
 4 years ago
source link: https://bigpigeon.org/post/go-text-template/
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然后通过 t.Execute 把模板渲染出来

const letter = `
Dear {{.Name}},
{{if .Attended}}
It was a pleasure to see you at the wedding.
{{- else}}
It is a shame you couldn't make it to the wedding.
{{- end}}
{{with .Gift -}}
Thank you for the lovely {{.}}.
Best wishes,

// Prepare some data to insert into the template.
type Recipient struct {
	Name, Gift string
	Attended   bool
var recipients = []Recipient{
	{"Aunt Mildred", "bone china tea set", true},
	{"Uncle John", "moleskin pants", false},
	{"Cousin Rodney", "", false},

t := template.Must(template.New("letter").Parse(letter))

// Execute the template for each recipient.
for _, r := range recipients {
	err := t.Execute(os.Stdout, r)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("executing template:", err)


先看看text/template的Template结构,这个是整个template库最重要了结构了,也是我们通过 template.New("letter").Parse(letter) 得到对象

下面我会加入自己的注释,以 // self 开头

// Template is the representation of a parsed template. The *parse.Tree
// field is exported only for use by html/template and should be treated
// as unexported by all other clients.
type Template struct {
	name string     // self 模板名字
	*parse.Tree     // self 
	leftDelim  string  //self 左分隔符,一般是 {{ 
	rightDelim string  //self 右分隔符, 一般是 }}

// common holds the information shared by related templates.
type common struct {
	tmpl   map[string]*Template // Map from name to defined templates. //self 模板的子模板,在文件中的 {{ define xxx }} {{ end }} 就会创建一个模板
	option option
	// We use two maps, one for parsing and one for execution.
	// This separation makes the API cleaner since it doesn't
	// expose reflection to the client.
	muFuncs    sync.RWMutex // protects parseFuncs and execFuncs 
	parseFuncs FuncMap      //self 以interface{}形式保存的函数对象
	execFuncs  map[string]reflect.Value // self parseFuncs中的函数最终都会转换成reflect.Value形式

Template中还有一个 parse.Tree 看看它长什么样子

// Tree is the representation of a single parsed template.
type Tree struct {
	Name      string    // name of the template represented by the tree.
	ParseName string    // name of the top-level template during parsing, for error messages.
	Root      *ListNode // top-level root of the tree.
	text      string    // text parsed to create the template (or its parent) //self 等待解析的文本
	// Parsing only; cleared after parse.
	funcs     []map[string]interface{}
	lex       *lexer //self 词法解析器,用于解析模板中的关键字,比如 '{{' ,'|', '=', 函数名,表达式,等等
	token     [3]item // three-token lookahead for parser.
	peekCount int
	vars      []string // variables defined at the moment.
	treeSet   map[string]*Tree

// ListNode holds a sequence of nodes.
type ListNode struct {
	NodeType  //self 节点类型,没什么好说的
	Pos       //self 该节点在文本中的位置,也可以理解为index
	tr    *Tree //self 该节点在树中的位置
	Nodes []Node // The element nodes in lexical order.

// A Node is an element in the parse tree. The interface is trivial.
// The interface contains an unexported method so that only
// types local to this package can satisfy it.
type Node interface {
	Type() NodeType
	String() string
	// Copy does a deep copy of the Node and all its components.
	// To avoid type assertions, some XxxNodes also have specialized
	// CopyXxx methods that return *XxxNode.
	Copy() Node
	Position() Pos // byte position of start of node in full original input string
	// tree returns the containing *Tree.
	// It is unexported so all implementations of Node are in this package.
	tree() *Tree

const (
	NodeText       NodeType = iota // Plain text.
	NodeAction                     // A non-control action such as a field evaluation.
	NodeBool                       // A boolean constant.
	NodeChain                      // A sequence of field accesses.
	NodeCommand                    // An element of a pipeline.
	NodeDot                        // The cursor, dot.
	nodeElse                       // An else action. Not added to tree.
	nodeEnd                        // An end action. Not added to tree.
	NodeField                      // A field or method name.
	NodeIdentifier                 // An identifier; always a function name.
	NodeIf                         // An if action.
	NodeList                       // A list of Nodes.
	NodeNil                        // An untyped nil constant.
	NodeNumber                     // A numerical constant.
	NodePipe                       // A pipeline of commands.
	NodeRange                      // A range action.
	NodeString                     // A string constant.
	NodeTemplate                   // A template invocation action.
	NodeVariable                   // A $ variable.
	NodeWith                       // A with action.



