GitHub - wookayin/dotfiles: Personal dotfiles for *NIX systems

 7 years ago
source link: https://github.com/wookayin/dotfiles
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house Personal dotfiles for *NIX (macOS and Linux) systems.


point_right One-liner (if you trust me):

curl -fsSL https://dotfiles.wook.kr/etc/install | bash

bulb (Tip) You only need to remember curl dotfiles.wook.kr (Click to expand) thinking Want to manually clone and install? (Click to expand)

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/wookayin/dotfiles.git /.dotfiles
$  /.dotfiles  python install.py

The installation script will clone the repository into ~/.dotfiles and create symbolic links (e.g., ~/.vimrc) for you. If target files already exist (e.g. ~/.vim, ~/.vimrc), you will need to manually resolve the conflict (delete the old one or just ignore). See Troubleshooting below for details.

$ dotfiles

To update dotfiles (pull changes from upstream and run install.py again):

$ dotfiles update
$ dotfiles update --fast          # fast update mode: skip updating {vim,zsh} plugins

On Linux, you can install some common softwares locally (into $HOME/.local/bin) without sudo:

$ dotfiles install neovim         # -> ~/.local/bin/nvim
$ dotfiles install ripgrep        # -> ~/.local/bin/rg

sos Troubleshooting

Please read carefully warning messages during installation !!

  • If something goes wrong, please run $ dotfiles update (or install.py) to make everything up-to-date.

    • If you have your own ~/.zshrc, ~/.vimrc, ~/.vim, etc., that are NOT symbolic links, they will not be overwritten by default. In such cases you should delete these files manually.
  • If you are using neovim and seeing any startup errors (e.g. no module named neovim):

    • Use latest neovim (e.g., neovim 0.7.0). To install/upgrade neovim on your system, you can run dotfiles install neovim (linux) or brew install neovim (mac).
    • Try :checkhealth.
    • Try :PlugUpdate: some errors from vim plugin could be easily solved by running :PlugUpdate (in vim) or $ dotfiles update.
    • We require python3 version not less than 3.4. Python 3.6+ is recommended (semshi: 3.5+)
    • Make sure that the pynvim pypi package is installed on local python 3, i.e. the python3 on conda, virtualenv, etc. This should have been automatically installed. If it doesn't work, check which python3. Use the following vim command to tell which host python is used: :echo g:python3_host_prog.
      • If you are not sure, manually running python3 -m pip install --user pynvim might help.
  • Powerline symbols are not displayed properly? Do you see some weird letters like due to missing fonts? Install Powerline fonts or Nerd fonts.

    • Mac users can do: brew search nerd-font
  • Does vim color look weird (e.g. only black-and-white)?

    • Check whether your terminal emulator supports 24-bit color. Use iTerm2 or kitty rather than built-in Terminal.
    • Mosh (1.3.x) does not support 24-bit colors yet.
    • Try :set notermguicolors to disable 24-bit colors.
  • Does tmux look weird? Make sure that tmux version is 2.3 or higher.

    • Run $ dotfiles install tmux to install tmux into $HOME/.local/bin, if you do not have sudo.
  • If you still have no idea or have found a bug, please feel free to contact me or raise an issue, and I will happy to help you.


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Copyright (c) 2012-2022 Jongwook Choi (@wookayin)

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