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Scikit-learn style model finetuning for NLP
ships with a pre-trained language model
from "Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training"
and builds off the OpenAI/finetune-language-model repository.
Finetune Quickstart Guide
Finetuning the base language model is as easy as calling
model = Classifier() # Load base model, trainY) # Finetune base model on custom data predictions = model.predict(testX) # [{'class_1': 0.23, 'class_2': 0.54, ..}, ..] # Serialize the model to disk
Reload saved models from disk by using LanguageModelClassifier.load
model = Classifier.load(path)
predictions = model.predict(testX)
Full documentation and an API Reference for finetune
is available at
Finetune can be installed directly from PyPI by using pip
pip3 install finetune
or installed directly from source:
git clone
cd finetune
python3 develop
python3 -m spacy download en
In order to run finetune
on your host, you'll need a working copy of CUDA >= 8.0, libcudnn >= 6, tensorflow-gpu >= 1.6 and up to date nvidia-driver versions.
You can optionally run the provided test suite to ensure installation completed successfully.
pip3 install pytest pytest
If you'd prefer you can also run finetune
in a docker container. The bash scripts provided assume you have a functional install of docker and nvidia-docker.
./docker/ # builds a docker image
./docker/ # starts a docker container in the background
docker exec -it finetune bash # starts a bash session in the docker container
Code Examples
For example usage of Classifier
, Entailment
, and SequenceLabeler
, see the finetune/datasets directory. For purposes of simplicity and runtime these examples use smaller versions of the published datasets.
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