Pointer comparisons with `std::less`: a horror story

 5 years ago
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From C++ standard section [comparisons]/2 :

For templates less , greater , less_equal , and greater_equal , the specializations for any pointer type yield a strict total order that is consistent among those specializations and is also consistent with the partial order imposed by the built-in operators < , > , <= , >= . For template specializations less<void> , greater<void> , [et cetera], if the call operator calls a built-in operator comparing pointers, the call operator yields a strict total order […]

“Wait, what partial order? Are pointers not totally ordered in C++?”

That’s (unfortunately) correct. Given an array a , the standard language assures us that &a[i] < &a[j] whenever i < j . But if we try to evaluate &a[i] < &b[j] — two different arrays — the result is unspecified , which means it can evaluate to whatever is most convenient for the compiler!

This is theoretically useful for optimizing compilers because it would let them transform

static int arr[100];
bool check_in_bounds(int *p) {
    return (arr <= p && p <= arr+100);


static int arr[100];
bool check_in_bounds(int *p) {
    return true;

since either (arr <= p && p <= arr+100) is legitimately true or else the comparisons’ behavior is unspecified and might as well yield true .

I have not observed any compiler performing this optimization in practice, but, thanks to Krister Walfridsson’s blog post of 2016-12-15 , I can see that GCC does have some interesting ideas about pointer comparisons. For example:

int x, y;
int *p = &x + 1, *q = &y;

After these lines, GCC believes that p < q , p == q , and p > q are all false ; but if you ask about the disjunction of two of them — (p < q || p == q) — then GCC rewrites that into !(p > q) and tells you the answer is true . So this is a very specific situation where GCC believes that (false || false) == true .

Back to our snippet of Standardese.

For templates less , greater , [et cetera], the specializations for any pointer type yield a strict total order […] consistent with the partial order imposed by the built-in operators.

In other words, it is not allowed for the compiler to believe that std::less<int*>()(p, q) , std::equal_to<int*>(p, q) , and std::greater<int*>(p, q) are all false — because then p and q would not be ordered relative to each other, and so there wouldn’t be a “strict total order” as required by the Standard.

GCC gets the Standard behavior wrong , of course. There’s an open libstdc++ bug about this.

It looks to me as if Clang gets it right, basically by never trying to do GCC’s “clever” optimization on incomparable pointers.

(EDIT: Tim Song points out that the Standard does not require std::equal_to to participate in the strict total order, so, if two pointers are equal, then it is absolutely possible for all of less , equal_to , and greater to be false, and for all of less_equal , greater_equal and not_equal_to to be true ! Oops. How could I be so blind?)

How does libc++ (the non-GNU library) implement std::less<T*> so as to give a strict total order on pointers? Here’s the code.

template<class _Tp = void>
struct less : binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, bool>
    bool operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const
        {return __x < __y;}

That’s all. No magic. The libc++ authors basically assume that < Does The Right Thing for pointers and provides a total order — and if it doesn’t, well, here’s a nickel, get yourself a better compiler .

(If you’re just looking for best practices, you can stop here. The rest of this post is going to be a horror story about what happens when you step off the path and head into the overgrowth.)

How does libstdc++ (the GNU library) implement std::less<T*> so as to try to give a strict total order even in the presence of an adversarial optimizing compiler? Well, step one is the same as libc++. Step two is to make a partial specialization for pointer types.

// Partial specialization of std::less for pointers.
template<typename _Tp>
struct less<_Tp*> : binary_function<_Tp*, _Tp*, bool>
  constexpr bool
  operator()(_Tp* __x, _Tp* __y) const noexcept
    if (__builtin_is_constant_evaluated())
    if (__builtin_constant_p(__x < __y))
      return __x < __y;
    return (__UINTPTR_TYPE__)__x < (__UINTPTR_TYPE__)__y;

The idea here seems to be that if the compiler can evaluate __x < __y as a constant expression, then it should do so; and otherwise it should cast the operands to uintptr_t and do the comparison that way.

