GitHub - glouw/andvaranaut: The dungeon crawler
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A dungeon crawler with procedural dungeon generation, many items, many monsters, many puzzles, and so much more!
See the Makefile for instructions on how to bulid for Linux, MacOS, and Windows.
Item art by Platino.
Color pallette by DawnBringer.
Special Thanks
Halic (Mac) - Prototype tile and sprite art work
Source Tips
- A function's first argument type specifies which file its from.
- No global state (unless static local variables are counted).
- Compiles cleanly with any ISO C99 / C++98 compliant compiler.
- Builds very quickly with link time optimization (6.23 seconds on an Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60GHz).
- Cross system portability is aided by only using SDL2 libraries.
Andvaranaut will always be free. Enjoy, and please feel free to contribute, be it this repo or your own fork!
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