// Parse parses text as a template body for t.
// Named template definitions ({{define ...}} or {{block ...}} statements) in text
// define additional templates associated with t and are removed from the
// definition of t itself.
// Templates can be redefined in successive calls to Parse.
// A template definition with a body containing only white space and comments
// is considered empty and will not replace an existing template's body.
// This allows using Parse to add new named template definitions without
// overwriting the main template body.
func (t *Template) Parse(text string) (*Template, error) {
	trees, err := parse.Parse(t.name, text, t.leftDelim, t.rightDelim, t.parseFuncs, builtins)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Add the newly parsed trees, including the one for t, into our common structure.
	for name, tree := range trees {
		if _, err := t.AddParseTree(name, tree); err != nil {
			return nil, err
	return t, nil


代码大致含义 parse.Parse 函数把文本解析成 map[string]*parse.Tree 的树map对象,然后把它append到当前模板的t.temp中

然后看看 parse.Parse 发生了什么

// Parse returns a map from template name to parse.Tree, created by parsing the
// templates described in the argument string. The top-level template will be
// given the specified name. If an error is encountered, parsing stops and an
// empty map is returned with the error.
func Parse(name, text, leftDelim, rightDelim string, funcs ...map[string]interface{}) (map[string]*Tree, error) {
	treeSet := make(map[string]*Tree)
	t := New(name)
	t.text = text
	_, err := t.Parse(text, leftDelim, rightDelim, treeSet, funcs...)
	return treeSet, err


// Parse parses the template definition string to construct a representation of
// the template for execution. If either action delimiter string is empty, the
// default ("{{" or "}}") is used. Embedded template definitions are added to
// the treeSet map.
func (t *Tree) Parse(text, leftDelim, rightDelim string, treeSet map[string]*Tree, funcs ...map[string]interface{}) (tree *Tree, err error) {
	defer t.recover(&err)
	t.ParseName = t.Name
	t.startParse(funcs, lex(t.Name, text, leftDelim, rightDelim), treeSet)
	t.text = text
	return t, nil

// lex creates a new scanner for the input string.
func lex(name, input, left, right string) *lexer {
	if left == "" {
		left = leftDelim
	if right == "" {
		right = rightDelim
	l := &lexer{
		name:       name,
		input:      input,
		leftDelim:  left,
		rightDelim: right,
		items:      make(chan item),
		line:       1,
	go l.run()
	return l

// startParse initializes the parser, using the lexer.
func (t *Tree) startParse(funcs []map[string]interface{}, lex *lexer, treeSet map[string]*Tree) {
	t.Root = nil
	t.lex = lex
	t.vars = []string{"$"}
	t.funcs = funcs
	t.treeSet = treeSet

lex就是词法解析器,它不断的读取文本中的关键字,传给 Tree.parse 来解析

Tree.startParse 并不是真的开始解析,它只是初始化 Tree 的词法解析器等字段

Tree.parse 会读取从lex中解析的关键词,构建成不同的节点,保存到树中(这个源码我会在下面讲解时才贴)


// lex creates a new scanner for the input string.
func lex(name, input, left, right string) *lexer {
	if left == "" {
		left = leftDelim
	if right == "" {
		right = rightDelim
	l := &lexer{
		name:       name,
		input:      input,
		leftDelim:  left,
		rightDelim: right,
		items:      make(chan item),
		line:       1,
	go l.run()
	return l

// run runs the state machine for the lexer.
func (l *lexer) run() {
	for state := lexText; state != nil; {
		state = state(l)

