Imagvue is a image processing component for Vue.js
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provides basic image processing props(size,blur,contrast,grayscale, etc.). -
Support image lazy loading.
All Attributes can bind with data
Get from npm / yarn:
npm i imagvue
yarn add imagvue
or just include imagvue.js to your view like
<script src='./imagvue.js'></script>
<imagvue v-model="url" width="400" height="600"></imagvue>
vue file:
import imagvue from 'imagvue' export default { name: 'app', components: { imagvue, }, data(){ return { url: '', loaclURL: require('./imagvue.png'), } } }
Lazy loading Image
how to use ?
Use transition-group
and set attribute src
with your loading image inner imagvue
. Also you can set attribute lazy
for delay time
<imagvue v-model="url" :onerror="()=>url=''" width="400" height="600" > <transition-group src="loading.gif" --> your loading image :lazy="500" --> lazy time , default is 500 ( ms ) > </transition-group> </imagvue>
1. value
Type: String
Required: ture
The image URL. This is mandatory for the <imagvue>
<imagvue v-model="url"></imagvue>
2. width
Type: String
, Number
Required: false
Default: auto
The intrinsic width of the image in pixels.
3. height
Type: String
, Number
Required: false
Default: auto
The intrinsic height of the image in pixels.
4. onerror
Type: Function
Required: false
If an error occurs while trying to load or render an image , call a function
<imagvue v-model="url" :onerror="()=>url='./error.png'" > </imagvue>
5. blur
Type: String
, Number
Required: false
Default: 0
Applies a Gaussian blur to the input image.
Range: 0 ~ larger value ( px )
<imagvue v-model="url" :blur="50"></imagvue>
6. contrast
Type: String
, Number
Required: false
Default: 100
Adjusts the contrast of the input.
Range: 0 ~ over 100 ( % )
<imagvue v-model="url" :contrast="50"></imagvue>
7. brightness
Type: String
, Number
Required: false
Default: 100
Applies a linear multiplier to input image
Range: 0 ~ over 100 ( % )
<imagvue v-model="url" :brightness="50"></imagvue>
8. grayscale
Type: String
, Number
Required: false
Default: 0
Converts the input image to grayscale.
Range: 0 ~ 100 ( % )
<imagvue v-model="url" :grayscale="50"></imagvue>
9. hueRotate
Type: String
, Number
Required: false
Default: 0
Applies a hue rotation on the input image.
Range: 0 ~ 360 ( deg )
<imagvue v-model="url" :hue-rotate="50"></imagvue>
10. invert
Type: String
, Number
Required: false
Default: 0
Inverts the samples in the input image.
Range: 0 ~ 100 ( % )
<imagvue v-model="url" :invert="50"></imagvue>
11. opacity
Type: String
, Number
Required: false
Default: 0
Applies transparency to the samples in the input image.
Range: 0 ~ 100 ( % )
<imagvue v-model="url" :opacity="50"></imagvue>
12. saturate
Type: String
, Number
Required: false
Default: 0
Saturates the input image.
Range: 0 ~ 100 ( % )
<imagvue v-model="url" :saturate="50"></imagvue>
13. sepia
Type: String
, Number
Required: false
Default: 0
Converts the input image to sepia.
Range: 0 ~ 100 ( % )
<imagvue v-model="url" :sepia="50"></imagvue>
14. dropShadow
Type: Object
Required: false
Default: null
Applies a drop shadow effect to the input image.
offset blurRadius spreadRadius color
export default { name: 'app', components: { imagvue, }, data(){ return { dropShadow:{ offset: 16, --> required blurRadius: 0, --> optional default 0 px spreadRadius: 0, --> optional default 0 px color: 'black' --> optional default black } } } }
<imagvue v-model="url" :dropShadow="dropShadow"></imagvue>
15. customData
Type: Object
Default: null
This is used to pass additional information to <imagvue>
<imagvue> <imagvue>
<imagvue v-model="url" :customData="customData()"></imagvue>
methods:{ onLoadEvent(){ //todo }, customData(){ return { on: { load: this.onLoadEvent, } } } }
Code Example
<template> <div class="container"> <imagvue class="lazyimage" v-for="d in loadUrls" :key="d.url" :onerror="()=>d.url=errorURL" :value="d.url" width="400" height="267" :blur="filters.blur" :brightness="filters.brightness" :contrast="filters.contrast" :grayscale="filters.grayscale" :hue-rotate="filters.rotate" :opacity="filters.opacity" :invert="filters.invert" :saturate="filters.saturate" :sepia="filters.sepia" :dropShadow="dropShadow" :customData="customData()" > <transition-group :src="d.lazy"></transition-group > </imagvue> </div> </template>
<script> import imagvue from 'imagvue'; export default { components:{ imagvue, }, data(){ return{ filters: { blur: 0, contrast: 100, brightness: 100, grayscale: 0, rotate: 0, opacity: 100, invert: 0, saturate: 100, sepia: 0, dropShadow:{ offset: 16, blurRadius: 10, spreadRadius: 10, color: 'black' } }, errorURL:'', loadUrls:[ {url:'' , lazy:''}, {url:'' , lazy:''}, {url:'' , lazy:''}, {url:'' , lazy:''}, ] } }, methods:{ onLoadEvent(){ console.log("Image on load!"); }, customData(){ return { on: { load: this.onLoadEvent, } } } } } </script>
<style> .container{ display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-direction: column; } .lazyimage{ max-width: 100%; display: block; margin: 1024px auto 128px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; } </style>
Imagvue is licensed under MIT License.
If you have any suggestions ideas or just wanna say something you can send me an email at [email protected] , thank you.
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Joyk means Joy of geeK