The result of the comparison in uintptr_t is not guaranteed by the Standard to be consistent with the result of the original comparison. (For example, let’s say we’re on a 64-bit platform with 48 bits of real address space and 16 tag bits shoved into the high bits of the uintptr_t .) But that’s fine. The libstdc++ authors basically assume that casting-to- uintptr_t Does The Right Thing for pointers — and if it doesn’t, well, here’s a nickel, get yourself a better compiler .

The confusing thing about this code is that it seems to be doing the logic exactly backwards. We’re not worried about a hardware platform where < does the wrong thing for pointers at runtime! We’re specifically worried about the GCC compiler , where < does the wrong thing for pointers at compile-time. So delegating to the compiler’s < at compile-time and the hardware’s cast-to- uintptr_t < at runtime seems exactly backwards, to me. Reversing the test makes the code behave as I would expect.

Okay, so that’s fixed it, right? All done? Unfortunately we’re just getting started…

Consider this snippet :

struct PtrHolder {
    int *p_;
    operator int*() const { return p_; }

bool foo() {
    int x, y;
    PtrHolder p{&x + 1}, q{&y};

    return (p < q);

This code compiles! Since both p and q are implicitly convertible to int* (via the implicit conversion operator), overload resolution chooses the built-in < operator for int* . Therefore the behavior of this code is unspecified.

The behavior of std::less<PtrHolder>()(p, q) is also unspecified. ( Godbolt. )


For template specializations less<void> , greater<void> , [et cetera], if the call operator calls a built-in operator comparing pointers, the call operator yields a strict total order […]

This wording is a bit handwavey, since of course if “the call operator” (of less<void> ) actually calls a built-in operator comparing pointers, the result of that comparison will be unspecified by definition. But basically this wording is trying to say that the behavior of std::less<void>()(p, q) should be part of a strict total order!

GCC gets this wrong too ( same bug ), but let’s look at how they attempt to do it. Here’s the code. I’ll present a heavily massaged version:

struct less<void> {
    using is_transparent = void;

    template <class T, class U>
    constexpr auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
        noexcept(noexcept(std::forward<T>(t) < std::forward<U>(u)))
        -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) < std::forward<U>(u))
        return do_compare(
            std::forward<T>(t), std::forward<U>(u),
            are_compared_by_builtin_pointer_comparison<T, U>{}

    // If the comparison doesn't use a built-in operator...
    template<class T, class U>
    static constexpr decltype(auto)
    do_compare(T&& t, U&& u, std::false_type) {
        return std::forward<T>(t) < std::forward<U>(u);

    // If the comparison DOES use a built-in operator...
    template<class T, class U>
    static constexpr bool
    do_compare(T&& t, U&& u, std::true_type) {
        return std::less<const volatile void *>{}(
            static_cast<const volatile void*>( std::forward<T>(t) ),
            static_cast<const volatile void*>( std::forward<U>(u) )

This first snippet presents the complete solution, except that we have not yet shown the definition of are_compared_by_builtin_operator<T, U> . If the comparison is done by a built-in operator, it must be because t and u are both implicitly convertible to some pointer type, which means they must also be implicitly convertible to const volatile void* (because every object pointer type is implicitly convertible to const volatile void* ). So we can use std::less<const volatile void*> to compare them — that’s a solved problem (except, as I showed, the logic actually committed in libstdc++ seems to be backwards).

So, how do we tell if the comparison of t and u is done via a built-in operator? Well, this drags in another snippet of standardese. [over.oper]/4 describes “operator functions,” which is the formal name for overloaded operators:

Operator functions are usually not called directly […]. They can be explicitly called, however, using the operator-function-id as the name of the function in the function call syntax.

complex z = a.operator+(b);     // complex z = a+b;

Whereas the built-in operators are handled by different wording in [over.built]/1 :

The candidate operator functions that represent the built-in operators […] are specified in this subclause. These candidate functions participate in the operator overload resolution process as described in [over.match.oper] and are used for no other purpose.