// lexText scans until an opening action delimiter, "{{".
func lexText(l *lexer) stateFn {
	l.width = 0
	if x := strings.Index(l.input[l.pos:], l.leftDelim); x >= 0 {
		ldn := Pos(len(l.leftDelim))
		l.pos += Pos(x)
		trimLength := Pos(0)
		if strings.HasPrefix(l.input[l.pos+ldn:], leftTrimMarker) {
			trimLength = rightTrimLength(l.input[l.start:l.pos])
		l.pos -= trimLength
		if l.pos > l.start {
		l.pos += trimLength
		return lexLeftDelim
	} else {
		l.pos = Pos(len(l.input))
	// Correctly reached EOF.
	if l.pos > l.start {
	return nil

lex 函数通过 go l.run 异步执行单词解析,并通过 items chan 传给外面

lexer.Run 通过不断执行 stateFn 直到它返回一个空值

第一个被执行的 stateFn 是lexText,它负责扫描遇到 {{ 符号之前的所有字符,也就是模板语法之外的文本

l.emit 就是往 l.items 发送一个 item,我们看看l.emit是怎么样的

// emit passes an item back to the client.
func (l *lexer) emit(t itemType) {
	l.items <- item{t, l.start, l.input[l.start:l.pos], l.line}
	// Some items contain text internally. If so, count their newlines.
	switch t {
	case itemText, itemRawString, itemLeftDelim, itemRightDelim:
		l.line += strings.Count(l.input[l.start:l.pos], "\n")
	l.start = l.pos

其中 l.input[l.start:l.pos] 表示这次分析的 “词” 对应的位置 ( {{,/*,:= 等等也是属于词 )


lexText -> lexLeftDelim ->  lexComment -> lexText
						-> lexInsideAction -> 	

lexText -> EOF

我们来开开 Tree.parse 拿到item后怎么处理


// parse is the top-level parser for a template, essentially the same
// as itemList except it also parses {{define}} actions.
// It runs to EOF.
func (t *Tree) parse() {
	t.Root = t.newList(t.peek().pos)
	for t.peek().typ != itemEOF {
		if t.peek().typ == itemLeftDelim {
			delim := t.next()
			if t.nextNonSpace().typ == itemDefine {
				newT := New("definition") // name will be updated once we know it.
				newT.text = t.text
				newT.ParseName = t.ParseName
				newT.startParse(t.funcs, t.lex, t.treeSet)
		switch n := t.textOrAction(); n.Type() {
		case nodeEnd, nodeElse:
			t.errorf("unexpected %s", n)

首先parse这个函数的目的是把lex解析出来的item进一步解析成 parse.Node 然后放入t.Root中

在解释这个函数之前我也简单说说 peek , next , backup , backup2 这几个函数的含义

  • peek: 查看栈的最后一个item
  • next: 拿出栈的最后一个item
  • backend: 把最后一个拿出来的item塞到栈尾
  • backend2: 把最后一个拿出来的item塞到栈尾,并额外塞一个进去
  • backend3: 和backend2同理,塞2个进去


  1. 用第0个item.pos来初始化 t.Root
  2. for循环遍历item,直到遇到 itemEOF 这个结束符item为止
  3. 遇到 左分隔符(也就是”{{“)判断这个分隔符中的是不是 itemDefine(也就是{{define subTemp}}来定义额外的模板树),如果是,开始解析子模板树并跳过这一轮循环,如果不是回到itemLeftDelim之前从新解析
  4. 通过 Tree.textOrAction 返回下一个Node放入 t.Root



// textOrAction:
//	text | action
func (t *Tree) textOrAction() Node {
	switch token := t.nextNonSpace(); token.typ {
	case itemText:
		return t.newText(token.pos, token.val)
	case itemLeftDelim:
		return t.action()
		t.unexpected(token, "input")
	return nil

func (t *Tree) newText(pos Pos, text string) *TextNode {
	return &TextNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeText, Pos: pos, Text: []byte(text)}

// Action:
//	control
//	command ("|" command)*
// Left delim is past. Now get actions.
// First word could be a keyword such as range.
func (t *Tree) action() (n Node) {
	switch token := t.nextNonSpace(); token.typ {
	case itemBlock:
		return t.blockControl()
	case itemElse:
		return t.elseControl()
	case itemEnd:
		return t.endControl()
	case itemIf:
		return t.ifControl()
	case itemRange:
		return t.rangeControl()
	case itemTemplate:
		return t.templateControl()
	case itemWith:
		return t.withControl()
	token := t.peek()
	// Do not pop variables; they persist until "end".
	return t.newAction(token.pos, token.line, t.pipeline("command"))

textOrAction非常简单,就是把item分成2部分,遇到itemText就解析成 TextNode 遇到 {{ 就开始action解析



// If:
//	{{if pipeline}} itemList {{end}}
//	{{if pipeline}} itemList {{else}} itemList {{end}}
// If keyword is past.
func (t *Tree) ifControl() Node {
	return t.newIf(t.parseControl(true, "if"))

