GitHub - khoren93/SwiftHub: Reactive Github client....
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SwiftHub iOS
Open source Github iOS client written in RxSwift and MVVM architecture.
Building and Running
You'll need a few things before we get started. Make sure you have Xcode installed from the App Store. Then run the following two commands to install Xcode's command line tools and bundler
, if you don't have that yet.
[sudo] gem install bundler xcode-select --install
The following commands will set up SwiftHub.
cd SwiftHub bundle install bundle exec fastlane setup
Alrighty! We're ready to go!
fastlane automates common development tasks - for example bumping version numbers, running tests on multiple configurations, or submitting to the App Store. You can list the available lanes (our project-specific scripts) using bundle exec fastlane lanes
. You can list available actions (all actions available to be scripted via lanes) using bundle exec fastlane actions
. The fastlane configuration and scripts are in the fastlane
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