for _, block := range complete {
        if announce := f.completing[block.Hash()]; announce != nil {
            f.enqueue(announce.origin, block)

跟随状态图的转义,剩下的工作是 fetched 转移到 completing ,上面的流程已经触发了 completeTimer 定时器,超时后就会处理,流程与请求Header类似,不再赘述,此时发送的请求消息是 GetBlockBodiesMsg ,实际调的函数是 RequestBodies

// fetcher.loop()
case <-completeTimer.C:
    // At least one header's timer ran out, retrieve everything
    // 至少有1个header已经获取完了
    request := make(map[string][]common.Hash)

    // 遍历所有待获取body的announce
    for hash, announces := range f.fetched {
        // Pick a random peer to retrieve from, reset all others
        // 随机选一个Peer发送请求,因为可能已经有很多Peer通知它这个区块了
        announce := announces[rand.Intn(len(announces))]

        // If the block still didn't arrive, queue for completion
        // 如果本地没有这个区块,则放入到completing,创建请求
        if f.getBlock(hash) == nil {
            request[announce.origin] = append(request[announce.origin], hash)
            f.completing[hash] = announce
    // Send out all block body requests
    // 发送所有的请求,获取body,依然是每个peer一个单独协程
    for peer, hashes := range request {
        log.Trace("Fetching scheduled bodies", "peer", peer, "list", hashes)

        // Create a closure of the fetch and schedule in on a new thread
        if f.completingHook != nil {
        go f.completing[hashes[0]].fetchBodies(hashes)
    // Schedule the next fetch if blocks are still pending

handleMsg() 处理该消息也是干净利落,直接获取RLP格式的body,然后发送响应消息。

// handleMsg()
case msg.Code == GetBlockBodiesMsg:
    // Decode the retrieval message
    msgStream := rlp.NewStream(msg.Payload, uint64(msg.Size))
    if _, err := msgStream.List(); err != nil {
        return err
    // Gather blocks until the fetch or network limits is reached
    var (
        hash   common.Hash
        bytes  int
        bodies []rlp.RawValue

    // 遍历所有请求
    for bytes < softResponseLimit && len(bodies) < downloader.MaxBlockFetch {
        // Retrieve the hash of the next block
        if err := msgStream.Decode(&hash); err == rlp.EOL {
        } else if err != nil {
            return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
        // Retrieve the requested block body, stopping if enough was found
        // 获取body,RLP格式
        if data := pm.blockchain.GetBodyRLP(hash); len(data) != 0 {
            bodies = append(bodies, data)
            bytes += len(data)
    return p.SendBlockBodiesRLP(bodies)

响应消息 BlockBodiesMsg 的处理与处理获取header的处理原理相同,先交给fetcher过滤,然后剩下的才是downloader的。需要注意一点,响应消息里只包含交易列表和叔块列表。

// handleMsg()
case msg.Code == BlockBodiesMsg:
    // A batch of block bodies arrived to one of our previous requests
    var request blockBodiesData
    if err := msg.Decode(&request); err != nil {
        return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
    // Deliver them all to the downloader for queuing
    // 传递给downloader去处理
    transactions := make([][]*types.Transaction, len(request))
    uncles := make([][]*types.Header, len(request))

    for i, body := range request {
        transactions[i] = body.Transactions
        uncles[i] = body.Uncles
    // Filter out any explicitly requested bodies, deliver the rest to the downloader
    // 先让fetcher过滤去fetcher请求的body,剩下的给downloader
    filter := len(transactions) > 0 || len(uncles) > 0
    if filter {
        transactions, uncles = pm.fetcher.FilterBodies(p.id, transactions, uncles, time.Now())

    // 剩下的body交给downloader
    if len(transactions) > 0 || len(uncles) > 0 || !filter {
        err := pm.downloader.DeliverBodies(p.id, transactions, uncles)
        if err != nil {
            log.Debug("Failed to deliver bodies", "err", err)


// FilterBodies extracts all the block bodies that were explicitly requested by
// the fetcher, returning those that should be handled differently.
// 过去出fetcher请求的body,返回它没有处理的,过程类型header的处理
func (f *Fetcher) FilterBodies(peer string, transactions [][]*types.Transaction, uncles [][]*types.Header, time time.Time) ([][]*types.Transaction, [][]*types.Header) {
    log.Trace("Filtering bodies", "peer", peer, "txs", len(transactions), "uncles", len(uncles))

    // Send the filter channel to the fetcher
    filter := make(chan *bodyFilterTask)

    select {
    case f.bodyFilter <- filter:
    case <-f.quit:
        return nil, nil
    // Request the filtering of the body list
    select {
    case filter <- &bodyFilterTask{peer: peer, transactions: transactions, uncles: uncles, time: time}:
    case <-f.quit:
        return nil, nil
    // Retrieve the bodies remaining after filtering
    select {
    case task := <-filter:
        return task.transactions, task.uncles
    case <-f.quit:
        return nil, nil


  1. 它要的区块,单独取出来存到 blocks 中,它不要的继续留在 task 中。
  2. 判断是不是fetcher请求的方法:如果交易列表和叔块列表计算出的hash值与区块头中的一样,并且消息来自请求的Peer,则就是fetcher请求的。
  3. blocks 中的区块加入到 queued ,终结。
case filter := <-f.bodyFilter:
    // Block bodies arrived, extract any explicitly requested blocks, return the rest
    var task *bodyFilterTask
    select {
    case task = <-filter:
    case <-f.quit:

    blocks := []*types.Block{}
    // 获取的每个body的txs列表和uncle列表
    // 遍历每个区块的txs列表和uncle列表,计算hash后判断是否是当前fetcher请求的body
    for i := 0; i < len(task.transactions) && i < len(task.uncles); i++ {
        // Match up a body to any possible completion request
        matched := false

        // 遍历所有保存的请求,因为tx和uncle,不知道它是属于哪个区块的,只能去遍历所有的请求,通常量不大,所以遍历没有性能影响
        for hash, announce := range f.completing {
            if f.queued[hash] == nil {
                // 把传入的每个块的hash和unclehash和它请求出去的记录进行对比,匹配则说明是fetcher请求的区块body
                txnHash := types.DeriveSha(types.Transactions(task.transactions[i]))
                uncleHash := types.CalcUncleHash(task.uncles[i])

                if txnHash == announce.header.TxHash && uncleHash == announce.header.UncleHash && announce.origin == task.peer {
                    // Mark the body matched, reassemble if still unknown
                    matched = true

                    // 如果当前链还没有这个区块,则收集这个区块,合并成新区块
                    if f.getBlock(hash) == nil {
                        block := types.NewBlockWithHeader(announce.header).WithBody(task.transactions[i], task.uncles[i])
                        block.ReceivedAt = task.time

                        blocks = append(blocks, block)
                    } else {
        // 从task中移除fetcher请求的数据
        if matched {
            task.transactions = append(task.transactions[:i], task.transactions[i+1:]...)
            task.uncles = append(task.uncles[:i], task.uncles[i+1:]...)

    // 将剩余的数据返回
    select {
    case filter <- task:
    case <-f.quit:
    // Schedule the retrieved blocks for ordered import
    // 把收集的区块加入到队列
    for _, block := range blocks {
        if announce := f.completing[block.Hash()]; announce != nil {
            f.enqueue(announce.origin, block)


forgetHash(hash common.Hash) 
forgetBlock(hash common.Hash)


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