Ivy, Counsel and Swiper

 6 years ago
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Ivy, Counsel and Swiper

Ivy, Counsel and Swiper

1 What is Ivy?

Ivy is a completion framework, similar to Helm. When downloading Ivy, it comes with Counsel and Swiper, which we'll get to in a minute. Ivy doesn't try to do too many things, instead it provides an interface to list, search, filter and perform actions on a collection of "things". These "things" can range from strings to buffers, Ivy doesn't really care. It just provides a way for the user to interact with this collection.

2 Installation

Install Ivy via MELPA. If you're unsure what MELPA is or its enabled, checkout http://melpa.milkbox.net/#/getting-started. Once MELPA is added to your package archives, run

  M-x package-install counsel

Installing Counsel will bring in Ivy and Swiper as dependencies.

3 Usage

Enable Ivy via ivy-mode (or (ivy-mode 1) in your Emacs file) and you're set! Issue the execute-extended-command (default keybinding is M-x) or switch-to-buffer (default keybinding is C-x b) and you'll notice the difference. Without any setup, Ivy has already worked its way into some of Emacs' commands.1


While Ivy works without any configuration there are a couple of lines the maintainers suggest everyone throw in their Emacs' file.2

    (use-package ivy :demand
      (setq ivy-use-virtual-buffers t
            ivy-count-format "%d/%d "))

ivy-use-virtual-buffersAdd recent files and bookmarks to the ivy-switch-buffer ivy-count-formatDisplays the current and total number in the collection in the prompt

There are a number of other configurations available. Checkout the documentation (listed in Resources) or if you have Ivy installed, play around using M-x customize-group ivy.

Amazing stuff and we've just touched the tip of the iceberg. We can extend the functionality of Ivy to allow us to perform several different actions on our list. We'll go into how to add these actions in the Demo section and then see how we can take advantage of some ready-to-use actions in the Counsel section.

3.1 Keybindings

When a Ivy minibuffer is active, the following keybindings are active

Key Command Description
M-n ivy-next-line Next line
M-p ivy-previous-line Previous line
M-< ivy-beginning-of-buffer Beginning of the Ivy minibuffer
M-> ivy-end-of-buffer End of the Ivy minibuffer
C-v ivy-scroll-up-command Page up by one Ivy buffer size
M-v ivy-scroll-down-command Page down by one Ivy buffer size
C-m or RET ivy-done Calls the default action
C-M-m ivy-call Calls the default action, keeps Ivy open
M-o ivy-dispatching-done Displays the available actions
C-M-o ivy-dispacthing-call Displays available actions, keeps Ivy open
C-' ivy-avy Uses Avy to select candidates
TAB ivy-partial-or-done Tab completion, repeated presses may call done
  ivy-resume Restart Ivy before last action

4 Demo

Ivy is simple to work with. To demonstrate this, we'll attempt to make a simplified version of the buffer list using Ivy.

    (ivy-read "My buffers: " (mapcar #'buffer-name (buffer-list)))

Just like that we have a, albeit rather useless, buffer list that works with Ivy. Notice the list of buffers contracts and expands depending on our input. However selecting a candidate does nothing. Lets get it to do something.

4.1 Actions

The ivy-read function takes a number of optional keyword arguments after the collection of results. We won't be covering all of them here, but we'll take a look at the :actions keyword.

Actions invoke a function on the selected candidate. The default action is bound to RET but you can give more. When working in the Ivy minibuffer, hit M-o to see available actions. Lets add an action to our previous example.

     (ivy-read "My buffers: "
               (mapcar #'buffer-name (buffer-list))
               :action '(1 ;; index (1 based) of the default action
                         ("s" (lambda (x)
                                (switch-to-buffer x)) "switch")))

Now if we try it again, selecting a candidate will open the buffer.

5 Counsel

To keep concerns separated, Ivy doesn't have a lot of other functionality. That's where Counsel comes in. Counsel comes with Ivy and provides some useful commands, such as counsel-M-x and counsel-find-file.

These functions use the ivy-read function and provide useful actions on the selection candidate. An action is function that is preformed on the selected candidate. Try invoking an action (the default keybinding is C-o when inside the Ivy minibuffer) on several of the Counsel commands.


5.1 Useful Commands

Even though you have most of what you need to go off and extend Ivy to your little heart desires, its worth seeing what Counsel has to offer as its done a lot of things for you.

Command Actions
counsel-find-file Open externally, open other window, …
counsel=M-x Find symbol, describe function
counsel-describe-function Open definition, find symbol
counsel-describe-variable Open definition, find symbol
counsel-find-library No additional actions, jumps to library/feature
counsel-info-lookup-symbol No additional actions, jumps to symbol definition

The following commands rely on external programs

Command Action
counsel-git Open externally, open other window (if in git repository)
counsel-git-grep No actions, greps string (if in git repository)
counsel-ag No actions, uses ag to search strings across files
counsel-locate Open externally, dired

5.2 Extending Counsel

Suppose after reading this you decide Ivy is the greatest thing since sliced bread and you need it. You install it and are happy but you really want to be able to delete files when perusing your file system using counsel-find-file. No worries, we can add that.

      '(("d" delete-file "delete")))


There are a few Ivy/Counsel packages available through MELPA

Package Name Description
counsel-bbdb Quick search & input email from BBDB
counsel-dash Browse Dash docsets
counsel-gtags Interface for GNU Global tagging
counsel-osx-app Launch OSX application from Ivy
counsel-projectile Integration with Projectile (manage and navigate projects)
ivy-gitlab Gitlab integration
ivy-rich Different interface for Ivy's switch buffer
ivy-todo Manage org TODOs via Ivy
ivy-youtube Query YouTube and play videos in the browser
flyspell-correct-ivy Flyspell interface for Ivy

7 Swiper

Swiper is an easy way to search through the current buffer. Very similar to Helm's swoop package.


8 Ivy versus Helm

I only used Helm for a very short period of time so I'm unable to provide compare the two fairly. I never ran into issues with Helm when I did run it. The one thing I can say was there was always a nagging feeling that I wasn't using Helm to its full potential. It felt like I had my hands on a finely crafted ninja sword that could slay even the mightiest of foes with a single, effortless slash and I was using it to chop vegetables.

Ivy has always felt simple and does exactly what I need it to. Its stayed out of my way for the most part and made some tasks, like switching between buffers and finding files, easy.



Emacs provides the variable, completing-read-function, for the user to set what completion framework to use. When invoking ivy-mode, it sets this variable to ivy-completing-read. For those curious, try enabling and disabling Ivy and call the completing-read function to see the differences.


Not familiar with use-package? No worries, just grab the (setq ...) expression and plop it in your configuration file where appropriate. However, if you haven't started using it, you should. I won't go into it here, but I highly recommend checking out https://github.com/jwiegley/use-package.

Author: Michael Hunsinger

Created: 2017-04-17 Mon 09:49

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