Tech Air craft
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How we use Kotlin to tame state at Etsy Bubbly the Baby Seal by SmartappleCreations Etsy’s apps have a lot of state. Listings, tags, attributes, materials, variations, production partners, shippin…
In a rush? Skip tohow I built the plugin Let’s be honest. If you’re in the market for aCMS for e-commerce, you’ve got plenty of options. Back in the days when iPads were still iPods, you’d be choosin...
craft.js Live Demo Page editors are a great way to...
Looking at the CMS scene today, there are upwards of 150 options to choose from — and that’s not including whatever home-grown custom alternatives people might be running. The term “Content Management System” is broa...
In this tutorial, we'll be designing a simple page editor. It's recommended that you have a basic to intermediate workings of React and it'd be even better if you first have a quick glance at the Core Concepts and come back here. If you are f...
DRY Templating with Twig and Craft CMS Published on 31.05.2017, by Pierre StoffeAll of us at Base...
c-craft The start of a minecraft clone written in plain C. My friend Dan and I made in 2013. It was made in a sort of "game jam" of about 12 hours. The project is very incomplete bu...
Tooling Not Craft For a while, I’ve had the nagging feeling that there’s something missing with the way that many junior developers learn to write software these days. In a way that I suppose makes me a bit of a curmudgeon, I some...
Cyberpunk 2077's save files are corrupting when players craft too many items. Bad news, Samurai By
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