func (t *Tree) newIf(pos Pos, line int, pipe *PipeNode, list, elseList *ListNode) *IfNode {
	return &IfNode{BranchNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeIf, Pos: pos, Line: line, Pipe: pipe, List: list, ElseList: elseList}}

func (t *Tree) parseControl(allowElseIf bool, context string) (pos Pos, line int, pipe *PipeNode, list, elseList *ListNode) {
	defer t.popVars(len(t.vars))
	pipe = t.pipeline(context)
	var next Node
	list, next = t.itemList()
	switch next.Type() {
	case nodeEnd: //done
	case nodeElse:
		if allowElseIf {
			// Special case for "else if". If the "else" is followed immediately by an "if",
			// the elseControl will have left the "if" token pending. Treat
			//	{{if a}}_{{else if b}}_{{end}}
			// as
			//	{{if a}}_{{else}}{{if b}}_{{end}}{{end}}.
			// To do this, parse the if as usual and stop at it {{end}}; the subsequent{{end}}
			// is assumed. This technique works even for long if-else-if chains.
			// TODO: Should we allow else-if in with and range?
			if t.peek().typ == itemIf {
				t.next() // Consume the "if" token.
				elseList = t.newList(next.Position())
				// Do not consume the next item - only one {{end}} required.
		elseList, next = t.itemList()
		if next.Type() != nodeEnd {
			t.errorf("expected end; found %s", next)
	return pipe.Position(), pipe.Line, pipe, list, elseList

// itemList:
//	textOrAction*
// Terminates at {{end}} or {{else}}, returned separately.
func (t *Tree) itemList() (list *ListNode, next Node) {
	list = t.newList(t.peekNonSpace().pos)
	for t.peekNonSpace().typ != itemEOF {
		n := t.textOrAction()
		switch n.Type() {
		case nodeEnd, nodeElse:
			return list, n
	t.errorf("unexpected EOF")


首先ifControl/rangeControl/withControl/rangeControl需要调用parseControl,也可以理解为所有 {{ }} 可以支持语句的都需要通过该函数来解析,比如pipeline | 或者函数调用等

parseControl 逻辑

  1. {{}} 中所有内容解析成 PipeNode
  2. 调用 Tree.itemList 尝试获取ElseNode和EndNode


testdata/letter.tmpl:1:0 (NodeList)
 testdata/letter.tmpl:1:0 (NodeText)
 testdata/letter.tmpl:1:7 (NodeAction)
  testdata/letter.tmpl:1:7 (NodePipe)
   testdata/letter.tmpl:1:7 (NodeCommand)
    testdata/letter.tmpl:1:7 (NodeField)
 testdata/letter.tmpl:1:14 (NodeText)
 testdata/letter.tmpl:2:5 (NodeIf)
  testdata/letter.tmpl:2:5 (NodePipe)
   testdata/letter.tmpl:2:5 (NodeCommand)
    testdata/letter.tmpl:2:5 (NodeField)
  testdata/letter.tmpl:2:16 (NodeList)
   testdata/letter.tmpl:2:16 (NodeText)
  testdata/letter.tmpl:4:10 (NodeList)
   testdata/letter.tmpl:4:10 (NodeText)
 testdata/letter.tmpl:6:9 (NodeText)
 testdata/letter.tmpl:7:7 (NodeWith)
  testdata/letter.tmpl:7:7 (NodePipe)
   testdata/letter.tmpl:7:7 (NodeCommand)
    testdata/letter.tmpl:7:7 (NodeField)
  testdata/letter.tmpl:8:4 (NodeList)
   testdata/letter.tmpl:8:4 (NodeText)
   testdata/letter.tmpl:8:31 (NodeAction)
    testdata/letter.tmpl:8:31 (NodePipe)
     testdata/letter.tmpl:8:31 (NodeCommand)
      testdata/letter.tmpl:8:31 (NodeDot)
   testdata/letter.tmpl:8:34 (NodeText)
 testdata/letter.tmpl:9:7 (NodeText)


text/template通过 lex 将文本解析成一个个item,然后通过 Tree.parse 生成一个有层级关系的node,最后通过 Execute 生成文本,下面来介绍模板Execute






