Automate Flutter iOS App Deployment with GitHub Actions and Codemagic CLI

 1 month ago
source link: https://canopas.com/automate-flutter-ios-app-deployment-with-github-actions-and-codemagic-cli-4d063ea6ef08
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In this tutorial, we’ve covered the steps to set up an automated deployment process for your Flutter iOS app using GitHub Actions. From creating a custom workflow to running Codemagic CLI tools, we’ve walked through everything you need to efficiently build and upload your app to TestFlight.

Why Codemagic?

Codemagic CLI tools are a free, open-source set of command-line utilities that power Codemagic’s CI/CD service.

One of the standout advantages of Codemagic CLI tools is their cross-platform compatibility. Whether you’re building for iOS or Android, you don’t need separate tools for each platform, making it a versatile choice for mobile developers.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

An App Store account enrolled in the Apple Developer Program. A Flutter application ready for deployment. A GitHub repository is set up for your project.

For this tutorial, I’ll be using the Flutter counter app as an example.

What you’ll learn?

By the end, you’ll have an efficient app distribution pipeline that saves time and effort, allowing you to focus more on development and less on manual deployments.

By following the guide, you’ll learn how to create a workflow that builds your app and effortlessly pushes it to TestFlight, making your release process much smoother.

Without a doubt, Setting up an automated release process will help you focus on adding features to code instead of worrying about manual deployments.

So, if you’re eager to streamline your deployment process and deliver Flutter iOS updates with ease, Check out the full guide.👇 https://canopas.com/automate-flutter-ios-app-deployment-with-github-actions-and-codemagic-cli-4d063ea6ef08

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