GitHub - gltwy/LTScrollView: ScrollView嵌套ScrolloView(UITableView 、UICollecti...

 5 years ago
source link: https://github.com/gltwy/LTScrollView
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实现原理: http://blog.csdn.net/glt_code/article/details/78576628

CI Status Version License Platform



  • LTScrollView / Example : 为 Swift 使用示例.
  • LTScrollView / OCExample : 为 OC 使用示例.

Installation with CocoaPods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like LTScrollView in your projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods


To integrate LTScrollView into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'

target 'TargetName' do
pod 'LTScrollView', '~> 0.1.7'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

提示错误 [!] Unable to find a specification for LTScrollView 解决办法:

$ pod repo remove master
$ pod setup



1. 创建LTSimpleManager实例对象
@objc public init(frame: CGRect, viewControllers: [UIViewController], titles: [String], currentViewController:UIViewController, layout: LTLayout)

2. 设置headerView
@objc public func configHeaderView(_ handle: (() -> UIView?)?)

3. 子控制器中glt_scrollView进行赋值
self.glt_scrollView = self.tableViewself.scrollView / self.collectionView
private lazy var layout: LTLayout = {
    let layout = LTLayout()
    return layout

private lazy var advancedManager: LTAdvancedManager = {
    let advancedManager = LTAdvancedManager(frame: frame, viewControllers: viewControllers, titles: titles, currentViewController: self, layout: layout, headerViewHandle: {[weak self] in
        guard let strongSelf = self else { return UIView() }
        let headerView = strongSelf.testLabel()
        return headerView
         /* 设置代理 监听滚动 */
        advancedManager.delegate = self
        /* 设置悬停位置 */
        advancedManager.hoverY = 64
        /* 点击切换滚动过程动画 */
        advancedManager.isClickScrollAnimation = true
        /* 代码设置滚动到第几个位置 */
        advancedManager.scrollToIndex(index: viewControllers.count - 1)
    return advancedManager

//MARK: 选中事件
advancedManager.advancedDidSelectIndexHandle = {

//MARK: 滚动代理方法监听
func glt_scrollViewOffsetY(_ offsetY: CGFloat) {
    print("offset --> ", offsetY)


-(LTSimpleManager *)managerView {
    if (!_managerView) {
        _managerView = [[LTSimpleManager alloc] initWithFrame:frame viewControllers:self.viewControllers titles:self.titles currentViewController:self layout:self.layout];
        /* 设置代理 监听滚动 */
        _managerView.delegate = self;
        /* 设置悬停位置 */
//        _managerView.hoverY = 64;
        /* 点击切换滚动过程动画 */
//        _managerView.isClickScrollAnimation = YES;
        /* 代码设置滚动到第几个位置 */
//        [_managerView scrollToIndexWithIndex:self.viewControllers.count - 1];
    return _managerView;
[self.managerView configHeaderView:^UIView * _Nullable{
    return [weakSelf setupHeaderView];

[self.managerView didSelectIndexHandle:^(NSInteger index) {
    NSLog(@"点击了 -> %ld", index);

-(void)glt_scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
    NSLog(@"---> %lf", scrollView.contentOffset.y);

[self.managerView refreshTableViewHandle:^(UIScrollView * _Nonnull scrollView, NSInteger index) {
    __weak typeof(scrollView) weakScrollView = scrollView;
    scrollView.mj_header = [MJRefreshNormalHeader headerWithRefreshingBlock:^{
        __strong typeof(weakScrollView) strongScrollView = weakScrollView;
        dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(0.3 * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
            NSLog(@"对应控制器的刷新自己玩吧,这里就不做处理了?-----%ld", index);
            [strongScrollView.mj_header endRefreshing];
-(LTAdvancedManager *)managerView {
    if (!_managerView) {
        _managerView = [[LTAdvancedManager alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, Y, self.view.bounds.size.width, H) viewControllers:self.viewControllers titles:self.titles currentViewController:self layout:self.layout headerViewHandle:^UIView * _Nonnull{
            return [self setupHeaderView];
        /* 设置代理 监听滚动 */
        _managerView.delegate = self;
        /* 设置悬停位置 */
//        _managerView.hoverY = 64;
        /* 点击切换滚动过程动画 */
        _managerView.isClickScrollAnimation = YES;
        /* 代码设置滚动到第几个位置 */
        [_managerView scrollToIndexWithIndex:self.viewControllers.count - 1];
    return _managerView;

-(void)glt_scrollViewOffsetY:(CGFloat)offsetY {
    NSLog(@"---> %lf", offsetY);

[self.managerView setAdvancedDidSelectIndexHandle:^(NSInteger index) {
    NSLog(@"%ld", index);


public class LTLayout: NSObject {
    /* pageView背景颜色 */
    @objc public var titleViewBgColor: UIColor? = UIColor.gray
    /* 标题颜色,请使用RGB赋值 */
    @objc public var titleColor: UIColor? = NORMAL_BASE_COLOR
    /* 标题选中颜色,请使用RGB赋值 */
    @objc public var titleSelectColor: UIColor? = SELECT_BASE_COLOR
    /* 标题字号 */
    @objc public var titleFont: UIFont? = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16)
    /* 滑块底部线的颜色 */
    @objc public var bottomLineColor: UIColor? = UIColor.blue
    /* 整个滑块的高,pageTitleView的高 */
    @objc public var sliderHeight: CGFloat = 44.0
    /* 单个滑块的宽度, 一旦设置,将不再自动计算宽度,而是固定为你传递的值 */
    @objc public var sliderWidth: CGFloat = glt_sliderDefaultWidth
     * 如果刚开始的布局不希望从最左边开始, 只想平均分配在整个宽度中,设置它为true
     * 注意:此时最左边 lrMargin 以及 titleMargin 仍然有效,如果不需要可以手动设置为0
    @objc public var isAverage: Bool = false
    /* 滑块底部线的高 */
    @objc public var bottomLineHeight: CGFloat = 2.0
    /* 滑块底部线圆角 */
    @objc public var bottomLineCornerRadius: CGFloat = 0.0
    /* 是否隐藏滑块 */
    @objc public var isHiddenSlider: Bool = false
    /* 标题直接的间隔(标题距离下一个标题的间隔)*/
    @objc public var titleMargin: CGFloat = 30.0
    /* 距离最左边和最右边的距离 */
    @objc public var lrMargin: CGFloat = 10.0
    /* 滑动过程中是否放大标题 */
    @objc public var isNeedScale: Bool = true
    /* 放大标题的倍率 */
    @objc public var scale: CGFloat = 1.2
    /* 是否开启颜色渐变 */
    @objc public var isColorAnimation: Bool = true
    /* 是否隐藏底部线 */
    @objc public var isHiddenPageBottomLine: Bool = false
    /* pageView底部线的高度 */
    @objc public var pageBottomLineHeight: CGFloat = 0.5
    /* pageView底部线的颜色 */
    @objc public var pageBottomLineColor: UIColor? = UIColor.gray


2018.06.30 - 0.1.7

1. 修复LTAdvancedManager数据较少时,其他子控制器自动下落Bug
2. 解决issue中的部分问题
3. 优化内部实现

2018.06.02 - 0.1.6

1. 修复LTSimple当HeaderView的高度为小数时无法滑动的Bug
2. 增加代码设置滚动位置的方法
3. 增加切换动画属性设置
4. 修复已知Bug

2018.05.12 - 0.1.5

1. 修复循环引用导致控制器无法释放的问题
2. 可手动设置悬停PageTitleView的位置(y值)
3. 修复了LTAdvanced的已知Bug


[email protected]


LTScrollView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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