// Execute applies a parsed template to the specified data object,
// and writes the output to wr.
// If an error occurs executing the template or writing its output,
// execution stops, but partial results may already have been written to
// the output writer.
// A template may be executed safely in parallel, although if parallel
// executions share a Writer the output may be interleaved.
// If data is a reflect.Value, the template applies to the concrete
// value that the reflect.Value holds, as in fmt.Print.
func (t *Template) Execute(wr io.Writer, data interface{}) error {
	return t.execute(wr, data)

func (t *Template) execute(wr io.Writer, data interface{}) (err error) {
	defer errRecover(&err)
	value, ok := data.(reflect.Value)
	if !ok {
		value = reflect.ValueOf(data)
	state := &state{
		tmpl: t,
		wr:   wr,
		vars: []variable{{"$", value}},
	if t.Tree == nil || t.Root == nil {
		state.errorf("%q is an incomplete or empty template", t.Name())
	state.walk(value, t.Root)

// Walk functions step through the major pieces of the template structure,
// generating output as they go.
func (s *state) walk(dot reflect.Value, node parse.Node) {
	switch node := node.(type) {
	case *parse.ActionNode:
		// Do not pop variables so they persist until next end.
		// Also, if the action declares variables, don't print the result.
		val := s.evalPipeline(dot, node.Pipe)
		if len(node.Pipe.Decl) == 0 {
			s.printValue(node, val)
	case *parse.IfNode:
		s.walkIfOrWith(parse.NodeIf, dot, node.Pipe, node.List, node.ElseList)
	case *parse.ListNode:
		for _, node := range node.Nodes {
			s.walk(dot, node)
	case *parse.RangeNode:
		s.walkRange(dot, node)
	case *parse.TemplateNode:
		s.walkTemplate(dot, node)
	case *parse.TextNode:
		if _, err := s.wr.Write(node.Text); err != nil {
	case *parse.WithNode:
		s.walkIfOrWith(parse.NodeWith, dot, node.Pipe, node.List, node.ElseList)
		s.errorf("unknown node: %s", node)


执行里面的cmds,然后跳过 interface{} 对象拿里面的值

// Eval functions evaluate pipelines, commands, and their elements and extract
// values from the data structure by examining fields, calling methods, and so on.
// The printing of those values happens only through walk functions.

// evalPipeline returns the value acquired by evaluating a pipeline. If the
// pipeline has a variable declaration, the variable will be pushed on the
// stack. Callers should therefore pop the stack after they are finished
// executing commands depending on the pipeline value.
func (s *state) evalPipeline(dot reflect.Value, pipe *parse.PipeNode) (value reflect.Value) {
	if pipe == nil {
	value = missingVal
	for _, cmd := range pipe.Cmds {
		value = s.evalCommand(dot, cmd, value) // previous value is this one's final arg.
		// If the object has type interface{}, dig down one level to the thing inside.
		if value.Kind() == reflect.Interface && value.Type().NumMethod() == 0 {
			value = reflect.ValueOf(value.Interface()) // lovely!
	for _, variable := range pipe.Decl {
		if pipe.IsAssign {
			s.setVar(variable.Ident[0], value)
		} else {
			s.push(variable.Ident[0], value)
	return value

func (s *state) evalCommand(dot reflect.Value, cmd *parse.CommandNode, final reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
	firstWord := cmd.Args[0]
	switch n := firstWord.(type) {
	case *parse.FieldNode:
		return s.evalFieldNode(dot, n, cmd.Args, final)
	case *parse.ChainNode:
		return s.evalChainNode(dot, n, cmd.Args, final)
	case *parse.IdentifierNode:
		// Must be a function.
		return s.evalFunction(dot, n, cmd, cmd.Args, final)
	case *parse.PipeNode:
		// Parenthesized pipeline. The arguments are all inside the pipeline; final is ignored.
		return s.evalPipeline(dot, n)
	case *parse.VariableNode:
		return s.evalVariableNode(dot, n, cmd.Args, final)
	s.notAFunction(cmd.Args, final)
	switch word := firstWord.(type) {
	case *parse.BoolNode:
		return reflect.ValueOf(word.True)
	case *parse.DotNode:
		return dot
	case *parse.NilNode:
		s.errorf("nil is not a command")
	case *parse.NumberNode:
		return s.idealConstant(word)
	case *parse.StringNode:
		return reflect.ValueOf(word.Text)
	s.errorf("can't evaluate command %q", firstWord)
	panic("not reached")



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