以太坊智能合约开发 - 环境搭建

 5 years ago
source link: http://blog.luoyuanhang.com/2018/07/10/starting-on-ethereum-smart-contract-env/?amp%3Butm_medium=referral
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进行以太坊智能合约的开发需要我们有一个以太坊网络的环境,我建议使用自己搭建的私链进行测试,在自己的私链上,以太币的获取比较容易,对于以太坊私链的的搭建可以参考我的另一篇博文 《【Ethereum基础实践】:以太坊测试私链的搭建》



Remix有Web版本和Electron APP两个版本:





npm install -g remixd


# 使用绝对路径
remixd -s /Users/username/path_you_store_contracts

点击Remix IDE左上方按钮连接至remixd服务:





在Remix IDE中,我们可以连接我们自己的以太坊节点进行测试,在控制面板的 Run 页面中可以配置自定义的以太坊节点,在 Environment 中选择 Web3 Provider :










contract Demo {
    uint256 public number = 0;
    function Demo(uint8 _initial) {
        number = _initial;
    function add() {
        number = number +1;

这个合约的功能是在合约中存储了一个数字 number ,并且提供了一个对该数字进行+1的方法 add() .



之后在 Run 面板点击 Create 进行部署:


由于该合约的构造方法中需要一个参数,来对 number 进行初始化,这里我填的是 10 ,另外,在 Account 中需要选择部署该合约的账户(需要消耗gas),并且输入对应的密码对账户进行解锁:




点击 number 可以查看当前的值:


点击 add 可以触发对应方法(该操作是一个transaction,需要消耗gas), number 的值会进行+1:









contract DSNote {
    event LogNote(
        bytes4   indexed  sig,
        address  indexed  guy,
        bytes32  indexed  foo,
        bytes32  indexed  bar,
	uint	 	  wad,
        bytes             fax
    ) anonymous;

    modifier note {
        bytes32 foo;
        bytes32 bar;

        assembly {
            foo := calldataload(4)
            bar := calldataload(36)

        LogNote(msg.sig, msg.sender, foo, bar, msg.value, msg.data);


contract DSAuthority {
    function canCall(
        address src, address dst, bytes4 sig
    ) constant returns (bool);

contract DSAuthEvents {
    event LogSetAuthority (address indexed authority);
    event LogSetOwner     (address indexed owner);

contract DSAuth is DSAuthEvents {
    DSAuthority  public  authority;
    address      public  owner;

    function DSAuth() {
        owner = msg.sender;

    function setOwner(address owner_)
        owner = owner_;

    function setAuthority(DSAuthority authority_)
        authority = authority_;

    modifier auth {
        assert(isAuthorized(msg.sender, msg.sig));

    modifier authorized(bytes4 sig) {
        assert(isAuthorized(msg.sender, sig));

    function isAuthorized(address src, bytes4 sig) internal returns (bool) {
        if (src == address(this)) {
            return true;
        } else if (src == owner) {
            return true;
        } else if (authority == DSAuthority(0)) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return authority.canCall(src, this, sig);

    function assert(bool x) internal {
        if (!x) throw;

contract DSStop is DSAuth, DSNote {

    bool public stopped;

    modifier stoppable {
        assert (!stopped);
    function stop() auth note {
        stopped = true;
    function start() auth note {
        stopped = false;


contract DSMath {
    standard uint256 functions

    function add(uint256 x, uint256 y) constant internal returns (uint256 z) {
        assert((z = x + y) >= x);

    function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) constant internal returns (uint256 z) {
        assert((z = x - y) <= x);

    function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) constant internal returns (uint256 z) {
        assert((z = x * y) >= x);

    function div(uint256 x, uint256 y) constant internal returns (uint256 z) {
        z = x / y;

    function min(uint256 x, uint256 y) constant internal returns (uint256 z) {
        return x <= y ? x : y;
    function max(uint256 x, uint256 y) constant internal returns (uint256 z) {
        return x >= y ? x : y;

    uint128 functions (h is for half)

    function hadd(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128 z) {
        assert((z = x + y) >= x);

    function hsub(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128 z) {
        assert((z = x - y) <= x);

    function hmul(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128 z) {
        assert((z = x * y) >= x);

    function hdiv(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128 z) {
        z = x / y;

    function hmin(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128 z) {
        return x <= y ? x : y;
    function hmax(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128 z) {
        return x >= y ? x : y;

    int256 functions

    function imin(int256 x, int256 y) constant internal returns (int256 z) {
        return x <= y ? x : y;
    function imax(int256 x, int256 y) constant internal returns (int256 z) {
        return x >= y ? x : y;

