Clojure.spec Beginner's FAQ

 5 years ago
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Clojure.spec has been available (in alpha) for some time, and there are great talks and resources like the rationale and official guide , but I’d like to write about common beginners’ issues I’ve seen.

These are mostly things I’ve experienced myself or seen on Stack Overflow , Clojurians Slack , r/Clojure or Twitter . The community is extremely helpful so reach out if you have questions — it’s not unusual to get an answer straight from a Clojure maintainer. And while this post follows question & answer format, my answers are extremely non-authoritative. Please report any issues you may find!


Q: How should I integrate clojure.spec into my project?

A: However you like!

Clojure.spec usage is totally à la carte. You can use only the features you want to whatever extent you want. This is great for consumers, but a lack of prescribed patterns doesn’t help newcomers wondering how to “best” leverage spec in their work.

Here are some things I’ve used spec for:



Q: Should I put specs in the same namespace as my code, or in a separate namespace?

A: It’s up to you.

You may find having specs alongside relevant code is helpful. You can just as easily put specs for data in separate namespaces, and specs for functions next to their defn counterparts — and you can put the spec before or after the defn .

One consideration is whether you’re using qualified keywords in s/keys map specs. I think a potential benefit of having data specs in the same namespace as your regular code is that it’s natural to inherit that namespace for namespaced map specs:

(s/def ::id int?)
(s/def ::name string?)
(s/def ::contact (s/keys :req [::id ::name]))
(defn print [{::keys [id name]}] (prn id name))
(print #:customer{:id 1 :name "Jane" :some.other/id "FhI-1"})

Instrumentation & Testing

instrument can be used to assert arguments to spec’d function invocations. See my post on function specs for more detailed examples. The 0-arity instrument will instrument every loaded, instrumentable function. There’s a cost associated with instrumentation, and you may want instrument to only affect particular functions:

(clojure.spec.test.alpha/instrument [`foo `bar])

And there’s an unstrument function for removing instrumentation.

Q: When and where should I call instrument ?

A: It depends.

Your instrumentable functions must be loaded before you can instrument them. If you have per-profile entry points to your program e.g. -main , -dev-main , you might choose to call instrument in the dev entry point. If your project uses Leiningen, you could use :injections to call instrument on a per-profile basis:

:injections [(require 'lib.core) ;; all instrumented fns should be loaded here
             (require 'clojure.spec.test.alpha)

Or you may only want to instrument functions during test runs, maybe as a clojure.test fixture or in the namespace itself.

Q: Should I use instrument in production builds?

A: Probably not.

From the guide:

Instrumentation is likely to be useful at both development time and during testing to discover errors in calling code. It is not recommended to use instrumentation in production due to the overhead involved with checking args specs.

Q: Why doesn’t instrument check my function return value?

A: It’s not meant to.

This is a common point of confusion. If you instrument a function spec’d with fdef or fspec , only its :args spec will be checked during each invocation. Why is that? I think one rationale might be that functional programs are generally a composition of functions where each output becomes an input to another function. If you have spec’d the :args and :ret of related functions (f (g x)) , you’d be redundantly checking the same specs for the :ret of g and :args of f . For larger examples this could become very costly.

Q: So why do fdef / fspec accept :ret and :fn specs too?

A: They’re used to check the function.

check ing a function involves generating many random inputs (from the :args spec) for the function, invoking the function with each input, and checking that the return value conforms to the :ret spec, and if :fn spec is defined that the relationship between the input and output values are satisfied. This is commonly called generative or property-based testing and spec relies on test.check for this.

You can use check as part of a test suite, for example with clojure.test:

(deftest foo-test
  (is (= 1 (-> (st/check `foo)

Sequences & Regex Specs

Q: What’s this odd nesting behavior with regex specs?

A: Nested regex specs compose to describe a single sequence.

Or as stated in the rationale :

These nest arbitrarily to form complex expressions.

I think this is much easier to understand through examples, which can be found in the official guide .

It’s easy to forget the s/& spec which is useful for adding additional predicates to regex specs, where using s/and would destroy the regex nesting behavior. Consider these two conforming examples where the only difference is s/& vs. s/and :

  (s/+ (s/alt :n number?
              :s (s/and (s/+ string?)
                        #(every? (complement empty?) %))))
  [1 ["x" "a"] 2 ["y"] ["z"]])

  (s/+ (s/alt :n number?
              :s (s/& (s/+ string?)
                      #(every? (complement empty?) %))))
  [1 "x" "a" 2 "y" "z"])

Q: How can I escape the regex spec nesting behavior?

A: Wrap the regex spec with s/spec .

This is also described in the official guide above, but here’s another example:

  (s/+ (s/alt :n number? :s (s/spec (s/* string?))))
  [1 2 3 ["x" "y" "z"]])
=> [[:n 1] [:n 2] [:n 3] [:s ["x" "y" "z"]]]

But this example might be better specified with s/coll-of or s/every :

(s/+ (s/alt :n number? :s (s/coll-of string?)))
(s/+ (s/alt :n number? :s (s/every string?)))

Map Specs

Q: How can I assign different specs to the same key in different maps?

A: That’s not supported (for qualified keys).

Spec encourages use of qualified map keys. If you control the shape of your map you should consider using qualified keys:

{:customer/name "Frieda" :company/name "Acme"}

Of course you may not have this luxury when working with external data sources where the same key may have different meanings at different paths:

{:name "Frieda" :company {:name "Acme"}}

In this case there’s a workaround if you’re using unqualified keys in your map specs. You can use qualified keys to name your specs, but create s/keys specs with unqualified keys e.g. :req-un and :opt-un :

(s/def :customer/name string?)
(s/def :company/name (s/nilable string?))
(s/def ::company (s/keys :req-un [:company/name]))
(s/def ::customer (s/keys :req-un [:customer/name ::company]))
(s/valid? ::customer {:name "Taylor" :company {:name nil}}) => true

Q: How can I make a s/keys spec that disallows extra keys?