Specifically, C++’s built-in operators are not operator functions and cannot be called using the explicit syntax! ( Godbolt. )

std::complex<double> a, b;
auto z = a.operator+(b);   // ERROR -- no such member function
auto z = operator+(a, b);  // OK -- this free function exists

double a, b;
auto z = a.operator+(b);   // ERROR -- no such member function
auto z = operator+(a, b);  // ERROR -- no such free function

Someone “cleverly” realized that we can use this quirk of the language to determine whether a particular operator is built-in or not. If t < u compiles, but neither t.operator<(u) nor operator<(t, u) compiles, then the comparison operator being used must be a built-in operator! So we dive again into the weeds of libstdc++ (massaged greatly for presentation):

template<class T, class U, class = void>
struct are_compared_by_builtin_pointer_comparison : std::bool_constant<
    std::is_convertible_v<T, const volatile void*> &&
    std::is_convertible_v<U, const volatile void*>
> {};

// Throw out any types that use a member operator function.
template<class T, class U>
struct are_compared_by_builtin_pointer_comparison<T, U, decltype(void(
))> : std::false_type {};

// Throw out any types that use an ADL free operator function.
template<class T, class U>
struct are_compared_by_builtin_pointer_comparison<T, U, decltype(void(
    operator<(std::declval<_Tp>(), std::declval<_Up>())
))> : std::false_type {};

This “clever” logic does fail in at least one case. Can you figure it out before reading the next section?

“How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable , must be the truth? We know that he did not come through the door, the window, or the chimney. We also know that he could not have been concealed in the room, as there is no concealment possible. Whence, then, did he come?”

—Arthur Conan Doyle, The Sign of the Four (1890)

“He came through the hole in the roof,” I cried.

—Arthur Conan Doyle, The Sign of the Four (1890)

Here’s an example of a class type where Alpha{} < Alpha{} calls a built-in comparison operator, but libstdc++’s clever metaprogramming will not detect it.

struct Alpha {
    struct Fake {};
    operator int*() const { return nullptr; }
    operator Fake() const { return Fake{}; }
template<class = void>
bool operator<(Alpha::Fake, Alpha::Fake) { return true; }

Alpha a;

Here the expression operator<(a, a) is well-formed , so our clever metaprogramming will believe that an operator function exists and therefore the built-in operator will not be used.

However, being well-formed is not good enough — overload resolution will always select the best match according to [over.match.best] , where we find the following wording:

a viable function F1 is defined to be a better function than another viable function F2 if […] F1 is not a function template specialization and F2 is a function template specialization […]

We have cleverly designed our operator< function so that it is a template specialization, whereas the built-in candidate bool operator<(int*, int*) is not a template specialization. Therefore, even though the expression operator<(a, a) is well-formed, and the expression (a < a) is well-formed, they have different candidate sets and therefore different resolutions . ( Godbolt. )

bool b1 = operator<(a, a); // true
bool b2 = (a < a);         // false

I have verified that neither libstdc++’s “clever” metaprogramming, nor my simplified metaprogramming shown in this blog post, is able to detect that are_compared_by_builtin_pointer_comparison<Alpha, Alpha> . I suspect it is not possible to reliably detect this case.

So there we are: into the weeds and back out, having learned for our trouble only that our original problem — to detect when a “built-in operator comparing pointers is called” — is insoluble.

libc++ has it right: std::less<void> should be a one-liner. If you try to do more than that, then not only are you solving a non-problem , but your attempted solution will be a source of bugs and even if you fix all the bugs, your entire approach may still be wrong .

The moral of this horror story? KISS!

P.S. — The unimplementable trait is currently proposed as part of the Ranges TS under the name BUILTIN_PTR_CMP . Compiler vendors may choose to implement BUILTIN_PTR_CMP by making it a compiler builtin. Or compiler vendors might choose the easier route (as Clang apparently already does) and just make sure pointers are consistently totally ordered at the native level. The latter would be a good thing, in my opinion.

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