    WAD math

    uint128 constant WAD = 10 ** 18;

    function wadd(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128) {
        return hadd(x, y);

    function wsub(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128) {
        return hsub(x, y);

    function wmul(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128 z) {
        z = cast((uint256(x) * y + WAD / 2) / WAD);

    function wdiv(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128 z) {
        z = cast((uint256(x) * WAD + y / 2) / y);

    function wmin(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128) {
        return hmin(x, y);
    function wmax(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128) {
        return hmax(x, y);

    RAY math

    uint128 constant RAY = 10 ** 27;

    function radd(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128) {
        return hadd(x, y);

    function rsub(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128) {
        return hsub(x, y);

    function rmul(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128 z) {
        z = cast((uint256(x) * y + RAY / 2) / RAY);

    function rdiv(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128 z) {
        z = cast((uint256(x) * RAY + y / 2) / y);

    function rpow(uint128 x, uint64 n) constant internal returns (uint128 z) {
        // This famous algorithm is called "exponentiation by squaring"
        // and calculates x^n with x as fixed-point and n as regular unsigned.
        // It's O(log n), instead of O(n) for naive repeated multiplication.
        // These facts are why it works:
        //  If n is even, then x^n = (x^2)^(n/2).
        //  If n is odd,  then x^n = x * x^(n-1),
        //   and applying the equation for even x gives
        //    x^n = x * (x^2)^((n-1) / 2).
        //  Also, EVM division is flooring and
        //    floor[(n-1) / 2] = floor[n / 2].

        z = n % 2 != 0 ? x : RAY;

        for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) {
            x = rmul(x, x);

            if (n % 2 != 0) {
                z = rmul(z, x);

    function rmin(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128) {
        return hmin(x, y);
    function rmax(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128) {
        return hmax(x, y);

    function cast(uint256 x) constant internal returns (uint128 z) {
        assert((z = uint128(x)) == x);


contract ERC20 {
    function totalSupply() constant returns (uint supply);
    function balanceOf( address who ) constant returns (uint value);
    function allowance( address owner, address spender ) constant returns (uint _allowance);

    function transfer( address to, uint value) returns (bool ok);
    function transferFrom( address from, address to, uint value) returns (bool ok);
    function approve( address spender, uint value ) returns (bool ok);

    event Transfer( address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value);
    event Approval( address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value);

contract DSTokenBase is ERC20, DSMath {
    uint256                                            _supply;
    mapping (address => uint256)                       _balances;
    mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256))  _approvals;
    function DSTokenBase(uint256 supply) {
        _balances[msg.sender] = supply;
        _supply = supply;
    function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256) {
        return _supply;
    function balanceOf(address src) constant returns (uint256) {
        return _balances[src];
    function allowance(address src, address guy) constant returns (uint256) {
        return _approvals[src][guy];
    function transfer(address dst, uint wad) returns (bool) {
        assert(_balances[msg.sender] >= wad);
        _balances[msg.sender] = sub(_balances[msg.sender], wad);
        _balances[dst] = add(_balances[dst], wad);
        Transfer(msg.sender, dst, wad);
        return true;
    function transferFrom(address src, address dst, uint wad) returns (bool) {
        assert(_balances[src] >= wad);
        assert(_approvals[src][msg.sender] >= wad);
        _approvals[src][msg.sender] = sub(_approvals[src][msg.sender], wad);
        _balances[src] = sub(_balances[src], wad);
        _balances[dst] = add(_balances[dst], wad);
        Transfer(src, dst, wad);
        return true;
    function approve(address guy, uint256 wad) returns (bool) {
        _approvals[msg.sender][guy] = wad;
        Approval(msg.sender, guy, wad);
        return true;


contract DSToken is DSTokenBase(0), DSStop {

    bytes32  public  symbol;
    uint256  public  decimals = 18; // standard token precision. override to customize

    function DSToken(bytes32 symbol_) {
        symbol = symbol_;

    function transfer(address dst, uint wad) stoppable note returns (bool) {
        return super.transfer(dst, wad);
    function transferFrom(
        address src, address dst, uint wad
    ) stoppable note returns (bool) {
        return super.transferFrom(src, dst, wad);
    function approve(address guy, uint wad) stoppable note returns (bool) {
        return super.approve(guy, wad);

    function push(address dst, uint128 wad) returns (bool) {
        return transfer(dst, wad);
    function pull(address src, uint128 wad) returns (bool) {
        return transferFrom(src, msg.sender, wad);

    function mint(uint128 wad) auth stoppable note {
        _balances[msg.sender] = add(_balances[msg.sender], wad);
        _supply = add(_supply, wad);
    function burn(uint128 wad) auth stoppable note {
        _balances[msg.sender] = sub(_balances[msg.sender], wad);
        _supply = sub(_supply, wad);

    // Optional token name

    bytes32   public  name = "";
    function setName(bytes32 name_) auth {
        name = name_;




本文的版权归作者罗远航 所有,采用 Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 License 。任何人可以进行转载、分享,但不可在未经允许的情况下用于商业用途;转载请注明出处。感谢配合!

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