PHP 使用 Zipkin 做调用链性能分析

neo created at5 years ago view count: 959

先安装zipkin, 然后直接运行

docker pull  openzipkin/zipkin
docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin

$ composer require whitemerry/phpkin


namespace whitemerry\phpkin;
include './vendor/autoload.php';

$endpoint = new Endpoint(
    'Passport', // Application name
    '', // Current application IP address
    '80' // Current application port (default 80)

$logger = new Logger\SimpleHttpLogger([
    'host' => '' // Zipkin's API host with schema (http://) and without trailing slash

$tracer = new Tracer(
    'http://rpc/login', // Trace name
    $endpoint, // Your application meta-information
    $logger // Logger used to store/send traces


$requestStartTimestamp = zipkin_timestamp();
$spanIdentifier = new Identifier\SpanIdentifier();
Request logic
Remember, you need to add B3 headers to your request:
X-B3-TraceId = TracerInfo::getTraceId();
X-B3-SpanId = $spanIdentifier;
X-B3-Sampled = TracerInfo::isSampled();

$endpoint = new Endpoint(
    'rpc 1', // Name of service you're connecting with
    '', // This service Ip
    '8000' // And port

$annotationBlock = new AnnotationBlock(

// 参数放到这里面
$metadata = new Metadata();
$metadata->set("file" , __FILE__);

$span = new Span(
    'rpc 1',


$requestStartTimestamp = zipkin_timestamp();
$spanIdentifier = new Identifier\SpanIdentifier();
Request logic
Remember, you need to add B3 headers to your request:
X-B3-TraceId = TracerInfo::getTraceId();
X-B3-SpanId = $spanIdentifier;
X-B3-Sampled = TracerInfo::isSampled();

$endpoint = new Endpoint(
    'rpc 2', // Name of service you're connecting with
    '', // This service Ip
    '8000' // And port

$annotationBlock = new AnnotationBlock(

$span = new Span(
    'Rcp 2',


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