A: You should reconsider that.

Map specs are meant to be open instead of closed . Adding data to a map spec should not make the map invalid. There are some cases where you might really want this, and of course it’s possible .


Q: Why does generation fail with Couldn’t satisfy such-that predicate after 100 tries ?

A: It might be the default generator for a s/and spec.

Generators are created from specs automagically, but for s/and specs the generator is based solely on the first spec inside the s/and . This spec conforms string palindromes:

(s/def ::palindrome
  (s/and string? #(= (clojure.string/reverse %) %)))

But you may get an error message when trying to exercise its generator (or possibly indirectly if the spec is involved in a check ‘d function):

(gen/sample (s/gen ::palindrome))
ExceptionInfo Couldn't satisfy such-that predicate after 100 tries.  clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4739)

This is because the generator for ::palindrome is actually a generator for (s/gen string?) , which will just generate random strings that are very unlikely to be palindromes, and after 100 random tries it gives up. In these cases you can provide your own generator with s/with-gen :

(s/def ::palindrome
    (s/and string? #(= (clojure.string/reverse %) %))
    ;; use fmap to create palindromes of the generated strings
    #(gen/fmap (fn [s] (apply str s (rest (reverse s))))
               (s/gen string?))))
(gen/sample (s/gen ::palindrome))
=> ("" "" "e" "PA6AP" "OUdTdUO" "k" "N" "0" "1T353T1" "D4V4D")

Some spec functions also take an optional overrides map allowing you to specify custom generators without associating them with the spec definitions directly.

Q: How can I generate data with parent/child relationships?

A: Use test.check functions like fmap , bind , or let macro.

As in the previous example you can use fmap to create a new generator that alters the results of a generator, so for recursive structures you can make any modifications there. For more complex scenarios — perhaps involving multiple generators — test.check provides a let macro that’s syntactically similar to clojure.core let . (Note that clojure.spec.gen.alpha only aliases some of test.check’s functionality; you’ll need to require test.check namespaces directly for its let macro.) The RHS of the bindings are generators and the LHS names are bound to the generated values, and it all expands to fmap and bind calls.

Consider an example of a recursive map spec:

(s/def ::id uuid?)
(s/def ::children (s/* ::my-map))
(s/def ::parent-id ::id)
(s/def ::my-map
  (s/keys :req-un [::id]
          :opt-un [::parent-id ::children]))
(gen/sample (s/gen ::my-map))

We need a custom generator to ensure the :parent-id for child maps is accurate, using fmap again:

(defn set-parent-ids [m]
    (fn [v]
      (if (map? v)
        (update v
          :children #(map (fn [c] (assoc c :parent-id (:id v))) %))
  (gen/fmap set-parent-ids (s/gen ::my-map)))

Also take a look at test.check’s recursive-gen for another approach.

Another example might be non-recursive relationships between values, like arguments to a function. Consider writing a function spec for clojure.core/subs :

(s/def ::subs-args (s/cat :str string? :i int?))
(s/fdef clojure.core/subs :args ::subs-args)
(s/exercise-fn `subs)
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException String index out of range: -1  java.lang.String.substring (String.java:1927)

This is because the generators for the strings and integer indices are independent and unrelated:

(gen/sample (s/gen (s/cat :str string? :i int?)))
=> (("" 0) ("" 0) ("" -1) ("C" 3) ("c9gD" 1) ("" 6) ("cfo2s7" -7) ("3fRj30" -2) ("W" 0) ("cEzS" -15))

If we want to ensure that the index argument refers to a position in the string input, we can use a custom generator:

(s/def ::subs-args
    (s/cat :str string? :i int?)
    #(gen/let [str (s/gen string?)
               index (gen/large-integer* {:min 0 :max (count str)})]
       [str index])))
(st/summarize-results (st/check `subs))
=> {:total 1, :check-passed 1}

Q: Why is my recursive/sequential spec slow to generate or check?

A: The recursion may be too deep, or sequence spec generators may be unbounded.

Spec defines a dynamic binding *recursion-limit* that puts a “soft” limit on recursive generation depth. You may want to decrease this limit in cases where generated structures are unwieldy.

The other type of sizing/growth to be concerned about relates to sequences generated by specs like s/every , s/coll-of . The :gen-max option will limit the length of generated sequences:

(gen/sample (s/gen (s/coll-of string? :gen-max 2)))
=> (["" ""] [] ["1D" ""] ["I"] [] ["Ne4" "y6i"] ["93" "oe"] ["4wUue7"] [] [])

Off-label Usage

Q: How can I use spec to parse strings?

A: Spec is not intended for string parsing.

Specs can be used as parsers in that specs can describe a syntax, and conforming valid inputs produces tagged outputs that can be treated as a syntax tree, so… why not use that on strings of characters? You’ll have an easier time using a purpose-built parser for string inputs. Spec’s regex specs are also more limited than typical regular expression libraries.

Q: I can use s/conformer to transform data with specs. Is that a good idea?

A: Not really.

Cognitect’s Alex Miller says :

spec is not designed to provide arbitrary data transformation (Clojure’s core library can be used for that). It is possible to achieve this using s/conformer but it is not recommended to use that feature for arbitrary transformations like this (it is better suited to things like building custom specs).

There’s also a JIRA with discussion on the topic. The official advice is to do this separately from spec, and there’s a library to assist with that .

I think some simple coercion isn’t terrible in limited, internal use cases e.g. conforming date strings to date values at your API boundary.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK