Starlight turns one year old!
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June 5, 2024
Starlight turns one year old!
Happy Birthday, Starlight!
One year ago today we launched v0.1 of Starlight—everything we know about building docs, wrapped up in an easy-to-use template.
How it started
We released v0.1 with built-in site search, generated navigation, internationalization, accessibility, SEO, clean typography, code highlighting, dark mode, “edit in GitHub”, MDX and Markdoc support. Over the last 12 months, we’ve added so much more.
Our goal has always been to provide sensible defaults. Just add Markdown content and have functional, fast, lightweight, delightful docs. It has been so rewarding to see how many people have adopted Starlight for their own docs in the past year.
How it’s going
24 minor releases, 181 contributors, 2,000 commits, 4,000 GitHub stars, and 2,700 open-source Starlight sites later, we’re not done yet.
We focused on bringing you even more built-in components that are essential to a docs project. And thanks to our global community of contributors, we are proud to offer a translated docs infrastructure in twenty-seven officially supported languages, out of the box.
Starlight shows what a team of developers passionate about docs can do, and we are thankful that so many of you joined us, brought your passion, and made Starlight even more than we hoped it would be.
What’s next
Watch the full talk from Astro Together describing Starlight’s first year, and join us on the road to our next milestone: v1.0 later this year! We’re happy to have you aboard!
About Joyk
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Joyk means Joy of geeK