Undesk 0.1
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/undesk-0-1
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A virtual office for max productivity
Hello Product Hunt👋 I'm Yamato, building Undesk from Tokyo together with @sho_yasuda_undesk.
When we launched Undesk Beta 6 months ago, we were nervous. Undesk is being built by just the two of us, and we weren't sure if it was PH-ready. But the community has been amazing and we have learned a lot from your feedback.
One of the unexpected reactions from our beta users (this is my favorite part of the product discovery process😎) was the amount of feature requests for our productivity tracker. While they spend all day in the virtual office for ad-hoc voice chats and meetings, they come back to the dashboard several times a day to see their own time usage. Some users continue to use Undesk even when they are alone in the office, just to keep track of their activity.
We have found that this feature becomes a strong incentive for teams to come back to the virtual office every day. So today, we are introducing the Productivity Score.
It is like Oura Ring for work. Just sit down and do your work as usual. Undesk will automatically track and score your productivity. Rest assured, this data is a personal life log just for you and will not be shared with anyone🔒 We are not building a micromanagement monitoring tool. We're building a collaborative space to help you improve focus quality.
We're just scratching the surface of the future of work, but we'd love your support. Dive in, explore your productivity potential, and let us know how we can make Undesk even better. We still have a waiting list, but anyone who signs up via PH today will get access before anyone else. Visit undesk.space and join us as we pioneer the next wave of remote work!
P.S. This is what my productivity looks like preparing for this PH launch👇
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Joyk means Joy of geeK